14 research outputs found

    Early Holocene M~6 explosive eruption from Plosky volcanic massif (Kamchatka) and its tephra as a link between terrestrial and marine paleoenvironmental records

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    We report tephrochronological and geochemical data on early Holocene activity from Plosky volcanic massif in the Kliuchevskoi volcanic group, Kamchatka Peninsula. Explosive activity of this volcano lasted for ~1.5 kyr, produced a series of widely dispersed tephra layers, and was followed by profuse low-viscosity lava flows. This eruptive episode started a major reorganization of the volcanic structures in the western part of the Kliuchevskoi volcanic group. An explosive eruption from Plosky (M~6), previously unstudied, produced tephra (coded PL2) of a volume of 10–12 km3 (11–13 Gt), being one of the largest Holocene explosive eruptions in Kamchatka. Characteristic diagnostic features of the PL2 tephra are predominantly vitric sponge-shaped fragments with rare phenocrysts and microlites of plagioclase, olivine and pyroxenes, medium- to high-K basaltic andesitic bulk composition, high-K, high-Al and high-P trachyandesitic glass composition with SiO2 = 57.5–59.5 wt%, K2O = 2.3–2.7 wt%, Al2O3 = 15.8–16.5 wt%, and P2O5 = 0.5–0.7 wt%. Other diagnostic features include a typical subduction-related pattern of incompatible elements, high concentrations of all REE (>10× mantle values), moderate enrichment in LREE (La/Yb ~ 5.3), and non-fractionated mantle-like pattern of LILE. Geochemical fingerprinting of the PL2 tephra with the help of EMP and LA-ICP-MS analyses allowed us to map its occurrence in terrestrial sections across Kamchatka and to identify this layer in Bering Sea sediment cores at a distance of >600 km from the source. New high-precision 14C dates suggest that the PL2 eruption occurred ~10,200 cal BP, which makes it a valuable isochrone for early Holocene climate fluctuations and permits direct links between terrestrial and marine paleoenvironmental records. The terrestrial and marine 14C dates related to the PL2 tephra have allowed us to estimate an early Holocene reservoir age for the western Bering Sea at 1,410 ± 64 14C years. Another important tephra from the early Holocene eruptive episode of Plosky volcano, coded PL1, was dated at 11,650 cal BP. This marker is the oldest geochemically characterized and dated tephra marker layer in Kamchatka to date and is an important local marker for the Younger Dryas—early Holocene transition. One more tephra from Plosky, coded PL3, can be used as a marker northeast of the source at a distance of ~110 km

    Composition, crystallization conditions and genesis of sulfide-saturated parental melts of olivine-phyric rocks from Kamchatsky Mys (Kamchatka, Russia)

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    Highlights • Parental melts of sulfide-bearing KM rocks have near primary MORB-like composition. • Crystallization of these S-saturated melts occurred in near-surface conditions. • Extensive fractionation and crustal assimilation are not the causes of S-saturation. • S content in melts can be restored by accounting for daughter sulfide globules. Abstract Sulfide liquids that immiscibly separate from silicate melts in different magmatic processes accumulate chalcophile metals and may represent important sources of the metals in Earth's crust for the formation of ore deposits. Sulfide phases commonly found in some primitive mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) may support the occurrence of sulfide immiscibility in the crust without requiring magma contamination and/or extensive fractionation. However, the records of incipient sulfide melts in equilibrium with primitive high-Mg olivine and Cr-spinel are scarce. Sulfide globules in olivine phenocrysts in picritic rocks of MORB-affinity at Kamchatsky Mys (Eastern Kamchatka, Russia) represent a well-documented example of natural immiscibility in primitive oceanic magmas. Our study examines the conditions of silicate-sulfide immiscibility in these magmas by reporting high precision data on the compositions of Cr-spinel and silicate melt inclusions, hosted in Mg-rich olivine (86.9–90 mol% Fo), which also contain globules of magmatic sulfide melt. Major and trace element contents of reconstructed parental silicate melts, redox conditions (ΔQFM = +0.1 ± 0.16 (1σ) log. units) and crystallization temperature (1200–1285 °C), as well as mantle potential temperatures (~1350 °C), correspond to typical MORB values. We show that nearly 50% of sulfur could be captured in daughter sulfide globules even in reheated melt inclusions, which could lead to a significant underestimation of sulfur content in reconstructed silicate melts. The saturation of these melts in sulfur appears to be unrelated to the effects of melt crystallization and crustal assimilation, so we discuss the reasons for the S variations in reconstructed melts and the influence of pressure and other parameters on the SCSS (Sulfur Content at Sulfide Saturation)

    A translation of Stepan Petrovich Krasheninnikov\u27s Opisanie zemli Kamchatki (The description of the land of Kamchatka) by E.A.P. Crownhart Vaughan

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    This thesis is the only complete and unabridged English translation of Stepan Petrovich Krasheninnikov’s Opisanie Zemli Kamchatki (The Description of the Land of Kamchatka), first published in 1755 by the Imperial Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. Krasheninnikov (1711-1755) was a member of the Second Bering Expedition (1733-1741), one of the most ambitious scientific expeditions of any age. Its purpose was sixfold: 1) to explore and map Siberia; 2) to establish whether Asia and America were separated by water; 3) to explore Kamchatka; 4) to chart all waters between Kamchatka, America and Japan; 5) to map the entire Arctic coast from the White Sea around to the mouth of the Kamchatka River; 6) to explore the northwest coast of America. Krasheninnikov, a young Russian student when the explorations began, was assigned to assist the distinguished expedition scientists from the Academy of Sciences. As the years went by and his abilities became manifest he was assigned the responsibility of exploring and describing Kamchatka. Still in his mid-twenties, he walked, worked and recorded three and a half years of scientific notes about this still forbidding land. He included detailed descriptions of the geography and natural history of Kamchatka, ethnographic studies of the native tribes and their language, customs, appearance, beliefs and way of life, and the history of Kamchatka from the first Russian penetration late in the seventeenth century. His work is a great scientific tour de force which remains the classic treatise on Kamchatka. Although Opisanie Zemli Kamchatki has been published several times in Russia and has been translated into German and French, the only previous English translation is an interesting but very free and drastically abridged version by James Grieve, a Scottish physician in Russian service, which was published in London in 1764 and reissued by photo offset in Chicago in 1962. The present annotated translation includes an introduction which gives some background on Russian eastward expansion, the fur trade, and the two Bering expeditions. A bibliography is appended

    Detailed tephrochronology and composition of major Holocene eruptions from Avachinsky, Kozelsky, and Koryaksky volcanoes in Kamchatka

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    Highlights • 14C-based Holocene chronology of explosive eruptions from Avachinsky group volcanoes. • Bulk rock and glass chemistry (single-shard microprobe and LA-ICP-MS data). • Two stages of Avachinsky volcano activity. • Volcanic glasses reflect temporal evolution of Avachinsky magma plumbing system> • Slab temperature increasing with depth causes difference between neighboring Kamchatka volcanoes. Abstract Avachinsky, Kozelsky, and Koryaksky volcanoes form one of the most volcanically active clusters in the Kamchatka volcanic arc and are located in close proximity of the cities of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Elizovo – the most populated area in Kamchatka. In this paper, we report a compilation of new and revised previously published data on the eruptive history of these volcanoes during the past 13.5 kyrs. We identify 217 explosive eruptions of these volcanoes, determine their ages using 207 radiocarbon dates and Bayesian statistical modeling, and characterize their tephra geochemically using major and trace element compositions of bulk samples (40 samples) and volcanic glass (75 samples). Avachinsky has been the most active during the Holocene time and had >150 explosive eruptions; Koryaksky produced ~60 eruptions; and Kozelsky had only two final eruptions in the early Holocene. Our new data confirm the onset of the Avachinsky postglacial activity at 11.3 cal ka BP and previously distinguished two major stages of Avachinsky Holocene eruptive history: stage I (8–3.8 cal ka BP) and stage II (3.8 cal ka BP – present). During stage I, eruptions were relatively rare, but they included at least six large pumice eruptions with tephra volumes exceeding 0.5 km3. Stage I tephras had low-K andesitic bulk compositions and low-K rhyolitic matrix glasses. The andesites likely sampled volatile-rich crystal mush from a long-lived magma chamber under Avachinsky volcano. The stage II started at ~3.8 cal ka BP with a powerful eruption and was related to the construction of the Young Cone inside the Avachinsky somma. The subsequent late Holocene eruptions were frequent, but most of them did not exceed the volume of 0.3 km3. The stage II tephras are mostly cindery basaltic andesites containing well-crystallized groundmasses of andesitic composition. These tephras originate from smaller, perhaps more shallow magmatic reservoirs, and their matrix glasses are likely products of in-situ crystallization of relatively mafic magmas on their ascent to the surface. Koryaksky volcano was mostly active in the early Holocene when Avachinsky was quiet. Koryaksky tephras had a relatively constant bulk medium-K andesitic composition during the Holocene. Thanks to characteristic compositions, high frequency, and well-constrained ages, tephras of Avachinsky and Koryaksky volcanoes can be used for high resolution dating of local sediments. Some eruptions of Avachinsky volcano reached volcanic explosivity index (VEI) 5 and produced widely dispersed tephras. These eruptions could have had global environmental effects, and their tephras can be used for the correlation of disparate sedimentary archives. Some Avachinsky and Koryaksky eruptions were closely spaced in time. However, their tephras are easily distinguished by respective low-K and medium-K compositions and by different trace element patterns, which imply compositionally different sources in the mantle wedge. We interpret these differences to reflect the increasing slab surface temperature and transition of slab component from a relatively low-temperature fluid-like phase under Avachinsky to more high-temperature and solute-rich supercritical fluid or melt under Koryaksky. The transition appears to be very sharp in Kamchatka, causing a large compositional shift in magmas just behind the volcanic front

    Confocal μ -XANES as a tool to analyze Fe oxidation state in heterogeneous samples: the case of melt inclusions in olivine from the Hekla volcano

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    Here we present a confocal Fe K-edge μ-XANES method (where XANES stands for X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy) for the analysis of Fe oxidation state in heterogeneous and one-side-polished samples. The new technique allows for an analysis of small volumes with high spatial 3D resolution of <100 µm3. The probed volume is restricted to that just beneath the surface of the exposed object. This protocol avoids contamination of the signal by the host material and minimizes self-absorption effects. This technique has been tested on a set of experimental glasses with a wide range of Fe3+  ΣFe ratios. The method was applied to the analysis of natural melt inclusions trapped in forsteritic to fayalitic olivine crystals of the Hekla volcano, Iceland. Our measurements reveal changes in Fe3+  ΣFe from 0.17 in basaltic up to 0.45 in dacitic melts, whereas the magnetite–ilmenite equilibrium shows redox conditions with Fe3+  ΣFe ≤0.20 (close to FMQ, fayalite–magnetite–quartz redox equilibrium) along the entire range of Hekla melt compositions. This discrepancy indicates that the oxidized nature of glasses in the melt inclusions could be related to the post-entrapment process of diffusive hydrogen loss from inclusions and associated oxidation of Fe in the melt. The Fe3+  ΣFe ratio in silicic melts is particularly susceptible to this process due to their low FeO content, and it should be critically evaluated before petrological interpretation

    Voyage en Sibérie, fait par ordre du roi en 1761; contenant les moeurs, les usages des Russes, et l'etat actuel de cette puissance; la description géographique & le nivellement de la route de Paris à Tobolsk ...

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    Title vignette.Vol. 2 has title: Voyage en Sibérie, contenant la description du Kamtchatka ... par m. Kracheninnikow ... tr. de russe ...LC copy of Atlas: from the library of G.V. Yudin. Has LC accession no. 104837 [19]07.LC Copy 2 has armorial shelf label in each v.: Ex Bibliotheca Sobolewskiana. Has bookseller's label: B. Klotchkoff. Spines are stamped: Tom I, II, III

    Chromium spinel in Late Quaternary volcanic rocks from Kamchatka: Implications for spatial compositional variability of subarc mantle and its oxidation state

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    Highlights • First comprehensive dataset of spinel inclusions in high-Mg olivine from Kamchatka • Oxidation state of parental magmas of Kamchatka ranging from ΔQFM+0.7 to +3.7 • ΔQFM correlates with Ba/La and La/Nb for back-arc magmas of Kamchatka • Decoupling of Cr# and TiO2 in primitive Cr-Spinel suggests slab melt contribution Abstract The Kamchatka volcanic arc (Russia) is one of well-studied but complex tectonic margins on Earth, with an extensive geologic history stretching as far back as the Late Cretaceous. Unlike many other subduction zones, primitive basalts with Mg# > 65 are abundant in Kamchatka, thereby allowing characterization of the mantle source through compositional analyses of near-liquidus minerals in the rocks. In this paper, we present a comprehensive dataset on the composition of Cr-spinel inclusions in olivine for all main Late Quaternary volcanic zones in Kamchatka, comprising of analyses of 1604 spinel inclusions and their host-olivine from 104 samples representing 30 volcanoes and volcanic fields. The studied rocks are basalts, basaltic andesites and high-Mg andesites, which cover the whole compositional range the Late Quaternary primitive volcanic rocks in Kamchatka. The composition of spinel shows large variability. Spinel inclusions with the lowest Cr# and Fe3+/Fe2+ ratios were found in basalts from Sredinny Range and Northern Kamchatka, whereas the most Cr-rich and oxidized spinel inclusions occur in basalts and high-Mg andesites from the Central Kamchatka Depression. Intermediate Cr-spinel compositions characterize the Eastern Volcanic Belt of Kamchatka. The compositions of olivine-spinel pairs were used to quantify the oxidation state of parental Kamchatka magmas and the degree of partial mantle melting. The redox conditions recorded in spinel compositions range from ΔQFM = +0.7 to +3.7. ΔQFM for samples from the Sredinny Range and Northern Kamchatka correlates with a number of proxies of the involvement of slab-derived components incorporated in the composition of their host-rocks (e.g., La/Nb and Ba/La), which suggests a coupling between the mantle oxidation and metasomatism by slab-derived fluids or melts. These correlations were not observed for frontal Kamchatka volcanoes with the highest estimated ΔQFM, which possibly indicates a buffering of the mantle oxidation state by sulfur. The estimated degrees of partial mantle melting range from 8 to >20% for Kamchatka volcanoes. Spinel from the Central Kamchatka Depression has the highest Cr# and could crystallize from magmas generated from the most depleted sources. In contrast to the Eastern Volcanic Belt, spinel Cr# and the inferred degrees of melting in the Central Kamchatka Depression do not correlate with spinel TiO2 content. The apparent decoupling between the proxies of mantle depletion in the CKD spinel is interpreted to reflect refertilization of the CKD mantle by oxidized Ti-rich slab- or mantle lithosphere-derived melts near the northern edge of the subducting Pacific Plate. This study demonstrates that the composition of Cr-spinel in volcanic rocks in combination with bulk-rock compositions can be a powerful tool to map regional variations of the mantle source depletion, oxidation state, and involvement of various slab derived components in island-arc magmatism