31 research outputs found

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    Research project "subject developing environment of preschool education" for Russian preschool bilinguals (By the example of textile educational materials)

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    © Author(s).The problem's relevance stated in the article is determined by the following: forming preschool bilinguals' subject developing environment is connected with their active education and development, as well as with flexible preparation for studying at school. The purpose of this article is to develop methodology of textile developing materials' use in training kindergarten teachers of preschool educational institutions to practice oriented activities. The leading method of this problem study is a method of simulation which allows generating and putting into practice a model-transformer, giving an opportunity to intensify the process of children- bilinguals' education and development in a multicultural environment. The structure of the presented model of preschool bilinguals' subject developing environment with textile developing materials use in the practice of a kindergarten teacher in the context of implementation GEF PE requirements includes polyfunctionality, ethnic component and polyvalent space. The model is directed to textile developing materials ' use in the kindergarten teacher's activity with children bilinguals. Presented research project "Subject developing environment of preschool education" for children bilinguals may be used as a basis of improvement pedagogical activity with preschool children and in training bachelors of professional education

    Historical phenomenon of ‘role reversal’ psychological aspect of the gender identity in history

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    © 2015, Ecozone, OAIMDD. All rights reserved. The article studies the historical phenomenon of the change of gender identity by means of studying the life of the Russian female officer N.A. Durova, who took part in Patriotic War of 1812. The existential crisis situation of her childhood has become the dominant idea of N.A. Durova’s life, who has overcome the conflict, the gender role reversal, acceptance of the male identity. It has become the sense-making factor of her life, provided her professional success and military career


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    В статье дан анализ численности и занятости немецкого населения Казанской и Вятской губерний в конце XIX в. Авторы выявляют уровень профессиональной занятости и род занятий российских немцев, опираясь на статистические данные Всероссийской переписи населения 1897 г.Цель – выявить численный состав и уровень профессиональной занятости российских немцев Казанской и Вятской губерний в конце XIX в.Метод или методология проведения работы. При написании статьи использовались такие общенаучные методы исследования, как анализ, сравнение, обобщение. Кроме того применялись специальные методы исследования, в частности сравнительно-исторический метод.Результаты. Настоящее исследование показывает, что численный состав немецкого населения, проживавшего на территории Казанской и Вятской губерний в конце XIX в., не превышал 0,1% основной массы населения. При этом в Казанской губернии немцев было больше, чем в Вятской губернии. Уровень профессиональной занятости показывает, что немцы, жившие в Казанской губернии, были представлены в системе вооруженных сил, администрации, суде и полиции. Немецкое население Вятской губернии было занято в таких сферах, как учебная, воспитательная, врачебная и санитарная. Кроме того, немцы, проживавшие в уездных городах, были заняты в сельском хозяйстве, в производстве пищевой продукции, винокурении. Таким образом, сфера деятельности немецкого населения Казанской и Вятской губерний в конце XIX в. была разнообразной, традиционные для немецких колонистов занятия (в частности, отрасли сельского хозяйства) продолжали свое развитие.Область применения результатов. Результаты могут быть положены в основу дальнейшего исследования, выявляющего преемственность и семейные традиции профессиональной занятости российских немцев.The article analyzes the number and employment of the German population of Kazan and Vyatka provinces in the late XIX century. The authors reveal the level of professional employment and occupation of the Russian Germans, relying on the statistical data of Russian population census of 1897.Purpose – to compare the number of members and the level of professional employment of Russian Germans in Kazan and Vyatka province in the late XIX century.Method and methodology of work: analysis, comparison, generalization, comparative-historical.Results. The present study shows that the number of the German population that lived on the territory of the Kazan and Vyatka province in the late XIX century, did not exceed 0.1% of the general population. The number of Germans in the Kazan province was more than in the Vyatka province. The level of professional employment shows that the Germans living in the Kazan province, were represented in the armed forces, administration, courts and police. The German population of the Vyatka province was employed in such fields as training, educational, medical and sanitary. In addition, the Germans living in district cities, were engaged in agriculture, food production, distilling. Thus, the scope of activities of the German population of Kazan and Vyatka province in the late XIX century was varied and traditional for German colonists activities (particularly in the agricultural sector) continued its development.Practical implications. The results can be the basis for further study, which identifies the continuity and family traditions of professional employment of Russian Germans

    Charity and development of public education in the russian province in second half XIX – early XX century.

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    Under capitalist modernization and active development of entrepreneurship, the issues related to public education has become of special importance for society. The development of education in the Russian province is of particular interest. As an example, information on the development of public education in the Elabuga district of Vyatka province is provided. During the period of great reforms, after the establishment of district councils (zemstvo), public participation in the development of public education became more active. A vivid representative of this participation was the merchant class, which sought to render significant assistance in the development of local education through the construction of school buildings, large monetary donations, the development of local libraries, and the welfare of public teachers. As the Elabuga parish was the place where the foreign population (Tatars, Chuvashs, Udmurts, Mari, and Mordva) lived, a special place among these merits of the merchant class is given to the development of education among non-Russians, including the publication of textbooks in their native language. Such an initiative contributed to the development of local public education and the enhancement of the professional status of people's teaching.  This paper uses special methods of scientific knowledge. The comparative method makes it possible to compare the obtained statistical data. The use of the method of historical reconstruction allows us to recreate the picture of the development of public education in the Vyatka province. For an objective evaluation of the data obtained, the historical retrospection method is used.In the course of the study, the authors came to the conclusion that the merchant class played a special role in the development of public education by providing material, financial, humanitarian and educational assistance.

    Kazan educational district in 1917: Transformation of the educational system and problems of school communities

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    © 2017. In the article, the transformation of the Russian educational system caused by the events of the Great Russian Revolution has been studied. In 1917, the educational space of Russia was represented by educational districts. The Kazan Educational District Administration supervised educational institutions of six governorates of Russia under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education: Kazan and Saratov Universities, Kazan Veterinary Institute, higher women's courses, secondary and lower educational institutions. In 1917, in the Kazan educational district the crisis phenomena were manifested in the instability of the district administrative staff, the politicization of teachers and students. By November 1917, in educational institutions under the authority of the Kazan district the educational process was suspended and the beginning of early Christmas holidays was announced. The Soviet government bodies that came to power in 1917liquidated the system of educational districts transferring their functions to the departments of public education under the governorate Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies

    National gender policy in public education in the russian empire in the latter half of the 19th - Early 20th centuries

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    © 2016 Saifullova et al.This article presents the national gender policy in public education in the Russian Empire in the latter half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. In the course of work the authors have used special historical research methods enabling to hammer out the facts and to approach historical sources from a critical standpoint. The comparative method allowed the authors to compare statistical data of different periods and to determine the law of development of the educational system and teaching evolution. The structural method enabled to set forth the school system in the Russian Empire and to establish existing links between different school types. The method of historical retrospection served as a requisite for an objective evaluation of public education and position of a teacher. The research is based upon archive materials, statistical data, legal acts and periodicals resulting in deep analysis of public education, assessment of teachers’ position and detection of gender approach in the educational process. For the purpose of this research, the authors have compared the educational process in Vyatka Governorate and modern schools. Along with it, great attention was paid to the study of the teaching staff at those schools and gender peculiarities at selection of teachers. As a comparison, the authors have presented information on implementation of gender principles at selection of the teaching staff at European schools in the latter half of the 19th – early 20th centuries demonstrating that gender education in the Russian Empire was not peculiar only to Russian schools. In the course of work, the authors arrived at the conclusion that principles of gender education had been implemented at schools of the Russian Empire and are implemented at modern schools. At that, differences between schools of the periods under survey they connect to differences for educational purposes

    Cultural Pluralism in the Educational Environment of Higher School by Training History Teachers

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    The features of the socio-cultural deformation and loss of human identity in modern society, caused by actively developing technologizing processes and continuous growth in consumption are shown in the modern economy. In these circumstances the formation of a harmoniously developed personality with the cultural-historical outlook that fits into the image of a multicultural person is of particular relevance.Federal government standard of higher education in the direction of bachelors training "Teacher education" establishes ideas of multiculturalism in a whole series of graduate competences: the ability to work in a team, to perceive social, cultural and personal differences tolerantly; the ability to identify and shape the cultural needs of different social groups.A special role in the process of formation of tolerant perception of social and cultural differences, respect for the historical heritage and cultural characteristics of the peoples is entrusted to the teacher of history. Multicultural focus of teacher training make such personal qualities as cultural pluralism.Formation of the personality of the future teacher in the conditions of anthropological turn in historical studies provides for its educational field study not only the events, phenomena and processes of the past, but also the mentality, the culture category of individuals and peoples, that contributes to the multicultural perception of history


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    © 2017. In the article, the transformation of the Russian educational system caused by the events of the Great Russian Revolution has been studied. In 1917, the educational space of Russia was represented by educational districts. The Kazan Educational District Administration supervised educational institutions of six governorates of Russia under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education: Kazan and Saratov Universities, Kazan Veterinary Institute, higher women's courses, secondary and lower educational institutions. In 1917, in the Kazan educational district the crisis phenomena were manifested in the instability of the district administrative staff, the politicization of teachers and students. By November 1917, in educational institutions under the authority of the Kazan district the educational process was suspended and the beginning of early Christmas holidays was announced. The Soviet government bodies that came to power in 1917liquidated the system of educational districts transferring their functions to the departments of public education under the governorate Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies

    Nationhood and political identity in peoples' mentality from provincial towns of the Russian empire, in XIX - early XX centuries

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    © 2014 Bylye Gody. The article features the historic overview on development of political inceptions towards the state and state power of the Russian Empire in XIX - early XX centuries. The study is based on the analysis of basic ideas, stereotypes, and values of mass political culture of different social layers from provincial towns. The relevance of the topic is determined by the current state in today's Russia, where renewal of the society is very much dependant on public opinion on power structures. Thus, the perceptions of power by different social layers are determined not just through political and socio-economical conditions, but they have also deep cultural roots. The reconstruction of a change of people's mentalities towards the state power in XIX - early XX centuries, gives an opportunity for a deeper analyzing, to explain and understand the processes in the public perceptions of today's citizens of Russia