78 research outputs found

    Individual Responsibility of the Heads of State, Head of Government and the Senior Government Officials for international crime. Voice in discussion

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    The author of this article, through the analysis of the regulations concerning the immunities of Head of State, Head of Government and Senior Government Officials, tries to answer the question – whether these persons are protected from criminal responsibility for committing an international crime under international criminal law by the immunity they enjoy under both customary and statutory international law. In exploring the issue, examples from the case law of the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court are also discussed. The author’s deliberations allow him to conclude that there is nothing like the ‘absolute immunity’ of Head of State, Head of Government and Senior Government Officials in the event of their committing an international crime. Immunity granted to them under international law applies only to “national” crimes, but it does not apply to crimes enshrined in the Rome Statute.Autor niniejszego opracowania poprzez analizę regulacji dotyczących immunitetów głowy państwa, rządu oraz wysokich rangą urzędników państwowych próbuje odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy owe osoby są chronione przed odpowiedzialnością karną za popełnienie zbrodni międzynarodowej na gruncie międzynarodowego prawa karnego przez immunitet przysługujący im zarówno na gruncie zwyczajowego, jak i stanowionego prawa międzynarodowego. Podczas zgłębiania zagadnienia omawiane są także przykłady z orzecznictwa Międzynarodowego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości oraz Międzynarodowego Trybunału Karnego. Rozważania autora pozwalają mu dojść do wniosku, że nie istnieje nic takiego jak „absolutny immunitet” głowy państwa, rządu oraz wysokich rangą urzędników państwowych  w sytuacji popełnienia przez nich zbrodni międzynarodowej. Immunitet przyznany im na gruncie prawa międzynarodowego obowiązuje tylko w odniesieniu do przestępstw „krajowych”, nie ma on jednak zastosowania do zbrodni stypizowanych w Statucie rzymskim

    Urazy dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym i analiza poczucia zagrożenia u opiekunów

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    Nierecenzowany artykuł poglądowyUraz to reakcja organizmu na czynnik zewnętrzny, który zadziałał na ciało z jakąś siłą. Celem badania było uzyskanie informacji o urazach u dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym. Respondentami w badaniu byli rodzice/opiekunowie trzylatków. Odpowiadali oni na pytania zawarte w ankiecie. Pomimo istnienia świadomości zagrożeń urazem związanym z aktywnością fizyczną dziecka, w badanej grupie tylko u 7,41% wystąpiły urazy, wszystkie miały charakter łagodny, nie wymagający interwencji lekarskiej. 78% respondentów jest zadowolonych z przedszkola, do którego uczęszcza jego dziecko. Natomiast 96% dzieci chętnie chodzi do przedszkola

    Synthesis of derivatives of methoxydibenzo[b, f]oxepine in the presence of sodium azide

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    Dibenzo[b,f]oxepine is an important scaffold in medicinal chemistry and its derivatives occur in several medicinally important plants. A new approach to methoxydibenzo[b,f]oxepines (15–21) proceeding under mild reaction conditions, has been developed. Notably, the use of sodium azide in the reaction allows access to new substituted dibenzo[b,f]oxepines. In order to study their shape and conformation, the optimum structures of these compounds were calculated using the DFT B3LYP/6-311++G(2d,p) method. A docking simulation was performed to insert compound 20 into the crystal structure of tubulin at the colchicine binding site to determine the probable binding model. The information from this work can be helpful for the investigation of new tubulin polymerization inhibitors exhibiting stronger activity


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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic connective tissue disease. Typical first signs of diseases are pain and edemas of small hand and foot joint, but sometimes first symptoms regard less typical place like one big joint. Pain became the barrier for normal functioning patients with RA, therefore wide range of physical therapy is needed. The aim of this study was evaluation of pain reduction in physical therapy on diseases changed joint. The study involved 50 patients with RA, where mean of age was 47,5. In this group fallowing physical therapy techniques were used: cryotherapy, ultrasound therapy, laser therapy, electrical stimulation TENS, iontophoresis, diadynamic and magnetic therapy. In studied group first signs of diseases were similar like in literature. The presented results indicate pain reduction on all treatment filled join. Used physical therapy techniques were more effective on hand joints then on foot joints


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    Numerous clinical studies have supported the thesis that sacroiliac (SI) joints constitute one of the causes of spinal pain radiating to the lower limb. The pathology of SI joint has been variously defined. The majority of definitions refer to the joint structure as the potential source of pain.As far as the etiology of SI joint dysfunction is concerned, it has not been disambiguated yet.Among the main causative factors, injuries and strains of the structures surrounding the joint are noted.Joint pathology usually manifests itself by pain occurring within the area of the joint.The causes of pain may be divided into two categories: intra-articular and extra-articular.Pain caused by the SI joint may be nociceptive or neural in nature, whereaspain pattern characteristic of the joint correlates with its innervation (S2 dorsal rami) and is consistent with the localisation of radicular pain to a large extent

    Analysis of the Genome and Mobilome of a Dissimilatory Arsenate Reducing Aeromonas sp. O23A Reveals Multiple Mechanisms for Heavy Metal Resistance and Metabolism

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    Aeromonas spp. are among the most ubiquitous microorganisms, as they have been isolated from different environmental niches including waters, soil, as well as wounds and digestive tracts of poikilothermic animals and humans. Although much attention has been paid to the pathogenicity of Aeromonads, the role of these bacteria in environmentally important processes, such as transformation of heavy metals, remains to be discovered. Therefore, the aim of this study was a detailed genomic characterization of Aeromonas sp. O23A, the first representative of this genus capable of dissimilatory arsenate reduction. The strain was isolated from microbial mats from the Zloty Stok mine (SW Poland), an environment strongly contaminated with arsenic. Previous physiological studies indicated that O23A may be involved in both mobilization and immobilization of this metalloid in the environment. To discover the molecular basis of the mechanisms behind the observed abilities, the genome of O23A (∼5.0 Mbp) was sequenced and annotated, and genes for arsenic respiration, heavy metal resistance (hmr) and other phenotypic traits, including siderophore production, were identified. The functionality of the indicated gene modules was assessed in a series of minimal inhibitory concentration analyses for various metals and metalloids, as well as mineral dissolution experiments. Interestingly, comparative analyses revealed that O23A is related to a fish pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida A449 which, however, does not carry genes for arsenic respiration. This indicates that the dissimilatory arsenate reduction ability may have been lost during genome reduction in pathogenic strains, or acquired through horizontal gene transfer. Therefore, particular emphasis was placed upon the mobilome of O23A, consisting of four plasmids, a phage, and numerous transposable elements, which may play a role in the dissemination of hmr and arsenic metabolism genes in the environment. The obtained results indicate that Aeromonas sp. O23A is well-adapted to the extreme environmental conditions occurring in the Zloty Stok mine. The analysis of genome encoded traits allowed for a better understanding of the mechanisms of adaptation of the strain, also with respect to its presumable role in colonization and remediation of arsenic-contaminated waters, which may never have been discovered based on physiological analyses alone