10 research outputs found

    Acute upper respiratory tract infections in everyday work of family physicians

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    CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati navike propisivanja antibiotika za akutne respiratorne infekcije gornjeg dišnog sustava kod liječnika obiteljske medicine i utvrditi ovisi li odluka o propisivanju o obilježjima pacijenata i liječnika. MATERIJALI I METODE: U istraživanje je uključeno 4373 pacijenata kojima je u periodu od 01. siječnja 2015. godine do 31. prosinca 2016. godine upisana neka od dijagnoza akutnih respiratornih infekcija. Dijagnoze su označene šiframa bolesti prema MKB – 10, a uključivale su šifre J00-J06 i H65-H67. U promatranom periodu ukupno je zabilježeno 8073 slučaja bolesti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 9 ordinacija obiteljske medicine sa prosječnim brojem pacijenata od 1229 osiguranika (min. 746, max. 1410). Promatrana obilježja pacijenata bila su dob, spol i postojanje laboratorijskih nalaza, a obilježja liječnika dob, spol, godine radnog staža i specijalizacija LOM. REZULTATI: Antibiotik je propisan za 58,4% akutnih respiratornih infekcija. Najčešće propisana vrsta antibiotika bio je amoksicilin+klavulanska kiselina (25,1%), potom azitromicin (16,8%) i amoksicilin (5,2%). Za akutni nazofaringitis (J00) u najvećem broju slučajeva (51,1%) antibiotik nije propisan. Za upalu sinusa (J01) najčešće propisivan antibiotik bio je klaritromicin (67,5%). Akutna upala ždrijela (J02) najčešće je liječena amoksicilinom (78,6%). Najčešće propisivan antibiotik za akutnu upalu tonzila (J03) bio je penicilin (82,1%). Najčešće propisivan antibiotik kod upale srednjeg uha (H65,H66,H67) bio je cefuroksim (24,8%). Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u propisivanju antibiotika za ARI s obzirom na dob i spol pacijenata i postojanje laboratorijskih nalaza kao i s obzirom na godine radnog iskustva i specijalizaciju liječnika. ZAKLJUČAK: Liječnici obiteljske medicine ne pridržavaju se smjernica za liječenje akutnih respiratornih infekcija gornjeg dišnog sustava, osim u slučaju akutnog faringitisa i tonzilitisa. Na odluku o propisivanju utječu dob pacijenta i postojanje laboratorijskih nalaza te dob, specijalizacija i radni staž liječnika.OBJECTIVES: Objective of this research was to examine family physicians' habits of antibiotic prescribing for upper airway respiratory tract infections and to determine wheather their decision depends on factors related to patients and doctors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 4373 patients were included in this research. The data was collected in the period from January 1st 2015. to December 31st 2016. There was a total of 8073 cases that had one of the diagnosis marked as J00-J06 or H65-H67. The research included nine family medicine practices with an average of 1229 patients (min. 746, max. 1410). Observed characteristics of patients were age, gender and the existance of laboratory findings and observed characteristics of doctors were age, gender, work experience and specialization. RESULTS: Antibiotics were prescribed for 58.4% of acute upper respiratory tract infections. The most common antibiotic prescribed was amoxicilin+clavulanic acid (25.1%) followed by azithromycin (16.8%) and amoxicilin (5.2%). For most cases of acute nasopharyngitis (J00) antibiotic was not prescribed (51.1%). For the acute sinusitis (J01) the most common antibiotic prescribed was clarithromycin (67.5%). Acute pharyngitis (J02) was most commonly treated with amoxicilin (78.6%). The most common antibiotic for acute tonsilitis (J03) was penicilin (82.1%). For acute middle ear infection (H65, H66, H67) the most common antibiotic was cefuroxime (24.8%). There was a statistically significant difference in antibiotic prescribing with respect to patients' age, gender and laboratory findings as well with respect to physicians' work experience and specialization. CONCLUSION: Family physicians do not adhere to recommended guidelines in treatment of acute upper respiratory tract infections except in cases of acute pharyngitis and tonsilitis. Prescribing decisions are influenced by patients' age and gender and the existance of laboratory findings as well as physicians' age, work experience and specialization

    Artificial lake islands inside parks

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    Vodene površine u vodenim parkovima, vrtovima i općenito uređenim zelenim površinama čine sastavni dio cjelokupnog uređenja. U ovome će se radu opisati sadržaji i potencijali Parka Maksimir kroz jedan malo drugačiji aspekt. Maksimirska su jezera nevidljivi dio ukupne pejsažne slike parka što potvrđuje i njihov nastanak paralelno s njihovim oblikovanjem. Jezera, uz svoju rekreativno – dekorativnu funkciju služe i kao stanište za mnoge vrste ptica, a ovim bi se radom probalo iznaći konkretno rješenje za umjetni otočić na Drugom jezeru (sukladno povijesnoj matrici) koji bi pticama koje obitavaju u parku služio kao mjesto za savijanje gnijezda. Ukoliko se pokaže rješenje kao dobro, isto bi se primijenilo i na ostalim jezerima

    Stress, Floods, and other Disasters: Impact of Multiple Crisis Events on Physical and Mental Health

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    Floods are the most frequent disasters in the world, they are full of stressors, and result in numerous victims and consequences for the physical and mental health of people. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of floods as a crisis event on the physical and mental health of the affected population. During the data collection, two new crises emerged. Part of the sample was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and devastating earthquakes. Therefore, the paper additionally analyzes the effects of these events on the results. Data were collected through a field and online survey on a sample of the Croatian population living in the flood-prone area (n = 42) and a sample of the population of the nearby area that was not exposed to the floods (n = 38). The questionnaire contained questions about the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants, and measures of stress (Physical Stress Reactions and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale 21). The results show that residents of flooded areas showed on average more physical stress reactions (t (78) = 4.19, p <.01) and fewer psychological reactions to stress (t (78) = 5.79, p <.01) compared to residents of non-flooded areas. Participants affected by the pandemic and earthquake on average showed significantly more symptoms of psychological stress, especially depression and anxiety compared to participants unaffected by these crises (t (78) = 2.96 - 5.46, p <.01), while the difference in the intensity of physical symptoms did not appear. The obtained results are difficult to interpret due to the interference of three crisis events and factors that may have influenced the results. However, this specific and unplanned research situation leads to the conclusion that crisis events have a significant stressful impact and consequences on the physical and mental health of the affected population

    Acute upper respirtory tract infections in everyday family practice

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    CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati navike propisivanja antibiotika za akutne respiratorne infekcije gornjeg dišnog sustava kod liječnika obiteljske medicine i utvrditi ovisi li odluka o propisivanju o obilježjima bolesnika i liječnika. MATERIJALI I METODE: U istraživanje je uključeno 4373 ispitanika kojima je u periodu od 01. siječnja 2015. godine do 31. prosinca 2016. godine upisana neka od dijagnoza akutnih respiratornih infekcija. Dijagnoze su označene šiframa bolesti prema MKB – 10, a uključivale su šifre J00-J06 i H65-H67. U promatranom periodu ukupno je zabilježeno 8073 slučaja bolesti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 9 ordinacija obiteljske medicine sa prosječnim brojem od 1229 osiguranika (min. 746, max. 1410). Promatrana obilježja bolesnika bila su dob, spol i postojanje laboratorijskih nalaza, a obilježja liječnika dob, spol, godine radnog staža i specijalizacija LOM. REZULTATI: Antibiotik je propisan za 58,4% akutnih respiratornih infekcija. Najčešće propisana vrsta antibiotika bio je amoksicilin+klavulanska kiselina (25,1%), potom azitromicin (16,8%) i amoksicilin (5,2%). Za akutni nazofaringitis (J00) u najvećem broju slučajeva (51,1%) antibiotik nije propisan. Za upalu sinusa (J01) najčešće propisivan antibiotik bio je klaritromicin (67,5%). Akutna upala ždrijela (J02) najčešće je liječena amoksicilinom (78,6%). Najčešće propisivan antibiotik za akutnu upalu tonzila (J03) bio je penicilin (82,1%). Najčešće propisivan antibiotik kod upale srednjeg uha (H65,H66,H67) bio je cefuroksim (24,8%). Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u propisivanju antibiotika za ARI s obzirom na dob i spol bolesnika i postojanje laboratorijskih nalaza kao i s obzirom na godine radnog iskustva i specijalizaciju liječnika. ZAKLJUČAK: Liječnici obiteljske medicine ne pridržavaju se smjernica za liječenje akutnih respiratornih infekcija gornjeg dišnog sustava, osim u slučaju akutnog faringitisa i tonzilitisa. Na odluku o propisivanju utječu dob ispitanika i postojanje laboratorijskih nalaza te dob, specijalizacija i radni staž liječnika.OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate family physicians\u27 habits in antibiotic prescribing for upper airway respiratory tract infections and to determine wheather their decision depends on factors related to patients and doctors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 4373 patients were included in this research. Data were collected in the period from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016. There were 8073 cases diagnosed as J00-J06 or H65-H67. This research included nine family medicine practices with an average of 1229 patients (min. 746, max. 1410). The observed characteristics among the patients were age, gender and laboratory findings and those observed among the doctors were age, gender, work experience and specialization. RESULTS: Antibiotics were prescribed for 58.4% of acute upper respiratory tract infections. The most common antibiotic prescribed was amoxicilin+clavulanic acid (25.1%) followed by azithromycin (16.8%) and amoxicilin (5.2%). Antibiotic was not prescribed (51.1%) for most cases of acute nasopharyngitis (J00). The most common antibiotic prescribed for acute sinusitis (J01),was clarithromycin (67.5%) while acute pharyngitis (J02) was most commonly treated with amoxicilin (78.6%). The most common antibiotic for acute tonsilitis (J03) was penicilin (82.1%), and for acute middle ear infection (H65, H66, H67) cefuroxime (24.8%). There was statistically significant difference in antibiotic prescribing with respect to the patients\u27 age, gender and laboratory findings as well as with respect to physicians\u27 work experience and specialization. CONCLUSION: Family physicians do not follow recommended guidelines in the treatment of acute upper respiratory tract infections except in cases of acute pharyngitis and tonsilitis. Prescribing decisions are influenced by patients\u27 age and gender and the existance of laboratory findings as well as physicians\u27 age, work experience and specialization

    Acute upper respirtory tract infections in everyday family practice

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    CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati navike propisivanja antibiotika za akutne respiratorne infekcije gornjeg dišnog sustava kod liječnika obiteljske medicine i utvrditi ovisi li odluka o propisivanju o obilježjima bolesnika i liječnika. MATERIJALI I METODE: U istraživanje je uključeno 4373 ispitanika kojima je u periodu od 01. siječnja 2015. godine do 31. prosinca 2016. godine upisana neka od dijagnoza akutnih respiratornih infekcija. Dijagnoze su označene šiframa bolesti prema MKB – 10, a uključivale su šifre J00-J06 i H65-H67. U promatranom periodu ukupno je zabilježeno 8073 slučaja bolesti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 9 ordinacija obiteljske medicine sa prosječnim brojem od 1229 osiguranika (min. 746, max. 1410). Promatrana obilježja bolesnika bila su dob, spol i postojanje laboratorijskih nalaza, a obilježja liječnika dob, spol, godine radnog staža i specijalizacija LOM. REZULTATI: Antibiotik je propisan za 58,4% akutnih respiratornih infekcija. Najčešće propisana vrsta antibiotika bio je amoksicilin+klavulanska kiselina (25,1%), potom azitromicin (16,8%) i amoksicilin (5,2%). Za akutni nazofaringitis (J00) u najvećem broju slučajeva (51,1%) antibiotik nije propisan. Za upalu sinusa (J01) najčešće propisivan antibiotik bio je klaritromicin (67,5%). Akutna upala ždrijela (J02) najčešće je liječena amoksicilinom (78,6%). Najčešće propisivan antibiotik za akutnu upalu tonzila (J03) bio je penicilin (82,1%). Najčešće propisivan antibiotik kod upale srednjeg uha (H65,H66,H67) bio je cefuroksim (24,8%). Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u propisivanju antibiotika za ARI s obzirom na dob i spol bolesnika i postojanje laboratorijskih nalaza kao i s obzirom na godine radnog iskustva i specijalizaciju liječnika. ZAKLJUČAK: Liječnici obiteljske medicine ne pridržavaju se smjernica za liječenje akutnih respiratornih infekcija gornjeg dišnog sustava, osim u slučaju akutnog faringitisa i tonzilitisa. Na odluku o propisivanju utječu dob ispitanika i postojanje laboratorijskih nalaza te dob, specijalizacija i radni staž liječnika.OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate family physicians\u27 habits in antibiotic prescribing for upper airway respiratory tract infections and to determine wheather their decision depends on factors related to patients and doctors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 4373 patients were included in this research. Data were collected in the period from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016. There were 8073 cases diagnosed as J00-J06 or H65-H67. This research included nine family medicine practices with an average of 1229 patients (min. 746, max. 1410). The observed characteristics among the patients were age, gender and laboratory findings and those observed among the doctors were age, gender, work experience and specialization. RESULTS: Antibiotics were prescribed for 58.4% of acute upper respiratory tract infections. The most common antibiotic prescribed was amoxicilin+clavulanic acid (25.1%) followed by azithromycin (16.8%) and amoxicilin (5.2%). Antibiotic was not prescribed (51.1%) for most cases of acute nasopharyngitis (J00). The most common antibiotic prescribed for acute sinusitis (J01),was clarithromycin (67.5%) while acute pharyngitis (J02) was most commonly treated with amoxicilin (78.6%). The most common antibiotic for acute tonsilitis (J03) was penicilin (82.1%), and for acute middle ear infection (H65, H66, H67) cefuroxime (24.8%). There was statistically significant difference in antibiotic prescribing with respect to the patients\u27 age, gender and laboratory findings as well as with respect to physicians\u27 work experience and specialization. CONCLUSION: Family physicians do not follow recommended guidelines in the treatment of acute upper respiratory tract infections except in cases of acute pharyngitis and tonsilitis. Prescribing decisions are influenced by patients\u27 age and gender and the existance of laboratory findings as well as physicians\u27 age, work experience and specialization

    Development of a Web application for selling wine using the React.js library

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    U okviru ovog diplomskog rada opisane su tehnologije poput React.js biblioteke, Koa.js okvira, PostgreSQL baze podataka i Sequelize ORM-a. Također, detaljno je opisana primjena navedenih tehnologija u izradi web aplikacije „eVinoteka“. Uz to, detaljno su objašnjeni funkcionalni i nefunkcionalni zahtjevi sustava te njegova arhitektura. Glavni zadatak aplikacije „eVinoteka“ je olakšati oglašavanje i kupovinu vina. Oglašavanje vina je omogućeno samo korisnicima koji su prijavljeni kao „Poslovni korisnik“, a kupovina je dozvoljena svim prijavljenim korisnicima. Osim kupovine i oglašavanja vina, aplikacija nudi mogućnosti: registracije i prijave korisnika, pregleda, filtriranja i sortiranja objavljenih vina, ostavljanja recenzija, ažuriranja računa, pregleda, brisanja i uređivanja oglasa, pregleda narudžbi te slanja maila nakon plaćanja ili oglašavanja proizvoda. U slučaju objave neprimjerenog ili netočnog sadržaja, administrator ima mogućnost brisanja i uređivanja svih objavljenih oglasa.Within this thesis, tehnologies such as React.js library, Koa.js framework, PostgreSQL database and Sequelize ORM are described. Also, the application of these technologies in the development of the web application „eVinoteka“ is described in detail. In addition, the functional and non-functional requirements of the system and its architecture are extensively explained. The main task of the „eVinoteka“ application is to facilitate the advertising and purchase of wine. Advertising of wine is enabled only to users who are registered as a "Business user", and the purchase is allowed to all registered users. In addition to buying and advertising wine, the application offers options: user registration and login, viewing, filtering and sorting published wines, leaving reviews, updating accounts, viewing, deleting and editing ads, reviewing orders and sending emails after paying or advertising products. In case of publication of inappropriate or incorrect content, the administrator has the option of deleting and modifying all published ads

    Artificial lake islands inside parks

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    Vodene površine u vodenim parkovima, vrtovima i općenito uređenim zelenim površinama čine sastavni dio cjelokupnog uređenja. U ovome će se radu opisati sadržaji i potencijali Parka Maksimir kroz jedan malo drugačiji aspekt. Maksimirska su jezera nevidljivi dio ukupne pejsažne slike parka što potvrđuje i njihov nastanak paralelno s njihovim oblikovanjem. Jezera, uz svoju rekreativno – dekorativnu funkciju služe i kao stanište za mnoge vrste ptica, a ovim bi se radom probalo iznaći konkretno rješenje za umjetni otočić na Drugom jezeru (sukladno povijesnoj matrici) koji bi pticama koje obitavaju u parku služio kao mjesto za savijanje gnijezda. Ukoliko se pokaže rješenje kao dobro, isto bi se primijenilo i na ostalim jezerima


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    Velike sportske manifestacije izazivaju globalnu pozornost i imaju izrazito velik utjecaj na zemlju odnosno grad domaćina. Bez obzira na velik broj dugoročnih i kratkoročnih ekonomskih koristi za zemlju domaćina, vlada kriza interesa za domaćinstvo Olimpijskih igara prije svega zbog milijunskih troškova organizacije. Zahtjevi prema gradovima domaćinima su veliki. Uz sportske kapacitete, potrebno je osigurati olimpijsko selo sportašima, smještaj organizatorima, medijima, gostima, transport i još dosta drugih popratnih stvari. Već i sam proces kandidiranja, prije nego se uopće krene s organizacijom, može biti prilično skup. U ovom diplomskom radu, na primjeru Olimpijskih igara u Sočiju koje slove za jedne od najskupljih u povijesti, analiziraju se prije svega negativni utjecaji velikih sportskih manifestacija na turizam i odnos troškova i koristi organizacije. Neiskorištena infrastruktura čije održavanje stoji milijune dolara, proračunski minusi, nezadovoljstvo lokalnog stanovništva i pad podrške istog za takvim manifestacijama rezultat su neprilagođene strategije organiziranja takve manifestacije za što je Soči odličan primjer jer je kao grad s suptropskom klimom bio domaćin Zimskim olimpijskim igrama.Mega sport events attract global attention and have a huge impact on the host country or city. Despite the large number of long-term and short-term economic benefits to the host country, there is a crisis of interest in hosting the Olympic Games, primarily due to enormous costs related to the organization of events. Requirements for host cities are high. In addition to sports facilities, it is necessary to provide the Olympic Village with athletes, accommodation for organisers, media, guests, transportation and many other related costs. The very process of applying, before moving on with the organization at all, can be quite expensive. In this master thesis, the example of the Sochi Olympics, which is considered one of the most expensive in history, will highlight the negative impacts of major sporting events on tourism in the country and the balance between cots and benefits of hosting the event. Unused infrastructure worth millions of dollars, budget holes, dissatisfaction of the local population and a decline in support for such events are the result of an unadapted strategy for organizing such a manifestation. Sochi stands as a prime example because it hosted the Winter Olympics as a subtropical climate

    Development of a Web application for selling wine using the React.js library

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    U okviru ovog diplomskog rada opisane su tehnologije poput React.js biblioteke, Koa.js okvira, PostgreSQL baze podataka i Sequelize ORM-a. Također, detaljno je opisana primjena navedenih tehnologija u izradi web aplikacije „eVinoteka“. Uz to, detaljno su objašnjeni funkcionalni i nefunkcionalni zahtjevi sustava te njegova arhitektura. Glavni zadatak aplikacije „eVinoteka“ je olakšati oglašavanje i kupovinu vina. Oglašavanje vina je omogućeno samo korisnicima koji su prijavljeni kao „Poslovni korisnik“, a kupovina je dozvoljena svim prijavljenim korisnicima. Osim kupovine i oglašavanja vina, aplikacija nudi mogućnosti: registracije i prijave korisnika, pregleda, filtriranja i sortiranja objavljenih vina, ostavljanja recenzija, ažuriranja računa, pregleda, brisanja i uređivanja oglasa, pregleda narudžbi te slanja maila nakon plaćanja ili oglašavanja proizvoda. U slučaju objave neprimjerenog ili netočnog sadržaja, administrator ima mogućnost brisanja i uređivanja svih objavljenih oglasa.Within this thesis, tehnologies such as React.js library, Koa.js framework, PostgreSQL database and Sequelize ORM are described. Also, the application of these technologies in the development of the web application „eVinoteka“ is described in detail. In addition, the functional and non-functional requirements of the system and its architecture are extensively explained. The main task of the „eVinoteka“ application is to facilitate the advertising and purchase of wine. Advertising of wine is enabled only to users who are registered as a "Business user", and the purchase is allowed to all registered users. In addition to buying and advertising wine, the application offers options: user registration and login, viewing, filtering and sorting published wines, leaving reviews, updating accounts, viewing, deleting and editing ads, reviewing orders and sending emails after paying or advertising products. In case of publication of inappropriate or incorrect content, the administrator has the option of deleting and modifying all published ads

    Acute upper respiratory tract infections in everyday work of family physicians

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    CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati navike propisivanja antibiotika za akutne respiratorne infekcije gornjeg dišnog sustava kod liječnika obiteljske medicine i utvrditi ovisi li odluka o propisivanju o obilježjima pacijenata i liječnika. MATERIJALI I METODE: U istraživanje je uključeno 4373 pacijenata kojima je u periodu od 01. siječnja 2015. godine do 31. prosinca 2016. godine upisana neka od dijagnoza akutnih respiratornih infekcija. Dijagnoze su označene šiframa bolesti prema MKB – 10, a uključivale su šifre J00-J06 i H65-H67. U promatranom periodu ukupno je zabilježeno 8073 slučaja bolesti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 9 ordinacija obiteljske medicine sa prosječnim brojem pacijenata od 1229 osiguranika (min. 746, max. 1410). Promatrana obilježja pacijenata bila su dob, spol i postojanje laboratorijskih nalaza, a obilježja liječnika dob, spol, godine radnog staža i specijalizacija LOM. REZULTATI: Antibiotik je propisan za 58,4% akutnih respiratornih infekcija. Najčešće propisana vrsta antibiotika bio je amoksicilin+klavulanska kiselina (25,1%), potom azitromicin (16,8%) i amoksicilin (5,2%). Za akutni nazofaringitis (J00) u najvećem broju slučajeva (51,1%) antibiotik nije propisan. Za upalu sinusa (J01) najčešće propisivan antibiotik bio je klaritromicin (67,5%). Akutna upala ždrijela (J02) najčešće je liječena amoksicilinom (78,6%). Najčešće propisivan antibiotik za akutnu upalu tonzila (J03) bio je penicilin (82,1%). Najčešće propisivan antibiotik kod upale srednjeg uha (H65,H66,H67) bio je cefuroksim (24,8%). Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u propisivanju antibiotika za ARI s obzirom na dob i spol pacijenata i postojanje laboratorijskih nalaza kao i s obzirom na godine radnog iskustva i specijalizaciju liječnika. ZAKLJUČAK: Liječnici obiteljske medicine ne pridržavaju se smjernica za liječenje akutnih respiratornih infekcija gornjeg dišnog sustava, osim u slučaju akutnog faringitisa i tonzilitisa. Na odluku o propisivanju utječu dob pacijenta i postojanje laboratorijskih nalaza te dob, specijalizacija i radni staž liječnika.OBJECTIVES: Objective of this research was to examine family physicians' habits of antibiotic prescribing for upper airway respiratory tract infections and to determine wheather their decision depends on factors related to patients and doctors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 4373 patients were included in this research. The data was collected in the period from January 1st 2015. to December 31st 2016. There was a total of 8073 cases that had one of the diagnosis marked as J00-J06 or H65-H67. The research included nine family medicine practices with an average of 1229 patients (min. 746, max. 1410). Observed characteristics of patients were age, gender and the existance of laboratory findings and observed characteristics of doctors were age, gender, work experience and specialization. RESULTS: Antibiotics were prescribed for 58.4% of acute upper respiratory tract infections. The most common antibiotic prescribed was amoxicilin+clavulanic acid (25.1%) followed by azithromycin (16.8%) and amoxicilin (5.2%). For most cases of acute nasopharyngitis (J00) antibiotic was not prescribed (51.1%). For the acute sinusitis (J01) the most common antibiotic prescribed was clarithromycin (67.5%). Acute pharyngitis (J02) was most commonly treated with amoxicilin (78.6%). The most common antibiotic for acute tonsilitis (J03) was penicilin (82.1%). For acute middle ear infection (H65, H66, H67) the most common antibiotic was cefuroxime (24.8%). There was a statistically significant difference in antibiotic prescribing with respect to patients' age, gender and laboratory findings as well with respect to physicians' work experience and specialization. CONCLUSION: Family physicians do not adhere to recommended guidelines in treatment of acute upper respiratory tract infections except in cases of acute pharyngitis and tonsilitis. Prescribing decisions are influenced by patients' age and gender and the existance of laboratory findings as well as physicians' age, work experience and specialization