1,715 research outputs found

    COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: A Glaciochemical Record of Natural and Anthropengic Environmental Change in the Northwestern North American Arctic

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    This is a collaborative proposal between the Universities of New Hampshire and Maine and the Geological Survey of Canada. This Office of International Science and Engineering is contributing to this award. The Principal Investigators will recover two ice cores the Eclipse Icefield (3100 meters) in the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon Territory, Canada in cooperation with the Geological Survey of Canada in 2002. The core will be analyzed for stable isotopes, major ions, trace elements, rare earth elements and persistent organic pollutants. The Eclipse record will provide, for the first time, detailed depositional histories of a wide variety of pollutants during the last 200 years in the remote northwest North American Arctic. Through the use of unique chemical tracers, the Principal Investigators will be able to identify source regions for these pollutants, changes in source regions with time, and the role of atmospheric circulation in controlling contaminant distributions in the northwest North American Arctic. The detailed multi-parameter record of natural and anthropogenic change will result in a greatly improved record of climate and environmental change for a region in which very few records currently exist

    COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Drillsite Reconnaissance and Snow Chemistry Survey in Denali National Park

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    This is a collaborative proposal by Principal Investigators from the Universities of New Hampshire (UNH) and Maine. Understanding the mechanisms responsible for interannual to decadal-scale climate variability during the late Holocene remains a fundamental research problem in Arctic science. The Principal Investigator\u27s will: 1) perform a detailed reconnaissance to identify suitable locations in Denali National Park (DNP) from which to recover and develop high resolution ice core records; and (2) develop detailed snow chemistry records that document the spatial (both horizontally and vertically) and seasonal variation of major ion and trace element deposition in the region. This will be the first step toward recovering surface-to-bedrock ice cores from DNP that can be used to reconstruct central Alaskan climate change over the last several thousand years. To determine the optimal drill site in DNP, our field season is devoted to reconnaissance activities at two or potential drilling locations, including ground penetrating radar profiles, GPS grid surveys, and sample collection from snowpit and shallow firn cores. All snow and firn samples will be analyzed for stable water isotopes (18O and D), major ions (Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, NH4+, Cl-, NO4 -, SO42-), trace elements (Al, Fe, Pb, Zn, Hg, Cd, Cu, V, Mn, Ni, As, Se), and rare earth elements (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb, Lu).Intellectual merit: The proposed suite of measurements will provide the most detailed data quantifying the spatial gradients in snow accumulation and snow chemistry above 3000 m in the region, as well as identifying the elevation above which strong seasonal signals in snow chemistry are preserved. In addition to providing them with critical data to select the optimal site(s) from which to recover surface-to-bedrock ice cores, the data set can be sued to answer a variety of questions including the following: What is the relative flux of pollutants in DNP compared to other glaciers across the Arctic? What is the primary pollution source for metals deposited in DNP? Is there a seasonal fluctuation in pollution sources and concentrations? What is the pollution signature of local (mountaineering) activities on Denali?Broader impacts of the proposed research: Research results will contribute to an improved understanding of the spatial and seasonal variation in snow accumulation and snow chemistry in DNP. The results will be used in undergraduate and graduate courses at U of Maine and UNH, and will be disseminated to the general public via established outreach programs at both institutions. Two graduate students will be trained as part of this project, and undergraduate students will be involved in the research at both institutions. Finally, the Principal Investigators will collaborate on the development of outreach products with Murie Science and Learning Center in DNP through a proposal they will be submitting to Discover Denali Research Fellowship Program

    Acquisition of a High Resolution ICP-MS for Environmental Research and Training in Maine

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    This award provides support to significantly enhance the elemental and isotopic analysis capabilities at the University of Maine through the acquisition of a high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (HR-ICP-MS). The HR-ICP-MS will enable environmental scientists and students at UMaine, as well as other educational institutions and state agencies, to substantially broaden their interdisciplinary research interests far beyond the current possibilities. Specifically, a state-of-the-art HR-ICP-MS will enable the PIs to: 1) Dramatically expand our element concentration and element ratio analysis capabilities in aqueous matrices. Existing UMaine research strengths in Quaternary science, environmental geochemistry, and marine biogeochemistry rely upon accurate elemental determinations at part-per-trillion and part-per-quadrillion levels. Each of these programs requires the sensitivity and low detection limits offered by HR-ICP-MS to perform multi-elemental analyses without time-consuming pre-concentration protocols; and 2) Perform rapid and highly precise elemental isotope ratio determinations, or constrain isotope ratios sufficiently for primary processes to be inferred. Isotope measurements made with the HR-ICP-MS will be immediately used in several ongoing projects investigating pollutant source and transport, biogeochemical processes, and climate variability. We will develop a HR-ICP-MS Facility in the Sawyer Environmental Research Center at UMaine for use as a regional resource. We plan to acquire a Finnigan ELEMENT2, the only commercially available high resolution single collector ICP-MS. In addition to its primary research focus, the HR-ICP-MS will be used in a range of undergraduate and graduate programs at UMaine. Integration of research and education will occur through graduate theses, undergraduate courses, and independent undergraduate research projects under the Honors Program and Capstone Experience program

    Collaborative Research: Paleoclimate and Glaciological Recontructions in Central Asia

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    This project resulted in the collection of two intermediate-length (165 m) ice cores from the Inilchek Glacier, Central Tien Shan Mountains, Kyrgyzstan, during July/August 2000 with colleagues from UCSB, UNH, and the USGS. In addition, precipitation, fresh snow, surface snow, and aerosol samples were collected on the glacier and in the Inilchek Valley to assess atmospheric chemistry and deposition processes. The overall goal of the project (including a pending NSF/DOE proposal) is to develop high-resolution paleoclimatic records covering the last 1000-2000 years, which will be calibrated with meteorological data from the robust station network in the former Soviet Central Asian countries

    Limited migration of soluble ionic species in a Siple Dome, Antarctica, ice core

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    High-resolution (\u3e10 samples a−1) glaciochemical analyses covering the last 110 years from a Siplc Dome, Antarctica, ire core reveal limited migration of certain soluble ionic species (methane sulfonic acid, NO3 − and Mg2+). The observed chemical migration may be due in part to seasonal alternation between less acidic winter (from high sea-salt concentrations) and more acidic summer (from high marine biogenic acid concentrations) layers, common at coastal siles such as Siplc Dome. Exact mechanisms to expla in the migration are unclear, although simple diffusion and gravitational movement are unlikely since new peaks are formed where none previously existed in each case. Initial migration of each species is both shallower and earlier at Siple Dome than at other sites in Antarctica where similar phenomena have been observed, which may be related to the relatively low accumulation rate at Siple Dome (~13.3 cm ice a−1). Migration appears to be limited to either the preceding or following seasonal layer for each species, suggesting that paleoclimatic interpretations based on dala with lower than annual resolution are not likely to be affected

    Ro-vibrational analysis of the trans-C2H2D2 molecule in region of 1450-1650 CM-1

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    Present work is a continuation of our extensive high resolution study of ethylene. Ro-vibrational spectrum of the trans-C2H2D2 molecule has been recorded in the region of 1450-1650 cm-1 where the hybrid v7 + v8 band is located. The Ground State Combination Differences method is used for the spectra assignment. As a result more than 600 transitions of a- and b-types were founded belonging to the v7 + v8 band. Energy structure of the (v7 = v8 = 1, Bu) state is determined on the basis of assigned transitions. Further, for the inverse spectroscopic problem solution the Effective Hamiltonian model taking into account Coriolis-type interactions between states (v7 = v8 = 1, Bu) and (ν8 = ν10 = 1, Au) is used. The obtained set of spectroscopic parameters allows us to reproduce experimental data with the mean accuracy, comparable with the experimental uncertainty in line position

    Constraining recent lead pollution sources in the North Pacific using ice core stable lead isotopes

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    Trends and sources of lead (Pb) aerosol pollution in the North Pacific rim of North America from 1850 to 2001 are investigated using a high-resolution (subannual to annual) ice core record recovered from Eclipse Icefield (3017 masl; St. Elias Mountains, Canada). Beginning in the early 1940s, increasing Pb concentration at Eclipse Icefield occurs coevally with anthropogenic Pb deposition in central Greenland, suggesting that North American Pb pollution may have been in part or wholly responsible in both regions. Isotopic ratios (208Pb/207Pb and 206Pb/207Pb) from 1970 to 2001 confirm that a portion of the Pb deposited at Eclipse Icefield is anthropogenic, and that it represents a variable mixture of East Asian (Chinese and Japanese) emissions transported eastward across the Pacific Ocean and a North American component resulting from transient meridional atmospheric flow. Based on comparison with source material Pb isotope ratios, Chinese and North American coal combustion have likely been the primary sources of Eclipse Icefield Pb over the 1970–2001 time period. The Eclipse Icefield Pb isotope composition also implies that the North Pacific mid-troposphere is not directly impacted by transpolar atmospheric flow from Europe. Annually averaged Pb concentrations in the Eclipse Icefield ice core record show no long-term trend during 1970–2001; however, increasing 208Pb/207Pb and decreasing 206Pb/207Pb ratios reflect the progressive East Asian industrialization and increase in Asian pollutant outflow. The post-1970 decrease in North American Pb emissions is likely necessary to explain the Eclipse Icefield Pb concentration time series. When compared with low (lichen) and high (Mt. Logan ice core) elevation Pb data, the Eclipse ice core record suggests a gradual increase in pollutant deposition and stronger trans-Pacific Asian contribution with rising elevation in the mountains of the North Pacific rim

    The effect of spatial and temporal accumulation rate variability in west Antarctica on soluble ion deposition

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    Annually‐dated snowpit and ice core records from two areas of West Antarctica are used to investigate spatial accumulation patterns and to evaluate temporal accumulation rate/glaciochemical concentration and flux relationships. Mean accumulation rate gradients in Marie Byrd Land (11–23 gcm−2yr−1 over 150 km, decreasing to the south) and Siple Dome (10–18 gcm−2yr−1 over 60 km, decreasing to the south) are consistent for at least the last several decades, and demonstrate the influence of the offshore quasi‐permanent Amundsen Sea low pressure system on moisture flux into the region. Local and regional‐scale topography in both regions appears to affect orographic lifting, air mass trajectories, and accumulation distribution. Linear regression of mean annual soluble ion concentration and flux data vs. accumulation rates in both regions indicates that 1) concentrations are independent of and thus not a rescaling of accumulation rate time‐series, and 2) chemical flux to the ice sheet surface is mainly via wet deposition, and changes in atmospheric concentration play a significant role. We therefore suggest that, in the absence of detailed air/snow transfer models, ice core chemical concentration and not flux time‐series provide a better estimate of past aerosol loading in West Antarctica

    Dry Valleys Late Holocene Climate Variability

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    This award supports a project to collect and develop high-resolution ice core records from the Dry Valleys region of Antarctica, and provide interpretations of interannual to decadal-scale climate variability during the last 2000 years (late Holocene). The project will test hypotheses related to ocean/atmosphere teleconnections (e.g., El Nino Southern Oscillation, Antarctic Oscillation) that may be responsible for major late Holocene climate events such as the Little Ice Age in the Southern Hemisphere. Conceptual and quantitative models of these processes in the Dry Valleys during the late Holocene are critical for understanding recent climate changes, and represent the main scientific merit of the project. We plan to collect intermediate-length ice cores (100-200m) at four sites along transects in Taylor Valley and Wright Valley, and analyze each core at high resolution for stable isotopes (d18O, dD), major ions (Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, NH4+, Cl-, NO3-, SO42-, MSA), and trace elements (Al, Fe, S, Sr, B). A suite of statistical techniques will be applied to the multivariate glaciochemical dataset to identify chemical associations and to calibrate the time-series records with available instrumental data. Broader impacts of the project include: 1) contributions to several ongoing interdisciplinary Antarctic research programs; 2) graduate and undergraduate student involvement in field, laboratory, and data interpretation activities; 3) use of project data and ideas in several UMaine courses and outreach activities; and 4) data dissemination through peer-reviewed publications, UMaine and other paleoclimate data archive websites, and presentations at national and international meetings

    GPR Reflection Profiles of Clark and Commonwealth Glaciers, Dry Valleys, Antarctica

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    Englacial horizons deeper than 100 m are absent within 100 MHz ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surface profiles we recorded on Clark and Commonwealth Glaciers in the Antarctic Dry Valleys region. Both glaciers show continuous bottom horizons to 280 m, with bottom signal-to-noise ratios near 30 dB. Density horizons should fade below 50 m depth because impermeable ice occurred by 36 m. Folding within Commonwealth Glacier could preclude radar strata beneath about 80 m depth, but there is no significant folding within Clark Glacier. Strong sulfate concentrations and contrasts exist in our shallow ice core. However, it appears that high background concentration levels, and possible decreased concentration contrasts with depth placed their corresponding reflection coefficients at the limit of, or below, our system sensitivity by about 77 m depth. Further verification of this conclusion awaits processing of our deep-core chemistry profiles