A magyar egység eszméje, mint politikai program : az Erdélyi Párt propagandatevékenysége Észak-Erdélyben 1940 és 1944 között


The paper deals with the most important political party of the Hungarians from Northern Transylvania re-annexed to Hungary after the Second Vienna Arbitration in 1940. In the beginning there is shortly presented the political integration of Northern Transylvania into Hungary and the foundation of the Transylvanian Party. In the followings there are analyzed the membership building process of the party and its results. The presence of the idea of Hungarian unity in the party program consists another theme discussed in the paper. After that, there are presented with full particulars the different types of propaganda instruments (badge, insignia, publications) used by the Transylvanian Party. In the next three parts of the paper there are described the mass events organized by the party for propaganda issues, the local, particular happenings used for the same purpose and the cultural, scientific events held by the Transylvanian Party in order to spread its propaganda among intellectuals. The last chapter of the paper is dedicated to the propaganda made in the rural regions of Northern Transylvania. This was carried out by systematic campaign trails of party`s parliamentary deputies in villages all over the re-annexed territories. At the end there is presented the abolition process of the party and it is made a short synthesis on its propaganda efforts, analyzing the reasons of successes and failures in this matter. The source material of the paper consists of archival data, publications of the Transylvanian Party, special books, studies and publications in the contemporary press

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