6,346 research outputs found

    Separated Oscillatory Fields for High-Precision Penning Trap Mass Spectrometry

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    Ramsey's method of separated oscillatory fields is applied to the excitation of the cyclotron motion of short-lived ions in a Penning trap to improve the precision of their measured mass. The theoretical description of the extracted ion-cyclotron-resonance line shape is derived out and its correctness demonstrated experimentally by measuring the mass of the short-lived 38^{38}Ca nuclide with an uncertainty of 1.6⋅10−81.6\cdot 10^{-8} using the ISOLTRAP Penning trap mass spectrometer at CERN. The mass value of the superallowed beta-emitter 38^{38}Ca is an important contribution for testing the conserved-vector-current hypothesis of the electroweak interaction. It is shown that the Ramsey method applied to mass measurements yields a statistical uncertainty similar to that obtained by the conventional technique ten times faster.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 0 table

    CSF lactate dehydrogenase activity in patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease exceeds that in other dementias

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    The diagnosis of Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease (CJD) is still made by exclusion of other dementias. We now evaluated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as a possible additional diagnostic tool. CSF LDH levels of patients with CJD ( n = 26) were compared with those in other dementias ( n = 28). LDH isoenzymes were determined in a subset ( n = 9). Total LDH and isoenzyme LDH-1 were significantly higher, whereas the fractions of LDH-2 and LDH-3 were significantly lower in CJD patients. We conclude that in addition to established CSF parameters, LDH and its isoenzymes might serve as a further help to discriminate between CJD and other dementias. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Topological Transitions in Metamaterials

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    The ideas of mathematical topology play an important role in many aspects of modern physics - from phase transitions to field theory to nonlinear dynamics (Nakahara M (2003) in Geometry, Topology and Physics, ed Brewer DF (IOP Publishing Ltd, Bristol and Philadelphia), Monastryskiy M (1987) in Riemann Topology and Physics, (Birkhauser Verlag AG)). An important example of this is the Lifshitz transition (Lifshitz IM (1960) Anomalies of electron characteristics of a metal in the high-pressure region, Sov Phys JETP 11: 1130-1135), where the transformation of the Fermi surface of a metal from a closed to an open geometry (due to e.g. external pressure) leads to a dramatic effect on the electron magneto-transport (Kosevich AM (2004) Topology and solid-state physics. Low Temp Phys 30: 97-118). Here, we present the optical equivalent of the Lifshitz transition in strongly anisotropic metamaterials. When one of the components of the dielectric permittivity tensor of such a composite changes sign, the corresponding iso-frequency surface transforms from an ellipsoid to a hyperboloid. Since the photonic density of states can be related to the volume enclosed by the iso-frequency surface, such a topological transition in a metamaterial leads to a dramatic change in the photonic density of states, with a resulting effect on every single physical parameter related to the metamaterial - from thermodynamic quantities such as its equilibrium electromagnetic energy to the nonlinear optical response to quantum-electrodynamic effects such as spontaneous emission. In the present paper, we demonstrate the modification of spontaneous light emission from quantum dots placed near the surface of the metamaterial undergoing the topological Lifshitz transition, and present the theoretical description of the effect

    Link and subgraph likelihoods in random undirected networks with fixed and partially fixed degree sequence

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    The simplest null models for networks, used to distinguish significant features of a particular network from {\it a priori} expected features, are random ensembles with the degree sequence fixed by the specific network of interest. These "fixed degree sequence" (FDS) ensembles are, however, famously resistant to analytic attack. In this paper we introduce ensembles with partially-fixed degree sequences (PFDS) and compare analytic results obtained for them with Monte Carlo results for the FDS ensemble. These results include link likelihoods, subgraph likelihoods, and degree correlations. We find that local structural features in the FDS ensemble can be reasonably well estimated by simultaneously fixing only the degrees of few nodes, in addition to the total number of nodes and links. As test cases we use a food web, two protein interaction networks (\textit{E. coli, S. cerevisiae}), the internet on the autonomous system (AS) level, and the World Wide Web. Fixing just the degrees of two nodes gives the mean neighbor degree as a function of node degree, k_k, in agreement with results explicitly obtained from rewiring. For power law degree distributions, we derive the disassortativity analytically. In the PFDS ensemble the partition function can be expanded diagrammatically. We obtain an explicit expression for the link likelihood to lowest order, which reduces in the limit of large, sparse undirected networks with LL links and with kmax≪Lk_{\rm max} \ll L to the simple formula P(k,k′)=kk′/(2L+kk′)P(k,k') = kk'/(2L + kk'). In a similar limit, the probability for three nodes to be linked into a triangle reduces to the factorized expression PΔ(k1,k2,k3)=P(k1,k2)P(k1,k3)P(k2,k3)P_{\Delta}(k_1,k_2,k_3) = P(k_1,k_2)P(k_1,k_3)P(k_2,k_3).Comment: 17 pages, includes 11 figures; first revision: shortened to 14 pages (7 figures), added discussion of subgraph counts, deleted discussion of directed network

    Development of a quantitative PCR assay for the detection and enumeration of a potentially ciguatoxin-producing dinoflagellate, Gambierdiscus lapillus (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae)

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    © 2019 Public Library of Science. All rights reserved. Ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) is an illness contracted through the ingestion of seafood containing ciguatoxins. It is prevalent in tropical regions worldwide, including in Australia. Ciguatoxins are produced by some species of Gambierdiscus. Therefore, screening of Gambierdiscus species identification through quantitative PCR (qPCR), along with the determination of species toxicity, can be useful in monitoring potential ciguatera risk in these regions. In Australia, CFP is prevalent in tropical Queensland and increasingly in sub-tropical regions of Australia, but has a report rate of approximately 10%. Yet the identity, distribution and abundance of ciguatoxin producing Gambierdiscus spp. is largely unknown. In this study, we developed a rapid qPCR assay to quantify the presence and abundance of Gambierdiscus lapillus, a likely ciguatoxic species first described from Australia. We assessed the specificity and efficiency of the qPCR assay. The assay was tested on 25 environmental samples from the Heron Island reef in the southern Great Barrier Reef, a ciguatera endemic region, to determine the presence and patchiness of this species across samples from Chnoospora sp., Padina sp. and Sargassum sp. macroalgal hosts

    Impact of early-stage HIV transmission on treatment as prevention

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    Timely HIV treatment improves health (1) and reduces transmission (2). These individual- level benefits of HIV treatment for both clinical and preventive purposes are well established, but several questions remain about the population-level impact of HIV treatment as prevention (3). In PNAS, Eaton and Hallett (4) use a mathematical model to address one such question: Does the proportion of transmission during early HIV infection affect the impact of HIV treatment on HIV incidence

    Path integrals on a flux cone

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    This paper considers the Schroedinger propagator on a cone with the conical singularity carrying magnetic flux (``flux cone''). Starting from the operator formalism and then combining techniques of path integration in polar coordinates and in spaces with constraints, the propagator and its path integral representation are derived. "Quantum correction" in the Lagrangian appears naturally and no a priori assumption is made about connectivity of the configuration space.Comment: LaTeX file, 9 page

    Trial by phylogenetics - Evaluating the Multi-Species Coalescent for phylogenetic inference on taxa with high levels of paralogy (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae)

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    ABSTRACT From publicly available next-gen sequencing datasets of non-model organisms, such as marine protists, arise opportunities to explore their evolutionary relationships. In this study we explored the effects that dataset and model selection have on the phylogenetic inference of the Gonyaulacales, single celled marine algae of the phylum Dinoflagellata with genomes that show extensive paralogy. We developed a method for identifying and extracting single copy genes from RNA-seq libraries and compared phylogenies inferred from these single copy genes with those inferred from commonly used genetic markers and phylogenetic methods. Comparison of two datasets and three different phylogenetic models showed that exclusive use of ribosomal DNA sequences, maximum likelihood and gene concatenation showed very different results to that obtained with the multi-species coalescent. The multi-species coalescent has recently been recognized as being robust to the inclusion of paralogs, including hidden paralogs present in single copy gene sets (pseudoorthologs). Comparisons of model fit strongly favored the multi-species coalescent for these data, over a concatenated alignment (single tree) model. Our findings suggest that the multi-species coalescent (inferred either via Maximum Likelihood or Bayesian Inference) should be considered for future phylogenetic studies of organisms where accurate selection of orthologs is difficult

    Thermodynamic properties of sea air

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    Very accurate thermodynamic potential functions are available for fluid water, ice, seawater and humid air covering wide ranges of temperature and pressure conditions. They permit the consistent computation of all equilibrium properties as, for example, required for coupled atmosphere-ocean models or the analysis of observational or experimental data. With the exception of humid air, these potential functions are already formulated as international standards released by the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS), and have been adopted in 2009 for oceanography by IOC/UNESCO. <br><br> In this paper, we derive a collection of formulas for important quantities expressed in terms of the thermodynamic potentials, valid for typical phase transitions and composite systems of humid air and water/ice/seawater. Particular attention is given to equilibria between seawater and humid air, referred to as "sea air" here. In a related initiative, these formulas will soon be implemented in a source-code library for easy practical use. The library is primarily aimed at oceanographic applications but will be relevant to air-sea interaction and meteorology as well. <br><br> The formulas provided are valid for any consistent set of suitable thermodynamic potential functions. Here we adopt potential functions from previous publications in which they are constructed from theoretical laws and empirical data; they are briefly summarized in the appendix. The formulas make use of the full accuracy of these thermodynamic potentials, without additional approximations or empirical coefficients. They are expressed in the temperature scale ITS-90 and the 2008 Reference-Composition Salinity Scale
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