37 research outputs found

    Higher-Order Beta Matching with Solutions in Long Beta-Eta Normal Form

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    Higher-order matching is a special case of unification of simply-typed lambda-terms: in a matching equation, one of the two sides contains no unification variables. Loader has recently shown that higher-order matching up to beta equivalence is undecidable, but decidability of higher-order matching up to beta-eta equivalence is a long-standing open problem. We show that higher-order matching up to beta-eta equivalence is decidable if and only if a restricted form of higher-order matching up to beta equivalence is decidable: the restriction is that solutions must be in long beta-eta normal form

    A Complete, Co-Inductive Syntactic Theory of Sequential Control and State

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    We present a new co-inductive syntactic theory, eager normal form bisimilarity, for the untyped call-by-value lambda calculus extended with continuations and mutable references. We demonstrate that the associated bisimulation proof principle is easy to use and that it is a powerful tool for proving equivalences between recursive imperative higher-order programs. The theory is modular in the sense that eager normal form bisimilarity for each of the calculi extended with continuations and/or mutable references is a fully abstract extension of eager normal form bisimilarity for its sub-calculi. For each calculus, we prove that eager normal form bisimilarity is a congruence and is sound with respect to contextual equivalence. Furthermore, for the calculus with both continuations and mutable references, we show that eager normal form bisimilarity is complete: it coincides with contextual equivalence

    First steps in synthetic guarded domain theory: step-indexing in the topos of trees

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    We present the topos S of trees as a model of guarded recursion. We study the internal dependently-typed higher-order logic of S and show that S models two modal operators, on predicates and types, which serve as guards in recursive definitions of terms, predicates, and types. In particular, we show how to solve recursive type equations involving dependent types. We propose that the internal logic of S provides the right setting for the synthetic construction of abstract versions of step-indexed models of programming languages and program logics. As an example, we show how to construct a model of a programming language with higher-order store and recursive types entirely inside the internal logic of S. Moreover, we give an axiomatic categorical treatment of models of synthetic guarded domain theory and prove that, for any complete Heyting algebra A with a well-founded basis, the topos of sheaves over A forms a model of synthetic guarded domain theory, generalizing the results for S

    Program Extraction from Proofs of Weak Head Normalization

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    We formalize two proofs of weak head normalization for the simply typed lambda-calculus in first-order minimal logic: one for normal-order reduction, and one for applicative-order reduction in the object language. Subsequently we use Kreisel's modified realizability to extract evaluation algorithms from the proofs, following Berger; the proofs are based on Tait-style reducibility predicates, and hence the extracted algorithms are instances of (weak head) normalization by evaluation, as already identified by Coquand and Dybjer

    Abstract A Complete, Co-Inductive Syntactic Theory of Sequential Control and State

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    We present a new co-inductive syntactic theory, eager normal form bisimilarity, for the untyped call-by-value lambda calculus extended with continuations and mutable references. We demonstrate that the associated bisimulation proof principle is easy to use and that it is a powerful tool for proving equivalences between recursive imperative higher-order programs. The theory is modular in the sense that eager normal form bisimilarity for each of the calculi extended with continuations and/or mutable references is a fully abstract extension of eager normal form bisimilarity for its sub-calculi. For each calculus, we prove that eager normal form bisimilarity is a congruence and is sound with respect to contextual equivalence. Furthermore, for the calculus with both continuations and mutable references, we show that eager normal form bisimilarity is complete: it coincides with contextual equivalence. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.3.3 [Programming Languages]

    Inductive Reasoning About Effectful Data Types

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    MFPS XX1 Preliminary Version Program extraction from proofs of weak head normalization

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    We formalize two proofs of weak head normalization for the simply typed lambdacalculus in first-order minimal logic: one for normal-order reduction, and one for applicative-order reduction in the object language. Subsequently we use Kreisel’s modified realizability to extract evaluation algorithms from the proofs, following Berger; the proofs are based on Tait-style reducibility predicates, and hence the extracted algorithms are instances of (weak head) normalization by evaluation, as already identified by Coquand and Dybjer. Key words: program extraction, normalization by evaluation, weak head normalization. 1 Introduction and related work In the early nineties, Berger and Schwichtenberg introduced normalization by evaluation in a proof-theoretic setting [5]. Berger then substantiated their normalization function by extracting it from a proof of strong normalization [2], using Kreisel’s modified realizability interpretation [10]. In their own study of what also turne