238 research outputs found

    Temaintroduktion: Udstillingen som forskningsobjekt: Skandinaviske Exhibition Histories

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    I dette temanummer søger vi en åbnende kritisk genlæsning af udstillingen. I kraft af udstillingens korte aktualitet og samtidsfortolkende karakter, mener vi, den udgør en særlig kilde til nye forståelser af en given tid og dennes spejling i vores samtid. Vi har ikke tilrettelagt nummeret ud fra én særlig forståelse af Exhibition histories , men ser i feltet en mulighed for at belyse glemte sider af kunsthistorien i en tilgang, der både kan inkludere det kunstneriske eksperiment og kontekstens betydning

    Problem Gaming in an everyday perspective (Research Panel)

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    In this panel we take a critical look at problem gaming. We question existing approaches that tend to draw on concepts from clinical psychology and we introduce everyday life and the general wellbeing of youth as an alternative perspective

    Computed Tomography as a Method for Age Determination of Carnivora and Odontocetes with Validation from Individuals with Known Age

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    Traditional methods for age determination of wildlife include either slicing thin sections off or grinding a tooth, both of which are laborious and invasive. Especially when it comes to ancient and valuable museum samples of rare or extinct species, non-invasive methods are preferable. In this study, X-ray micro-computed tomography (µ-CT) was verified as an alternative non-invasive method for age determination of three species within the order of Carnivora and suborders Odontoceti. Teeth from 13 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), 2 American mink (Neogale vison), and 2 harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) of known age were studied using µ-CT. The number of visible dental growth layers in the µ-CT were highly correlated with true age for all three species (R2 = 96%, p &lt; 0.001). In addition, the Bland–Altman plot showed high agreement between the age of individuals and visible dental layers represented in 2D slices of the 3D µ-CT images. The true age of individuals was on average 0.3 (±0.6 SD) years higher than the age interpreted by the µ-CT image, and there was a 95% agreement between the true age and the age interpreted from visible dental layers in the µ-CT.</p

    SPIN enables high throughput species identification of archaeological bone by proteomics

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    Species determination based on genetic evidence is an indispensable tool in archaeology, forensics, ecology, and food authentication. Most available analytical approaches involve compromises with regard to the number of detectable species, high cost due to low throughput, or a labor-intensive manual process. Here, we introduce “Species by Proteome INvestigation” (SPIN), a shotgun proteomics workflow for analyzing archaeological bone capable of querying over 150 mammalian species by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Rapid peptide chromatography and data-independent acquisition (DIA) with throughput of 200 samples per day reduce expensive MS time, whereas streamlined sample preparation and automated data interpretation save labor costs. We confirm the successful classification of known reference bones, including domestic species and great apes, beyond the taxonomic resolution of the conventional peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF)-based Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS) method. In a blinded study of degraded Iron-Age material from Scandinavia, SPIN produces reproducible results between replicates, which are consistent with morphological analysis. Finally, we demonstrate the high throughput capabilities of the method in a high-degradation context by analyzing more than two hundred Middle and Upper Palaeolithic bones from Southern European sites with late Neanderthal occupation. While this initial study is focused on modern and archaeological mammalian bone, SPIN will be open and expandable to other biological tissues and taxa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Single-Batch Production of Recombinant Human Polyclonal Antibodies

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    We have previously described the development and implementation of a strategy for production of recombinant polyclonal antibodies (rpAb) in single batches employing CHO cells generated by site-specific integration, the SympressTM I technology. The SympressTM I technology is implemented at industrial scale, supporting a phase II clinical development program. Production of recombinant proteins by site-specific integration, which is based on incorporation of a single copy of the gene of interest, makes the SympressTM I technology best suited to support niche indications. To improve titers while maintaining a cost-efficient, highly reproducible single-batch manufacturing mode, we have evaluated a number of different approaches. The most successful results were obtained using random integration in a new producer cell termed ECHO, a CHO DG44 cell derivative engineered for improved productivity at Symphogen. This new expression process is termed the SympressTM II technology. Here we describe proof-of-principle data demonstrating the feasibility of the SympressTM II technology for single-batch rpAb manufacturing using two model systems each composed of six target-specific antibodies. The compositional stability and the batch-to-batch reproducibility of rpAb produced by the ECHO cells were at least as good as observed previously using site-specific integration technology. Furthermore, the new process had a significant titer increase