71 research outputs found

    Synchronous dynamics of zooplankton competitors prevail in temperate lake ecosystems

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    Although competing species are expected to exhibit compensatory dynamics (negative temporal covariation), empirical work has demonstrated that competitive communities often exhibit synchronous dynamics (positive temporal covariation). This has led to the suggestion that environmental forcing dominates species dynamics; however, synchronous and compensatory dynamics may appear at different length scales and/or at different times, making it challenging to identify their relative importance. We compiled 58 long-term datasets of zooplankton abundance in north-temperate and sub-tropical lakes and used wavelet analysis to quantify general patterns in the times and scales at which synchronous/compensatory dynamics dominated zooplankton communities in different regions and across the entire dataset. Synchronous dynamics were far more prevalent at all scales and times and were ubiquitous at the annual scale. Although we found compensatory dynamics in approximately 14% of all combinations of time period/scale/lake, there were no consistent scales or time periods during which compensatory dynamics were apparent across different regions. Our results suggest that the processes driving compensatory dynamics may be local in their extent, while those generating synchronous dynamics operate at much larger scales. This highlights an important gap in our understanding of the interaction between environmental and biotic forces that structure communities

    The Combined Effects of Warming and Body Size on the Stability of Predator-Prey Interactions

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    Environmental temperature and body size are two prominent drivers of predation. Despite the ample evidence of their independent effects, the combined impact of temperature and predator-prey body size ratio on the strength and stability of trophic interactions is not fully understood. We experimentally tested how water temperature alters the functional response and population stability of dragonfly nymphs (Cordulegaster boltonii) feeding on freshwater amphipods (Gammarus pulex) across a gradient of their body size ratios. Attack coefficients were highest for small predators feeding on small prey at low temperatures, but shifted toward the largest predators feeding on larger prey in warmer environments. Handling time appeared to decrease with increasing predator and prey body size in the cold environment, but increase at higher temperatures. These findings indicate interactive effects of temperature and body size on functional responses. There was also a negative effect of warming on the stability of predator and prey populations, but this was counteracted by a larger predator-prey body size ratio at higher temperatures. Here, a greater Hill exponent reduced feeding at low prey densities when predators were much larger than their prey, enhancing the persistence of both predator and prey populations in the warmer environment. These experimental findings provide new mechanistic insights into the destabilizing effect of warming on trophic interactions and the key role of predator-prey body size ratios in mitigating these effects

    Interactive effects of warming and microplastics on metabolism but not feeding rates of a key freshwater detritivore

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    Microplastics are an emerging pollutant of high concern, with their prevalence in the environment linked to adverse impacts on aquatic organisms. However, our knowledge of these impacts on freshwater species is rudimentary, and there is almost no research directly testing how these effects can change under ongoing and future climate warming. Given the potential for multiple stressors to interact in nature, research on the combined impacts of microplastics and environmental temperature requires urgent attention. Thus, we experimentally manipulated environmentally realistic concentrations of microplastics and temperature to partition their independent and combined impacts on metabolic and feeding rates of a model freshwater detritivore. There was a significant increase in metabolic and feeding rates with increasing body mass and temperature, in line with metabolic and foraging theory. Experimental warming altered the effect of microplastics on metabolic rate, which increased with microplastic concentration at the lowest temperature, but decreased at the higher temperatures. The microplastics had no effect on the amount of litter consumed by the detritivores, therefore, did not result in altered feeding rates. These results show that the metabolism of important freshwater detritivores could be altered by short-term exposure to microplastics, with greater inhibition of metabolic rates at higher temperatures. The consequences of these metabolic changes may take longer to manifest than the duration of our experiments, requiring further investigation. Our results suggest little short-term impact of microplastics on litter breakdown by gammarid amphipods and highlight the importance of environmental context for a better understanding of microplastic pollution in freshwater ecosystems

    The evolution of competitive ability for essential resources

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    Competition for limiting resources is among the most fundamental ecological interactions and has long been considered a key driver of species coexistence and biodiversity. Species' minimum resource requirements, their R*s, are key traits that link individual physiological demands to the outcome of competition. However, a major question remains unanswered—to what extent are species’ competitive traits able to evolve in response to resource limitation? To address this knowledge gap, we performed an evolution experiment in which we exposed Chlamydomonas reinhardtii for approximately 285 generations to seven environments in chemostats that differed in resource supply ratios (including nitrogen, phosphorus and light limitation) and salt stress. We then grew the ancestors and descendants in a common garden and quantified their competitive abilities for essential resources. We investigated constraints on trait evolution by testing whether changes in resource requirements for different resources were correlated. Competitive abilities for phosphorus improved in all populations, while competitive abilities for nitrogen and light increased in some populations and decreased in others. In contrast to the common assumption that there are trade-offs between competitive abilities for different resources, we found that improvements in competitive ability for a resource came at no detectable cost. Instead, improvements in competitive ability for multiple resources were either positively correlated or not significantly correlated. Using resource competition theory, we then demonstrated that rapid adaptation in competitive traits altered the predicted outcomes of competition. These results highlight the need to incorporate contemporary evolutionary change into predictions of competitive community dynamics over environmental gradients.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Conceptual challenges in microbial community ecology’.</div

    Dominant predators mediate the impact of habitat size on trophic structure in bromeliad invertebrate communities

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    Local habitat size has been shown to influence colonization and extinction processes of species in patchy environments. However, species differ in body size, mobility, and trophic level, and may not respond in the same way to habitat size. Thus far, we have a limited understanding of how habitat size influences the structure of multitrophic communities and to what extent the effects may be generalizable over a broad geographic range. Here, we used water-filled bromeliads of different sizes as a natural model system to examine the effects of habitat size on the trophic structure of their inhabiting invertebrate communities. We collected composition and biomass data from 651 bromeliad communities from eight sites across Central and South America differing in environmental conditions, species pools, and the presence of large-bodied odonate predators. We found that trophic structure in the communities changed dramatically with changes in habitat (bromeliad) size. Detritivore : resource ratios showed a consistent negative relationship with habitat size across sites. In contrast, changes in predator : detritivore (prey) ratios depended on the presence of odonates as dominant predators in the regional pool. At sites without odonates, predator : detritivore biomass ratios decreased with increasing habitat size. At sites with odonates, we found odonates to be more frequently present in large than in small bromeliads, and predator : detritivore biomass ratios increased with increasing habitat size to the point where some trophic pyramids became inverted. Our results show that the distribution of biomass amongst food-web levels depends strongly on habitat size, largely irrespective of geographic differences in environmental conditions or detritivore species compositions. However, the presence of large-bodied predators in the regional species pool may fundamentally alter this relationship between habitat size and trophic structure. We conclude that taking into account the response and multitrophic effects of dominant, mobile species may be critical when predicting changes in community structure along a habitat-size gradient.Fil: Petermann, Jana S.. Freie Universitat Berlin. Institute of Biology; AlemaniaFil: Farjalla, Vinicius F.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Jocque, Merlijn. State University Of New Jersey; Estados UnidosFil: Kratina, Pavel. Queen Mary University Of London. School of Biological and Chemical Sciences; Reino UnidoFil: Macdonald, Andrew. University Of British Columbia; CanadáFil: Marino, Nicholas. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: de Omena, Paula. Universidade Estadual de Campinas; BrasilFil: Piccoli, Gustavo. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Richardson, Michael. Universidad de Puerto Rico; Puerto RicoFil: Richardson, Barbara. Universidad de Puerto Rico; Puerto RicoFil: Romero, Gustavo. Universidade Estadual de Campinas; BrasilFil: Videla, Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (p); Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones Entomológicas de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Srivastava, Diane. University Of British Columbia; Canad

    Food web persistence is enhanced by non-trophic interactions.

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    The strength of interspecific interactions is often proposed to affect food web stability, with weaker interactions increasing the persistence of species, and food webs as a whole. However, the mechanisms that modify interaction strengths, and their effects on food web persistence are not fully understood. Using food webs containing different combinations of predator, prey, and nonprey species, we investigated how predation risk of susceptible prey is affected by the presence of species not directly trophically linked to either predators or prey. We predicted that indirect alterations to the strength of trophic interactions translate to changes in persistence time of extinction-prone species. We assembled interaction webs of protist consumers and turbellarian predators with eight different combinations of prey, predators and nonprey species, and recorded abundances for over 130 prey generations. Persistence of predation-susceptible species was increased by the presence of nonprey. Furthermore, multiple nonprey species acted synergistically to increase prey persistence, such that persistence was greater than would be predicted from the dynamics of simpler food webs. We also found evidence suggesting increased food web complexity may weaken interspecific competition, increasing persistence of poorer competitors. Our results demonstrate that persistence times in complex food webs cannot be predicted from the dynamics of simplified systems, and that species not directly involved in consumptive interactions likely play key roles in maintaining persistence. Global species diversity is currently declining at an unprecedented rate and our findings reveal that concurrent loss of species that modify trophic interactions may have unpredictable consequences for food web stability

    Selective logging shows no impact on the dietary breadth of a generalist bat species: The fawn leaf-nosed bat (Hipposideros cervinus)

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    Logging activities degrade forest habitats across large areas of the tropics, but the impacts on trophic interactions that underpin forest ecosystems are poorly understood. DNA metabarcoding provides an invaluable tool to investigate such interactions, allowing analysis at a far greater scale and resolution than has previously been possible. We analysed the diet of the insectivorous fawn leaf-nosed bat Hipposideros cervinus across a forest disturbance gradient in Borneo, using a dataset of ecological interactions from an unprecedented number of bat-derived faecal samples. Bats predominantly consumed insects from the orders Lepidoptera, Diptera, Blattodea, and Coleoptera, and the taxonomic composition of their diet remained relatively consistent across sites regardless of logging disturbance. There was little difference in the richness of prey consumed per-bat in each logging treatment, indicating potential resilience of this species to habitat degradation. In fact, bats consumed a high richness of prey items, and intensive sampling is needed to reliably compare feeding ecology over multiple sites. Multiple bioinformatic parameters were used, to assess how they altered our perception of sampling completeness. While parameter choice altered estimates of completeness, a very high sampling effort was always required to detect the entire prey community

    The intrinsic predictability of ecological time series and its potential to guide forecasting

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    Successfully predicting the future states of systems that are complex, stochastic, and potentially chaotic is a major challenge. Model forecasting error (FE) is the usual measure of success; however model predictions provide no insights into the potential for improvement. In short, the realized predictability of a specific model is uninformative about whether the system is inherently predictable or whether the chosen model is a poor match for the system and our observations thereof. Ideally, model proficiency would be judged with respect to the systems’ intrinsic predictability, the highest achievable predictability given the degree to which system dynamics are the result of deterministic vs. stochastic processes. Intrinsic predictability may be quantified with permutation entropy (PE), a model‐free, information‐theoretic measure of the complexity of a time series. By means of simulations, we show that a correlation exists between estimated PE and FE and show how stochasticity, process error, and chaotic dynamics affect the relationship. This relationship is verified for a data set of 461 empirical ecological time series. We show how deviations from the expected PE–FE relationship are related to covariates of data quality and the nonlinearity of ecological dynamics. These results demonstrate a theoretically grounded basis for a model‐free evaluation of a system's intrinsic predictability. Identifying the gap between the intrinsic and realized predictability of time series will enable researchers to understand whether forecasting proficiency is limited by the quality and quantity of their data or the ability of the chosen forecasting model to explain the data. Intrinsic predictability also provides a model‐free baseline of forecasting proficiency against which modeling efforts can be evaluated

    Rutas tróficas en macrozooplancton del Lago de Tota - Boyacá, Colombia

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    1 recurso en línea (56 páginas) : ilustraciones, figuras, tablas.In aquatic ecosystems inputs of matter and energy present in greater or lesser extent depending on the basin, given the origin and quality of these resources, you can alter the balance in metabolism or interactions in the food web. Using stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen, the link between potential sources of funds and use established by macrozooplankton species in Lake Big and Lake Fellow the Lake Tota sectors. Trophic possible ways the role of each species in the proposed network, as well. In general, most of this study, most species have a bond with the autotrophic pathway, being the phytoplankton the food resource base for the food web, commonly found impoverished carbon signals. Particularly, the analysis showed a variation in the source or resource for two species (Daphnia laevis and Bosmina (Bosmina) cf. longirostris), with an enrichment in its signal to 19.92 ‰ -20.34 ‰ δ13C, which can be given by plasticity in their food supply, and even if Boeckella gracilis having a signal indicating a specialization in its appeal with carbon impoverished -30 to -26 ‰ values δ13C while nitrogen values are enriched with an average value 20.21 ‰ in δ15N. To set the trophic fractionation means establishing three groups, the first (herbivores) consisting of (D. laevis, B. (Bosmina) and Ceriodaphnia pulchella cf. longirostris), the second (omnivore) which is (Daphnia pulex, Macrocyclops sp. and Cyclopoida), and a third group (secondary consumer) where is the only calanoido B. gracilis. In comparing the temporal variation is observed that there is a significant change in signals δ13C and δ15N of some species in relation to the influence of sources and allochthonous or autochthonous origin, spatial variation was not significant. It is concluded that the macrozooplanton Lake Tota, has a strong link with the autotrophic pathway and pelagic trophic levels have 3 sections, plus the primary producers and the food web in general tends to have an amplitude of trophic niche.En los ecosistemas acuáticos se presentan aportes de materia y energía, en mayor o menor proporción dependiendo de su cuenca, dado el origen y calidad de estos recursos, se puede alterar el balance en el metabolismo o las interacciones en la red trófica. Utilizando los isotopos estables de Carbono y Nitrógeno, se estableció el vínculo entre fuentes potenciales de recursos y el uso por las especies del macrozooplancton en los sectores Lago grande y Lago chico del lago de Tota (Boyacá). Así, se propusieron las posibles vías tróficas y el rol de cada especie en la red. En general, en la mayor parte de este estudio, las especies tuvieron un vínculo marcado con la vía autotrófica, siendo el fitoplancton el recurso alimenticio base para la red trófica, encontrando comúnmente señales empobrecidas de carbono. Particularmente, el análisis mostró una variación en la fuente o recurso para dos especies (Daphnia laevis y Bosmina (Bosmina) cf. longirostris), con un enriquecimiento en su señal de 19.92‰ δ13C a -20.34‰ δ13C, lo que se puede dar por una plasticidad en su fuente alimenticia, e incluso el caso de Boeckella gracilis que tiene una señal que indica una especialización en su recurso con valores empobrecidos de carbono -30 a -26‰ δ13C mientras que los valores de nitrógeno son enriquecidos con un valor promedio de 20.21‰ en δ15N. Para establecer el fraccionamiento trófico medio se formaron tres grupos, el primero (herbívoros) conformado por (D. laevis, B. (Bosmina) cf. longirostris y Ceriodaphnia pulchella), el segundo (omnívoro) en el que se encuentra (Daphnia pulex, Macrocyclops sp. y Cyclopoida), y un tercer grupo (Consumidor secundario) donde esta B. gracilis el único calanoido. En la comparación de la variación temporal, se observa que hay un cambio significativo en las señales de δ13C y δ15N de algunas especies en relación a la influencia de las fuentes y su origen alóctono o autóctono, la variación espacial no fue significativa. Se concluye que el macrozooplanton del lago de Tota, tiene un fuerte vínculo con la vía autotrófica y que los niveles tróficos pelágicos tienen 3 eslabones, más los productores primarios, y la red trófica en general tiende a tener una amplitud del nicho trófico. En los ecosistemas acuáticos se presentan aportes de materia y energía, en mayor o menor proporción dependiendo de su cuenca, dado el origen y calidad de estos recursos, se puede alterar el balance en el metabolismo o las interacciones en la red trófica. Utilizando los isotopos estables de Carbono y Nitrógeno, se estableció el vínculo entre fuentes potenciales de recursos y el uso por las especies del macrozooplancton en los sectores Lago grande y Lago chico del lago de Tota (Boyacá). Así, se propusieron las posibles vías tróficas y el rol de cada especie en la red. En general, en la mayor parte de este estudio, las especies tuvieron un vínculo marcado con la vía autotrófica, siendo el fitoplancton el recurso alimenticio base para la red trófica, encontrando comúnmente señales empobrecidas de carbono. Particularmente, el análisis mostró una variación en la fuente o recurso para dos especies (Daphnia laevis y Bosmina (Bosmina) cf. longirostris), con un enriquecimiento en su señal de 19.92‰ δ13C a -20.34‰ δ13C, lo que se puede dar por una plasticidad en su fuente alimenticia, e incluso el caso de Boeckella gracilis que tiene una señal que indica una especialización en su recurso con valores empobrecidos de carbono -30 a -26‰ δ13C mientras que los valores de nitrógeno son enriquecidos con un valor promedio de 20.21‰ en δ15N. Para establecer el fraccionamiento trófico medio se formaron tres grupos, el primero (herbívoros) conformado por (D. laevis, B. (Bosmina) cf. longirostris y Ceriodaphnia pulchella), el segundo (omnívoro) en el que se encuentra (Daphnia pulex, Macrocyclops sp. y Cyclopoida), y un tercer grupo (Consumidor secundario) donde esta B. gracilis el único calanoido. En la comparación de la variación temporal, se observa que hay un cambio significativo en las señales de δ13C y δ15N de algunas especies en relación a la influencia de las fuentes y su origen alóctono o autóctono, la variación espacial no fue significativa. Se concluye que el macrozooplanton del lago de Tota, tiene un fuerte vínculo con la vía autotrófica y que los niveles tróficos pelágicos tienen 3 eslabones, más los productores primarios, y la red trófica en general tiende a tener una amplitud del nicho trófico.Bibliografía: páginas 46-56.MaestríaMagíster en Ciencias Biológica