43 research outputs found

    The Politics of Crime Control: Race, Policing, and Reform in Twentieth-Century Chicago

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    “The Politics of Crime Control: Race, Policing, and Reform in Twentieth-Century Chicago” is a political history of urban policing that examines the integral role of crime control in the governance of modern American cities. It does so through a case study of policing and reform in Chicago from the interwar decades through the post-World War II years, a period that saw massive changes including African American migration, immigration, industrialization, and labor unrest. Crime control served as the central political proxy through which city leaders, reformers, and law enforcement officers attempted to achieve urban order, and in so doing, constructed modern social and racial hierarchies. These officials and reformers contributed to the construction of the coercive state, a state apparatus that prioritized social order as the primary mode through which to express state legitimacy and exercise state power. In the context of early-twentieth-century Chicago, coercive state strategies worked in tandem with Progressive reformers and anti-crime activists to establish and reinforce spatial boundaries and to reify and redefine social hierarchies. Local police discretion represented the primary coercive state tool for addressing urban disorder, as well as one of the most intransigent and opaque modes of state power, especially in the service of defining and reinforcing racial hierarchy. The immediate, discretionary interactions between police and city residents served as one of the primary sites of racial formation in these decades, and elicited investigation, critique, and proposals for reform from myriad urban communities, other state institutions, and municipal reform organizations. Policing, therefore, represented the very intersection of coercive state power, municipal politics, racialization, and efforts for reform.PHDHistoryUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138491/1/nkrinit_1.pd

    Submarine permafrost in the nearshore zone of the southwestern Kara Sea

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    The results of seismic studies in the shallow waters of the southwestern Kara Sea show the presence of a seismic unit that can be interpreted as relict submarine permafrost. The permafrost table has a strongly dissected upper surface and is located at a water depth of 5–10 m. A 3D modeling of the permafrost table suggests the presence of relict buried thermodenudational depressions (up to 2 km across) at a water depth of 5–10 m. The depressions may be considered to be paragenetic to thermocirques found at the Shpindler site. Relict thermocirques are completely filled with sediment and not exposed at the sediment surface

    До питання про місце домашнього арешту в ієрархії запобіжних заходів (за кримінально-процесуальним законодавством)

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    Криницький І. Є. До питання про місце домашнього арешту в ієрархії запобіжних заходів (за кримінально-процесуальним законодавством) / І. Є. Криницький // Новітні кримінально-правові дослідження – 2016 : зб. наук. пр. / відп. ред. О. В. Козаченко. – Миколаїв : Іліон, 2016. - С. 36-40


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    The dependence of the accuracy and availability of aircraft location on final approach on signals of GLONASS with the certain satellites elevation angle is determined. Estimation of the accuracy and accessibility of the aircraft loca-tion was calculated for angles of elevation of the satellites within the specified range for the various aircraft location.Определяется зависимость точности и доступности определения местоположения ВС по сигналам системы ГЛОНАСС на конечном участке захода на посадку от маски угла возвышения НКА. Оценка точности и доступности местоположения ВС проводилась для углов возвышения НКА в заданном диапазоне для различных положений ВС

    An inventory of hydrate-related gas seeps in Lake Baikal

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    Lake Baikal in Siberia, one of the world’s largest rift lakes, is known to be the only fresh-water lake with gas hydrates in the subsurface. Seismic data clearly image the base of the hydrate layer in the Central and Southern Baikal Basins, at both sides of the Selenga delta. Gas seeps and short-lived mud volcanoes were discovered in Lake Baikal’s South Basin at places where the gas hydrate layer shows anomalous thickness variations, which was attributed to localized heat flow anomalies along active fault segments. The gas seeps were interpreted as the result of localized destabilization of gas hydrates by injected thermal water along fault segments; it is probably the inevitable consequence of gas hydrate accumulation in an active rift basin.New data from Lake Baikal’s Central basin, acquired during the summer of 2002, show that the four seeps in the South Basin are not isolated cases. More seeps were discovered, all situated in Baikal’s hydrate accumulation area, all near active fault segments, and all associated with anomalous thickness variations of the underlying hydrate layer. This poster gives an overview of the occurrence of gas seeps in Lake Baikal in relation with thickness anomalies of the gas hydrate layer. The gas seeps in Lake Baikal were found in three areas: 1. Posolsky fault area. Four methane seeps were encountered in the footwall of a small antithetic fault of the Posolsky fault zone. The seeps occur as blow-out craters and conical mud volcanoes. 2. Olkhon fault splay area. Two gas seeps, St.Petersburg and Novosibirsk, were discovered in 2002 at the footwall of a splay of the large Olkhon border fault. The seeps appear to be conical mud volcanoes. 3. The Kukuyu canyon area. The Kukuyu canyon is a large, probably fault-related, canyon, at the northern slope of the Selenga delta. Gas seeps are documented on side scan sonar data and subbottom acoustic profiles.The newly discovered seeps support the interpretation that gas seeps and mud volcanoes in Lake Baikal are caused by the localized dissociation of gas hydrates by thermal input at the base of the hydrate layer. Seepage is probably intense but short-lived, and sometimes accompanied by mud extrusion at the lake floor. They are a rare example where hydrates are the source for intense methane venting, and not vice versa


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    There are a lot of methods of multipath mitigation, however none of them guarantee its full elimination. The complex method of multipath mitigation in the context of precise aircraft landing is presented in this article.В настоящее время разработано множество методов, направленных на снижение влияния многолучевости на качество спутниковой навигации, однако ни один из них не гарантирует ее полного устранения. В данной статье представлен комплексный метод борьбы с многолучевым распространением сигналов, использующий преимущества основных существующих методов и позволяющий обеспечить категорированную посадку самолетов


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    A method of improving the navigation system performance parameters with the use of ground functional add-ins in respect of radio signal extension properties in the air is considered in the article. The total electron content values broadcast, determined by double-frequency measurements allows to transmit correction data by all available types of GLONASS and GPS navigation signals, keeping within standard information transmitted content, regulated by ICAO, that would have been impossible with the use of standard methods of correcting information broadcast. Due to the increased number of the used navigation signals operating availability of GBAS improves. It is possible to use corrections, measured by a ground station for a pair of signals in different frequency bands (for example L1OF and L2OF) for more accurate positioning on other navigation signals (L2OC). It is also possible to broadcast the differential corrections for all available types of navigation signals GLONASS and GPS and remain in a standard volume of transmitted information, which is regulated by the International Civil Aviation Organization.Рассматривается способ повышения эксплуатационных характеристик ГНСС с использованием наземных функциональных дополнений путем учета свойств распространения радиосигналов в атмосфере. Трансляция значений полного электронного содержания (ПЭС), определенного путем двухчастотных измерений, позволяет передавать поправки по всем доступным типам навигационных сигналов GLONASS и GPS, укладываясь в стандартный объем передаваемой информации, регламентируемый ИКАО, что было бы невозможно при традиционных методах передачи корректирующей информации. За счет увеличения количества используемых навигационных сигналов повышается эксплуатационная готовность GBAS. Поправки, измеренные дифференциальной станцией для одной пары сигналов в различных диапазонах частот (например, L1OF и L2OF), можно использовать для повышения точности определения местоположения по другим навигационным сигналам (например, L2OC). Трансляция ПЭС также позволяет снизить погрешности GBAS, вызванные возмущениями в ионосфере, путем коррекции дифференциальных поправок на величину разности между ПЭС, измеренной станцией и потребителем при использовании двухчастотного НАП на борту потребителя. Предложенный метод позволяет обнаруживать сильные локальные неоднородности в ионосфере и, соответственно, повышать целостность навигационных определений

    AI and the Ocean: Report on Mikhail Krinitsky's Presentation at AI IN2023 Conference

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    <p>This article covers the presentation by Mikhail Krinitsky, a senior researcher of the Laboratory for Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction and Climate Change Monitoring at the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Oceanology, at the Artificial Intelligence AI IN 2023 conference at the University of Innopolis. Krinitsky introduced a unique perspective on the application of artificial intelligence (AI) methods in Earth sciences. Particular attention is given to the successful utilization of AI in monitoring and research tasks in the field of oceanology, as well as the high-potential capabilities of AI in various monitoring observation tasks, accelerating chamber and field studies, and more accurately assessing factors regulating the dynamics of the atmosphere and ocean. The article also addresses the challenges and issues arising from the application of AI in fundamental sciences, and Krinitsky's team's endeavor to develop methods to enhance the academic community's trust in the results obtained with the help of AI.</p&gt