43 research outputs found

    Key trends in modern management

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    The study has shown the major trends that affect the creation and spread of new methods of management in the information society.The attained results prove the fact that precisely because of the efforts of managers companies can take their rightful place in the business environment, even at the low level of physical resources

    Using blogs in teaching English to philology students

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    This paper reports on an innovative approach to using blogs in teaching English as a foreign language. A blog is a sound example of information and communication technologies (ICT) implementation for language learning. In this paper, authors present the results of a small-scale action research aimed at analysing students’ perceptions of blogging. In total, 25 first-year university students majoring in English took part in a survey. The research results give the evidence of the benefits of using blogs: it encourages students’ autonomous learning, expands their collaboration through comments and discussions, improves language skills, increases the sense of responsibility and the desire for life-long learning, etc. At the same time, teachers consider blogs to be an effective facilitation for greater learner interaction and skills development. The research deals with the detailed blog starting guide for teachers of English. Authors instruct how to create and maintain blogs, as these interactive web pages prove to be effective for students online chatting, exchanging photos, videos, pictures, thereby expanding their language study beyond the classroom. For those who refuse being involved in the creation of a personal web page, some useful blog links are given. For better understanding of blogging efficiency, the researchers report on the positive implementation of blogs in teaching English, focusing on developing reading, writing, speaking and listening skills

    Process approach to study economic security components of trade enterprises

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    The article is based on generalization of modern approaches to the classification of business processes, additional classification features of their division are formulated, systematization of types of business processes of a trade enterprise is carried out, the authors’ reference model of business processes for trade enterprises as a basis for ensuring economic security of a business entity is proposed. Since any and all actions of a trade enterprise are accompanied by both the cost of resources and the creation of a certain result, their disbalance disorders economic security. Given that business processes are an effective tool for business management and a prerequisite for economic security of the business entity, we have identified the relationship between the business processes of the enterprise and the components of economic security

    Types and terminology of remote project teams

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    Purpose: to investigate significant changes that occurred in working conditions in the last centuries that led to the new models' formation of employee interaction at enterprises, especially remotely, such as remote, virtual, and dispersed project teams. This article aims to develop project management terminology. Findings: Clarification of the terminology of project management indicates the meaning of the term "remote team". This paper considered the term separation from several related concepts and demonstrated the benefits of integrating remote project teams within an enterprise. Originality/Value: Paper analyzes the term, features and differences of the remote project team from other types of remote teams. Further, the term remote project team can be used by project managers from a theoretical point of view. Future research can focus on the way to manage a remote project team effectively

    Re-establishment and Regarding Trust and Transparency, Blockchain’s Contribution to the Solution of a Thousand-Year Problem

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    Trust is the most important key element in the history of humanity and its success. We see and witness an emerging and exciting technology called Blockchain, eliminating losses caused by anti-trust and relieves pain in our social-build environment. Although the atmosphere in business, management, and society today has been heavily altered and involved, trust stays the same. This requirement leads companies in various industries to use new techniques to ensure their customer's business is in safe hands. Unfortunately, most of the current research is heavily based on the Bitcoin currency rather than its underlying technology, which focuses on revealing and improving Blockchain's limitations from managerial value perspectives. Many of the proposed solutions lack a concrete evaluation of their effectiveness. Many other Blockchain scalability related challenges, including throughput and latency, have been left unstudied. In this study, enabling functions is studied, and Blockchain's contribution to organisations' management is discussed. Besides, applicability in today's economic environment in various industries is studied. It is understood that after the development of technologies that eliminate centralised structures such as Blockchain, the business world is keen to adapt to this change. In this context, it is concluded that including new technologies such as Blockchain increased trust in various industries, and in the majority of the studies, Blockhain considered being an element to reduce costs and create a more transparent environment. It can be said that this technology contributes to the development and better understanding of the application area of the industries mentioned in the study

    Integrating Blockchain in Various Organizational Models Pave the Path to Sustainable Development Goals

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    Blockchain is considered one of the most significant technological advances integrated into the Business Process Management (BPM) systems of various organizations over the past decade. The introduction of blockchain technologies is changing the way traditional supply chains are managed. In this sense, blockchain technologies have the potential to revolutionize complex supply chains in stability, traceability, and accountability. Since Blockchain technology has fostered the development of trust between many different parties, not just leaders and followers, it is assumed that Blockchain will give its adapters revolutionary characteristics. Upon a systematic bibliometric review that determined the impact of introducing Blockchain technology into the BPM, on the basis of previous research and scientific papers published in academic journals, it was found that most of the studies highlight the significance of Blockchain and its impact on the supply chain and financial sectors. However, this article aims to identify new characteristics of Blockchain’s impact on the BPM in various other sectors, especially in the telecommunications, non-governmental organizations, industrial, and banking sectors. The statistical analysis of the collected data examines the intermediate variables of the introduction of Blockchain technology (trust, immutability, transparency, and cost reduction) and its impact on increasing sustainability (economic, ecological, and social resilience) as a dependent variable. As a result of the study, the authors concluded that Blockchain has the potential to enhance the revolutionary characteristics of trust, immutability, cost reduction, and reliability in a business process model, accelerating the path to achieving sustainable development

    Транспарентність підприємства: від теорії до практики оцінювання (на прикладі торговельних мереж)

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    Introduction. In the conditions of globalisation of the world economy and informatisation of society, transparency is one of the most important factors of enterprise development. Openness of information concerning business organisation, performance of activities, implementation of innovations and social activity is a criterion for corporate management culture at the enterprise that determines its investment attractiveness and increasing market value, and creates preconditions for strengthening enterprises’ competitive positions in the market. Purpose. The purpose of the work is to identify the main elements of the enterprise transparency, substantiate methodological principles of its evaluation, conduct empirical research and test the hypothesis of the transparency impact on the main indicators of the enterprise activity. Methods. The methods of comparison, critical analysis and generalisation were used during the research, which allowed the authors to determine the essence, elemental composition and methodical principles for the evaluation of the company’s transparency. Also the methods of scoring, complex integrated assessment and correlation analysis were used to determine the level of transparency of retail networks by individual elements and study the link strength between transparency and the results of activities of trade enterprises. Results. According to the results of the research, the essence of transparency is defined as the transparency of relations between the company and its main stakeholders (owners, employees, buyers, resource providers, community, state), the content of which is disclosed through the set of characteristics of financial, legal, organisational, social anticorruption transparency. To determine the level of the enterprise transparency, a set of indicators reflecting transparency in the context of its main elements and formed based on the open data by enterprises, is substantiated. The conducted study of transparency of 25 Ukrainian retail chains made it possible to conclude that their level of openness is low (the level of transparency in general is 37.5% in aggregate). Only legal and financial aspects of the activities of enterprises among numerous types of transparency investigated are reflected in corporate websites in sufficient volume (56.6% and 54.2%, respectively). Also, we have determined formal disclosure of information concerning organisational structure of enterprises, associates and subsidiaries (36.0%), social activity (35.4%). The lowest level of openness of trade networks regarding the implementation of anticorruption programs (5.2%) is noted. According to the results of the correlation analysis, we have determined a strong dependence of profit dynamics (y1) of trading enterprises on legal (rx2y1=0.53), organisational (rx3y1=0.50) and financial (rx1y1=0.45) transparency. Also, a direct impact of legal (rx2y2=0.46), social (rx4y2=0.41) and anticorruption transparency (rx5y2=0.31) on dynamics of profitability of sales (y2) has been specified. Conclusion. Resulting from the research, transparency of the enterprise is defined as a complex characteristic, the content of which is disclosed through a set of relations between the company and its main stakeholders in the context of financial, legal, organisational, social and anticorruption openness. The authors of the article have detected a low level of transparency of retail networks in Ukraine and significant dependence of the results of their activity on the level of openness.У статті розвинуто теоретичні положення та методичні засади оцінювання транспарентності підприємства. Проаналізовано світовий досвід щодо визначення видових проявів і рівня відкритості підприємства. Обґрунтовано сукупність показників для оцінювання транспарентності підприємства за характеристиками фінансової, правової, організаційної, соціальної, антикорупційної транспарентності. Наведено результати емпіричного дослідження прозорості й відкритості діяльності торговельних мереж в Україні за підсумками якого визначено, що транспарентність торговельних підприємств є середньою як в цілому так і за окремими її видами. Спираючись на результати кореляційного аналізу встановлено сильний зв'язок між рівнем правової, організаційної, фінансової прозорості та динамікою прибутку торговельних мереж, а також прямий вплив соціальної та антикорупційної прозорості на динаміку рентабельності продажів