1,482 research outputs found

    J/[phi] level one trigger based on the Cellular Automaton method for CBM experiment

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    Głównym tematem pracy jest selekcja zdarzeń zawierających mezon J /ip przy użyciu Detektora Promieniowania Przejścia. Stworzone procedury działają na niskim poziomie (Poziom 1) systemu akwizycji danych eksperymentu Compressed Baryonic Matter. Na potrzeby poszukiwania sygnatury mezonu stworzono dedykowany algorytm rekonstrukcyjny. Jako sygnaturę wybrano parę e+e_ z pędem poprzecznym każdej cząstki pt > 1 GeV/c i o masie niezmienniczej w okolicach 3.1 GeV/c2. Algorytm rekonstrukcyjny bazuje na idei Automatu Komórkowego, optymalnej dla równoległego przetwarzania danych. Podczas selekcji, zdarzenia pozbawione interesujących informacji są odrzucane a te zawierające sygnaturę rozpadu J/ip są akceptowane. Algorytm rekonstruuje tory wysokopędowych (p > 1 GeV/c) cząstek z pojedynczego centralnego zderzenia Au+Au przy energii 25 GeV/nukleon z wydajnością 92.6% w czasie 0.24 s na standardowym. 3-gigahercowym procesorze klasy Pentium 4. Dla zderzeń peryferyjnych przy tej samej energii, wydajność dla wysokopędowych cząstek wynosi 89.7% a czas jednego zdarzenia to 0.05 s. Wyniki pokazują, że oparta na sygnaturach selekcja zdarzeń pozwala na redukcję ilości zdarzeń tła dla kolizji peryferyjnych o czynnik 1000. przepuszczając 1 zdarzenie tła na 1000 przy zachowaniu 11.7 % zdarzeń z sygnałem z rozpadu J/ip . Oferuje 1000 razy więcej czasu dla systemów analizy wyższego rzędu na przeprowadzenie dodatkowych operacji w trybie on-line

    Latvian nationlism and the construction of a 'Latgalian identity'

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    Since the early 1990s, when Latvia regained its independence from the Soviet Union (1991), Latvia's historical region of Latgale has become a site of unending political activism aimed at opposing Latvian nationalism. Claiming to represent Latvians of that region or Latgalians, political activists have been declaring that they are struggling against the ongoing state oppression of their distinct, regionally and historically rooted Latgalian identity and language, and have been demanding more autonomy in cultural, linguistic and economic affairs for Latgale. In this article I will attempt to reveal the wider historical, political and social contexts that are evoking, triggering and shaping Latgalian political activism. I will argue that Latgalian activism represents an attempt to invigorate an imagined Latgalian community that is separate from Latvians in order to achieve official affirmation of Latgalians as an inseparable part of the Latvian nation. I also engage in theoretical debates on different manifestations of sub-state nationalisms inside Europe by presenting this case study of a territorially based nationalist movement as being aimed not at separation, but at inclusion within a dominant nationalist imagination

    Model internacjonalizacji ukraińskich mikro i małych firm

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    Opracowanie dotyczy analizy sposobu (sposobów) internacjonalizacji mikro i małych przedsiębiorstw ukraińskich. Zawiera takie elementy składowe jak: wstęp, analizę warunków funkcjonowania małych przedsiębiorstw na Ukrainie, analizę wyników badań własnych w związku z takimi elementami, jak: rozumienie istoty procesu internacjonalizacji, motywy i bariery internacjonalizacji niewielkich ukraińskich przedsiębiorstw, stosowane przez nie strategie internacjonalizacji. We wstępie zawarto cel opracowania i charakterystykę własnych badań empirycznych. Opisano sposoby internacjonalizacji małych ukraińskich przedsiębiorstw. Opracowanie zakończone jest podsumowaniem odnoszącym się do całości podjętych rozważań. Najważniejszy wniosek z badań: małe ukraińskie przedsiębiorstwa stosują „wczesną internacjonalizację”.The study focuses on the analysis of the ways of internationalization of micro and small Ukrainian enterprises. It contains such elements as: introduction, analysis of the functioning conditions of micro and small enterprises in Ukraine, analysis of the own research results in the following areas: understanding the nature of the internationalization process, motives and barriers to the internationalization of micro and small Ukrainian enterprises in the applied internationalization strategies. The introduction includes the purpose of the study and the characteristics of the empirical research. The internationalization of small Ukrainian enterprises has been described. The study is completed with a summary referring to all mentioned considerations. The most important conclusion from the study: micro and small Ukrainian enterprises use “early internationalization”

    Edukacja przez sztuki wizualne w procesie przygotowania dziecka w okresie średniego i późnego dzieciństwa do stawania się kompetentnym wizualnie

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    In this article, I would like to make an attempt at a kind of return (probably incomplete and limited) to a unique, due to the potential of its content and forms, process of education of a child through visual arts (optical arts, visual arts) that allows the child to perceive, understand and create the surrounding iconosphere, gradually acquiring competences connected with “visual literacy”. The activities that foster such an activity of the child do not abandon the traditional assumptions of “education through art”, but complement them with new challenges and perspectives. The area of analysis, pointing to theoretical foundations and a review of literature, is reduced in the article to a discourse on the importance of visual literacy as one of the basic human competences and the possibility of using the potential of visual arts in the process of preparing children, already at the level of middle and late childhood, to become visually competent persons in the future.W artykule podjęto próbę swoistego powrotu (zapewne niepełnego i ograniczonego) do unikalnej, ze względu na potencjał jej treści i form, edukacji dziecka przez sztuki wizualne (optical arts, visual arts), pozwalającej mu odbierać, rozumieć i kreować otaczającą je ikonosferę, stopniowo zdobywając kompetencje związane z „alfabetyzacją wizualną”. W działaniach sprzyjających takiej aktywności dziecka nie rezygnuje się z tradycyjnych założeń „edukacji przez sztukę”, lecz uzupełnia się je o nowe wyzwania i perspektywy. Obszar analiz wskazujący na podstawy teoretyczne oraz przegląd badań sprowadza się w artykule do dyskursu o znaczeniu alfabetyzacji wizualnej, jako jednej z podstawowych kompetencji człowieka oraz możliwości wykorzystania potencjału sztuk wizualnych w procesie przygotowania dzieci, już na poziomie średniego i późnego dzieciństwa, do stawania się w przyszłości osobami kompetentnymi wizualnie

    Oppressions and turning points in the fate of the contemporary migrant – Polish-German writer-wanderer Artur Becker and his novel ,Chopin’s Heart’

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    The following article aims at presenting the main emigration-related interpretative aspects of Becker’s prose and attempts to put them in the context of the post-colonial theories. The characters created by Artur Becker, who calls himself a “Polish writer of German language”, roam continually between the old and the new fatherland and struggle with the feeling of not belonging to any of these worlds. The experience of alienation in foreign country stems from a “transition” in a double sense: on the one side a physical change of the place of residence to Germany which means crossing the “mystical” frontier between the East and the West and on the other a fruitful caesura: the crisis of the identity leads the protagonists of Becker to the conclusion that this hybridity constitutes an intellectual potential and an existential skill.In the introduction, the foundations of the Postcolonial Theories will be outlined, with the emphasis on the concept of Homi Bhabha which postulates that the fluidity of identity forming in a symbolic “third space”, enables the cultural hybridity. Subsequently, after a short presentation of the characters and the work of Artur Becker, the research will focus on the novel Das Herz von Chopin (Chopin’s Heart), in which the main character – a financially successful car dealer who emigrated from the communistic Poland to Germany almost 20 years ago while being internally conflicted begins to explore a zone betwixt-and-between to find his own way to happiness. The following article aims at presenting the main emigration-related interpretative aspects of Becker’s prose and attempts to put them in the context of the post-colonial theories. The characters created by Artur Becker, who calls himself a “Polish writer of German language”, roam continually between the old and the new fatherland and struggle with the feeling of not belonging to any of these worlds. The experience of alienation in foreign country stems from a “transition” in a double sense: on the one side a physical change of the place of residence to Germany which means crossing the “mystical” frontier between the East and the West and on the other a fruitful caesura: the crisis of the identity leads the protagonists of Becker to the conclusion that this hybridity constitutes an intellectual potential and an existential skill.In the introduction, the foundations of the Postcolonial Theories will be outlined, with the emphasis on the concept of Homi Bhabha which postulates that the fluidity of identity forming in a symbolic “third space”, enables the cultural hybridity. Subsequently, after a short presentation of the characters and the work of Artur Becker, the research will focus on the novel Das Herz von Chopin (Chopin’s Heart), in which the main character – a financially successful car dealer who emigrated from the communistic Poland to Germany almost 20 years ago while being internally conflicted begins to explore a zone betwixt-and-between to find his own way to happiness.

    Children and adolescents with a chronic condition in the public school space – in search of an effective model of psychopedagogical support

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    Hanna Krauze-Sikorska, Children and adolescents with a chronic condition in the public school space – in search of an effective model of psy-chopedagogical support. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 26, Poznań 2019. Pp. 205–318. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. e-ISSN 2658-283X. DOI:https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.26.14Chronic condition may, in time, become a specific kind of „stigma” that determines the formation of a specific “conveyor belt” which determines the trajectories of the fate of children and adolescents. Analysing the functioning of children and adolescents with a chronic condition, for which the school should provide (as for other students) the conditions of learning, both in the cognitive and in the directional aspects, one may indicate not only the imperfections of educational activities, but also a myth of noble ideas inscribed in the function of school, as a place of universal development of every student. The article is a proposal of employing, within the process of educating children and adolescents with a chronic condition, an eclectic model of activities, based on their complexity and sequentiality. The model refers to models proposed by Frederick C. Thorne, or Richard James, used in situations of crisis intervention: the equilibrium model, the cognitive model, and the social change model.Hanna Krauze-Sikorska, Children and adolescents with a chronic condition in the public school space – in search of an effective model of psy-chopedagogical support. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 26, Poznań 2019. Pp. 205–318. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. e-ISSN 2658-283X. DOI:https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.26.14Chronic condition may, in time, become a specific kind of „stigma” that determines the formation of a specific “conveyor belt” which determines the trajectories of the fate of children and adolescents. Analysing the functioning of children and adolescents with a chronic condition, for which the school should provide (as for other students) the conditions of learning, both in the cognitive and in the directional aspects, one may indicate not only the imperfections of educational activities, but also a myth of noble ideas inscribed in the function of school, as a place of universal development of every student. The article is a proposal of employing, within the process of educating children and adolescents with a chronic condition, an eclectic model of activities, based on their complexity and sequentiality. The model refers to models proposed by Frederick C. Thorne, or Richard James, used in situations of crisis intervention: the equilibrium model, the cognitive model, and the social change model

    Vibration control for an experimental off-road vehicle using magnetorheological dampers

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    The paper presents research studies in the field of semiactive vibration control of an experimental off-road vehicle which is equipped with suspension magnetorheological (MR) dampers. Accelerometers and vehicle progressive velocity sensors are installed in body and underbody parts of the vehicle and are used in control scheme. Furthermore, IMU modules and suspension deflection sensors were used for validation of measurement part of the system. Semiactive Skyhook control algorithm, including on/off and smooth suspension MR damper control, was implemented in order to validate the control system. Quality of measurements is deteriorated by multiple factors including vehicle engine and shape of tires which was examined. Experimental results indicated better vibration suppression of vehicle body part for smooth Skyhook controller compared with passive soft and hard suspension. The presented semiactive suspension control system can be applied for complex vehicle dynamics analysis and control schemes dedicated to both the ride comfort and ride safety issues