181 research outputs found

    Kontekstualisasi Gamelan Jawa di Gereja Baptis Indonesia (Gbi) Ngembak

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    This thesis aims to examine contextualization of Javanese gamelan in the liturgy of the worship at the Indonesian Baptist Church (GBI) Ngembak Tembalang. The approach used is interdisciplinary, using qualitative research methods, and interpretative case study research design. The research data was collected by observation technique, interview, and document study, and source triangulation technique to maintain its validity. Data analysis technique is done through the process of reduction, presentation, and conclusion (verification). The results of this study show that, the form of Javanese gamelan accompaniment music in liturgical worship at GBI Ngembak Tembalang is composed of two elements, namely the element of time and melody. Contextualization of Javanese gamelan in the liturgy of the worship at the Indonesian Baptist Church (GBI) Ngembak Tembalang consists of one model, namely model translation. On the model of translation is done through the efforts of Christian identity preservation, keeping mindful of the culture, history and social change, which is owned by the Baptist Church Indonesia (GBI) Ngembak Tembalang

    Optimalisasi Prestasi Belajar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Melalui Pendekatan Pemahaman Konsep Di SMP

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    This research aim to description about improvement of domination of matter comprehends democracy and goverment system in Indonesia through understanding of concept at class student VIII F in State Junior High School Three Teras Region Boyolali even semester of school year 2013/2014. Subject and research data source is 24 students. Data collecting method applies observation, questionnaire, documentation, and test. Data analysis applies critical analysis and comparability. Indicator success of using minimal limit criteria 75 and complete target of 100%. Research procedure applies cycle. Result of inferential research and solution as follows : obtained progress of achievement of student learning in study of Education Citizenship with matter comprehends democracy and goverment system in Indonesia , at precycle average of 71,6 and cycle I average of 76,2 and cycle II average of 84,8. From this data, seems to explain that happened increase of average of value from precycle to cycle I 4,6 numbers (6,4%), from cycle I to cycle II happened increase 8,6 numbers (11,3%), from pasiklus to cycle II happened increase 13,2 numbers (18,4%). Highest value of phase precycle 80 and cycle I 86 and cycle II 92. Seems to explain that from phase precycle to cycle I happened increase equal to 6 number (7,5%), from cycle I to cycle II happened increase equal to 6 number (7%), and from precycle to cycle II happened increase 12 numbers (15%). Low value of phase precycle is obtained by 66 and cycle I 72 and cycle II 76. thereby, can be affirmed that from phase precycle to cycle I happened increase equal to 6 number (6,1%), from cycle I to cycle II happened increase equal to 4 number (5,6%), and from precycle to cycle II happened increase 10 numbers (15,2%). Complete percentage learnt starts from precycle is obtained equal to 21% and cycle I is obtained equal to 50% and cycle II equal to 100%. Seems to explain that from phase precycle to cycle I happened increase equal to 29%, from cycle I to cycle II happened increase equal to 50%, and from precycle to cycle II happened increase equal to 79%

    Implementasi Media Simulasi Kamera Digital Mata Kuliah Pengembangan Media Foto

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    Dalam mata kuliah pengembangan media foto, mahasiswa masih sulit memahami materi tentang aperture, speed dan ISO. Pengaturan dari ketiga kombinasi ini adalah dasar dari fotografi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Subyek penelitiannya adalah mahasiswa angkatan 2013 dengan jumlah 47 orang. Prosedur penelitian terdiri dari 4 tahap disetiap siklusnya, yaitu: perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan metode observasi dan tes. Data hasil pengamatan, tes diolah dengan analisis deskriptif untuk menggambarkan peningkatan pencapaian keberhasilan tiap siklus dan untuk menggambarkan keberhasilan pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan media pembelajaran simulasi kamera digital. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan pemahaman materi pada mata kuliah pengembangan media foto. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pada pra siklus hasil belajar menunjukkan nilai rata-rata sebesar 41,20. Pada siklus I nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa adalah 69,75. pada siklus I ini rata-rata mahasiswa naik dibandingkan dengan rata-rata pada pra siklus. Pada siklus II nilai rata-rata hasil belajar mahasiswa adalah 85,77. Hal tersebut menunjukkan terdapat kenaikan hasil belajar pada siklus II. Dari hasil analisis data di atas menunjukkan ada peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa dengan menggunakan media pembelajaraan simulasi kamera digital. Peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa dapat dilihat dari persentase keberhasilan yang diperoleh dari tes yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa

    Perubahan Mindset Kader Pos Paud Sekar Melati Jaya Tentang Pengenalan Calistung di Paud Menuju Pembelajaran Berorientasi Bermain

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    ?é?á The activities of devotion to the community it was implemented to cadres PAUD post in RW XX Meteseh village, Tembalang district, Semarang city to understand?é?á that?é?á :?é?á (1)?é?á of?é?á the?é?á importance?é?á of?é?á play?é?á as?é?á stimulation?é?á holistic?é?á early childhood; (2) Three types of play to learning oriented play in early childhood . This IbM is using a method of counseling and training. The counseling is about to give : (1) Technically the implementation of the PAUD post (2) Standard primary school curriculum grade 1. While training given to practice of three types of play in early childhood, that is:?é?á?é?á play sensorimotor area, play the role and play development. Mentoring also given as an application from the training practice of playing in PAUD post. The results of the implementation of activities IbM can be concluded that training oriented learning play introduce to cadres PAUD post about the types of play high quality in PAUD very useful in giving the image and equip cadre on the opening?é?á PAUD?é?á post?é?á Sekar?é?á Melati?é?á Jaya?é?á?é?á ?é?áRW?é?á XX?é?á Meteseh?é?á village,?é?á Tembalang district, Semarang city

    Pola Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Air Minum Rumah Tangga Di Pulau Jawa Dan Indonesia Bagian Timur Dalam Perspektif Gender (Analisis Data Riskesdas 2010)

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    Eksploitasi perempuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan airuntuk rumah tangga bersumber dari dalam apalagi luar rumah dengan jarak yang jauh merupakan salah satu bentuk kekerasan terhadap perempuan. Tujuan analisis ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi siapa saja yang biasa memenuhi kebutuhan air di rumah tangga bagi rumah tangga yang sumber air bersihnya bukan di dalam rumah. Akan dibandingkan pola pemenuhan kebutuhan air bersih di rumah tangga di Pulau Jawa dengan propinsi yang berada di Indonesia bagian Timur menggunakan data Riskesdas 2010. Selain itu juga akan dilakukan uji tabulasi silang dengan beberapa variabel antara lain dengan wilayah (Pulau Jawa dengan Indonesia Bagian Timur), dengan jarak dari rumah ke sumber air, waktu tempuh mengambil air, pendidikan kepala rumah tangga, pekerjaan kepala rumah tangga, serta status sosial ekonomi rumah tangga. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan analitik melalui uji X2 (Chi kuadrat Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa proporsi tertinggi dimana perempuan yang biasa membawa pulang air bersih ke rumah adalah Nusa Tenggara Barat (75,2%), diikuti Nusa Tenggara Timur (73,4%). Proporsi tertinggi dimana laki-laki paling biasa membawa air ke rumah terdapat di propinsi DKI Jakarta (78,7%), diikuti Banten (66,2%)

    Faktor Finansial dan Non Finansial yang Mempengaruhi Agresivitas Pajak di Indonesia

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    Tax aggressiveness conveys benefit in promoting tax payers\u27 efficiency, but alsobringing the risk at once. The efficiency can be reached through minimizing the tax payment. On the other hand, tax payers\u27 reputation and firm value may be weakened if the tax aggressiveness is put into opportunistic objective. This paper aims to investigate whether the financial and non-financial factors influence the tax aggressiveness. Financial factors comprise leverage and liquidity. Moreover, the nonfinancial factors cover the proportion of independent commissioners, audit committee and family ownership. Furthermore, the tax payers\u27 aggressiveness is measured by Effective Tax Rate. The research formulates five hypotheses which are tested using linear regression methods. Moreover, this research employs 72 firm years as samples, which covermanufacturing companies listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange during 2010 until 2013. Those samples are sorted out by purposive sampling method. The samples are chosen using the purposive sampling method based on certain designated criterias. The result shows that financial factors consist of leverage and liquidity, and nonfinancial factor of audit committee positively influences the tax aggressiveness. While the proportion of independent commissioners and family ownership do not have significant influence toward tax aggressiveness. This finding implies that Indonesian companies tend to aggressive in avoiding the tax for the financial motives rather than non financial motives

    Pengembangan Dan Perancangan Tempat Tidur Bayi (Baby Box) Yang Ergonomis Menggunakan Software Autocad Denga Pendekatan Data Antropometri

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    Dengan semakin majunya sistem informasi diluar maupun didalamnegeri, Kini masyarakat lebih memperhatikan atau tertarik pada produk-produk yang dihasilkan harus lebih mempunyai nilai ringkas atau flexibledan tentunya sesuai dengan harga dari produk tersebut, Hal ini menjadisebuah acuan bagi pengembang inovasi produk yang mementingkankeinginan masyarakat untuk mendapatkan kekuatan dari kalangan konsumen,Dengan mempertimbangkan usulan dari para orang tua maka penulismencoba menawarkan prototype tempat tidur Balita yang sesuai dengandimensi antropometri tubuh bayi di Indonesia. Dengan maksud tempat tidurbayi tersebut mampu memberikan Kenyamanan dan keamanan bagi bayi,khususnya kepuasan bagi para orang tua dalam mengasuh atau memfasilitasianaknya. Metodologi penelitian dilakukan dengan penggalian data dariresponden menggunakan metode Quality Funcion Deployment (QFD) untukmengetahui keinginan dari konsumen, serta data antropometri untukmengetahui persentil dari ukuran yang diperlukan untuk merancang TempatTidur Bayi (Baby Box) yang sesuai dengan dimensi tubuh bayi di Indonesia.Hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui atribut-atribut tempat tidur bayi yangsesuai dengan keinginan pelanggan meliputi : Tempat tidur mampu menahanberat dan gerakan bayi, Dilengkapi dengan kain tile pelindung dari gigitannyamuk, Adanya rak tempat untuk menyimpan pakaian bayi, Warna tempattidur yang cerah, Adanya kantong tas sehingga mudah dibawa. Ukurantempat tidur bayi dikembangkan berdasarkan penerapan data antropometridengan menggunakan persentil 5-th dan 95-th sehingga diperoleh ukurantinggi tempat tidur bayi adalah 80cm, panjang 110 cm, dan lebar 80cm

    Efektifitas Penggunaan Cold Pack Dibandingkan Relaksasi Nafas dalam untuk Mengatasi Nyeri Pasca Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF)

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    Background: Pain is the main problem of patients post surgery. The reguler pain management are use pharmacological and non pharmacological therapy. One of the variety of non pharmacology therapy is cold compression, which is an innovation of cold pack. Aim of Research The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of cold compress cold pack with deep breathing relaxation in reducing pain for patients with post ORIF (Open Reduction Internal Fixation). Research Methods: This study design was Quasi-Experiments pre-Test Post-Test With Control Group. There were patients post ORIF in the third class ward dr Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten consisting of 15 patients in the intervention cold compress with cold pack and 15 patients the control group in the deep breathing relaxation as respondents. The treatment was done 4 times post analgetic I and post analgetic II. Pain level was measured by VAS pain scale and conducted in 2 times the first after analgesic 1, second measurement after analgesic 2. The statistical test for analysis data used independent test t-test and paired t- test.Result: The results of independent t-test before the intervention is relatively the same. Meanwhile, after intervention the level of pain from intervention group which was cold pack decreased 3 (three) point and from control group (deep breathing relaxation) decreased 1 (one) point. The statictical analysis measurement showed that p value was 0,00.Conclusion: It is proved that the intervention of cold pack has more effective than deep breathing relaxation. Suggestion: Used cold pack further enhanced as one implementation of independent nursing, but still pays attention to changes in the patient's physical condition
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