7 research outputs found

    Pulmonary vascular research institute GoDeep: a meta-registry merging deep phenotyping datafrom international PH reference centers

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    The Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute GoDeep meta-registry is a collaboration of pulmonary hypertension (PH) reference centers across the globe. Merging worldwide PH data in a central meta-registry to allow advanced analysis of the heterogeneity of PH and its groups/subgroups on a worldwide geographical, ethnical, and etiological landscape (ClinTrial. gov NCT05329714). Retrospective and prospective PH patient data (diagnosis based on catheterization; individuals with exclusion of PH are included as a comparator group) are mapped to a common clinical parameter set of more than 350 items, anonymized and electronically exported to a central server. Use and access is decided by the GoDeep steering board, where each center has one vote. As of April 2022, GoDeep comprised 15,742 individuals with 1.9 million data points from eight PH centers. Geographic distribution comprises 3990 enrollees (25%) from America and 11,752 (75%) from Europe. Eighty-nine perecent were diagnosed with PH and 11% were classified as not PH and provided a comparator group. The retrospective observation period is an average of 3.5 years (standard error of the mean 0.04), with 1159 PH patients followed for over 10 years. Pulmonary arterial hypertension represents the largest PH group (42.6%), followed by Group 2 (21.7%), Group 3 (17.3%), Group 4 (15.2%), and Group 5 (3.3%). The age distribution spans several decades, with patients 60 years or older comprising 60%. The majority of patients met an intermediate risk profile upon diagnosis. Data entry from a further six centers is ongoing, and negotiations with >10 centers worldwide have commenced. Using electronic interface-based automated retrospective and prospective data transfer, GoDeep aims to provide in-depth epidemiological and etiological understanding of PH and its various groups/subgroups on a global scale, offering insights for improved management

    Industriekernkraftwerk mit Hochtemperaturreaktor PR 500 - „OTTO-Prinzip" - zur Erzeugung von Prozeßdampf: Abschlußbericht über eine Gemeinschaftsstudie

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    In Zusammenarbeit zwischen der STEAG AG, Essen, und der KFA Jülich wurde diese Studie durchgeführt, um die Eignung des HTR-Systems für die Erzeugung von Prozeßdampf zu untersuchen. Als Wärmequelle wurde ein Kugelhaufenreaktorcore mit Einweg-(OTTO)Beschickung und Loopbauweise der Wärmetauschersysteme gewählt. In diesem Bericht sind eine möglichst detaillierte technische Beschreibung der gesamten Anlage, eine Analyse der sicherheitstechnjschen Eigenschaften sowie Kostenkalkulationen enthalten. Die Studie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, daß aufbauend auf dem heutigen* Kenntnisstand eine solche Anlage selbst bei einer relativ kleinen Leistung von 500 MWth schon fast mit konventionellen Anlagen wirtschaftlich konkurrieren könnte

    Superoxide dismutase activity in transgenic canola

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    Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was investigated in leaves of transgenic canola plants which expressed heterologous genes of different origin, namely 1—herbicide resistance genes (bar and simultaneously bar and epsps); 2—DesC desaturase gene (desC) of cyanobacterium Synechococcus vulcanus; 3—human interferon α2b gene (huIFN-α2b); 4—esxA::fbpBΔTMD fused gene, encoding ESAT-6 and Ag85b Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteins, inducing immune response against tuberculosis; 5—cyp11A1 gene of cytochrome P450SCC from bovine adrenal cortex mitochondria. Introduction of herbicide resistance genes as well as desaturase gene of cyanobacterium and mycobacterium’s genes did not change leaf SOD activity. At the same time it was shown that cyp11A1 and huIFN-α2b canola have increased leaf SOD activity up 58 and 33%, respectively, compared with control ones in non-stress conditions. It may be a prerequisite for improved resistance of these plants to the stressors of different origin.Исследована активность супероксиддисмутазы (СОД (в листьях трансгенных растений рапса, экспрессирующих гетерологичные гены различного происхождения, а именном: 1) гены устойчивости к гербицидам (bar и одновременно bar и epsps); 2) ген де-сатуразы DesC (desC) цианобактерии Synechococcus vulcanus; 3) ген α2b интерферона человека (huIFN-α2b); 4) слитый ген esxA::fbpBΔTMD, кодирующий белки ESAT-6 и Ag85b Mycobacterium tuberculosis, которые индуцируют иммунный ответ против туберкулеза; 5) ген cyp11A1 цитохрома P450SCC митохондрий коры надпочечников быка. Введение генов устойчивости к гербицидам, а также гена десатуразы цианобак-терии и генов микобактерии не изменяло активности СОД в листьях рапса. Вместе с тем показано, что в условиях без стресса у растений с трансгенами cyp11A1 и huIFN-α2b активность СОД повышена до 58 и 33 % соответственно в сравнении с контролем. Это может быть предпосылкой для увеличения их устойчивости к стрессорам различного происхождения.Досліджено активність супероксиддисмутази (СОД) в листках трансгенних рослин ріпаку, що експресують гетерологічні гени різного походження, а саме: 1) гени стійкості до гербіцидів (bar і одночасно bar і epsps); 2) ген десатурази DesC (desC) ціанобактерії Synechococcus vulcanus; 3) ген α2b інтерферона лю-дини (huIFN-α2b); 4) злитий ген esxA::fbpBΔTMD, що кодує білки ESAT-6 і Ag85b Mycobacterium tubercu-losis, які індукують імунну відповідь проти тубер-кульозу; 5) ген cyp11A1 цитохрома P450SCC міто-хондрій кори надниркових залоз великої рогатої худоби. Введення генів стійкості до гербіцидів, а також гена десатурази ціанобактерії та генів мікобактерії не змінювало активності СОД в листках ріпаку. Разом з тим встановлено, що у рослин з трансгенами cyp11A1 і huIFN-α2b в умовах без стресу активність СОД підвищена до 58 і 33 % відповідно в порівнянні з контролем. Це може бути передумовою для підвищення їхньої стійкості до стресорів різного походження

    A noninterventional study to monitor patients with diabetic macular oedema starting treatment with ranibizumab (POLARIS)

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    Purpose: Antivascular endothelial growth factor agents are increasingly used in diabetic macular oedema (DME); however, there are few studies exploring their use in DME in real-world settings. Methods: POLARIS was a noninterventional, multicentre study to monitor 12-month outcomes in patients starting ranibizumab treatment in routine practices. The primary outcome was mean change in visual acuity (VA) from baseline to month 12 (last observation carried forward approach). Other outcomes included mean change in central retinal thickness (CRT) and resource utilization. Visual acuity (VA) outcomes were also stratified by country, baseline visual acuity score (VAS), sex, age and injection frequency. Results: Outcomes were analysed from all treated patients (n = 804) and from first-year completers (patients who had a visual acuity assessment at 12 months; n = 568). The mean (SD) baseline VAS was 59.4 (15.9) letters, and the mean change in visual acuity was 4.4 letters (95% confidence interval: 3.3–5.4) at month 12 (study eye; first-year completers). The mean number of injections (study eye) was 4.9, and the mean number of all visits (any eye) was 10 (58% were injection visits) over 12 months (first-year completers). The mean (SD) baseline CRT was 410.6 (128.8) μm, and the mean change in CRT was −115.2 μm at month 12 (study eye; first-year completers). Visual acuity (VA) outcomes were generally comparable across most countries and subgroups and were greatest in patients with the lowest baseline VAS (≤60 letters). Conclusion: POLARIS showed that real-world outcomes in DME patients starting treatment with ranibizumab were lower than those observed in clinical studies, in spite of extensive monitoring. © 2018 The Authors. Acta Ophthalmologica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation

    3-year results of the German nationwide survey on eye injuries caused by fireworks

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    Background On festive days worldwide eyes are severely injured by fireworks. The data on the number and severity are to date not registered in Germany. Objective How frequent are firework-induced injuries in Germany, who are the affected, how serious are the injuries, which forms of treatment are necessary and how frequent are accompanying injuries? Method A German nationwide online-based survey was carried out in all inpatient eye departments and data over the last 3 consecutive years were descriptively analyzed. Results From New Years Eve 2016/2017, when 41 eye departments sent in data, the participation could be increased to 51 eye departments in 2018/2019. More than one third (33-39%) of all 1356 patients over 3 years were minors, 60% were younger than 25 years old and roughly 60% of patients were injured as bystanders or in an unclear situation. In total 25% of all eye injuries were considered severe and required inpatient treatment. Accompanying injuries of the other eye, the face and hands were more frequent in minors than in adults. Eyeball ruptures were reported in 10 minors and 38 adults over the 3 years. Conclusion Particularly minors and bystanders need better protection