50 research outputs found

    Constructions of identity in Zadie Smith's "On beauty"

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    Zadie Smith ist eine der bekanntesten britischen Nachwuchsautorinnen und erreichte mit ihrem im Jahr 2000 erschienenen Erstlingswerk White Teeth internationale Bekanntheit. Mittlerweile hat die junge Schriftstellerin drei Romane und zahlreiche Kurzgeschichten verfasst und wurde mit namhaften Autoren wie Salman Rushdie verglichen. In ihren Romanen beschĂ€ftigt sich die als Tochter einer Jamaikanerin und eines EnglĂ€nders geborene Smith mit den Problemen einer multikulturellen Gesellschaft. Im Zentrum ihrer Romane steht dabei die IdentitĂ€tssuche von MigrantInnen zweiter und dritter Generation, die zwar in verschiedenen kulturellen RĂ€umen assimiliert sind, sich als Personen mit hybrider IdentitĂ€t aber weder der Herkunftskultur noch der neuen Heimat vollstĂ€ndig zugehörig fĂŒhlen. In dieser Arbeit steht die IdentitĂ€tskonstruktion in Smiths On Beauty im Vordergrund. Ausgehend von Elaine Scarrys philosophischem Essay On beauty and being just wird gezeigt, dass das Schöne den Wunsch der Nachahmung in uns weckt. Jede so entstandene Replik birgt einen Teil der ursprĂŒnglichen Schönheit in sich. Das könnte erklĂ€ren, warum Smith On Beauty als Hommage an Forsters Howards End angelegt hat. Neben zahlreichen Parallelen in Handlung und Struktur zeichnet sich On Beauty durch eine Ă€hnliche Verwendung von Kontrast- und Korrespondenzrelationen aus. So kann etwa gezeigt werden, dass die Charaktere in On Beauty anhand von Gegensatzpaaren wie schwarz/weiß, gebildet/ungebildet oder weiblich/mĂ€nnlich konstruiert sind. Da Zadie Smith mehrfach im Zusammenhang mit anderen postkolonialen Autoren gebracht wurde, wird diskutiert inwiefern Smith in ihrem Roman postkoloniale Ideen verarbeitet. So wurde Zadie Smith etwa als postpostkoloniale Autorin bezeichnet. Hybride IdentitĂ€ten bilden in einer multikulturellen Gesellschaft lĂ€ngst keine Ausnahmeerscheinung mehr, sondern sind prĂ€gend fĂŒr eine moderne, multikulturelle Gesellschaft. Als junge, gebildete Autoren mit multiethnischem Hintergrund verfĂŒgen Schriftstellerinnen wie Zadie Smith oder Meera Syal ĂŒber interkulturelle Kompetenzen, die es ihnen erlauben, uns Einblick in ihre Ursprungskultur zu geben. IdentitĂ€t ist aber vielfach geprĂ€gt und definiert sich nicht nur ĂŒber ethnische Zugehörigkeit. Daher wird IdentitĂ€t im Hauptteil vorliegender Arbeit sowohl in ethnische als auch persönliche, nationale, weibliche und soziale IdentitĂ€t gegliedert und IdentitĂ€tskonstruktion in On Beauty unter den jeweils verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten behandelt. Eine besondere Rolle spielt dabei auch die Klassenzugehörigkeit, die sehr oft mit der ethnischen Herkunft korreliert. Grundlegend bleibt aber, dass sich IdentitĂ€t vor allem durch Abgrenzung von dem 'Anderen' herausbildet. In diesem Zusammenhang wird Homi Bhabha und seine Theorie der hybriden IdentitĂ€t vorgestellt. Da Smith fĂŒr ihren Roman das universitĂ€re Umfeld gewĂ€hlt hat und der Hauptprotagonist Howard Belsey Kunstprofessor ist, stellt sich zudem die Frage, inwiefern sich die Figuren des Romans durch ihr VerstĂ€ndnis von Schönheit unterscheiden und wie die Wahrnehmung von Schönheit ihre IdentitĂ€t prĂ€gt

    Gemeinden und Unternehmen sagen Ja zu Kindern

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    GEMEINDEN UND UNTERNEHMEN SAGEN JA ZU KINDERN Gemeinden und Unternehmen sagen Ja zu Kindern / LĂŒbking, Uwe (Rights reserved) ( -

    Lotharmeyerite, Ca(Zn,Mn)2(AsO4)2(H2O,OH)2

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    Lotharmeyerite, calcium bis­(zinc/manganese) bis­(arsenate) bis­(hydroxide/hydrate), Ca(Zn,Mn3+)2(AsO4)2(H2O,OH)2, is a member of the natrochalcite group of minerals, which are characterized by the general formula AM 2(XO4)2(H2O,OH)2, where A may be occupied by Pb2+, Ca2+, Na+, and Bi3+, M by Fe3+, Mn3+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Al3+, and Mg2+, and X by PV, AsV, VV, and SVI. The minerals in the group display either monoclinic or triclinic symmetry, depending on the ordering of chemical components in the M site. Based on single-crystal X-ray diffraction data of a sample from the type locality, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico, this study presents the first structure determination of lotharmeyerite. Lotharmeyerite is isostructural with natrochalcite and tsumcorite. The structure is composed of rutile-type chains of edge-shared MO6 octa­hedra (site symmetry ) extending along [010], which are inter­connected by XO4 tetra­hedra (site symmetry 2) and hydrogen bonds to form [M 2(XO4)2(OH,H2O)2] sheets parallel to (001). These sheets are linked by the larger A cations (site symmetry 2/m), as well as by hydrogen bonds. Bond-valence sums for the M cation, calculated with the parameters for Mn3+ and Mn2+ are 2.72 and 2.94 v.u., respectively, consistent with the occupation of the M site by Mn3+. Two distinct hydrogen bonds are present, one with O⋯O = 2.610 (4) Å and the other O⋯O = 2.595 (3) Å. One of the H-atom positions is disordered over two sites with 50% occupancy, in agreement with observations for other natrochalcite-type minerals, such as natrochalcite and tsumcorite

    Ab-initio prediction of structuring / mesoscale inhomogeneities in surfactant-free microemulsions and hydrogen-bonding-free microemulsions

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    In this paper, we consider the influence of H-bond donor and acceptor functionalities on the formation of mesoscale inhomogeneities in ternary systems. It was found that hydrogen-bonding re-enforces such structures, but is not necessarily a prerequisite for the occurrence of mesoscale, microemulsion-like structuring in ternary surfactant-free microemulsions (SFME) and consequently, hydrogen-bonding-free microemulsions (HBFME) exist. The evaluated ternary systems were investigated by means of dynamic light scattering (DLS) and computer-based calculation methods. Theoretical COSMO-RS based calculations were applied to provide an explanation for different hydrotropic efficiencies, and COSMOplex calculations were used to predict and evaluate the propensity of the molecules to form mesoscale structures in SFME and HBFME. Microemulsion-like fluctuations could be observed in the COSMOplex simulations and correlate fairly well with the appearance of mesoscopic structures observed in SFME and HBFME, although the free energy differences in the formation of aggregate structures in the investigated systems are very small, in the range of 0.05 kcal mol(-1)

    The impact of the structuring of hydrotropes in water on the mesoscale solubilisation of a third hydrophobic component

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    In the present contribution, the pre-structuring of binary mixtures of hydrotropes and H2O is linked to the solubilisation of poorly water miscible compounds. We have chosen a series of short-chain alcohols as hydrotropes and benzyl alcohol, limonene and a hydrophobic azo-dye (Disperse Red 13) as organic compounds to be dissolved. A very weak pre-structuring is found for ethanol/H2O and 2-propanol/H2O mixtures. Pre-structuring is most developed for binary 1-propanol/H2O and tert-butanol/H2O mixtures and supports the bicontinuity model of alcohol-rich and water-rich domains as already postulated by Anisimov et al. Such a pre-structuring leads to a high solubilisation power for poorly water miscible components (limonene and Disperse Red, characterized by high octanol/water partition coefficients, log(P) values of 4.5 and 4.85), whereas a very weak pre-structuring leads to a high solubilisation power for slightly water miscible components (benzyl alcohol). This difference in solubilisation power can be linked to (i) the formation of mesoscale structures in the cases of ethanol and 2-propanol and (ii) the extension of pre-structures in the cases of 1-propanol and tert-butanol. Three different solubilisation mechanisms could be identified: bulk solubilisation, interface solubilisation and a combination of both. These supramolecular structures in binary and ternary systems were investigated by small-and-wide-angle X-ray and neutron scattering, dynamic light scattering and conductivity measurements (in the presence of small amounts of salt)

    Dispersal limitation, eutrophication and propagule pressure constrain the conservation value of grassland green infrastructure

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    Semi-natural grasslands harbour many of Europe's species of conservation interest. Although larger grasslands are the focus of most conservation activity, many grassland fragments are scattered across landscapes –in small patches or along linear elements– which can form Grassland Green Infrastructure (GGI). GGI has the potential to enhance landscape diversity by creating functioning metacommunities comprising of large semi-natural grasslands and these surrounding fragments. While often highlighted in conservation policy, little is known about the biodiversity supported by green infrastructure itself and thus its conservation potential. To address this issue, we contrasted plant communities in 36 ‘core’ grassland sites across three European countries with communities in the surrounding GGI. We related compositional differences to amount and type of GGI habitat (patches or linear), and the distances for seed dispersal by livestock from core sites. We found substantial differences between the GGI and the core sites, with a mean 54% species turn-over. These differences indicated filtering of stress tolerant species characteristic of low nutrient conditions, and semi-natural grassland specialists. Species with poorer dispersal abilities declined strongly with increasing distances from the core sites. The many additional species in the GGI, not found in the core sites, were predominantly those with a competitive strategy and high seed dispersal ability. We conclude that the biodiversity-supporting role of GGI across Europe is severely constrained by eutrophication, dispersal limitation and external propagule pressure. Actions to improve the quality of GGI might include enhancing dispersal by livestock combined with more type-diversification and less intensively used grassland habitats