32 research outputs found
Hemangiosarcoma in the Vastus Lateralis Musculature of a Bitch - Sonographic Findings
Background: A 10-year-old spayed bitch with hip dysplasia was referred for periarticular ultrasound evaluation. A poorly marginated structure of mixed echogenicity, predominantly hypoechoic, with heterogeneous echotexture, was identified in the vastus lateralis muscle of the right pelvic limb with increased stiffness, assessed using acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) elastography, compared to that of the adjacent muscle tissues, and intense vascularization by pulsed Doppler and contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS). Guided biopsy was performed to confirm the diagnosis of hemangiosarcoma. The objective of this study was to describe B-mode ultrasound, CEUS, and ARFI findings of hemangiosarcoma in the vastus lateralis musculature of a dog.
Case: A 10-year-old spayed bitch Golden Retriever weighing 36 kg was evaluated for pelvic limb lameness. The patient presented with bilateral pain during hip extension. The primary diagnostic suspicion was degenerative joint disease and secondary hip dysplasia. The patient was referred for imaging evaluation of the hip joints (radiography and ultrasound) under anesthesia. Right lateral and ventrodorsal projections with the pelvic limbs extended were obtained to confirm the diagnosis. In the right pelvic limb, an amorphous hypoechoic structure with irregular contours and heterogeneous echotexture was observed in the vastus lateralis muscle. In ARFI elastography, it was possible to identify differences in tissue stiffness between healthy and compromised portions. Pulsed-wave Doppler evaluation demonstrated an arterial waveform pattern with a peak systolic velocity of 38.8 cm/s, end-diastolic velocity of 6.9 cm/s, pulsatility index of 1.76, and resistive index of 0.82. CEUS study identified a mean peak of 27.26 %, mean time to peak of 39.95 s, and mean transmission time of 49.96 s. The popliteal lymph node was hyperechoic and heterogeneous in B-mode. In ARFI elastography, the average stiffness was 2.52 m/s, and the CEUS obtained an average peak of 19.98%, average time to peak of 17.52 s, and mean transit time of 22.83 s. Doppler assessment revealed no clear vascularization in the lymph node. Thoracic radiography in 3 projections and abdominal ultrasonography were performed. Radiographic evidence of pulmonary nodules was not observed. On abdominal ultrasound evaluation, it was possible to identify changes in the spleen, which presented with splenomegaly, mixed echogenicity, and heterogeneous echotexture. The animal underwent ultrasound-guided muscle biopsy, which confirmed the presence of hemangiosarcoma in the muscle. The dog was referred for splenectomy and lymphadenectomy of the right popliteal, which confirmed neoplastic involvement of the same neoplasm.
Discussion: On B-mode ultrasound, the observed changes were similar to those in a report of hemangiosarcoma in the muscles of the chest wall in dogs, which contributed to the diagnosis. Although it was only one patient, ARFI elastography results suggest that muscle hemangiosarcoma tends to follow the same elastographic characteristics as malignant lesions in other tissues. Additionally, the popliteal lymph node had a stiffness suggestive of malignancy (mean 2.52 m/s) because it presented a similar result and greater elasticity of metastatic axillary lymph nodes in female dogs (>2.5 m/s) and women (> 1.44 m/s) with breast tumor. With CEUS, it was possible to identify vascularization in the sentinel lymph node that was not visible by pulsed Doppler, and in muscle mass. The findings of this report provided relevant results on muscle hemangiosarcoma in a dog and demonstrated that the information obtained with the association of imaging methods supported the malignancy criteria described in other studies.
Keywords: canine, imaging, diagnosis, neoplasm
The hip joint is composed of two osteoarticular structures: the acetabular cavity and the femur. Dysplasia is one of the most frequent orthopedic diseases in this region and mainly affects large dogs. It is characterized by joint laxity, abnormal hip formation and degenerative joint disease. It presents high heritability and environmental factors contribute to phenotypic expression and the severity of the disorder. Claudication, pain, and reduced range of motion of the joint are the main clinical signs, however, the clinical presentation can be variable. Pelvic radiography and clinical evaluation are the main methods to diagnose the disease. Countless radiographic techniques can be used in the diagnosis. The ventrodorsal projection of the hip with extended hind limbs is used by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA), Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and British Veterinary Association/Kennel Club (BVA/KC). However, the Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program (PennHIP), Dorsolateral Subluxation Score (DLS), Flückiger Subluxation Index and Dorsal Acetabular Kidney methods use other projections and evaluate joint laxity in order to diagnose this condition early. The aim of this work is to describe the main radiographic methodologies used for the evaluation and diagnosis of hip dysplasia in dogs, as well as their advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of each technique.A articulação coxofemoral é composta por duas estruturas osteoarticulares: a cavidade acetabular e o fêmur. A displasia é uma das doenças ortopédicas mais frequentes desta região e acomete, principalmente, cães de grande porte. A displasia é uma das doenças ortopédicas mais frequentes dessa região e acomete, principalmente, animais de grande porte. É caracterizada por frouxidão articular, formação anormal do quadril e doença articular degenerativa. Apresenta alta herdabilidade e os fatores ambientais contribuem para a expressão fenotípica e a gravidade do distúrbio. Claudicação, dor e redução na amplitude do movimento da articulação são os principais sinais clínicos, no entanto, a apresentação clínica pode ser variável. A radiografia pélvica e a avaliação clínica são os principais métodos para se diagnosticar a doença. Inúmeras técnicas radiográficas podem ser utilizadas no diagnóstico. A projeção ventrodorsal do quadril com os membros posteriores estendidos é usada pela Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA), Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) e British Veterinary Association/Kennel Club (BVA/KC). Contudo, os métodos Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program (PennHIP), Dorsolateral Subluxation Score (DLS), Flückiger Subluxation Index e Dorsal Acetabular Rim utilizam outras projeções e avaliam a frouxidão articular com intuito de diagnóstico precoce desta afecção. Objetivou-se com este artigo descrever as principais metodologias radiográficas utilizadas para avaliação e diagnóstico da displasia coxofemoral em cães, bem como suas vantagens, desvantagens e limitações de cada técnica
Coloboma Eyelid In Cats - Treatment with Carbon Dioxide Cryosurgery
Background: Eyelid colobomas are congenital and developmental disorders. Generally, they affect the temporal portion of the upper eyelids of cats, bilaterally. This ocular defect is accompanied by trichiasis associated with pain and ulcerative keratitis. Any breed can be affected and it has been reported in Domestic Shorthair, Persian, Burmese, Mongrel cats and captive felids. The objective of this case report is to describe the technique of dioxide carbon cryosurgery for the treatment of eyelid coloboma in felines.Cases: Seven mongrel cats (14 eyes) with bilateral eyelid coloboma were included in this study, 5 females and 2 males, with a median age of 5 months (range 6-8 months). The patients presented with blepharospasm, bilateral mucopurulent ocular discharge and eyelid coloboma extension of 30-50% in the upper eyelid, resulting in severe trichiasis of both eyes. In 5 cats, 1 or both eyes were diagnosed with keratitis and superficial corneal ulcers. Surgical treatment with general anaesthesia was applied. The pre anaesthesia protocol included acepromazine 0.05 mg/kg with methadone 0.2 mg/kg, followed by intravenous propofol and maintenance with isoflurane and oxygen. An ophthalmological cryocautery unit was utilised with carbon dioxide as the cryogenic agent and a retinal cryoprobe of 3.2 mm diameter tip, reaching -50ºC for the procedure. The method used was a double cycle of freezing and thawing for 60 s in the margins of eyelid agenesis. Epilation of hairs was made after freezing with eyelash tweezers. Immediately after the surgical procedure, an Elizabethan collar was placed to safeguard the area and anti-inflammatory therapy with meloxicam 0.1 mg/kg once daily for 3 days was prescribed. Antibiotic ointment every 6 h (chloramphenicol and associations) was also prescribed for topical application. Two weeks post-operatively, hyperaemia, oedema and skin wounds at the margins were observed. After 30 days these clinical signs were minimal. No signs of pain were observed post-operatively. The follow-up was 90 days and the trichiasis was resolved in all cats.Discussion: Usually, young cats are affected with eyelid colobomas. The age of the patients in this study was between 6-8 months. Eyelid colobomas are repaired with a variety of blepharoplastic procedures and the choice depends on the size and position of the defect. Generally, larger defects require more extensive reconstructive procedures. All techniques can have post-operative complications. Suture dehiscence, skin flap necrosis and facial deformation can occur with traditional surgical techniques. Furthermore, posterior hair growth in the margins can lead to new trichiasis. Cryosurgery was chosenand performed as the temperature of -20°C is sufficient to destroy hair follicles, without surgical incisions, avoiding scar formation. Hence, sutures are not necessary in cryosurgery procedures. Carbon dioxide is a good cryogenic agent for the purpose of this procedure. In the cases described, no recurrence of hair growth was observed in the follow-up period of 90 days. Nevertheless, a good aesthetic appearance was maintained. Therefore, the use of carbon dioxide cryosurgery is an effective and safe alternative for treatment of eyelid coloboma in cats. To our knowledge, no paper has described the use of carbon dioxide cryosurgery for the correction of palpebral agenesis in felines and other species as a single treatment. This technique is easy to perform, has good aesthetic and functional results and can be considered a treatment option for this congenital condition.
Keywords: eyelids, agenesis, cryosurgery, feline, congenital
Intraocular Lymphoma in Dogs - Findings of Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound and ARFI Elastography
Background: Ocular lymphoma can affect the iris, conjunctiva, choroid, and retina and is mostly associated with multicentric disease. Elastography is an ultrasound technique that provides noninvasive, pain-free assessment of tissue stiffness. It has the ability to assess subtle changes throughout the organ as well as focal lesions. Microbubble contrast ultrasound enables the detection of incipient vascular flows, which are difficult to detect using traditional ultrasound methods. This study aimed to describe acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) elastography and microbubble contrast ultrasound findings in the eyes of two dogs diagnosed with intraocular T-cell lymphoma.
Cases: Case 1. Physical examination revealed an exophytic mass in the left eye. Schirmer test revealed a secretion of 22 mm/min. Negative threat reflex, glare, direct pupillary light reflex, and consensual response were also noted. Biomicroscopy revealed hyperplasia of the third eyelid, overlapping with the affected eye. When the membrane was removed, moderate conjunctival hyperemia, mucoid secretion, and buphthalmia were observed. In addition, significant corneal edema was present, making it impossible to visualize the anterior chamber and perform fundus examination. The intraocular pressure, as measured with a rebound tonometer, was 39 mmHg. B-mode ultrasonography identified amorphous, hyperechoic, and heterogeneous structures throughout the anterior chamber, iris, and ciliary body. The elastogram showed that the mass had greenish tones and intermediate stiffness, and the mean SWV of the ciliary body and iris was 2 m/s. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) revealed vascularization of the neoformation region, with wash-in, peak, and wash-out values of 9.89 s, 24.56 s, and 107.87 s, respectively. Case 2. On physical examination, a change in the shape of the right pupil was observed. Schirmer test revealed a secretion of 20 mm/min, with negative threat, glare, and pupillary reflexes to direct and consensual light. Biomicroscopy revealed neoformation from 7 am to 11 am in the sclera, retina, and choroid complex, concomitant with dyscoria and conjunctival hyperemia. The intraocular pressure, as measured by rebound tonometry, was 33 mmHg. Fundoscopy revealed a mass in the temporal region and focal retinal detachment. No changes were observed in the contralateral eye. B-mode ultrasound revealed an increase in volume in the temporal region of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid with diffuse heterogeneity and partial retinal detachment. Elastographic examination revealed shades of green and yellow compatible with increased tissue stiffness. On quantitative examination, the mean SWVs of the ciliary body and iris were 3.14 m/s. On CEUS, the neoformation region presented wash-in, peak, and wash-out values of 8.67 s, 22.33 s, and 80.20 s.
Discussion: B-mode ultrasonography established the tumor extent and evaluated echogenicity, verifying the involved ocular structures. The examination played an important role in the diagnosis as well as clinical management. ARFI elastography can detect small tissue changes, helping to define nodules and masses more reliably, in addition to allowing the verification of tissue stiffness. In both dogs, it was possible to verify that the masses presented greater rigidity than the adjacent tissues both qualitatively and quantitatively. In previous studies, it was found that cutaneous and breast lymphomas in humans were more rigid than adjacent tissues on elastography. This increase in rigidity and heterogeneity observed on elastograms can be explained by the extramedullary interactions of the matrix in T-cell lymphomas. Tumor growth is dependent on the blood supply, which was evaluated using CEUS in these cases. Furthermore, the ciliary body contrast filling times were longer than those described in normal dogs.
Keywords: eye, surgery, diagnostic imaging, pain, veterinary ophthalmology, neoplasia.
Título: Linfoma intraocular em cães - achados da ultrassonografia contrastada e elastografia ARFI
Descritores: olho, cirurgia, diagnóstico por imagem, dor, oftlamologia veterinária, neoplasia
Corneal pigmentation and vascularization eventually result in blindness in dogs. Pigmentary keratitis describes a relatively common presentation comprising the deposition of melanin in the cornea and conjunctival surface associated with chronic inflammation. Cryosurgery is indicated as a treatment for pigmentary keratitis in dogs. Due to melanocytes sensitivity to cold, cryosurgery is a viable treatment for severe refractory corneal pigmentation. The aim of this work was to evaluate the use of dimethyl ether in the treatment of pigmentary keratitis in 14 eyes of seven Pug dogs. Follow-up occurred after 30 days in four animals and six months in three animals. In all treated animals, there was a reduction in corneal pigmentation. Cryosurgery causes intracellular and extracellular ice crystal formation and other mechanisms that result in rupture and death of the melanocytes. The technique used was easy to perform, has a low cryogen cost and has few undesirable or serious side effects. However, after 30 days repigmentation occured in treated patients. Cryosurgery shows good results in the first four weeks, but partial recurrence occurred in all cases.A pigmentação e a vascularização da córnea eventualmente resultam em cegueira em cães. A ceratite pigmentar é descrita com uma apresentação relativamente comum que compreende a deposição de melanina na córnea e na superfície conjuntival associada à inflamação crônica. A criocirurgia é indicada como tratamento para ceratite pigmentar em cães. Devido à sensibilidade dos melanócitos ao frio, a criocirurgia é um tratamento viável para pigmentação corneana refratária grave. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso do éter dimetílico no tratamento da ceratite pigmentar em 14 olhos de sete cães da raça Pug. O acompanhamento foi de 30 dias em quatro animais e seis meses em três animais. Em todos os animais tratados, houve redução da pigmentação da córnea. A criocirurgia causa a formação de cristais de gelo intracelular e extracelular e outros mecanismos que resultam na ruptura e morte dos melanócitos. A técnica utilizada foi de fácil execução, baixo custo de criogenia e poucos efeitos colaterais indesejáveis ou graves. No entanto, após 30 dias, ocorreu repigmentação nos pacientes tratados. A criocirurgia apresenta bons resultados nas primeiras quatro semanas, mas ocorreu recidiva parcial em todos os casos
Plate-Rod Osteosynthesis in Dogs and Cats
Background: Most fractures are caused by traumatic processes due to car accidents, but they can also occur due to bullets, fights and falls. Surgical stabilization is often necessary and shows high rates of bone healing when its basic concepts are followed. The objective of this study is to report cases of shaft fracture in long bones stabilized with intramedullary pin and plate (IMPP) in order to evaluate pre- and postoperative clinical and radiographic signs, correlating the ideal surgical technique described on recent studies with complications resulting from the surgical procedure.Cases: This study includes patients undergoing osteosynthesis with intramedullary pin and plate from January 2015 to December 2016 at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of UFRGS. During this period, 13 animals (five cats and eight dogs) with long bone fractures were treated with the abovementioned association. Information on breed, age, sex, etiology of the fracture, affected bone, clinical signs, osteosynthesis technique, clinical progress, fracture healing, and postoperative complications was collected for the study. Late postoperative recovery was evaluated by telephone contact with owners. The mean age was 5.4 years (3 months - 15 years) and body weight 17.66 kg (3 - 28.4 kg). The fractures were due to being hit by a vehicle (5), bites (1), accident with a toy (1), and unknown (6).Discussion: All cases included in this study were in the femur, humerus or tibia. Fractures in the radius are also frequent in small animal traumatology, but in this case the use of an intramedullary pin is not recommended. All animals had diaphyseal fractures, which is an important prerequisite for IMPP stabilization. The IMPP association is mainly indicated in cases of comminuted fractures, when it is anatomically impossible to reduce fracture fragments, as occurred with nine patients in this study. The plate did not break of fail in any of the cases, as the association of an intramedullary pin with the plate significantly reduces tension on the plate, increasing bending strength up to ten times. One of the animals presented severe postoperative pain and could not adequately lean on the operated limb. Orthopedic and neurological evaluation led to the conclusion that the long pin in the region of the subtrochanteric fossa could be injuring the sciatic nerve and the animal was reoperated to cut the pin shorter. Pain stopped and after seven months the animal could lean on the limb and move normally, being proprioceptive and showing no pain on palpation and manipulation. The pin used in the IMPP technique should fill 30 to 40% of the diameter of the intramedullary canal at its narrowest portion. Of the 13 patients included in this study, six received pins within the recommended diameter, one received a pin larger than recommended, and five received pins smaller than recommended. The mean diameter of the pin related to the diameter of the medullary canal was 32.3% (19% - 54.8%). The bone healing rate described for IMPP is high (98%), three patients returned for this study reevaluation and all of them presented visible radiographic bone healing. We concluded that osteosynthesis associated with the use of intramedullary pin and plate resulted in adequate stabilization of fractures in the femur, tibia and humerus, allowing fast functional recovery with low complication rates
This study aimed to evaluate ultrasound findings of dogs and cats diagnosed with cholestasis, correlating concomitant alterations with species, sex, age, weight, clinical signs, and dilation of bile ducts. The biliary system of small animals is composed of the gallbladder and the biliary tree. Thus, the felines show more alterations in these structures due to their differentiated anatomy. The reduction of the bile flow, known as cholestasis, occurs as a result of numerous situations, with ultrasound being the main diagnostic exam applied in veterinary medicine. Bile ducts of 4 and 3mm diameter are considered normal for felines and canines, respectively. In this study, the biliary systems of 41 animals, including felines and canines, were evaluated using ultrasound at the Diagnostic Imaging Sector of the Veterinary Hospital from January 2019 to February 2020, demonstrating the presence of bladder stones in both populations, as well as changes in the cystic duct associated with pancreatitis in dogs.Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar achados ultrassonográficos de cães e gatos diagnosticados com colestase, correlacionando alterações concomitantes com espécies, sexo, idade, peso, sinais clínicos e dilatação das vias biliares. O sistema biliar de pequenos animais é composto pela vesícula biliar e a árvore biliar. Desta forma, os felinos apresentam mais alterações nestas estruturas devido à anatomia diferenciada. A redução do fluxo biliar, conhecida como colestase, ocorre por inúmeras situações, sendo o ultrassom o principal exame diagnóstico empregado na medicina veterinária. Ductos biliares de 4 e 3mm de diâmetro são considerados normais para felinos e caninos, respectivamente. Neste estudo, os sistemas biliares de 41 animais, incluindo felinos e caninos, foram avaliados por ultrassonografia no Setor de Diagnóstico por Imagem do Hospital Veterinário de janeiro de 2019 a fevereiro de 2020, demonstrando a presença de cálculos vesicais em ambas as populações, assim como alterações em ducto cístico associados à pancreatite em cães
Plate-rod osteosynthesis in dogs and cats
Background: Most fractures are caused by traumatic processes due to car accidents, but they can also occur due to bullets, fights and falls. Surgical stabilization is often necessary and shows high rates of bone healing when its basic concepts are followed. The objective of this study is to report cases of shaft fracture in long bones stabilized with intramedullary pin and plate (IMPP) in order to evaluate pre- and postoperative clinical and radiographic signs, correlating the ideal surgical technique described on recent studies with complications resulting from the surgical procedure. Cases: This study includes patients undergoing osteosynthesis with intramedullary pin and plate from January 2015 to December 2016 at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of UFRGS. During this period, 13 animals (five cats and eight dogs) with long bone fractures were treated with the abovementioned association. Information on breed, age, sex, etiology of the fracture, affected bone, clinical signs, osteosynthesis technique, clinical progress, fracture healing, and postoperative complications was collected for the study. Late postoperative recovery was evaluated by telephone contact with owners. The mean age was 5.4 years (3 months - 15 years) and body weight 17.66 kg (3 - 28.4 kg). The fractures were due to being hit by a vehicle (5), bites (1), accident with a toy (1), and unknown (6). Discussion: All cases included in this study were in the femur, humerus or tibia. Fractures in the radius are also frequent in small animal traumatology, but in this case the use of an intramedullary pin is not recommended. All animals had diaphyseal fractures, which is an important prerequisite for IMPP stabilization. The IMPP association is mainly indicated in cases of comminuted fractures, when it is anatomically impossible to reduce fracture fragments, as occurred with nine patients in this study. The plate did not break of fail in any of the cases, as the association of an intramedullary pin with the plate significantly reduces tension on the plate, increasing bending strength up to ten times. One of the animals presented severe postoperative pain and could not adequately lean on the operated limb. Orthopedic and neurological evaluation led to the conclusion that the long pin in the region of the subtrochanteric fossa could be injuring the sciatic nerve and the animal was reoperated to cut the pin shorter. Pain stopped and after seven months the animal could lean on the limb and move normally, being proprioceptive and showing no pain on palpation and manipulation. The pin used in the IMPP technique should fill 30 to 40% of the diameter of the intramedullary canal at its narrowest portion. Of the 13 patients included in this study, six received pins within the recommended diameter, one received a pin larger than recommended, and five received pins smaller than recommended. The mean diameter of the pin related to the diameter of the medullary canal was 32.3% (19% - 54.8%). The bone healing rate described for IMPP is high (98%), three patients returned for this study reevaluation and all of them presented visible radiographic bone healing. We concluded that osteosynthesis associated with the use of intramedullary pin and plate resulted in adequate stabilization of fractures in the femur, tibia and humerus, allowing fast functional recovery with low complication rates
High-definition ultrasonography in the evaluation of the reproductive tract of bitches during the follicular phase of the estrous cycle
The aim was to sonographically evaluate the reproductive tract of bitches during the follicular phase of the estrous cycle using High Density (HD) ultrasonic techniques. Females (n = 8) were evaluated at five different times throughout the follicular phase, as determined by vaginal cytology and blood progesterone concentrations. Ultrasonic exams were performed using the ACUSON S2000/SIEMENS device utilizing a multifrequency HD transducer (5.5–18 MHz). Videos of the ovaries were obtained and recordings were evaluated using a DICOM viewer software for counting and measuring the ovarian structures, which were assigned to groups based on diameter in mm: G1: ≤ 1; G2: from 1.01 to 3.5; G3 from 3.51 to 5.5; G4: from 5.51 to 10. There was a greater uterine thickness with the progression of the follicular phase (P < 0.05). Six distinct regions were identified in the uterine wall. The ovarian dimensions increased (P < 0.05) as stage of the follicular phase advanced. There was fluid detected around the ovaries after ovulation. There was a characteristic fat tissue hyperechogenicity around the ovaries at all timepoints. There was a difference in the number of ovarian structures of each dimension group at each time there were assessments (P < 0.05). There was a difference in diameter of the largest ovarian structure and in average value of wall thickness at all timepoints when there were evaluations (P < 0.05). The HD ultrasonography technique provides for excellent image resolution, allowing for a more precise characterization of the bitch's reproductive structures and changes occurring during the follicular phase of the estrous cycle
Trauma caused by porcupine thorns is common in dogs. However, these spines are not inert and can carry bacteria and other microorganisms. The advice given this situation is the removal of all material whenever possible. Ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance have significant value in the diagnosis and localization of foreign bodies not visible on physical examination. The purpose of this case report is to describe the presence of a linear foreign body in the intraocular region of a three year old, male dog, of mixed breed. The animal was admitted to the clinical service of a Veterinary Hospital with apathy and a history of contact with a porcupine within thirty days. Eye discharge and eyes covered by the third eyelid were observed. On this occasion, hedgehog spines were removed in the oral cavity and the animal was released. However, the patient returned 40 days later with worsening of the ophthalmic condition. A transpalpebral ultrasound examination was performed, which detected a hyperechoic linear structure measuring approximately 1.47cm with evident acoustic leftovers and abnormal mixed echogenicity content in the vitreous chamber. The dog was referred for transpalpebral enucleation, which made it possible to confirm the diagnosis and identify the object. After surgical removal, the patient showed significant clinical improvement and was discharged within 14 days.Traumatismos causados com espinho de porco espinho são comuns em cães. Entretanto, estes espinhos não são inertes podendo carrear bactérias e outros micro-organismos. A indicação frente à essa situação é a remoção de todo o material sempre que possível. Ultrassonografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética possuem valor significativo no diagnóstico e localização de corpos estranhos não visíveis no exame físico. O objetivo deste relato de caso é descrever a presença de um corpo estranho linear na região intraocular de um cão macho, três anos de idade, sem raça definida. O animal deu entrada no serviço clínico de um Hospital Veterinário com apatia e histórico de contato com porco espinho há trinta dias. Observou-se secreção ocular e olhos recobertos pela terceira pálpebra. Nesta ocasião, foram retirados espinhos de ouriço na cavidade oral e o animal foi liberado. Entretanto, o paciente retornou 40 dias com piora do quadro oftalmológico. Foi realizado exame ultrassonográfico transpalpebral que detectou uma estrutura linear hiperecoica medindo aproximadamente 1,47cm com sobra acústica evidente e conteúdo anormal de ecogenicidade mista na câmara vítrea. Encaminhado para enucleação transpalpebral que possibilitou confirmar o diagnóstico e identificar o objeto. Após a remoção cirúrgica o paciente apresentou melhora clínica significativa e recebeu alta médica em 14 dias