26 research outputs found

    Kalsium, Protein, Dan Rasio Heterofil Limfosit Pada Darah Ayam Broiler Yang Diberi Ransum Mengandung Enzim Fitase Dan Level Protein Berbeda (Calcium, Protein, and Heterophile Lymphocyt Ratio in Broiler Chickens Blood Containing Phytase Enzyme and Differen

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    This research was aimed to study the effect of adding the enzyme phytasein the chicken diet to improve the status of protein and calcium as well as the ratio of heterophile lymphocytes in the chickens. This study was used a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 4 replications. The parameters that are observed includes calcium in the blood, protein in blood and heterophile/lymphocyte ratio. The materials used are 128 broiler Day Old Chicks (DOC) strain MP202 with avarage weights 104,16+13,17g, of single food, water, medicines and vitamins. The results showed that there is no significant effect (P>0.05) of giving phytase enzyme in feed with different protein levels on the calcium in blood, but it shows significant effect on proteins and heterophile/lymphocyte ratio (P<0.05). The conclusions that the addition of phytase enzyme can improve the level of protein in the blood, and the ratio of heterophyl lymphocytes but does not affect the calcium in blood

    Elevated CO2 emissions during magmatic-hydrothermal degassing at Awu Volcano, Sangihe Arc, Indonesia

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    Awu is a remote and little known active volcano of Indonesia located in the northern part of Molucca Sea. It is the northernmost active volcano of the Sangihe arc with 18 eruptions in less than 4 centuries, causing a cumulative death toll of 11,048. Two of these eruptions were classified with a Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of 4. Since 2004, a lava dome has occupied the centre of Awu crater, channelling the fumarolic gas output along the crater wall. A combined Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) and Multi-component Gas Analyzer System (Multi-GAS) study highlight a relatively small SO2 flux (13 t/d) sustained by mixed magmatic–hydrothermal emissions made-up of 82 mol.% H2O, 15 mol.% CO2, 2.55 mol.% total S (ST) and 0.02 mol.% H2. The CO2 emission budget, as observed during a short observation period in 2015, corresponds to a daily contribution to the atmosphere of 2600 t/d, representing 1% of the global CO2 emission budget from volcanoes. The gas CO2/ST ratio of 3.7 to 7.9 is at the upper limit of the Indonesian gas range, which is ascribed to (i) some extent of S loss during hydrothermal processing, and perhaps (ii) a C-rich signature of the feeding magmatic gas phase. The source of this high CO2 signature and flux is yet to be fully understood; however, given the peculiar geodynamic context of the region, dominated by the arc-to-arc collision, this may result from either the prolonged heating of the slab and consequent production of carbon-rich fluids, or the recycling of crustal carbon

    Peningkatan Ekspresi Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 (TGF β1) Pada Luka Diabetes Melitus Melalui Balutan Modern

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    Reduction of expression of transforming growth factor beta 1 in diabetic ulcers affects overall wound healing. This study tried to draw a comparison of transforming growth factor beta 1 level between modern dressing and conventional dressing in diabetic foot ulcer. This study applied a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design and a consecutive sampling method of data collection. Immunohistochemical analysis of transforming growth factor beta 1 level was measured on the day 0 (pretest) and the day 4 (posttest). In this study, the modern dressing application improves transforming growth factor beta 1 level. Meanwhile, the conventional dressing application decreases transforming growth factor beta 1 level. Thus, it can be concluded that the modern dressing application can increase transforming growth factor beta 1 level