1,555 research outputs found
This article briefly presents the results of the effect of oxidants during filtration of groundwater with high level of manganese compounds. Significant role of biological processes along with physico-chemical at demanganation of groundwater has been noticed. It has been studied that biological processes are dominated in low concentrations of oxidants. At high concentration of disinfectant the role of physico-chemical processes begin to dominate. Thus, there is a significant role of microorganisms in physico-chemical process of manganese removal. Obtained results showed that the oxygen is more efficient oxidizer than sodium hypochlorite for compounds of manganese presented in groundwater
Enabling Resilient Educational Support Network During COVID-19 Pandemic for Undergraduate and Second Career Seeking Students
During times of local and national quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, universities had to close campuses and expediently convert operations and services from face-to-face to virtual learning environments, including virtual classrooms, learning communities, offices, and meeting/advising rooms. Many engineering faculty and students experienced personal, technical, and psychosocial challenges associated with this dramatically altered reality, which may have significant and unprecedented effects on their personal and academic lives. The current study presents results from a needs assessment survey examining the perceptions of 157 engineering students majoring in mechanical and aerospace engineering about the strengths and challenges exhibited by their professors/instructors as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, we describe the instructional efforts and approaches taken by faculty to resolve the practical challenges because of the pandemic. Student perceptions of faculty effectiveness and support were examined by analyzing means and frequencies of survey items. Results revealed that on average, engineering students were positive in their perceptions of the effectiveness and resources/support provided by their professors/instructors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Qualitative data from an open-ended question where coded and quantified. The theme that emerged most frequently reflected engineering students’ need for professors/instructors to demonstrate flexibility/leniency with assignments, quizzes, exams, and deadlines. This short paper provides critical assessment of the gaps in institutional services and resources and provide the required feedback, while informing the institution and the research community about the ways to develop a resilient support network for engineering students in the times of crisis. Future work will consider how student responses change under the altering societal and work/academic conditions with or without COVID-19 pandemic being present at that time. Results from the current study also provide recommendations for effective online instruction in the future
This paper introduces positions of system analysis concept on shortening of time needed for robot’s algorithms and software successful development with taking into consideration the mechanic, electronic and technological circumstances. The means of the in-creasing of the robot’s work reliability are also considered. The work is based on the experience of creation of great number of control systems and software for a wide number of the robots, different by appointment and the constructive scheme. The laser system of technical vision for tracking the weld is considered. The mathematical justification of the applied algorithm is described. The algorithm uses the extreme value method, which is to select the maximum value at the cross section of the laser line as the center. To improve the accuracy of the algorithm, the method of minimizing the matrix is used.В материалах статьи рассмотрены возможности лазерной системі технического зрения для слежения за сварочным швом. Описанное математическое обоснование применяемого алгоритма. Алгоритм использует метод экстремального значения, состоит в выборе максимального значения на поперечном сечении лазерной линии в качестве центра. Для совершенствования точности алгоритма применяется метод сворачивания матрицы.Розглянуто лазерну систему технічного зору для слідкування за зварювальним швом. Описане математичне обґрунтування застосованого алгоритму. Алгоритм використовує метод екстремального значення, що полягає у виборі максимального значення на поперечному перерізі лазерної лінії в якості центра. Для вдосконалення точності алгоритму застосовується метод згортання матриці
Effect of Platelet Length and Stochastic Morphology on Flexural Behavior of Prepreg Platelet Molded Composites
Prepreg platelet molding compound (PPMC) can be used to create structural grade material with a heterogeneous mesoscale morphology. The present work considered various platelet lengths of the prepreg system IM7/8552 to study the effect of platelet length on the flexural behavior of PPMC composite. A progressive failure finite-element analysis was used to understand competing failure modes in PPMC with the different platelet length. The interlaminar and in-plane damage mechanisms were employed to describe complex failure modes within the mesostructure of PPMCs. Experimental results of the flexural tests of the PPMC with different platelet length sizes were used to validate the modeling prediction. The experimental and modeling results revealed complex behavior of the flexural mechanical properties (modulus and strength) on the platelet length. The experimental results indicate that PPMC composites processed with a plate length of 12.7 mm have a higher flexural modulus and strength than 25.4 and 6.35 mm. The platelet length effect on the flexural mechanical behavior was attributed to interactions between various damage mechanisms and the stochastic fiber orientation distribution variability in the material
Доктринальні проблеми муніципальної статутної нормотворчості (аксіологічні, онтологічні та телеологічні аспекти)
The article is devoted to the conceptual problems of statutory rulemaking in local self-government. Conceptual analysis of axiological aspects of municipal statute norm-making is carried out. There is a connection with the axiology of the municipal statute law of the problem of its ontological significance. It is substantiated that the disclosure of ontological aspects of municipal statutory rulemaking will show the role of territorial communities as a special form of law in terms of the embodiment of the ideals of municipal democracy as a person, a member of a territorial community. The essential features and substantiated structural, informative and functional characteristics of the institute of statutory law in the local self-government are revealed. Attention is drawn to the coordination-integration and orientation-coordination value of the municipal statutory norm-setting. Established sources and forms of statutory law in local self-government and substantiated the basic organizational and legal patterns of its development. The system of functions of the statutory right, to which the authors include such as: legitimate, managerial, regulatory, innovative, reformatory, right of establishment, human rights, ethics are given.
It is concluded that an important criterion for determining the effectiveness of the statutes of territorial communities and the system of their functions, their social value is the effectiveness of the implementation of these functions in order to fulfill the tasks and objectives laid down in the municipal statutory regulation. Municipal statutory law - nothing if its provisions are not implemented in the activities of territorial communities and their members – the inhabitants of villages, settlements and cities, in municipal-legal relations. It is impossible to understand the value, essence, content, functional and teleological purpose of municipal law, if we deviate from the mechanism of its realization in the life of a society of specific territorial communities. This statement, first of all, should be attributed to the assessment of the statutes of territorial communities, their norms and functions. In other words, the statutes of territorial communities remain completely ineffective documents, and their prescriptions – abstraction, devoid of real meaning and practical significance, in the case where, firstly, the adoption of the statutes of territorial communities did not have objective preconditions; and secondly, the statutes of territorial communities do not have a real impact on social relations in the field of local self-government. Therefore, the effectiveness of the existence and functioning of the statutes of territorial communities and their normative requirements is determined by the degree of their implementation.Статья посвящена концептуальным проблемам уставного нормотворчества в местном самоуправлении. Проведен концептуальный анализ аксиологических аспектов муниципального уставного нормотворчества. Отмечается связь с аксиологией муниципального уставного права проблемы его онтологического значения. Обосновано, что раскрытие онтологических аспектов муниципального уставного нормотворчества позволит показать роль уставов территориальной общины как особой формы права с точки зрения воплощения в бытие человека – члена территориальной общины идеалов муниципальной демократии. Раскрыто сущностные признаки и обоснованно структурные, содержательные и функциональные характеристики института статутного права в местном самоуправлении. Обращается внимание на согласительно-интеграционную и ориентационно-координационный ценность муниципальной уставной нормотворчества. Установлены источники и формы статутного права в местном самоуправлении и обоснованы основные организационно-правовые закономерности его развития. Приведена система функций статутного права, к которой авторы относят такие, как: легитимную, управленческую, регуляторную, инновационную, реформаторскую, право учредительную, правозащитную, этическую.
Делается вывод, что важным критерием определения действенности уставов территориальных общин и системы их функций, их социальной ценности являются эффективность реализации этих функций с целью реализации задач и целей, возложенных на муниципальное уставное регулирование. Муниципальное уставное право – ничто, если его положения не реализованы в деятельности территориальных общин и их членов – жителей сел, поселков и городов в муниципально-правовых отношениях. Невозможно понять ценность, сущность, содержание, функционально-телеологическое назначение муниципального права, если отклониться от механизма его реализации в жизни общества конкретных территориальных общин. Это утверждение, прежде всего, должно быть отнесено к оценке уставов территориальных общин, их норм и функций. Иными словами, уставы территориальных общин остаются абсолютно недееспособными документами, а их предписания – абстракцией, лишенной реального содержания и практического значения, в случае если, во-первых, принятие уставов территориальных общин не имело объективных предпосылок; во-вторых, уставы территориальных общин не осуществляют реального воздействия на общественные отношения в сфере местного самоуправления. В силу этого эффективность существования и функционирования уставов территориальных общин и их нормативных предписаний определяется степенью их реализации.
Стаття присвячена концептуальним проблемам статутної нормотворчості у місцевому самоврядуванні. Проведено концептуальний аналіз аксіологічних аспектів муніципальної статутної нормотворчості. Зазначається зв'язок з аксіологією муніципального статутного права проблеми його онтологічного значення. Обгрунтовано, що розкриття онтологічних аспектів муніципальної статутної нормотворчості дозволить показати роль статутів територіальної громади як особливої форми права з точки зору втілення у буття людини – члена територіальної громади ідеалів муніципальної демократії. Розкрито сутнісні ознаки та обґрунтовано структурні, змістовні та функціональні характеристики інституту статутного права у місцевому самоврядуванні. Звертається увага на узгоджувально-інтеграційну та орієнтаційно-координаційну цінність муніципальної статутної нормотворчості. Встановлено джерела та форми статутного права в місцевому самоврядуванні та обґрунтовано основні організаційно-правові закономірності його розвитку. Наведено систему функцій статутного права, до якої автори відносять такі, як: легітимну, управлінську, регуляторну, інноваційну, реформаторську, право установчу, правозахисну, етичну.
Робиться висновок, що важливим критерієм визначення дієвості статутів територіальних громад та системи їх функцій, їх соціальної цінності є ефективність реалізації цих функцій із метою втілення завдань та цілей, покладених на муніципальне статутне регулювання. Муніципальне статутне право – ніщо, якщо його положення не реалізовані в діяльності територіальних громад та їх членів – мешканців сіл, селищ та міст у муніципально-правових відносинах. Неможливо зрозуміти цінність, сутність, зміст, функціонально-телеологічне призначення муніципального права, якщо відхилитися від механізму його реалізації в житті суспільства конкретних територіальних громад. Це твердження, насамперед, має бути віднесене до оцінки статутів територіальних громад, їх норм та функцій. Іншими словами, статути територіальних громад залишаються абсолютно недієвими документами, а їх приписи – абстракцією, позбавленою реального змісту і практичного значення, у разі коли, по-перше, прийняття статутів територіальних громад не мало об’єктивних передумов; по-друге, статути територіальних громад не здійснюють реального впливу на суспільні відносини у сфері місцевого самоврядування. У силу цього ефективність існування та функціонування статутів територіальних громад та їх нормативних приписів визначається ступенем їх реалізації
Visual metaphor in commercial ad: effectiveness or failure?
Based on the modern approaches to the study of multimodal pragmatics, this study focuses on its new facet, identifying the correlation between cognitive and pragmatic features of visual metaphor with reference to visual grammatical analysis and Optimal Innovation Hypothesis added by explanatory tools of the conceptual blending Theory and Relevance Theory along with cooperative principle. The purpose of the article is to analyze the visual message of commercial advertising while assessing its successfulness / failure in accordance with the sequentially applied criteria of “the level of metaphorical polysemanticity and ambiguity”, “the availability of the relevant context of interpretation”, “the level of optimal innovativeness”. The paper reached four principal results. First. The visual metaphor flouts one or few cooperatіve maxims, which triggers discursive implicature. Second. Depending on the level of implicitness and polysemanticity of the visual metaphor, the result of the maxim flouting can be both implicature and explicature. If the inference of the implicature is intended by an advertising message, but requires excessive efforts to process visual information in lack of relevant context, the level of the metaphor interpretation remains explicature. Third. “Explicature” and “implicature” levels of visual metaphor interpretation are associated with different stages of blending processes. Inference of discursive implicature, which constitutes the intended meaning of the metaphor, coincides with the stage of the blend elaboration; Fourth. Depending on the balance between the level of familiarity and innovativeness, the components of a visual metaphor can be ranked on the scale of “attractiveness” for the target client—from optimally innovative to pure innovative devices
Phase field modeling of crack propagation in double cantilever beam under Mode I
A smeared crack approach using a phase-field approach to fracture with unilateral contact condition was used to study the stress distribution and crack propagation in a double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen. The parameters in the numerical model were informed from atomistic simulations and validated with experimental data for poly(methyl methacrylate) that included data for damage initiation under different levels of volumetric and deviatoric stress components and fracture toughness measurements obtained under Mode I conditions. The phase field model includes two quantities, a length scale that controls the width of the crack and the critical fracture energy density. The study considered a sensitivity analysis of the influence of these two parameters to obtain optimal values. Experiments and simulations of DCB are shown to study the toughness of polymer and polymer composite specimens that include residual stresses developed in the specimen during cure
Optimizing the process of physical education as a specialized, purposeful, managerial pedagogical activity requires the search for new approaches to the physical activity of students of higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Recently their level of health and physical fitness is a cause for concern. The impossibility of fulfilling the control and module standards according to the program with of physical education for a positive assessment reduces students' motivation for classes physical education and sports. Therefore, the issue of systematics is acute independent classes of students in their free time from studying. Self-study of students in physical exercises should be aimed at strengthening health, increasing work capacity, mastering skills and skills, improvement of professional activity, formation of social activity and consciousness.A otimização do processo de educação física como atividade pedagógica especializada, intencional e de gestão exige a procura de novas abordagens à atividade física dos estudantes de instituições de ensino superior da Ucrânia. Recentemente, o seu nível de saúde e aptidão física é motivo de preocupação. A impossibilidade de cumprir as normas de controlo e de módulo de acordo com o programa de educação física para uma avaliação positiva reduz a motivação dos estudantes para as aulas de educação física e desporto. Por isso, a questão da sistemática é aguda nas aulas independentes dos alunos no seu tempo livre de estudo. O auto-estudo dos alunos em exercícios físicos deve ter como objetivo o fortalecimento da saúde, o aumento da capacidade de trabalho, o domínio de competências e habilidades, a melhoria da atividade profissional, a formação da atividade social e da consciência
Spray Deposition of Sustainable Plant Based Graphene in Thermosetting Carbon Fiber Laminates for Mechanical, Thermal, and Electrical Properties
Graphene has generated substantial interest as a filler due to its exceptional strength, flexibility, and conductivity but faces obstacles in supply and implementation. A renewable, plant-based graphene nanoparticle (pGNP) presents a more accessible filler with the same properties as mineral graphenes. In this study, we examine the effects of pGNP, which was sprayed on a carbon fiber/epoxy prepreg at loadings from 1.1 to 4.2 g/m2. The study considered the mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties of pGNP-composite. An even particle dispersion was achieved using a spray application of pGNP in a water/alcohol suspension with the addition of surfactants and dispersion aides. Results show that pGNP addition increases flexural modulus 15%, flexural strength 17%, interlaminar shear strength 17%, and mode I fracture toughness by 146%, as well as increases electrical conductivity 294% and thermal conductivity 24%, with these improvements observed at 1.1–2.3 g/m2 spray loadings
Clustering Students According to their Academic Achievement Using Fuzzy Logic
The software for clustering students according to their educational
achievements using fuzzy logic was developed in Python using the Google Colab
cloud service. In the process of analyzing educational data, the problems of
Data Mining are solved, since only some characteristics of the educational
process are obtained from a large sample of data. Data clustering was performed
using the classic K-Means method, which is characterized by simplicity and high
speed. Cluster analysis was performed in the space of two features using the
machine learning library scikit-learn (Python). The obtained clusters are
described by fuzzy triangular membership functions, which allowed to correctly
determine the membership of each student to a certain cluster. Creation of
fuzzy membership functions is done using the scikit-fuzzy library. The
development of fuzzy functions of objects belonging to clusters is also useful
for educational purposes, as it allows a better understanding of the principles
of using fuzzy logic. As a result of processing test educational data using the
developed software, correct results were obtained. It is shown that the use of
fuzzy membership functions makes it possible to correctly determine the
belonging of students to certain clusters, even if such clusters are not
clearly separated. Due to this, it is possible to more accurately determine the
recommended level of difficulty of tasks for each student, depending on his
previous evaluations.Comment: 13 pages,9 figures,ijmec
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