27,449 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Kadar Kolesterol Total Sebelum dan Sesudah Pemberian Yoghurt pada Wanita Menopause dengan Hiperkolesterolemia di Panti Sosial Tresna Wredha Pucang Gading Semarang

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    Latar belakang :Dari penelitian epidemiologis terbukti bahwa dislipidemia merupakan faktor resiko utama terjadinya aterosklerosis dan penyakit jantung koroner. Hiperkolesterolemia merupakan salah satu kelainan metabolisme lemak yang ditandai dengan peningkatan kadar kolesterol total puasa dalam darah. Tingginya kadar kolesterol dalam darah dapat diturunkan dengan intervensi diit. Yoghurt merupakan salah satu alternatif minuman yang dapat menurunkan kolesterol. Sejumlah asam – asam organik seperti asam glukoronat, propionat, folat dan laktat dapat berperan dalam penurunan kolesterol. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar kolesterol total sebelum dan sesudah pemberian yoghurt pada wanita menopause dengan hiperkolesterolemia. Metode : Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangan one group pre test – post test design. Subyek diambil menggunakan dengan cara purposive, besar subyek penelitian ini adalah 15 orang. Total kolesterol diukur pada waktu sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Selama intervensi asupan energi, protein, lemak, karbohidrat dan kolesterol dianalisis dengan menggunakan program Nutisoft. Uji Wilcoxon digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang dikumpulkan. Hasil : Hasil pemeriksaan kolesterol total awal didapatkan rerata sebesar 220,59 mg/dl yang termasuk dalam kategori batas tinggi. Rerata asupan yoghurt subjek sebesar 171,66 ml. Kolesterol total subjek setelah pemberian yogurt mengalami penurunan dari 220,59 mg/dl menjadi 168,28 mg/dl (23,71 %) setelah mengkonsumsi yoghurt selama 12 hari. Hasil uji Wilcoxon menunjukan bahwa terjadi perbedaan kadar kolesterol total sebelum dan sesudah pemberian yoghurt yang bermakna dengan p=0,001 (p < 0,05). Simpulan : Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara kolesterol total sebelum dan sesudah pemberian yoghurt pada wanita menopause dengan hiperkolesterolemia

    Impact of recent climate variability on an aquifer system in north Belgium

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    The last decade it has been realised that climate and global change can (and very likely will affect) groundwater reserves. This will have impact on both the economical (groundwater exploitation) and ecological (ecosystems) aspects of aquifer systems. A key issue is the intrinsic variability in hydrodynamics due to natural fluctuations of meteorological conditions. In this paper the results of a modelling study are presented that reconstructs the hydrodynamic evolution of the important Neogene aquifer system in North-East Belgium, between 1833 and 2005. Boundary conditions are defined on a monthly basis. The results show that besides the yearly seasonal fluctuations also multi-year to decadal variations occur. These are especially important in the topographic higher regions like on the Campine plateau and the Campine cuesta, and can severely affect local groundwater dependent ecosystems as found in some protected areas and nature reserves. The same cyclicity is recognized in the intensity and extent of seepage of deep Neogene groundwater in the Nete basin

    Ecology of the lichen Cladonia botrytes in Sweden

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    ABSTRACT Rapid changes in the forest structure due to logging strongly affect lichen vegetation and can exceed tolerance of many organisms while being beneficial to others. Cladonia botrytes was supposed to be obligately lignicolous and having a high portion of the occurrences on stumps on clear-cuts. The aim of this study was therefore to clarify the ecology of Cladonia botrytes and especially how frequently it occurs on soil in clear-cuts. Scots pine Pinus sylvestris clear-cuts aged 10-12 years old were examined for the abundance of the species on stumps and exposed soil in three provinces of Sweden – Uppland, Dalarna and Västerbotten. C. botrytes was present on the soil in all the regions on two distinct substrates: humus on the ground and on boulders. There was a significant regional difference in the distribution of the lichen on the ground and on boulders (p< 0.001), indicating a trend of increasing abundance towards the north. Regional variation for the occurrence of the lichen on the stumps was significant (p < 0.001); however the distribution among the regions was more homogenous and did not have a distinct northward trend. Canopy cover of the new tree generation influenced the abundance of the lichen on all the substrates: ground, boulders and stumps. It was found that the species prefer dry conditions as it was less abundant in the plots with wet habitats. As for the occurrences on the stumps, it was found that stump size variables (height and surface area) have an effect on the presence of the lichen yet the relationship behind that is unknown. The species is positively affected by the logging activities as it provides short-term habitat. Due to the abundant presence of the lichen on soil, change in the classification as obligatory lignicolous should be considered.POPULAR SUMMARY Rapid changes in the forest structure due to logging activities can strongly affect the forest vegetation. Modern practice of clear-cutting, where almost no standing trees are left, clearly represents a different environment from the original forest cover, having more direct solar radiation, higher precipitation rates and amplified temperature fluctuations. These sudden dramatic changes and hostile new environment can exceed the tolerance of many organisms, while being beneficial to the ones that can adapt to them. Lichens are a group of symbiotic organisms that contain algal and fungal cells, which allows them to colonize and thrive in habitats where they could not survive separately. Response to felling can be very diverse among different lichen species, resulting in dramatic physiological changes or even extinction from the habitat. However, some species can manage to thrive in the habitat created by logging. Felling creates heterogeneity and the habitat complexity that allows occurrence of the new substrate for lichens, such as stumps. Stumps and other felling residues are important for the recovery of the species as they allow lichens to refugee while the original habitat quality is restored. Stumps can be colonized both by generalist lichen species and specialist, wood dependant, lichen species. However the reasons for wood affinity are not yet fully understood. This study was done on lichen species Cladonia botrytes, also commonly known as the stump lichen. Despite the fact, that the species has been known to be confined to decaying or rotten wood, several findings indicate its occurrence on the soil substrate. This study aims were to clarify the ecology of C. botrytes. 180 plots in 36 clear-cuts located on the gradient from the central to northern Sweden were examined for the presence of C. botrytes on the stumps and soil, along with several ecological variables in attempt to explain the factors preceding the occurrence of the species. C. botrytes was found to be present on the soil with an increasing abundance towards the north. As it is no longer confined to decaying wood as its only substrate change in the classification of the species is recommended. Apart from the substrate preference other factors were found to be significant for the occurrence of the lichen. Canopy cover of the new tree generation and ground moisture were found to be influential for the presence of the lichen, however there is no direct and clear relationship between these factors and abundance of C. botrytes. Same goes for the stump variables that were measured (stump surface area and height) in the field. Species occurrence is not directly connected to the size and height of the stump, although it is important for the presence of C. botrytes. Species abundance is a difficult matter affected by multiple variables with complex interactions, therefore making it hard to distinguish their direct influence. C. botrytes is positively affected by the conditions created by clear-cutting as it assures long-term continuous supply of suitable habitat for colonization and allowes species to thrive. C. botrytes is a fast colonizer and can occur in natural habitats in similar conditions created by storms or forest fires. Despite the fact, that stumps are not naturally created substrate they host a large proportion of the species population. Therefore it is advised against stump harvest in the logging areas

    “The Cloud of Unseeing”: Myths Transformed and Pseudo-scientific Interpretations of the Book of Genesis

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    This paper, delivered at the Tolkien Seminar (Kalamazoo, MI) on May 9, 2018, traces the potential influence of popular late 19th-century Biblical commentaries on the Book of Genesis on Tolkien\u27s post Lord Of the Rings cosmologies, in particular the problem of the creation of the Sun and Moon

    Collaboration Paints a Bright Future for Arts Education

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    In July 2010, working with a nonprofit organization called Big Thought, officials at the Dallas IndependentSchool District embarked on an approach to summer school they hoped would change the image from one of punishment and failure and engage kids. The idea was to support teachers, artists, and others to replace worksheet-style instruction with teaching animated by music, visual arts, dance, and theater.The new arts-rich summer school program that resulted is just another sign of Dallas' initiative, spearheaded by BigThought (www.bigthought.org), to bring together schools, cultural organizations, and others to restore high-quality arts instruction to the many classrooms from which it has long been missing. "What's the goal of education: to assess kids or prepare them for life?" asks Craig Welle, executive director of enrichment curriculum and instruction for the Dallas Independent School District. "If you've taken the arts out of the education system, you are no longer preparing kids for life."This report talks about the history of arts education funding and the success of the Dallas initiative

    A Journey Down the Rabbit Hole of the OED in Search of the Meaning of “Master” Elrond

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    An editorial commentary on the use of the title “Master” to describe Elrond, with heavy reliance on the Oxford English Dictionary

    Faithful Doubt

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    Sermon on John 20:19-2
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