13 research outputs found

    Hello, world! VIVA+: A human body model lineup to evaluate sex-differences in crash protection

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    Finite element Human Body Models are increasingly becoming vital tools for injury assessment and are expected to play an important role in virtual vehicle safety testing. With the aim of realizing models to study sex-differences seen in the injury- and fatality-risks from epidemiology, we developed models that represent an average female and an average male. The models were developed with an objective to allow tissue-based skeletal injury assessment, and thus non-skeletal organs and joints were defined with simplified characterizations to enhance computational efficiency and robustness. The model lineup comprises female and male representations of (seated) vehicle occupants and (standing) vulnerable road users, enabling the safety assessment of broader segments of the road user population. In addition, a new workflow utilized in the model development is presented. In this workflow, one model (the seated female) served as the base model while all the other models were generated as closely-linked derivative models, differing only in terms of node coordinates and mass distribution. This approach opens new possibilities to develop and maintain further models as part of the model lineup, representing different types of road users to reflect the ongoing transitions in mobility patterns (like bicyclists and e-scooter users). In this paper, we evaluate the kinetic and kinematic responses of the occupant and standing models to blunt impacts, mainly on the torso, in different directions (front, lateral, and back). The front and lateral impacts to the thorax showed responses comparable to the experiments, while the back impact varied with the location of impact (T1 and T8). Abdomen bar impact showed a stiffer load-deflection response at higher intrusions beyond 40\ua0mm, because of simplified representation of internal organs. The lateral shoulder impact responses were also slightly stiffer, presumably from the simplified shoulder joint definition. This paper is the first in a series describing the development and validation of the new Human Body Model lineup, VIVA+. With the inclusion of an average-sized female model as a standard model in the lineup, we seek to foster an equitable injury evaluation in future virtual safety assessments

    Introduction of the VIVA+ Vulnerable Road User Models

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    Project VIRTUALOpen access virtual testing protocols for enhanced road user safety\ua0using Human Body Model

    Criminal offences against the Administration of Justice

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    Kazniva dejanja zoper pravosodje so umeščena v osemindvajseto poglavje Kazenskega zakonika KZ-1. Ta kazniva dejanja so namenjena varstvu pravosodja kot posebne veje oblasti z njenimi posebnimi nalogami. Skupna lastnost teh kaznivih dejanj je, da se z njimi ovira in ogroža nemoteno in pravilno delo pravosodnih organov, ter preprečuje izvršitev odločb pravosodnih organov. Objekt kazenskopravnega varstva je pri teh kaznivih dejanjih neovirano delo pravosodnih organov in avtoriteta sodišč. Dandanes se s kaznivimi dejanji zoper pravosodje ne varuje več zgolj domače pravosodje, ampak tudi pravosodni organi na nadnacionalni ravni. Kljub temu, da kazniva dejanja zoper pravosodje v praksi niso pogosta in so zato statistično gledano povsem nepomembna (delež teh kaznivih dejanj je le okoli 1,5%), gre vseeno za strokovno izjemno pomembno skupino kaznivih dejanj. Z njimi se varuje pravilno delovanje pravosodnih organov in njihova avtoriteta, kar pa je pogoj za obstoj pravne države, ki temelji na delitvi oblasti na zakonodajno, izvršilno in sodno vejo oblasti.Criminal offences against the Administration of Justice are positioned in Chapter Twenty-Eight of the Slovenian Criminal Code CC-1. These criminal offences are intended to protect the Justice as a separate branch of power with its specific tasks. The common feature of those offences is that they block and threaten the correct functioning of judicial authorities. The purpose of criminal law protection of offences in this Chapter is to ensure the smooth work of Justice and its authority. Nowadays these offences do not protect just domestic Justice, but also Justice on supranational level. Although offences against the administration of justice do not appear very often and are statistically irrelevant (only about 1,5% per year), it is very important category of criminal offences. They protect the proper functioning of the judicial system and its authority, which is a prerequisite for the existence of a rule of law, based on the division of powers into the legislative, executive and judicial branches

    Biomechanical model of the human knee at active loading

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    V nalogi je prikazan razvoj biomehaničega modela človeškega kolena za uporabo v numeričnih analizah z možnostjo aktivacije mišic. Za realni napetostno-deformacijski odziv modela potrebujemo natančne materialne lastnosti kolenskih ligamentov in podatke o poteku aktivacije mišic. Z izvedbo nateznih preizkusov v simuliranih fizioloških pogojih želimo pridobiti materialne lastnosti patelarnega ligamenta, z izvedbo izokinetičnih meritev in uporabo MC-zaznaval pa napetostni odziv glav štiriglave stegenske mišice. Rezultati nateznih meritev patelarnega ligamenta so primerljivi z drugimi raziskavami. Napetostni odziv MC-zaznaval ne odraža dejanskega poteka aktivacije mišic. Razvili smo aktivni numerični model kolena.The goal of this thesis is the development of a biomechanical model of the human knee for use in numerical simulations with the option of muscle activation. For an accurate stress strain response of the model, we need accurate mechanical properties of the knee ligaments and function of muscle activation. We want to gather mechanical properties of the patellar ligament by means of tensile testing in simulated physiological conditions and measure the muscle activation response using the MC sensors in isokinetic measurements. The results of the patellar ligament tensile response are in the scope of other research findings. The MC sensor response does not represent isolated muscle activity. We have developed the active knee model that continues to evolve

    Improving negation handling in large language models

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    V diplomski nalogi smo preizkusili metodo za izboljšavo klasifikacije globokih nevronskih mrež s predznanjem o negaciji. Najuspešnejši jezikovni modeli, kot na primer BERT ali ELMo, so uspešni pri klasifikaciji besedil, a odpovejo pri negaciji. Prednaučene jezikovne modele smo prilagodili, da tudi v slovenščini bolje delujejo z negacijo. To smo dosegli z spreminjanjem funkcije izgube nevronske mreže ter prilagajanjem obstoječih modelov. Metodo smo preizkusili na prilagojenem korpusu z dodanimi negacijami osnovnih stavkov. Metoda je uspešno zmanjšala delež napačnih napovedi v negiranih stavkih pri maskiranem jezikovnem modelu, točnost na nalogah iz slovenske zbirke SuperGLUE pa je ponekod izboljšala, drugje pa poslabšala.In the thesis we have tested a method for improved classification of deep neural networks with prior knowledge of negation. State of the art language models, such as ELMo and BERT, are successful at text classification, but fail when there is negation involved. We adjusted pre-trained language models to work better with negation in Slovene. We modified the loss function of the neural networks and retrained the models. We have tested the method on a modified corpus with added negations of original sentences. The method successfully reduced the error in the negated sentences for masked language models, and it increased the accuracy for some tasks from the Slovene version of the SuperGLUE benchmark but decreased for others

    Simple Video Monitoring Facial Biometric System for Home Use

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    Namen diplomske naloge je razviti cenovno ugoden, preprost in neopazen videonadzorni sistem, ki uporablja video analizo za razpoznavanje in sledenje obrazom v realnem času in za delovanje potrebuje le kamero in Raspberry Pi. Cilj dela je razviti napreden sistem, ki bo sposoben zaznavati obraze na videoposnetkih in jih razpoznati na podlagi predhodno naučenega modela za razpoznavanje obrazov. Sistem je namenjen varovanju doma in obveščanju o nepooblaščenem vstopu. Tak sistem je zelo uporaben tudi v praksi. Njegova glavna naloga je izboljšanje varnosti in nadzora v različnih okoljih. Sistem omogoča razpoznavanje oseb, ki se pojavijo na videoprenosu, kar je ključno za omejevanje dostopa nepooblaščenim osebam v določene prostore. S tem se povečuje nivo varnosti in zmanjšuje tveganje nepooblaščenega dostopa.The aim of this thesis is to develop a low-cost, simple and unobtrusive surveillance system that uses video analysis for real-time face recognition and tracking and requires only a camera and a Raspberry Pi to operate. The aim of the thesis is to develop an advanced system that will be able to detect faces in videos and recognise them based on a pre-learned face recognition model. The system is designed for home security and notification of unauthorised entry. Such a system has a number of important practical applications. Its main task is to improve security and surveillance in different environments. The system allows the recognition of persons appearing in a video feed, which is crucial for restricting unauthorised access to certain premises. This increases the level of security and reduces the risk of unauthorised access

    Krmilni sistem naprave za natezne preizkuse z uporabo cenovno ugodne strojne opreme in odprtokodnega programja

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    The aim of this study is to verify whether a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ can be utilized as a low-cost device for controlling a tensile-testing device used for material research purposes. A list of requirements based on already-available hardware was drawn up, which the new control system had to fulfil. To connect all the necessary equipment, a connection board was constructed, and some additional hardware was acquired for the system to be able to perform all the necessary tasks. The whole controlling system was also put in a small enclosure to make it portable. The control-system software was written in C++ using the Pigpio library. The developed system was then tested, and the results were compared to a commercially available Instron 8802 device. A comparison of the results shows that the upgraded equipment can produce comparable results to commercially available devices and is sufficiently accurate to be applied for research purposes for the characterization of soft tissues and other materials

    Mathematical Model of Analysis and Optimal Harmonisation of Data for Preparation of Broadband Infrastructure Development Project in the Republic of Croatia: Contribution to Achieving Objectives of the Digital Agenda for Europe

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    Next Generation Access projects of developing broadband infrastructure, co-financed by the EU, require preparation and implementation of complex preparatory actions that are crucial for their successful implementation. Their implementation within member states contributes directly to achieving goals, defined in the Digital agenda for Europe. Preparation work on projects requires complex analyses and processing of governmental data on potential users of the new network. A mathematical model was developed within this study. Also, the Optimal Data Harmonization algorithm was developed, which incorporates the pointed mathematical model. Large amounts of projects’ input data were also processed with the Optimal Data Harmonization algorithm. Research showed that data processing without Optimal Data Harmonization algorithm is the key reason for inadequate preparation of the project because of imprecise definition of numbers and geolocations of potential users. Without applying such model, projects don’t achieve the target coverage of broadband infrastructure of the next generation access and therefore don’t contribute to the Digital agenda for Europe goals. Processing data with Optimal Data Harmonization algorithm, which is a beyond the state-of-the-art model, ensures a high-level harmonisation of national data. With these results, one can provide optimal coverage of eligible potential beneficiaries in the project. Projects in which data were processed with the Optimal Data Harmonization algorithm contribute to reaching the Digital agenda for Europe goals. The study also recommends the establishment of national central database of geolocations of the potential beneficiaries, as it would standardize the input data in all future projects

    Material properties of human patellar-ligament grafts from the elderly population

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    The aim of the presented study was to estimate the material properties of human patellar ligaments from the elderly population by means of tensile tests. The experimental part was conducted on a custom tensile-testing device, with a built-in enclosure to simulate in-vivo conditions, using 25 (15 female, 10 male) bone-ligament-bone samples from elderly (age 83 (8)) human donors. During the tensile tests, the resultant force and displacement of the sample attachments were recorded. With this data and the values of the initial length and the initial cross-sectional area of the samples, the engineering stress and strain, the Young\u27s modulus and the toughness at rupture were calculated for each sample. The results were then averaged and presented for all the samples together and for the female and male populations separately. The measured Young\u27s modulus and the failure stress values were found to be significantly higher for the female samples compared to the male (p < 0.05). All the other measured properties did not show a significant difference. The toe region\u27s material properties for the patellar ligament were also presented as valuable information for the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The tensile-test results were compared to other research carried on human patellar ligaments using samples from younger donors. The comparison showed that the samples from the elderly population exhibit lower values of strain at the end of the toe region and have a lower failure strain for the patellar ligament. The Young\u27s modulus and the failure stress of the samples in this study were in the range of other research conducted on patellar ligaments