667 research outputs found

    The Importance of Context When Recommending TV Content: Dataset and Algorithms

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    Home entertainment systems feature in a variety of usage scenarios with one or more simultaneous users, for whom the complexity of choosing media to consume has increased rapidly over the last decade. Users' decision processes are complex and highly influenced by contextual settings, but data supporting the development and evaluation of context-aware recommender systems are scarce. In this paper we present a dataset of self-reported TV consumption enriched with contextual information of viewing situations. We show how choice of genre associates with, among others, the number of present users and users' attention levels. Furthermore, we evaluate the performance of predicting chosen genres given different configurations of contextual information, and compare the results to contextless predictions. The results suggest that including contextual features in the prediction cause notable improvements, and both temporal and social context show significant contributions

    Du og jeg : En studie av muligheter og utfordringer i tverrfaglig samarbeid om karriereveiledning

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    Tittelen på oppgaven peker på to viktige aspekter i et tverrfaglig samarbeid om karriereveiledning. Relasjonen mellom mennesker. Du og jeg og vårt behov for å samarbeide. Behovet for tverrfaglig samarbeid om karriereveiledning var økende på grunn av den store flyktningestrømmen som kom til Norge i 2015. Lovendringer som trådde i kraft 1. januar 2021 skaper nye arenaer for tverrfaglig samarbeid om karriereveiledning i overskuelig fremtid. Formålet med studien var å utforske hvordan samarbeidspartene i en av de fem nasjonale klyngene erfarer fenomenet tverrfaglig samarbeid om karriereveiledning av nyankomne innvandrere, og hvilke muligheter og utfordringer de opplevde i samarbeidet. I dette prosjektet er det gjennomført to fokusgruppe intervju og to individuelle intervju for å innhente kunnskap om veiledernes erfaringer og refleksjoner om fenomenet «tverrfaglig samarbeid om karriereveiledning av nyankomne innvandrere». Materialet er analysert ved hjelp av Malteruds (2012) analysemetode systematisk tekstkondensering. Studien avdekker et behov for karriereteorier og en praksismetodikk som er fleksibel og kan tilpasses ulike kulturer og kontekster. Samtidig viser studien at stor fleksibilitet i metoder og teorier, skaper ulik forståelse av karriereveiledning. Praktisk kunnskap om karriereteori og metodikk som kan brukes i tverrfaglig samarbeid om karriereveiledning må utvikles og praktiseres for å skape mer kunnskap til å møte de kontinuerlige endringene i et moderne samfunn. Funnene viser at systemteori setter ting i relasjon til hverandre, og bevisstheten som oppstår ved å se ting i sammenheng, bidrar til innsikt og kunnskap om barrierer for karriereutvikling (Patton & McMahon, 2014). Det felles perspektivet og tverrfaglig samarbeid vil bidra til å sikre kvalitet og ivaretagelse av brukerens interesser i samarbeidet om å skape et helhetlig tilbud om karriereveiledning (Lauvås & Lauvås, 2004)

    Implementing a care pathway for elderly patients, a comparative qualitative process evaluation in primary care

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    Background: In Central Norway a generic care pathway was developed in collaboration between general hospitals and primary care with the intention of implementing it into everyday practice. The care pathway targeted elderly patients who were in need of home care services after discharge from hospital. The aim of the present study was to investigate the implementation process of the care pathway by comparing the experiences of health care professionals and managers in home care services between the participating municipalities. Methods: This was a qualitative comparative process evaluation using data from individual and focus group interviews. The Normalization Process Theory, which provides a framework for understanding how a new intervention becomes part of normal practice, was applied in our analysis. Results: In all of the municipalities there were expectations that the generic care pathway would improve care coordination and quality of follow-up, but a substantial amount of work was needed to make the regular home care staff understand how to use the care pathway. Other factors of importance for successful implementation were involvement of the executive municipal management, strong managerial focus on creating engagement and commitment among all professional groups, practical facilitation of work processes, and a stable organisation without major competing priorities. At the end of the project period, the pathway was integrated in daily practice in two of the six municipalities. In these municipalities the care pathway was found to have the potential of structuring the provision of home care services and collaboration with the GPs, and serving as a management tool to effect change and improve knowledge and skills. Conclusion: The generic care pathway for elderly patients has a potential of improving follow-up in primary care by meeting professional and managerial needs for improved quality of care, as well as more efficient organisation of home care services. However, implementation of this complex intervention in full-time running organisations was demanding and required comprehensive and prolonged efforts in all levels of the organisation. Studies on implementation of such complex interventions should therefore have a long follow-up time to identify whether the intervention becomes integrated into everyday practice

    Subjective Annotations for Vision-Based Attention Level Estimation

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    Attention level estimation systems have a high potential in many use cases, such as human-robot interaction, driver modeling and smart home systems, since being able to measure a person's attention level opens the possibility to natural interaction between humans and computers. The topic of estimating a human's visual focus of attention has been actively addressed recently in the field of HCI. However, most of these previous works do not consider attention as a subjective, cognitive attentive state. New research within the field also faces the problem of the lack of annotated datasets regarding attention level in a certain context. The novelty of our work is two-fold: First, we introduce a new annotation framework that tackles the subjective nature of attention level and use it to annotate more than 100,000 images with three attention levels and second, we introduce a novel method to estimate attention levels, relying purely on extracted geometric features from RGB and depth images, and evaluate it with a deep learning fusion framework. The system achieves an overall accuracy of 80.02%. Our framework and attention level annotations are made publicly available.Comment: 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Application

    Basilar Artery Occlusion Thrombectomy Technique: An International Survey of Practice Patterns

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    Background: Two recent trials demonstrated a benefit for endovascular therapy (EVT) in the treatment of basilar artery occlusion (BAO). In light of the expected increase in the use of EVT for BAO, we sought to understand the technique preferences of neurointerventionalists performing EVT for BAO. Methods: We conducted an international online survey of physician opinions on the use of EVT in BAO between January and March 2022. The survey was distributed through stroke and neurointerventional organizations. Survey questions examined selection of patients for the procedure and the techniques currently used for EVT in BAO. Responses from neurointerventionalists were analyzed. Results: More than 3000 participants were invited yielding 1245 respondents, of whom 543 were classified as neurointerventionalists across 52 countries and included in this analysis. Most neurointerventionalists would proceed to EVT for occlusions of the V4 segment, the basilar artery, or the posterior cerebral artery, without regard for prior intravenous thrombolysis. For BAO of embolic etiology, aspiration only thrombectomy was the preferred method of 50.3% of neurointerventionalists. For BAO of intracranial atherosclerotic disease etiology, combined stent retriever and aspiration thrombectomy was the preferred method of 40.5% of neurointerventionalists. The majority of neurointerventionalists (88.0%) would proceed to stenting after 3 or fewer failed passes for patients with BAO of intracranial atherosclerotic disease etiology. In patients undergoing stenting, aspirin and clopidogrel was the most common antiplatelet regime (52.4%). Conclusions:Among the surveyed neurointerventionalists, the most common techniques for EVT of patients with BAO were contact aspiration or combined stent retriever with aspiration thrombectomy. For patients with BAO due to intracranial atherosclerotic disease, the majority of neurointerventionalists were willing to stent and do so most often after 3 or fewer failed passes and with the use of dual antiplatelet medications. Further study is needed to determine the optimal technique for EVT of BAO with or without intracranial atherosclerotic disease

    Room temperature structure and energetics of water-hydroxyl layers on Pt(111)

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    The interactions between water and hydroxyl species on Pt(111) surfaces have been intensely investigated due to their importance to fuel cell electrocatalysis. Here we present a room temperature molecular dynamics study of their structure and energetics using an ensemble of neural network potentials, which allow us to obtain unprecedented statistical sampling. We first study the energetics of hydroxyl formation, where we find a near-linear adsorption energy profile, which exhibits a soft and gradual increase in the differential adsorption energy at high hydroxyl coverages. This is strikingly different from the predictions of the conventional bilayer model, which displays a kink at 1/3ML OH coverage indicating a sizeable jump in differential adsorption energy, but within the statistical uncertainty of previously reported ab initio molecular dynamics studies. We then analyze the structure of the interface, where we provide evidence for the water-OH/Pt(111) interface being hydrophobic at high hydroxyl coverages. We furthermore explain the observed adsorption energetics by analyzing the hydrogen bonding in the water-hydroxyl adlayers, where we argue that the increase in differential adsorption energy at high OH coverage can be explained by a reduction in the number of hydrogen bonds from the adsorbed water molecules to the hydroxyls

    Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the context of cancer; prevalence, reasons for use, disclosure, information received, risks and benefits reported by people with cancer in Norway

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    Background Research exploring the use of specific Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) modalities by Norwegian cancer patients is sparse. The aims of this study were therefor to map the different CAM modalities cancer patients use and further investigate their rationale for use, communication about use, self-reported benefits and harms, and their sources of information about the different modalities. Methods In cooperation with the Norwegian Cancer Society (NCS), we conducted an online cross-sectional study among members of their user panel with present or previously cancer (n = 706). The study was carried out in September/October 2021 using a modified cancer-specific version of the International Questionnaire to Measure Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (I-CAM-Q). In total, 468 members, 315 women and 153 men, agreed to participate resulting in a response rate of 67.2%. The study was reported in accordance with the National Research Center in Complementary and Alternative Medicine’s (NAFKAM) model of reporting CAM use. Results A large proportion of the participants (79%, n = 346) had used some form of CAM with a mean of 3.8 modalities each (range 1-17); 33% (n = 143) had seen a CAM provider, 52% (n = 230) had used natural remedies, while 58% (n = 253) had used self-help practices. Most of the participants used CAM to increase their quality of life, cope with the cancer disease or for relaxation/well-being (64%-94%), mostly with high satisfaction and low rates of adverse effects. Few used CAM to treat cancer or prevent it from spreading (16%, n = 55). The main information sources were health care providers (47%), the internet (47%), and family and friends (39%). More than half (59%) of the cancer patients discussed their use of at least one CAM modality with a physician. Conclusions The results of this survey will provide health professionals with more in-depth insight into the patterns of CAM use by cancer patients and facilitate better-informed discussions with their patients. Considering the high use of CAM, reliable information provision supporting cancer care providers’ knowledge and health literacy among patients as well as good communication are crucial. The cooperation between the NCS and NAFKAM provides an example of how to address these issues

    Context-Aware Recommendations for Televisions Using Deep Embeddings with Relaxed N-Pairs Loss Objective

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    This paper studies context-aware recommendations in the television domain by proposing a deep learning-based method for learning joint context-content embeddings (JCCE). The method builds on recent developments within recommendations using latent representations and deep metric learning, in order to effectively represent contextual settings of viewing situations as well as available content in a shared latent space. This embedding space is used for exploring relevant content in various viewing settings by applying an N -pairs loss objective as well as a relaxed variant introduced in this paper. Experiments on two datasets confirm the recommendation ability of JCCE, achieving improvements when compared to state-of-the-art methods. Further experiments display useful structures in the learned embeddings that can be used to gain valuable knowledge of underlying variables in the relationship between contextual settings and content properties

    Protocol of a mixed method randomized controlled pilot study evaluating a wilderness program for adolescent and young adult cancer survivors: the WAYA study

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    Introduction The majority of childhood, adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors suffer from long-term and late effects such as fatigue, psychological distress or comorbid diseases. Effective health promotion strategies are needed to support the health of this vulnerable group. This protocol provides a methodological description of a study that aims to examine the feasibility and safety of performing a randomised clinical trial (RCT) on a wilderness programme that is developed to support the health of AYA cancer survivors. Methods and analysis The pilot RCT study has a mixedmethod design, including quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Participants are AYAs, aged 16–39 years, that have been diagnosed with cancer during childhood, adolescence or young adulthood. A total of 40 participants will be randomly assigned to a wilderness programme (n=20) or a holiday programme (n=20). Both arms include participation in an 8-day summer programme, followed by a 4-day programme 3 months later. Primary outcomes are feasibility and safety parameters such as time to recruitment, willingness to be randomised, programme adherence and adverse effects. Secondary outcomes include self-reported health such as self-esteem, quality of life, self-efficacy and lived experiences. Descriptive statistics will be used to analyse outcomes and explore indications of differences between the programmes. Interviews are analysed by directed content analysis and hermeneutic phenomenology. A convergent parallel mixed-method analysis design will be applied to integrate quantitative and qualitative data. Results of this feasibility study will inform the preparation for a larger RCT with AYA cancer survivors. Ethics and dissemination The study protocol is approved by the Swedish Ethical Review Authority (reference: 2020-00239). This study will be performed between January 2021 and December 2023. Results will be published in international peer-reviewed journals, presented at conferences and disseminated to participants, cancer societies, healthcare professionals and outdoor instructors
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