32 research outputs found
The Popular and the Academic: The Status of the Public’s Pleasure in the Quarrel of Le Cid.
The unprecedented success of Le Cid (1637) triggered a ferocious literary quarrel about the value of the judgement of the least “considerable” part of the theatre audience – the people. This article explains how the social and gendered distribution of the audience in the few Parisian theatres of the period could reveal the difference of the appreciation of various categories of the audience. The article then develops that at this time in France, the notion of the “public” does not refer to the audience but to the res publica, the edifying character of the plays meant to serve the public good. Indeed, the theatre was given a moral dimension, as an heritage to Horace’s Ars poetica in which the role of theatre was to please and instruct.This is followed by a discussion of two aspects of the quarrel. It was first set off by the fact that Corneille with his attitude disrupted the rules of the economy of cooptation in vigour in the Republic of letters, thus deeply shocking his peers. The second aspect of the quarrel pertained to the dramatic rules which were being established at the time. Le Cid transgressed some of these rules, in particular the rule of decorum. But the condemnation of the transgression of these rules put in question their purpose and their value. Corneille maintained that like Aristotle, he was concerned with the public’s pleasure and that Horace’s precept of moral instruction was secondary in theatre.The conjunction of the criticism of peers concerning the non-respect of the dramatic rules and the actual success with the public posed the question of the valid tribunal of literary works – peers or the public. Ultimately, the fact that the play had touched all categories of the audience – the people and the courtiers – facilitated the valorization of the people’s pleasure and the people’s judgement vis-à-vis the peers
Learning difficulties and successes in school : The importance of support
LokaútgáfaÍ greininni er fjallað um stöðu nemenda sem eiga við námsvanda að stríða innan
skólakerfisins. Fyrri rannsóknir hafa sýnt að námserfiðleikar eru einn helsti
áhættuþátturinn að baki brotthvarfi úr námi. Greint er frá niðurstöðum nýlegrar
rannsóknar sem ætlað var að varpa ljósi á hvað nemendur með námserfiðleika telja
að hafi haft áhrif á námsárangur þeirra. Byggt er á vistfræðikenningu
Bronfenbrenners um gagnvirk áhrif foreldra, skóla og samfélags á þroska og
aðlögun barna, og á öðrum rannsóknum sem sýna hvað hefur áhrif á líðan nemenda
með námserfiðleika og námsframvindu þeirra. Tekin voru viðtöl við tíu ungmenni
sem áttu við námserfiðleika að stríða alla skólagönguna en náðu þrátt fyrir það að
ljúka námi í framhaldsskóla. Sjónarmið nemenda sjálfra eru nú í auknum mæli talin
mikilvæg og viðtalsrannsóknir undanfarinna ára sýna að mörg börn og ungmenni
tjá sig vel um eigin reynslu. Leitað var svara við eftirfarandi meginspurningum: Hver
er reynsla nemenda með námserfiðleika af skólagöngu? Hvað stuðlar að jákvæðri
námsframvindu á meðal nemenda með námserfiðleika? Í viðtölunum komu fram
þrjú meginatriði: a) Erfiðleikar við að fá námsvandann viðurkenndan, b) tilhneiging
til að aðgreina nemendur og flokka, og c) hvatning og stuðningur foreldra og skóla
sem stuðlaði að seiglu og velgengni í námi. Seigla sem nemendur komu sér upp
með stuðningi í nærumhverfinu virtist ráða mestu um aukna trú ungmennanna á
eigin getu. Þetta varð til að þeim tókst að ljúka námi þrátt fyrir námserfiðleika. Í
greininni er þessum niðurstöðum lýst og loks er fjallað um mikilvægi þess að
tryggja farsælt nám allra á jafnréttisgrunni með því að skólar komi betur til móts við
þann hóp nemenda sem gengur illa í námi.Education is meant to increase individuals’ capabilities in dealing with challenges
in everyday life and enabling them to provide for themselves. In recent years
increased emphasis has been placed on equal rights to education for all and the
provision of support to students with disabilities. Legislation governing Icelandic
primary and secondary education bound these policies in law in 2008.
Simultaneous with the policy change there has been an increase in clinical
assessments of students with learning difficulties (LD) as well as provision of
special educational support. However, scholars have argued that a clinical approach to identifying support needs can lead to undesirable school practices,
such as labelling students with LD and segregating them. It may be more useful
for schools to adopt a social approach to assessing support needs of disabled
students. A social approach seeks to identify and understand students’ situations
and looks for solutions and resources in their near environment, recognizing that
social factors have an impact on students’ educational development and
For a long time students with LD have been defined as a vulnerable group at risk
of dropping out of school. Thus it is important to seek knowledge and approaches
which support students and increase their chances of completing secondary
education. Research has shown that special educational support in compulsory
school education and a general studies programme in upper secondary education
has failed to prevent students with LD from dropping out of secondary education.
Therefore, it is important to provide various types of support for students and
thereby reduce the negative impact of risk factors on their education and foster
their resilience in tackling the challenges they face.
This article discusses the educational position of students who have learning
difficulties (LD). Prior research identifies LD as one of the strongest risk factors
influencing a high dropout rate in this group. The article discusses results from a
recent study in Iceland which looked at factors that have an impact on educational
progress from the perspectives of students with LD. The discussion draws on
Bronfenbrenner’s systems theory by exploring the influence of parents, school
and society on students’ development and integration at school. The discussion
also draws on research which has explored the impact of emotional well-being on
educational progress for these students. In recent years recognition of the
importance of drawing on students’ own perspectives to improve policy and
support for students with LD has increased. Interview research shows that a large
number of children and young people with LD are indeed capable of expressing
their views and experiences in a clear manner.
Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten youths who had
learning difficulties but were able to complete upper secondary school. The main
research questions were: What are the experiences of students with learning
difficulties in regard to educational support and what contributed to their success
at upper secondary school? Three main findings emerged: a) difficulty in getting
recognition of the problem, b) the inclination to isolate and label the students and
c) encouragement and support from parents and schools promoted students’
success and well-being in education. The results indicate that the educational
experiences of students with LD are complex and shaped by many factors in their
lives. Schools tend to emphasise clinical approaches to assessing students’
support needs and put less importance on assessing students’ strengths and
efforts to succeed. Most of the young people stated that they appreciated
receiving clinical assessments as that meant they were able to receive more
support in their studies. However, they felt that the assessment also led to
labelling and served to isolate them from peers, especially since the support
teaching took place in a segregated place. The research results further indicated
that the resilience shown by the students in coping with challenges was related to
the support they received in their near environment, such as from family and staff
at school. Support from their near environment was a key factor in influencing
belief in their own capabilities and helping them to complete their studies. This
article describes and discusses the research findings, and the important role of
teachers and parents for supporting students with learning difficulties in order to
ensure educational success and equality.Peer Reviewe
Children‘s experiences of foster care and schooling
Börnum sem geta ekki dvalið hjá foreldrum sínum vegna erfiðra aðstæðna er jafnan komið
í fóstur á einkaheimili fyrir tilstilli barnaverndarnefnda. Markmiðið er að búa barninu tímabundið
tryggar uppeldisaðstæður eða að koma því varanlega fyrir þegar ekki þykir unnt
að bæta aðstæður þess með öðrum hætti. Til fósturráðstöfunar er því einkum gripið þegar
talið er að líkamlegri eða andlegri heilsu barnsins eða þroska þess sé hætta búin vegna
framferðis foreldra eða vegna hegðunar barnsins.
Rannsóknir staðfesta að námsgengi fósturbarna er oft slæmt, óstöðugleiki í fóstri hefur
neikvæð áhrif og samráði við börn um ákvarðanir í málum er oft áfátt. Þessi grein fjallar
um rannsókn á fóstri barna og skólagöngu. Markmiðið var að athuga reynslu viðmælenda
af fósturdvöl og skólagöngu, m.a. hvort þeir teldu að haft hefði verið samráð við þá um
ákvarðanir. Um var að ræða viðtalsathugun með þátttöku- og barnmiðuðu sniði, þar sem
reynt var að veita viðmælendum talsvert sjálfdæmi um tilhögun viðtala. Rætt var við fjóra
unglinga á aldrinum 14 til 16 ára. Sumir höfðu dvalið á víxl í fóstri eða hjá foreldrum. Í
niðurstöðum vöktu áföll og tíð skipti um skóla einna mesta athygli og það beindi meðal
annars athygli að óstöðugleika fóstursins. Hvert barn hafði sótt 4–5 skóla. Á þeim tíma
þegar rannsóknin var gerð höfðu börnin alls skipt um skóla 26 sinnum og lent í ýmsum
vanda, t.d. einelti og óréttmætum ásökunum. Reynsla fósturbarnanna af skólagöngu var
með ýmsu móti. Samvinna var nokkur milli skólans og barnaverndarnefndar sveitarfélagsins
en samráð við börnin lítið og vinnuaðferðir virtust ekki efla þau nema að litlu leyti. Erfitt
reyndist að finna börn til að ræða við og strandaði þar mest á milliliðum sem þurfa að leyfa
slíkt. Rannsóknin náði til fárra og var markmiðið því ekki að alhæfa um niðurstöður. Í ljósi
þeirra má þó álykta að barnaverndarnefndir og skólar þurfi, a.m.k. stundum, að skilgreina
betur frumkvæði, tryggja fósturbörnum meira öryggi og treysta betur námsgengi þeirra.
Þess er vænst að niðurstöðurnar geti nýst til að efla menntun fósturbarna.Child protection committees place children in foster care due to difficult conditions
in their parental home. The goal of this measure is to safeguard children’s situation
and upbringing, either temporarily or permanently, when other special measures do
not suffice. Foster care placements are used by child protection authorities if a child
may be physically or mentally endangered by the parent’s situation or by the child’s
own behaviour. Research generally shows poorer educational outcomes for children
in foster care than for other learners. Findings also confirm that placement disruption
and breakdown negatively affects children’s well- being and schooling. Studies
of case handling in child protection show lack of children’s participation in decision
making which goes against the participation principle in the United Nations Convention
on the Rights of the Child.
This paper reports on a study of children’s own experiences on foster care and schooling.
It aimed in particular at exploring whether the children under study had been
consulted and empowered by child protection and educational professionals who
handled their matters. The sample was recruited through child protection authorities.
Finding interviewees proved to be time consuming and complicated, mostly due to
lack of assistance and because gatekeepers were reluctant to grant access. The research
was conducted by using child-focused interview methods. Open questions were
used to enable the children to talk freely and adjust the interviews to a certain extent.
Pictures, signs and conversation cards were applied to encourage the children to
participate actively in dialogues. Four foster children were interviewed; two boys and
two girls, all 14-16 years of age. Questions mainly concerned well-being in foster care,
albeit some were retrospective in order to contextualise the accounts.
The children stayed temporarily or permanently in foster care while attending primary
school. They had earlier lived in various parts of Iceland and had to attend school
geographically far away from their homes, parents and families. Their case handling
was under the jurisdiction of various child protection authorities in different regions
of the country. Some children moved temporarily from the foster home to the parental
home and returned later to the same or another placement. The number of attended
schools was a significant issue. During years of primary school each child had changed
school 4 – 11 times and in total the children had attended seventeen schools.
The children’s experiences varied, both in temporarily and permanent foster care. For
instance, one boy in permanent care, where stability and good daily care dominated,
was reported as being content and comfortable, while one girl where placements
were disrupted was repeatedly sexually abused. The children had learning difficulties,
physical and behavioural problems, were mobbed by peers and some met with
unreasonable accusations. There had been some cooperation between the schools
and the child protection authorities, but none of the children were consulted which
deprived them of the opportunity to influence their own situation. Those who faced
problems did not obtain a spokesman who could listen and explain the reasons behind
foster arrangements or other practicalities. For instance, one girl’s request for a
spokesman, a service to which she was entitled according to the Icelandic Child Protection
Act, was repeatedly denied.
This study was based on a small sample which provided no ground for generalization
and limits definite conclusions. However, the experiences of the interviewees on
foster care and schooling enable deeper understanding of the issue, in particular as
it is under-researched in Iceland. The findings indicate that schools should enhance
safeguarding measures of children in foster care. Professionals also need to attend
more carefully to educational needs of children in foster care. Furthermore, clear goals
need to be introduced in regard to cooperation of educational and child protection
authorities and the same is true for procedures concerning school attendance
of children placed in foster care. According to this study and other research referred
to in the article, these recommendations may be important preconditions for coping
effectively in adult life.Peer Reviewe
Hvernig geta fullorðnir talað við börn um Covid-19?
Margir kennarar og foreldrar eru færir í að tala við börn um erfiða hluti. Það sakar samt ekki að rifja upp nokkur atriði nú þegar við erum upptekin af Covid-19. Daglega heyra börn um veiruna, sjúkdóma og dauðsföll sem henni tengjast og sum í návígi. Skólinn og frístundin tekur á þessu og eðlilega margir foreldrar.
Reynsluboltarnir Raundalen og Schultz skrifuðu bókina „Kan vi snakke med barn om alt?“ [Getum við talað við börn um allt?]. Svar þeirra er ótvírætt JÁ. Foreldrar, afar, ömmur, kennarar og leikskólakennarar geta rætt opið við börn um allt, það sem gerist heima, í samfélaginu og heiminum. En hvernig?Óritrýn
Gatekeeper - what is your role? : children‘s participation in research
Markmiðið með greininni er að varpa ljósi á reynslu rannsakenda af því að fá
formleg leyfi og aðgengi að börnum til að rannsaka hagi þeirra og ræða við þau
um málefni sem þau varða. Tilgangurinn er að efla umræðu um málið og vekja
athygli á því hver réttur barnanna er í því sambandi. Rannsakendum ber að afla
formlegra leyfa stofnana, forsjáraðila og barna við undirbúning rannsókna þar sem
börn eru þátttakendur. Í slíkum rannsóknum þurfa rannsakendur oftar en ekki að-
stoð við aðgengi að börnum frá stofnunum, fagfólki og forsjáraðilum, svokölluðum
hliðvörðum (e. gatekeepers). Greinin er byggð á rýnihópaviðtölum og var rætt við
starfandi fræðimenn við Háskóla Íslands. Allir höfðu þeir lagt stund á rannsóknir
með börnum þar sem þau voru beinir þátttakendur og höfðu talsverða reynslu af
samskiptum við hliðverði.
Niðurstöður benda til þess að einfalda þurfi og skýra ferli formlegra leyfa slíkra
umsókna hjá nefndum og yfirmönnum stofnana og að ferlið sé flókið, dýrt og
tímafrekt. Það sé of persónubundið hvaða upplýsinga sé þörf, það geti verið
bundið fræðigrein rannsakanda, og einnig njóti ákveðin svið meira trausts en
önnur. Fram kom að stofnanir og fagmenn væru oft treg til þess að opna hlið fyrir
rannsakendur þó svo að formleg leyfi lægju fyrir. Margt getur leitt til slíkrar tregðu
og nefndar voru ástæður eins og efasemdir um hæfni rannsakenda til þess að
ræða við börn og að hlífa eigi þeim við viðkvæmum spurningum. Rannsakendur
höfðu á hinn bóginn ekki fundið teljandi fyrirstöðu hjá forsjáraðilum og börnum.
Fræðimenn á sviði menntarannsókna höfðu ekki mætt sömu hindrunum hliðvarða
og rannsakendur í heilbrigðis- og félagsvísindum. Nýlegar niðurstöður ýmissa
athugana sýna óyggjandi hæfni barna til þátttöku í rannsóknum og kallar það á
aukna meðvitund um áhrif og hlutverk hliðvarða. Það gæti leitt til fleiri rannsókna
um líf og aðstæður barna frá þeirra sjónarhorni.Children‘s participation in research is often controlled by key professionals
and institutions involved with children. They have the role of enabling research
and handling access applications. This may involve not recommending or
censuring projects that do not meet required ethical standards. Gatekeepers
also assess what ethical issues may be at stake and they have to consider
protection needs and the rights of children who participate in research. This includes deciding when and whether it is appropriate or not for children to
Research involving children certainly raises several ethical questions, which
need to be addressed by the researcher. The researcher needs to consider
questions concerning how best to meet interests of children and participating
institutions, including key professionals involved who are required to follow
certain standards and have the role of ensuring the quality of research. This
paper explores experiences of researchers that have gained formal access to
institutions, which enabled them to involve children as active participants in
research. It builds on a qualitative research involving focus group interviews
with 8 professional researchers affiliated with the University of Iceland. The
participants shared a background of having conducted research with children.
The findings indicate that researchers had mixed experiences of dealing with
gatekeeping institutions and professionals in those institutions. Barriers
identified to access to children participants were unclear evaluations made
by gatekeepers regarding their meaning of ´vulnerable´ research topics.
Gatekeepers were found to hinder children´s participation on occasions,
underpinned by their view of children as primarily vulnerable group rather than
as individuals with diverse capabilities and needs which research may need to
highlight. Participants commented that personal contacts with professionals
often helped them to gain access to children participants. After access had
been granted gatekeepers however kept on wanting to be informed about
content of interviews, thus posing a risk for the researcher to breach issues of
confidentiality and privacy, which however may also be a grey area when
involving children in research.
The issue of when it may be ethically sound to break confidentiality needs to be
addressed and made more clear in guidelines in research involving children.
Researchers that had conducted research in the field of education appeared to
face less obstacles than those involved in research in the field of health and
social care. There are indications that researchers in the field of educational
research will however increasingly be required to get permission for each and
every child. This may serve to ensure better ethical standards but may also
limit possibilities for researchers to conduct research with children. The
findings further indicate that researchers often have to wait long periods for
professionals and institutions to respond to their request for permission and
assistance to recruit children as participants. Such long waiting periods are
costly and time consuming and may discourage researchers from doing
research involving children.
Views concerning homogeneity of children and as primarily vulnerable may
weaken the validity of research. A view endorsing children as diverse and
capable individuals is needed within institutions and from professionals
representing them in order to ensure that research outcomes represent diverse
views rather than a limited views of children´s lives. We conclude that it may be
important to raise awareness amongst professionals and institutions working
with children of their key role in facilitating children´s research. Institutions and
services need be made aware of current trends in research where children are
increasingly approached as capable individuals rather than as vulnerable. Such
awareness raising may go a long way in increasing research on children´s life
experiences and conditions which brings forward children´s own viewpoints.
There is a need to clarify guidelines in research involving children and the role
of gatekeeping institutions in the recruitment process. This includes making
forms and applications for ethical approval more transparent and based on
similar standards across institution involved with children. Researchers should
not have to depend on personal relationships with individual professionals in
order to gain access to children participants.Ritrýnd grei
„Voruð þið að tala um mig?“: um nemendavernd í grunnskólum
Markmiðið með rannsókninni sem hér er greint frá er að kanna starfsemi nemendaverndarráða
í grunnskólum og hlutdeild nemenda í ákvörðunartöku í eigin málum í
ráðunum. Tilgangurinn er að veita innsýn í störf ráðanna og draga lærdóm af niðurstöðum
en einnig að vekja lesendur til umhugsunar um réttindastöðu grunnskólanemenda.
Vaxandi skilningur er á mikilvægi þess að rödd barna fái hljómgrunn,
að á þau sé hlustað og að þess sjáist merki við ákvörðunartöku í málum þar sem
aðstæður þeirra og vandi eru til meðferðar. Nemendaverndarráð eru þverfagleg
teymi sem eiga að starfa í grunnskólum landsins og þeim er ætlað að stuðla að
velferð nemenda. Starfsemi þeirra hefur lítt verið rannsökuð og ekki hafa legið fyrir
upplýsingar um þátttöku barna í meðferð mála sem tekin eru fyrir þar.
Rafrænn spurningalisti var sendur til skólastjóra allra grunnskóla á Íslandi skóla-
árið 2013–2014. Alls bárust svör frá 84 skólum og var svarhlutfall 50% á landsvísu.
Niðurstöður benda til þess að nemendaverndarráð starfi í flestum grunnskólum og
töldu þátttakendur þau almennt starfa með hagsmuni nemenda að leiðarljósi. Mál
sem rata inn á borð nemendaverndarráða eiga það flest sameiginlegt að fjalla um
málefni einstakra nemenda en hlutdeild nemenda í afgreiðslu mála sem þá snerta
er takmörkuð. Þátttakendur töldu aldur og þroska nemenda og eðli mála helstu
ástæður lítillar aðkomu nemendanna sjálfra. Meirihluta foreldra (86%) er tilkynnt að
um mál barns þeirra sé fjallað í ráðunum en hlutfallslega fáum börnum er gert við-
vart um það (17%). Niðurstöður benda til að tryggja þurfi betur hlutdeild nemenda
í ákvörðunum um eigin málefni í nemendaverndarráðunum.The aim of the study reported here was to examine the practice of pupils’ welfare
councils in compulsory schools, and participation of children in decision-making
in their own educational affairs, which are seen holistically and include health
and safety issues. The purpose was to provide insight into the practices of
pupils’ welfare councils and to learn from the results as well as to increase
awareness of rights of children. There is an increasing understanding of the
importance of listening to children, for them be heard and engaged in decision making
in their own affairs while planning and managing adequate responses
and services.
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as laws and regulations
regarding pupils´ welfare and the national curriculum´s fundamental pillars focus
on democracy and human rights, were used as guidelines when conducting this
study. In addition, the perspective of recent childhood studies, where children
are looked upon as active and autonomous individuals, was also used as
Pupils’ welfare councils (hereafter PWCs) are multidisciplinary teams that are
legally mandated to operate in compulsory schools in Iceland and are intended
to promote and safeguard children’s and young people’s welfare in schooling.
The role of PWCs is to coordinate and manage services for pupils in school
health services, school counselling and inclusive education and to assist
headmasters in managing plans regarding special assistance for individual
pupils as well as promoting preventative measures.
Involvement of children and young people in decision making in the PWCs is not
statuted in the Compulsory School Act even though they are, according to the
Children Act, entitled to express their opinions on all matters regarding them and
fair consideration shall be given to their opinions in accordance to their age and
maturity. The practice of the PWCs is under researched and no information can
be found about the participation of pupils in affairs related to their individual
case handling.
Quantitative research methods were used in this study. During the school year
2013–2014 an electronic questionnaire was sent to all compulsory school
principals in Iceland. There were responses from 84 schools, with a response
rate of 50%. Results indicate that there are PWCs in place in most schools and
participants felt that they generally operate in the best interests of students.
Most issues that find their way into the PWCs have in common matters
concerning individual children, but pupils’ involvement in decision making and
handling of matters concerning themselves showed to be limited. The
participants mentioned age, maturity of pupils and different nature of affairs as
the main reasons for the infrequent involvement of children. Majority of parents
(86%) are notified about the case handlings of their children’s affairs in the
councils but only a small percentage of pupils are made aware of it (17%). In light
of other studies of wishes, competence and the mandated rights of children
these results indicate the need for more involvement of school children in
decisions about their own affairs in pupil welfare councils.
Lack of management guidelines concerning the case handlings was found in the
participants´ answers when asked about the work of practices and also in the
keeping of records and minutes. Results indicate that more emphasis should be
on establishing such rules. This would enhance each council’s proceedings
during their work.
To promote success and effective development of pupil welfare councils it is
important to have a thorough knowledge of current activities, and results of this
study provide that needed overview
Child welfare and professionalization
This study deals with the qualities of professionalization of public child welfare. Its relationto general social policy is emphasized. The potentials of welfarism are explored as a part ofthe study of crisis of legitimacy and rationality prevalent in welfare systems.The special situation of child welfare in Iceland with a large variation in local socialservices forms an important background of the work. This is related to sociologicaltheorizing and a position taken turns against viewing professionalization as an accumulatingprocess of power as well as the opposite, the blindness of belief in extensive professionalismas a means for creation of "the good life". The line of "family-state-individual" is traced inrelation to the emergence of social work. Child welfare is found to be imprisoned bytradition, since the idea behind children's placement is not thoroughly explored. The issueof a noted technifying and expansive tendency of professional action in cases of child abuseand custodial disputes is treated. A biased treatment of the family is here called "the childwelfare trap". The search for qualities in what traditionally is identified as "bad parenting" infoster care is suggested to be a potential to transcend central dilemmas of the field.A documentation study of poor relief and the support of mothers in the capital of Iceland,Reykjavik of th e 1930's showed an early coexistence of administrative and client-centeredapproaches. In a survey of records on children's placements in the capital of Icela nd,Reykjavik, it was confirmed that this work in an organization with professional employeeswas predominantly bureaucratic and not child-centered, also other results were similar asfound in Nordic studies. In an interview study of two small towns a passivity was shown toprevail in a laymen dominated child welfare practice at the cost of c hildren's needs, whileschool and day care provided support for families. Three significant achievements emergingin interplay with professionalization of social child care, found valid for the Icelandic çase,are seen as having lead to an increased societal sensitivity to deal with human problems.This has created a new acknowledgement of children's right to well-being despite seriouspractical limitations. Due to coexistent conflicting professional practices, a relative absenceof reg ulation and modernizing of services occurring simultaneously with the revision ofwelfarism, a space of action is presumed to exist for shaping of an outline of new practices.Theoretically opposing views on professionalization act as a kind of negative dialectic, onecentered on reproduction of existing practice, the other by presenting a gloominess of anempty-handed doctrine. The analyses of societal changes and child welfare are seen asfrequently ignoring the search for potentials to hand over power to children, not only bygender-blinaness, but by an age-neutrality which excludes children. The "deepening ofwelfare state crisis" is presumed to constitute a required possibility of a new kind of selfreflectionamong professionals. It is suggested that qualitative aspects of commonlyaccepted societal dichotomies will be challenged by the revision of welfare systems and thatthis creates a potential of a reshaping of pr actices, including the support-control dilemmaof c hild welfare.digitalisering@um
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