231 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilaksankan untuk melihat apakah ada pengaruh dalam peningkatan kebugaran jasmani melalui permianan tradisional bebentengan berbasis Socratic Method di sekolah dasar.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif Pre-experimental One-Group Pretest-Posttest Disgn. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel 30 siswa dari sekolah SDN 1 Kalangsari. Penelitian menggunakan instrument tes yaitu Tes Kebugaran Jasmani Indonesia Usia 10-12 tahun. Permainan tradisional bebentengan berbasis socratic method ini dilaksanakan dengan 4 fase experience, identify, analyze dan generalize . Berdasarkan hasil dalam penelitian ini, setelah dilaksankannya treatment permianan tradisional bebentengan berbasis socratic method di SDN 1 Kalangsari terlihat perubahan yaitu meningktanya kebugaran jasmani siswa yang signifikan berdasarkan hasil tes yang telah di analisis. Tingkat kebugaran jasmani siswa setelah melaksanakan treatment terdapat peningkatan. Kebugaran jasmani siswa menunjukan adanya perubahan dan terjadi peningkatan dari hasil pretest, perolehan sekor membaik dari sebelumnya dan terjadi peningkatan dari hasil analisis statistik. Setelah meningkatnya kebugaran jasmani, siswa lebih siap untuk kegiatan pembelajaran dan rutinitas di lingkungan sekolah. Permainan tradisional bebentengan dapat meningkatkan kebugaran jasmani siswa karena dalam kegiatan ini memerlukan ketangkasan, strategi, serta kecepatan dalam berlari. Kata Kunci: Peningkatan Kebugaran Jasmani, Permainan Tradisional, Bebentengan, Socratic Method This study was conducted to see whether there is an effect on increasing physical fitness through traditional games based on the Socratic Method fortifications in elementary schools. This study used the quantitative method Pre-experimental One-Group Pretest-Posttest Disgn. This study took a sample of 30 students from the SDN 1 Kalangsari school. This study uses a test instrument, namely the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test, aged 10-12 years. This traditional fortification game based on the socratic method is carried out with 4 phases ofexperience, identify, analyze and generalize . Based on the results in this study, after the socratic method-based traditional game treatment was carried out 1 SDN at Kalangsari, there was a change, namely a significant increase in students' physical fitness based on the results of the tests that had been analyzed. The level of physical fitness of students after carrying out treatment there was an increase. The students' physical fitness showed a change and there was an increase in the results of the pretest, the score obtained was better than before and there was an increase from the results of statistical analysis. After increasing students' physical fitness, this can make students better prepared for learning activities and routines in the school environment. Traditional fortification games can improve students' physical fitness because this activity requires dexterity, strategy, and speed in running. Keywords: Physical Fitness Improvement, Traditional Games, Fortifications, Socratic Method

    PF-34 A Review of Animal Welfare Protocol on Dog Shelter in Java Area Indonesia

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    The number of pet owning in Indonesia, especially in big cities around Java island are highly growing in the past few years.This growing number of pet owning, especially in dogs, unfortunately, has became affected with growing numbers of dog abandonment and mistreated due to irresponsible pet owners issues and lack of law enforcement of animal welfare and animal cruelty law. This affected to growing number of dog shelters around Java island.Although there is still limited resources on the total population of abandoned dogs and dogs shelters in Java, many shelters reported that the numbers of intake and reports to their shelters are increasing.Therefore, it is important the assets animal welfare in a dog shelter environment, to meet the standards of care in a dog shelter.A shelter assessment protocols have been developed to measure the welfare aspects of the shelter by Barnard et al. [1].  In brief, the animal welfare assessment consists of three levels; shelter, pen, and individual level.Shelter level                Consist of management based information such as general information, type of housing, feeding, exercise routine, mortality rate. Animal based assessment which is emotional state of the animals were also recorded using Visual Analogue Scale method.Pen level                Consist of resource based assessment including space allowance, bedding, evident of sharp edges, and access to water. The animals were also assessed whether there are evident of diarrhea,Individual level                Consist of reactions towards humans, body condition score, hygiene, skin condition, lameness, and respiratory problems

    Cranberries and Cancer: An Update of Preclinical Studies Evaluating the Cancer Inhibitory Potential of Cranberry and Cranberry Derived Constituents

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    Cranberries are rich in bioactive constituents reported to influence a variety of health benefits, ranging from improved immune function and decreased infections to reduced cardiovascular disease and more recently cancer inhibition. A review of cranberry research targeting cancer revealed positive effects of cranberries or cranberry derived constituents against 17 different cancers utilizing a variety of in vitro techniques, whereas in vivo studies supported the inhibitory action of cranberries toward cancers of the esophagus, stomach, colon, bladder, prostate, glioblastoma and lymphoma. Mechanisms of cranberry-linked cancer inhibition include cellular death induction via apoptosis, necrosis and autophagy; reduction of cellular proliferation; alterations in reactive oxygen species; and modification of cytokine and signal transduction pathways. Given the emerging positive preclinical effects of cranberries, future clinical directions targeting cancer or premalignancy in high risk cohorts should be considered

    Cranberry Polyphenols in Esophageal Cancer Inhibition: New Insights

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    Esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) is a cancer characterized by rapidly rising incidence and poor survival, resulting in the need for new prevention and treatment options. We utilized two cranberry polyphenol extracts, one proanthocyanidin enriched (C-PAC) and a combination of anthocyanins, flavonoids, and glycosides (AFG) to assess inhibitory mechanisms utilizing premalignant Barrett’s esophagus (BE) and EAC derived cell lines. We employed reverse phase protein arrays (RPPA) and Western blots to examine cancer-associated pathways and specific signaling cascades modulated by C-PAC or AFG. Viability results show that C-PAC is more potent than AFG at inducing cell death in BE and EAC cell lines. Based on the RPPA results, C-PAC significantly modulated 37 and 69 proteins in JH-EsoAd1 (JHAD1) and OE19 EAC cells, respectively. AFG treatment significantly altered 49 proteins in both JHAD1 and OE19 cells. Bioinformatic analysis of RPPA results revealed many previously unidentified pathways as modulated by cranberry polyphenols including NOTCH signaling, immune response, and epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Collectively, these results provide new insight regarding mechanisms by which cranberry polyphenols exert cancer inhibitory effects targeting EAC, with implications for potential use of cranberry constituents as cancer preventive agents

    KIVP-6 Case Report: Seroprevalensi Tuberkulosis Menggunakan Uji Tuberkulin Kulit Mammalian Old Tuberculine (MOT) pada Macaca fascicularis Hasil Penyitaan Topeng Monyet

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    Di Indonesia, salah satu atraksi populer di masyarakat yang menggunakan monyet ekor panjang adalah atraksi Topeng Monyet. Di Pulau Jawa, topeng monyet juga disebut ledhek kethek. Menurut Cohen (2006)  pada era tahun 1980an topeng monyet digunakan mengamen di pasar, perkotaan dan perdesaan diiringi musik tradisional. Kesenian ini melibatkan pawang untuk melatih monyet meniru perilaku manusia, seperti berpakaian, menari dan berdandan. Penonton topeng monyet umumnya adalah anak-anak (Aiai 2015).Monyet yang digunakan untuk atraksi topeng monyet berpotensi untuk menularkan penyakit zoonosis pada manusia. Penelitian Schillaci et al (2002) menyatakan bahwa monyet yang digunakan untuk atraksi topeng monyet merupakan hewan reservoir  untuk virus enzootic simian yang dapat menginfeksi manusia.Salah satu penyakit lainnya yang bersifat zoonosis dan memiliki resiko ditularkan dari monyet topeng monyet adalah penyakit tuberkulosis. Tuberkulosis (TBC) adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri tahan asam yaitu Mycobacterium tuberculosis.Untuk mengetahui status infeksi tuberkulosis dari individu primata, salah satu metode pemeriksaan yang disetujui oleh Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR) dan Center for Disease Control (CDC) adalah metode pemeriksaan dengan menggunakan uji tuberculin kulit pada hewan dalam tahapan karantina. Uji tuberculin kulit yang dapat digunakan yaitu mamalian old tuberculin (mot), bovine purified protein derivates (bovine ppd) dan avian purified protein derivates ( avian ppd) (Lecu et al 2013)

    KIVP-6 Case Report: Seroprevalensi Tuberkulosis Menggunakan Uji Tuberkulin Kulit Mammalian Old Tuberculine (MOT) pada Macaca fascicularis Hasil Penyitaan Topeng Monyet

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    Di Indonesia, salah satu atraksi populer di masyarakat yang menggunakan monyet ekor panjang adalah atraksi Topeng Monyet. Di Pulau Jawa, topeng monyet juga disebut ledhek kethek. Menurut Cohen (2006)  pada era tahun 1980an topeng monyet digunakan mengamen di pasar, perkotaan dan perdesaan diiringi musik tradisional. Kesenian ini melibatkan pawang untuk melatih monyet meniru perilaku manusia, seperti berpakaian, menari dan berdandan. Penonton topeng monyet umumnya adalah anak-anak (Aiai 2015).Monyet yang digunakan untuk atraksi topeng monyet berpotensi untuk menularkan penyakit zoonosis pada manusia. Penelitian Schillaci et al (2002) menyatakan bahwa monyet yang digunakan untuk atraksi topeng monyet merupakan hewan reservoir  untuk virus enzootic simian yang dapat menginfeksi manusia.Salah satu penyakit lainnya yang bersifat zoonosis dan memiliki resiko ditularkan dari monyet topeng monyet adalah penyakit tuberkulosis. Tuberkulosis (TBC) adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri tahan asam yaitu Mycobacterium tuberculosis.Untuk mengetahui status infeksi tuberkulosis dari individu primata, salah satu metode pemeriksaan yang disetujui oleh Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR) dan Center for Disease Control (CDC) adalah metode pemeriksaan dengan menggunakan uji tuberculin kulit pada hewan dalam tahapan karantina. Uji tuberculin kulit yang dapat digunakan yaitu mamalian old tuberculin (mot), bovine purified protein derivates (bovine ppd) dan avian purified protein derivates ( avian ppd) (Lecu et al 2013)

    The Role of Nutrition in Influencing Mechanisms Involved in Environmentally Mediated Diseases

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    Human exposure to environmental contaminants such as persistent chlorinated organics, heavy metals, pesticides, phthalates, flame retardants, electronic waste and airborne pollutants around the world, and especially in Southeast Asian regions, are significant and require urgent attention. Given this widespread contamination and abundance of such toxins as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the ecosystem, it is unlikely that remediation alone will be sufficient to address the health impacts associated with this exposure. Furthermore, we must assume that the impact on health of some of these contaminants results in populations with extraordinary vulnerabilities to disease risks. Further exacerbating risk; infectious diseases, poverty and malnutrition are common in the Southeast Asian regions of the world. Thus, exploring preventive measures of environmental exposure and disease risk through new paradigms of environmental toxicology, optimal and/or healthful nutrition and health is essential. For example, folic acid supplementation can lower blood arsenic levels, and plant-derived bioactive nutrients can lower cardiovascular and cancer risks linked to pollutant exposure. Data also indicate that diets enriched with bioactive food components such as polyphenols and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids can prevent or decrease toxicant-induced inflammation. Thus, consuming healthy diets that exhibit high levels of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, is a meaningful way to reduce the vulnerability to non-communicable diseases linked to environmental toxic insults. This nutritional paradigm in environmental toxicology requires further study in order to improve our understanding of the relationship between nutrition or other lifestyle modifications and toxicant-induced diseases. Understanding mechanistic relationships between nutritional modulation of environmental toxicants and susceptibility to disease development are important for both cumulative risk assessment and the design and implementation of future public health programs and behavioral interventions

    Prebiotic proanthocyanidins inhibit bile reflux–induced esophageal adenocarcinoma through reshaping the gut microbiome and esophageal metabolome

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    The gut and local esophageal microbiome progressively shift from healthy commensal bacteria to inflammation-linked pathogenic bacteria in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease, Barrett’s esophagus, and esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). However, mechanisms by which microbial communities and metabolites contribute to reflux-driven EAC remain incompletely understood and challenging to target. Herein, we utilized a rat reflux-induced EAC model to investigate targeting the gut microbiome–esophageal metabolome axis with cranberry proanthocyanidins (C-PAC) to inhibit EAC progression. Sprague-Dawley rats, with or without reflux induction, received water or C-PAC ad libitum (700 μg/rat/day) for 25 or 40 weeks. C-PAC exerted prebiotic activity abrogating reflux-induced dysbiosis and mitigating bile acid metabolism and transport, culminating in significant inhibition of EAC through TLR/NF-κB/TP53 signaling cascades. At the species level, C-PAC mitigated reflux-induced pathogenic bacteria (Streptococcus parasanguinis, Escherichia coli, and Proteus mirabilis). C-PAC specifically reversed reflux-induced bacterial, inflammatory, and immune-implicated proteins and genes, including Ccl4, Cd14, Crp, Cxcl1, Il6, Il1b, Lbp, Lcn2, Myd88, Nfkb1, Tlr2, and Tlr4, aligning with changes in human EAC progression, as confirmed through public databases. C-PAC is a safe, promising dietary constituent that may be utilized alone or potentially as an adjuvant to current therapies to prevent EAC progression through ameliorating reflux-induced dysbiosis, inflammation, and cellular damage

    Characterizing isoform switching events in esophageal adenocarcinoma

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    Isoform switching events with predicted functional consequences are common in many cancers, but characterization of switching events in esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) is lacking. Next-generation sequencing was used to detect levels of RNA transcripts and identify specific isoforms in treatment- naïve esophageal tissues ranging from premalignant Barrett’s esophagus (BE), BE with low- or high-grade dysplasia (BE.LGD, BE.HGD), and EAC. Samples were stratified by histopathology and TP53 mutation status, identifying significant isoform switching events with predicted functional consequences. Comparing BE.LGD with BE.HGD, a histopathology linked to cancer progression, isoform switching events were identified in 75 genes including KRAS, RNF128, and WRAP53. Stratification based on TP53 status increased the number of significant isoform switches to 135, suggesting switching events affect cellular functions based on TP53 mutation and tissue histopathology. Analysis of isoforms agnostic, exclusive, and shared with mutant TP53 revealed unique signatures including demethylation, lipid and retinoic acid metabolism, and glucuronidation, respectively. Nearly half of isoform switching events were identified without significant gene-level expression changes. Importantly, two TP53-interacting isoforms, RNF128 and WRAP53, were significantly linked to patient survival. Thus, analysis of isoform switching events may provide new insight for the identification of prognostic markers and inform new potential therapeutic targets for EAC

    Characterizing isoform switching events in esophageal adenocarcinoma

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    Isoform switching events with predicted functional consequences are common in many cancers, but characterization of switching events in esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) is lacking. Next-generation sequencing was used to detect levels of RNA transcripts and identify specific isoforms in treatment- naïve esophageal tissues ranging from premalignant Barrett’s esophagus (BE), BE with low- or high-grade dysplasia (BE.LGD, BE.HGD), and EAC. Samples were stratified by histopathology and TP53 mutation status, identifying significant isoform switching events with predicted functional consequences. Comparing BE.LGD with BE.HGD, a histopathology linked to cancer progression, isoform switching events were identified in 75 genes including KRAS, RNF128, and WRAP53. Stratification based on TP53 status increased the number of significant isoform switches to 135, suggesting switching events affect cellular functions based on TP53 mutation and tissue histopathology. Analysis of isoforms agnostic, exclusive, and shared with mutant TP53 revealed unique signatures including demethylation, lipid and retinoic acid metabolism, and glucuronidation, respectively. Nearly half of isoform switching events were identified without significant gene-level expression changes. Importantly, two TP53-interacting isoforms, RNF128 and WRAP53, were significantly linked to patient survival. Thus, analysis of isoform switching events may provide new insight for the identification of prognostic markers and inform new potential therapeutic targets for EAC