30 research outputs found

    Invasive Plant Suppresses the Growth of Native Tree Seedlings by Disrupting Belowground Mutualisms

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    The impact of exotic species on native organisms is widely acknowledged, but poorly understood. Very few studies have empirically investigated how invading plants may alter delicate ecological interactions among resident species in the invaded range. We present novel evidence that antifungal phytochemistry of the invasive plant, Alliaria petiolata, a European invader of North American forests, suppresses native plant growth by disrupting mutualistic associations between native canopy tree seedlings and belowground arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Our results elucidate an indirect mechanism by which invasive plants can impact native flora, and may help explain how this plant successfully invades relatively undisturbed forest habitat

    Climate change impacts on the distribution of the allergenic plant, common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) in the eastern United States.

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    Climate change is affecting the growth, phenology, and distribution of species across northeastern United States. In response to these changes, some species have been adversely impacted while others have benefited. One species that has benefited from climate change, historically and in response to experimental treatments, is common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), a widely distributed annual weed and a leading cause of hay fever in North America. To better understand how climate change may affect the distribution of common ragweed, we built a maximum entropy (Maxent) predictive model using climate and bioclimatic data and over 700 observations across the eastern U.S. Our model performed well with an AUC score of 0.765 using four uncorrelated variables, including precipitation seasonality, mean diurnal temperature range, August precipitation, and January maximum temperature. After building and testing our model, we then projected potential future common ragweed distribution using a suite of 13 global climate models (GCMs) under two future greenhouse gas scenarios for mid and late-century. In addition to providing georeferenced hot spots of potential future expansion, we also provide a metric of confidence by evaluating the number of GCMs that agree. We show a substantial contraction of common ragweed in central Florida, southern Appalachian Mountains, and northeastern Virginia and areas of potential expansion at the northern margins of its current distribution, notably in northeastern U.S. However, the vast majority of this increase is projected to occur by mid-century and may be moderated somewhat by the 2070s, implying that common ragweed may be sensitive to climatic variability. Although other factors and modeling approaches should be explored, we offer preliminary insight into where common ragweed might be a new concern in the future. Due to the health impacts of ragweed, local weed control boards may be well advised to monitor areas of expansion and potentially increase eradication efforts

    Catching up on global change: new ragweed genotypes emerge in elevated CO2 conditions

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    Resource uptake by neighboring plants can be an important driver of natural selection in a changing environment. As climate and resource conditions are altered, genotypes that dominate within mixed populations today may differ markedly from those in future landscapes. We tested whether and how the dominance of different genotypes of the allergenic plant, common ragweed, may change in response to projected atmospheric CO2 conditions. We grew twelve maternal lines in experimental stands at either ambient or twice‐ambient levels of CO2. We then constructed a model that combines classical quantitative genetics theory with a set of a priori predictions about the relative performance of genotypes in the two treatments. Our findings show a complete reversal in the genotypic size hierarchy of ragweed plants in response to projected atmospheric CO2 conditions. Genotypes that are competitively suppressed in size at ambient levels become dominant under experimental doubling of CO2. Subordinated plants, in turn, boost their reproductive allocation to that of dominants, shrinking the fitness gap among all genotypes in high CO2. Extending our model to a contextual analysis framework, we further show that natural selection on size is reduced at elevated CO2, because an individual's position within the size hierarchy becomes less important for reproduction than it is in ambient conditions. Our work points to potential future ecological and evolutionary changes in this widespread allergenic plant

    Red hot maples: Acer rubrum first-year phenology and growth responses to soil warming

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    Microhabitat environmental conditions are an important filter for seedling establishment, controlling the availability of optimal recruitment sites. Understanding how tree seedlings respond to warming soil temperature is critical for predicting population recruitment in the future hardwood forests of northeastern North America, particularly as environmental conditions and thus optimal microhabitat availabilities change. We examined the effect of 5Ë C soil warming during the first growing season on germination, survival, phenology, growth, stem and root biomass allocation in Acer rubrum (red maple) seedlings. While there was no effect of soil warming on germination or survival, seedlings growing in warmer soils demonstrated significantly accelerated leaf expansion, delayed autumn leaf senescence, and an extended leaf production period. Further, seedlings growing in warmer soils showed larger leaf area, stem and root structures at the end of the first growing season, with no evidence of biomass allocation tradeoffs. Results suggest A. rubrum seedlings can capitalize on soil warming by adjusting leaf phenology and leaf production, resulting in a longer period of carbon uptake and leading to higher overall biomass. The absence of growth allocation tradeoffs suggests A. rubrum will respond positively to increasing soil temperatures in northeastern forests, at least in the early life stages.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author