140 research outputs found

    Inflation and Growth: New Evidence From a Dynamic Panel Threshold Analysis

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    We introduce a dynamic panel threshold model to shed new light on the impact of inflation on long-term economic growth. The empirical analysis is based on a large panel-data set including 124 countries during the period from 1950 to 2004. For industrialized countries, our results confirm the inflation targets of about 2% set by many central banks. For non-industrialized countries, we estimate that inflation hampers growth if it exceeds 17%. Below this threshold, however, the impact of inflation on growth remains insignificant. Therefore, our results do not support growth-enhancing effects of inflation in developing countries.Inflation Thresholds, Inflation and Growth, Dynamic Panel Threshold Model

    Short-Term Herding of Institutional Traders

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    This paper employs a new and comprehensive data set to investigate short-term herding behavior of institutional investors. Using data of all transactions made by financial institutions in the German stock market, we show that herding behavior occurs on a daily basis. However, in contrast to longer-term herding measures obtained from quarterly data, results based on daily data do not indicate that short-term herding tends to be more pronounced in small capitalized stocks or in times of market stress. Moreover, we find that herding measures based on anony- mous transactions can lead to misleading results about the behavior of institutional investors during the recent financial crisis

    new evidence from a dynamic panel threshold analysis

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    We introduce a dynamic panel threshold model to shed new light on the impact of inflation on long-term economic growth. The empirical analysis is based on a large panel-data set including 124 countries during the period from 1950 to 2004. For industrialized countries, our results confirm the inflation targets of about 2% set by many central banks. For non-industrialized countries, we estimate that inflation hampers growth if it exceeds 17%. Below this threshold, however, the impact of inflation on growth remains insignificant. Therefore, our results do not support growth-enhancing effects of inflation in developing countries

    Quelques emprunts romans dans les parlers allemands du Vorarlberg et du Tyrol

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    Inflation and Growth

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    We introduce a dynamic panel threshold model to shed new light on the impact of inflation on long-term economic growth. The empirical analysis is based on a large panel-data set including 124 countries during the period from 1950 to 2004. For industrialized countries, our results confirm the inflation targets of about 2% set by many central banks. For non-industrialized countries, we estimate that inflation hampers growth if it exceeds 17%. Below this threshold, however, the impact of inflation on growth remains insignificant. Therefore, our results do not support growth-enhancing effects of inflation in developing countries

    Luther, Calvin, Protestant oder die frühe Wahrnehmung der europäischen Reformation in Portugal und der Neuen Welt

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    Luther, Calvin, Protestant or the early perception of the European Reformation in Portugal and the New World: Mostly uncommented compilation of some early records or echos


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    „Conclusio“ – Versuch einer Zusammenfassung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Geschichtswissenschaften (z. B. Historical Sciences) und Namenforschung (onomastics). Problemfelder sind Funktion (Sozialgeschichte) vs. Interpretation (Namenforschung), Zeitpunkt und Umstände der Namengebung (naming), Verschriftung vs. Namengebrauch im Alltag, Namengrammatik und Adaptation fremder Namen.“Conclusio” – Attempt to summarize the cooperation between Historical Sciences and Onomastics. Problem areas are function (Social History) vs. linguistic interpretation (Onomastics), time and circumstances of naming, transcription/ transmission versus name usage in daily life, name grammar vs. adaptation of foreign names

    Berufe und Namen

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    Berufe und Namen. – Allgemeine Betrachtungen zum Verhältnis Berufe und Namen (mit dem Hinweis auf eine Tagung im Oktober 2016). Kurz behandelt werden insbesondere die Aspekte Satznamen, Beruf und Herkunft, Berufsbezeichnung als Personenname, doppelte Berufsnennungen, Namensyntax, indirekte Berufsbezeichnungen, Berufe in Ortsnamen. In Exkursen werden punktuell behandelt (1) die Steuerliste aus dem Jahr 1365 aus Mons, (2) die mit ferrum und faber gebildeten Familiennamen Italiens, (3) Hausbücher der Nürnberger Zwölfbruderstiftungen.Occupations and names. – General considerations on the relation between occupations and names (with reference to the corresponding conference in October 2016). The aspects syntactical names, occupation and geographical origin, occupational designation as personal name, person with two occupational designations, indirect occupational designations, occupational names in place names are briefly discussed. Appendixes deal with (1) the tax list of the year 1365 in Mons (Belgium), (2) Italian surnames based on ferrum and faber and (3) the House books of the Nuremberg 12 Brothers Foundation
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