910 research outputs found

    The Youth Writers: Developing Curriculum for Their Peers

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    Curricula designed for youth are often lacking a young person\u27s influence and perspective. In order to provide engaging, fresh materials for youth, 4-H professionals can recruit youth as curriculum writers. Youth are given an opportunity to form positive partnerships with adults, produce engaging and creative materials for their peers, and develop leadership skills. Positive youth development is promoted through youth-adult partnerships, involvement in decision making, and contributing to projects. A model for implementing a youth writers program is described in this article

    Effect of MIN-AD Ruminal Buffer and Roughage Level on Ruminal Metabolism and Extent of Digestion in Steers

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    Six ruminally and duodenally cannulated steers were used in a metabolism experiment to determine effects of adding a ruminal buffer to diets containing increasing levels of roughage. Steers were fed high-concentrate diets containing 4.5, 9.0, or 13.5% alfalfa hay with or without 1.0% MIN-AD ruminal buffer. There were no differences observed in feed intake, ruminal metabolism, or total tract digestibility due to MIN-AD inclusion in the diet. Average pH increased and time below pH 5.6 and pH 5.3 decreased with increasing alfalfa level. Total tract digestibility decreased with increasing alfalfa level. Addition of MIN-AD to high-concentrate diets did not produce a response similar to increasing the roughage level in the diet

    In vitro starch disappearance procedure modifications

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    Four in vitro experiments evaluated the effects of ruminal fluid inoculum:artificial saliva ratios, grinder type, grind size, and diet of ruminal fluid donor on in vitro starch disappearance. Experiment 1 examined rates of starch disappearance and coefficients of determination obtained by linear regression of starch disappearance using five grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolur (L.) Moench) lines, a corn (Zeu muys L.) control, and a wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) control. Grains were incubated for 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 h with inoculum varying in proportion of ruminal fluid and artificial saliva ( l:l, 1:2, 1:3, and 1:4). In vitro rates of starch disappearance and coefficients of determination were similar for the 1:2, 1:3, and 1:4 inoculum dilutions and were higher (quadratic, P \u3c 0.01) than the 1:1 dilution. As the proportion of artificial saliva in the inoculum increased, in vitro pH increased (linear, P \u3c 0.01). In Experiment 2, six grain sorghum lines and a corn control were ground through a l-mm screen in a Udy (cyclone type) or Wiley mill. Starch disappearance for samples ground using a Udy mill were higher (P 0.10) by grain type fed; however, absolute rates of digestion varied among inoculate sources. Grinder, grind size, and ruminal fluid inoculum:artificial saliva ratios affected rate of starch disappearance in samples digested in vitro. Diet of ruminal fluid donor affected the rate of starch digestion, but not the relative ranking of the grains. If rates are to be compared across in vitro runs for different grains, these processing and dietary factors must be kept constant

    Electrical Anomalies Observed During DC3

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    The primary scientific goals of DC3 involved improving our understanding of the chemical impacts of thunderstorms and their anvils. However, the Colorado domain provided opportunities to study other interesting phenomena, including the potential impacts of smoke ingestion on convection and thunderstorms, electrification processes in smoke plumes and pyrocumulonimbus clouds, and the production of sprites by unconventional thunderstorm

    Description and Status of the DC Lightning Mapping Array

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    The DC Lightning Mapping Array (DC LMA) centered on the Washington, DC metro region has been in operation since 2006. During that time the DC LMA has provided real time data to regional National Weather Service (NSF) Sterling, VA forecast office for operations support and the NOAA Meteorological Development Laboratory (MDL) for new product development and assessment. Data from this network (as well as other from other LMA systems) are now being used to create proxy Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) data sets for GOES-R risk reduction and algorithm development activities. In addition, since spring 2009 data are provided to the Storm Prediction Center in support of Hazardous Weather Testbed and GOES-R Proving Ground activities during the Spring Program. Description, status and plans will be discussed

    Polarimetric and Multi-Doppler Radar Observations of Electrified and Unelectrified Wildfire Smoke Plumes

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    Pyrocumulus clouds above three Colorado wildfires (Hewlett Gulch, High Park, and Waldo Canyon; all occurred during summer 2012) electrified and produced small intracloud discharges whenever the smoke plumes grew to high altitudes (over 10 km above mean sea level, or MSL). This occurred during periods of rapid wildfire growth, as indicated by the shortwave infrared channel on a geostationary satellite, as well as by incident reports. In the Hewlett Gulch case, the fire growth led to increased updrafts within the plume, as inferred by multiple Doppler radar syntheses, which led to the vertical development and subsequent electrification a life cycle as short as 30 minutes. The lightning, detected by a threedimensional lightning mapping network, was favored in highaltitude regions (~10 km MSL) containing modest reflectivities (25 dBZ and lower), ~0 dB differential reflectivity, and reduced correlation coefficient (~0.60.7). This indicated the likely presence of ice particles (crystals and aggregates, possibly rimed) mixed with ash. Though neither multipleDoppler nor polarimetric observations were available during the electrification of the High Park and Waldo Canyon plumes, their NEXRAD observations showed reflectivity structures consistent with Hewlett Gulch. In addition, polarimetric and multipleDoppler scanning of unelectrified High Park plumes indicated only irregularly shaped ash, and not ice, was present (i.e., reflectivities 5 dB, correlation < 0.4), and there was no broaching of the 10 km altitude. Based on these results, the electrification likely was caused by icebased processes that did not involve significant amounts of graupel. The results demonstrate the scientific value of multipleDoppler and polarimetric radar observations of wildfire smoke plumes including the ability to distinguish between regions of pure hydrometeors, regions of pure ash, and mixtures of both and also suggest a possible new application for lightning data in monitoring wildfires

    On the Electrification of Pyrocumulus Clouds

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    The electrification (or lack thereof) of pyrocumulus clouds is examined for several different wildfires that occurred during 20122013. For example, pyrocumulus clouds above three Colorado wildfires (Hewlett Gulch, High Park, and Waldo Canyon; all occurred during summer 2012) electrified and produced small intracloud discharges whenever the smoke plumes grew to high altitudes (over 10 km above mean sea level, or MSL). This occurred during periods of rapid wildfire growth, as indicated by the shortwave infrared channel on a geostationary satellite, as well as by incident reports. In the Hewlett Gulch case, the fire growth led to increased updrafts within the plume, as inferred by multipleDoppler radar syntheses, which led to the vertical development and subsequent electrification a life cycle as short as 30 minutes. The lightning, detected by a threedimensional lightning mapping network, was favored in highaltitude regions (~10 km MSL) containing modest reflectivities (25 dBZ and lower), ~0 dB differential reflectivity, and reduced correlation coefficient (~0.60.7). This indicated the likely presence of ice particles (crystals and aggregates, possibly rimed) mixed with ash. Though neither multipleDoppler nor polarimetric observations were available during the electrification of the High Park and Waldo Canyon plumes, their NEXRAD observations showed reflectivity structures consistent with Hewlett Gulch. In addition, polarimetric and multipleDoppler scanning of unelectrified High Park plumes indicated only irregularly shaped ash, and not ice, was present (i.e., reflectivities 5 dB, correlation < 0.4), and there was no broaching of the 10 km altitude. Based on these results, the electrification likely was caused by icebased processes that did not involve significant amounts of graupel. Results for pyrocumulus clouds above notable 2013 wildfires that also experienced rapid growth (e.g., Black Forest, Yarnell Hill, West Fork, Tres Lagunas, etc.) will be compared against the 2012 cases, with special emphasis on polarimetric NEXRAD and available lightning measurements, in order to better understand the physical processes responsible for pyrocumulus electrification

    Polarimetric and Multi-Doppler Radar Observations of Sprite-producing Storms

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    Sprites are caused by luminous electrical breakdown of the upper atmosphere, and frequently occur over large mesoscale precipitation systems. Two spriteproducing storms (on 8 and 25 June) were observed in Colorado during the summer of 2012. Unlike most past studies of sprites, these storms were observed by a polarimetric radar the CSUCHILL facility which provided both PPI and RHI scans of the cases. Also available were multipleDoppler syntheses from CSUCHILL, local NEXRAD radars, and the CSUPawnee radar; as well as data from the Colorado Lightning Mapping Array (COLMA), high speed cameras, and other lightningdetection instrumentation. This unique dataset provided an unprecedented look at the detailed kinematic and microphysical structures of the thunderstorms as they produced sprites, including electrical alignment signatures in the immediate location of the charge layers neutralized by spriteparent positive cloudtoground lightning strokes. One of the spriteproducing cases (25 June) featured an anomalous charge structure and may serve as a model for how sprites can be produced over convection rather than the more typical stratiform regions. Also to be presented will be evidence for advection of charge into a common stratiform precipitation region (on 8 June), which was then tapped by lightning originating from multiple different convective cores to produce sprites. Depending on the outcome of the 2013 convective season, polarimetric data from additional storms that produce sprites and other transient luminous events (TLEs) may be presented

    Community Structure in Congressional Cosponsorship Networks

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    We study the United States Congress by constructing networks between Members of Congress based on the legislation that they cosponsor. Using the concept of modularity, we identify the community structure of Congressmen, as connected via sponsorship/cosponsorship of the same legislation, to investigate the collaborative communities of legislators in both chambers of Congress. This analysis yields an explicit and conceptually clear measure of political polarization, demonstrating a sharp increase in partisan polarization which preceded and then culminated in the 104th Congress (1995-1996), when Republicans took control of both chambers. Although polarization has since waned in the U.S. Senate, it remains at historically high levels in the House of Representatives.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures (some with multiple parts), to appear in Physica A; additional background info and explanations added from last versio
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