202 research outputs found

    C*-norms defined by positive linear forms

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    Commutative GW*-algebras

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    A hőszigetek kialakulásának és befolyásolásának modellezése a numerikus áramlástan alkalmazásával = Modelling of development and methods of control of heat islands by using computational fluid dynamics

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    1) Új transzformációs eljárást dolgoztunk ki a mérnöki elemzésben általánosan alkalmazott áramlástani elemző rendszerek adaptálására a mezoskálájú légköri problémákhoz. A módszer lehetővé teszi egy város belső területén az épület szintű áramlástan elemzést, ugyanakkor a modellezett térrész mérete a városi hősziget által keltett áramlás elemzéséhez szükséges (pl. 100 x 100 x 6 km) méretűre növelhető. Elkészítettük Szeged város atmoszférikus modelljét és meghatároztuk a hősziget által keltett áramlási teret. 2) Új, nagyszámú épület hatásának elemzésére alkalmas hálógenerálási eljárás fejlesztettünk ki, amely egyúttal alkalmas az utcakanyonok belső áramlási terének felbontására is. E módszer lehetővé teszi az új városrész beépítések városklíma (és átszellőzés) módosító hatásának elemzését. Budapest XI. Kerületi Önkormányzat megbízásából elkészítettük a kerületnek és környezetének áramlási modelljét és elemeztük a kerület átszellőzését a jellemző szélirányokra és a városi hősziget okozta áramlás hatására. 3) Szeged város kb. 30 km2-es beépített területére létrehoztunk a városi felszín horizontálisan és vertikálisan is igen pontos leírását tartalmazó adatbázist. Ezen adatbázisra épülő számítási eljárást dolgoztunk ki a városi tetőszint feletti légáramlás sebességének meghatározására, ami lehetővé teszi a város klímája és levegőminősége szempontjából kedvező hatással bíró ventilációs folyosók meghatározását. | 1) A new transformation method has been developed for the adaptation of software of general application in engineering to the mesoscale atmospheric problems. This methodology allows building level simulation in downtown area, in the same time; the computational domain can be increased to the size necessary for modeling the circulations caused by the urban heat island phenomenon (i.e. 100 x 100 x 6 kilometers). The atmospheric model of Szeged has been created and the mesoscale circulation induced by the urban heat island has been analyzed. 2) A novel mesh generation method has been proposed for taking into account the effect of high number of buildings together with the fine details of the flow field in the larger street canyons. Assessment of climatic affects of the construction of new buildings is made possible by the new meshing strategy. This numerical approach has been applied for investigating the urban ventilation driven by the most frequent winds and the urban heat island circulation in the XI-th district of Budapest (and the surrounding area) in the framework of a contract with the local government. 3) The urban surface database of the 30 km2 built in area of Szeged has been created with a very high horizontal and vertical accuracy. A computational model has been developed for determining the air velocity above roof level on the basis of the data stored in the urban surface database. This model allows the analyses of ventilation paths which have a favorable impact on the urban climate and pollution

    Ortholattis linéarisables

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    A magyar egység eszméje, mint politikai program : az Erdélyi Párt propagandatevékenysége Észak-Erdélyben 1940 és 1944 között

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    The paper deals with the most important political party of the Hungarians from Northern Transylvania re-annexed to Hungary after the Second Vienna Arbitration in 1940. In the beginning there is shortly presented the political integration of Northern Transylvania into Hungary and the foundation of the Transylvanian Party. In the followings there are analyzed the membership building process of the party and its results. The presence of the idea of Hungarian unity in the party program consists another theme discussed in the paper. After that, there are presented with full particulars the different types of propaganda instruments (badge, insignia, publications) used by the Transylvanian Party. In the next three parts of the paper there are described the mass events organized by the party for propaganda issues, the local, particular happenings used for the same purpose and the cultural, scientific events held by the Transylvanian Party in order to spread its propaganda among intellectuals. The last chapter of the paper is dedicated to the propaganda made in the rural regions of Northern Transylvania. This was carried out by systematic campaign trails of party`s parliamentary deputies in villages all over the re-annexed territories. At the end there is presented the abolition process of the party and it is made a short synthesis on its propaganda efforts, analyzing the reasons of successes and failures in this matter. The source material of the paper consists of archival data, publications of the Transylvanian Party, special books, studies and publications in the contemporary press

    Báró Bánffy Dániel, az Erdélyi Párt földművelésügyi minisztere a magyar kormányban 1940 és 1944 között

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    The study deals with an almost forgotten Hungarian politician from Transylvania, baron Dániel Bánffy, who was Minister of Agriculture in the Hungarian Governments between 30 December 1940 and 21 March 1944. Dániel Bánffy was an aristocrat came from a Hungarian noble family, which had a very important role in the history of Transylvania. He was an expert in forestry and wood processing, with a large experience on economic field. After the Second Vienna Award which turn Northern Transylvania under Hungarian control in 30 August 1940, Bánffy became deputy in the Hungarian Parliament and joined the newly created Transylvanian Party. In the followings, as Minister in the Hungarian Government, he maintained the interests of the Transylvanian Party on the field of economy and agriculture. Dániel Bánffy shortly became one of those Hungarian politicians of the period who did the most for the economic development of Northern Transylvania. Unfortunately, the times of war during his mandate as Minister of Agriculture doesn’t permitted him to realize his purpose. In this way only a part of his great program of development should came to fruition. After 19 March 1944, the German invasion against Hungary, Dániel Bánffy was arrested by Gestapo, being released only in November. In the first years of Communist Regime in Hungary he was also persecuted, being in force residence together with his family. Dániel Bánffy died in 1955. This study tries to bring him back in the collective historical remembrance. The source material of the paper consists of archival data, special books, studies, memoirs, interviews and articles of the contemporary press

    Város a megszállt országban : Kolozsvár az 1944-es német bevonulás után

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    This year there is the 70th anniversary of the German occupation of Hungary. Therefore with this study I would like to commemorate this very important historical event, which had decisive effects on the future of the Hungarian state and society as well. Naturally untill nowadays there had been appeared a lot of books, studies and scientific articles which presents the occupation, but most of them deals with the problem in general, referring to the whole country. In order to complete the general scene, in my study I focused only on the capital of the Northern Transylvanian region, reincorporated to the Hungarian Kingdom in 1940. The city of Kolozsvár (today officialy in Romanian language: Cluj-Napoca) was the administrative and cultural centre of the eastern part of Hungary in that time, therefore it shows very well the exact consequences of the occupation. First of all I shortly present the political and military conditions of the German invasion of the country, and after that the occupation process of Kolozsvár. For a better description of the entering of Wehrmacht troops in the city, I used some interviews made to persons who were eyewitnesses of the events. Beside these, I obtained a lot of dates from the local contemporary Hungarian and Romainan press, and several scientific volumes and articles published last years. The main objective of this study is to realize an analysis of the exact consequences of the German occupation of Kolozsvár in 1944 upon the population of the city, and especially upon the Jewish community. Through the description of the mass arrests of left wing sympathizers, and the collection of the Jews in ghettos, as well as the deportation process, I tried to present one of the most dramatic perriod of the old, historical city of Kolozsvár

    Androgenesis induction in microspore culture of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    Isolated microspore culture experiments were carried out in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) F1 hybrid genotypes. In the first experiment, four culture media (W14, B5, MS and NLN) were compared to test their effectiveness in inducing the formation of microsporederived structures in two genotypes. The experiments revealed the superiority of B5 medium. In the second experiment, the effects of different ratios of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 mg l-1) and kinetin (0, 0.2 and 0.5 mg l-1) were also investigated in B5 medium with two genotypes. The effect of growth regulators were investigated on the production of microsporederived calli and embryo-like structures (ELSs), the ratio of the two and plant regeneration (number of regenerated plantlets) in microspore culture. The histological experiments revealed the differences between the microsporederived ELSs and calli. The most promising results were obtained on the investigated parameters in the presence of 0.1 mg l-1 2,4-D and 0.2 mg l-1 kinetin producing the highest number of plantlets in both genotypes tested. In the response of 11 genotypes, the androgenesis induction was successful in each sweet pepper genotypes tested using the best basic medium and growth regulators combination. In case of 11 genotypes, the number of ELSs ranged from 20 to 100/Petri dish (an average of 48.1 ELS/Petri dish), while the number of green plantlets varied from 0 to 8 plantlets/Petri dish (an average of 1.5 plantlets/Petri dish) depending on the genotype. The spontaneous rediploidization rate obtained was 25% in isolated microspore
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