988 research outputs found

    Activated escape of periodically modulated systems

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    The rate of noise-induced escape from a metastable state of a periodically modulated overdamped system is found for an arbitrary modulation amplitude AA. The instantaneous escape rate displays peaks that vary with the modulation from Gaussian to strongly asymmetric. The prefactor ν\nu in the period-averaged escape rate depends on AA nonmonotonically. Near the bifurcation amplitude AcA_c it scales as ν(AcA)ζ\nu\propto (A_c-A)^{\zeta}. We identify three scaling regimes, with ζ=1/4,1\zeta = 1/4, -1, and 1/2

    Storage of classical information in quantum spins

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    Digital magnetic recording is based on the storage of a bit of information in the orientation of a magnetic system with two stable ground states. Here we address two fundamental problems that arise when this is done on a quantized spin: quantum spin tunneling and back-action of the readout process. We show that fundamental differences exist between integer and semi-integer spins when it comes to both, read and record classical information in a quantized spin. Our findings imply fundamental limits to the miniaturization of magnetic bits and are relevant to recent experiments where spin polarized scanning tunneling microscope reads and records a classical bit in the spin orientation of a single magnetic atom

    Kramers-Kronig, Bode, and the meaning of zero

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    The implications of causality, as captured by the Kramers-Kronig relations between the real and imaginary parts of a linear response function, are familiar parts of the physics curriculum. In 1937, Bode derived a similar relation between the magnitude (response gain) and phase. Although the Kramers-Kronig relations are an equality, Bode's relation is effectively an inequality. This perhaps-surprising difference is explained using elementary examples and ultimately traces back to delays in the flow of information within the system formed by the physical object and measurement apparatus.Comment: 8 pages; American Journal of Physics, to appea

    Topological Modes in Dual Lattice Models

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    Lattice gauge theory with gauge group ZPZ_{P} is reconsidered in four dimensions on a simplicial complex KK. One finds that the dual theory, formulated on the dual block complex K^\hat{K}, contains topological modes which are in correspondence with the cohomology group H2(K^,ZP)H^{2}(\hat{K},Z_{P}), in addition to the usual dynamical link variables. This is a general phenomenon in all models with single plaquette based actions; the action of the dual theory becomes twisted with a field representing the above cohomology class. A similar observation is made about the dual version of the three dimensional Ising model. The importance of distinct topological sectors is confirmed numerically in the two dimensional Ising model where they are parameterized by H1(K^,Z2)H^{1}(\hat{K},Z_{2}).Comment: 10 pages, DIAS 94-3

    Berry phase, topology, and diabolicity in quantum nano-magnets

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    A topological theory of the diabolical points (degeneracies) of quantum magnets is presented. Diabolical points are characterized by their diabolicity index, for which topological sum rules are derived. The paradox of the the missing diabolical points for Fe8 molecular magnets is clarified. A new method is also developed to provide a simple interpretation, in terms of destructive interferences due to the Berry phase, of the complete set of diabolical points found in biaxial systems such as Fe8.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Systematic computation of crystal field multiplets for X-ray core spectroscopies

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    We present a new approach to computing multiplets for core spectroscopies, whereby the crystal field is constructed explicitly from the positions and charges of surrounding atoms. The simplicity of the input allows the consideration of crystal fields of any symmetry, and in particular facilitates the study of spectroscopic effects arising from low symmetry environments. The interplay between polarization directions and crystal field can also be conveniently investigated. The determination of the multiplets proceeds from a Dirac density functional atomic calculation, followed by the exact diagonalization of the Coulomb, spin-orbit and crystal field interactions for the electrons in the open shells. The eigenstates are then used to simulate X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering spectra. In examples ranging from high symmetry down to low symmetry environment, comparisons with experiments are done with unadjusted model parameters as well as with semi-empirically optimized ones. Furthermore, predictions for the RIXS of low-temperature MnO and for Dy in a molecular complex are proposed.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Nonequilibrium fluctuation induced escape from a metastable state

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    Based on a simple microscopic model where the bath is in a non-equilibrium state we study the escape from a metastable state in the over-damped limit. Making use of Fokker-Planck-Smoluchowski description we derive the time dependent escape rate in the non-stationary regime in closed analytical form which brings on to fore a strong non-exponential kinetic of the system mode.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, EPJ class file include

    Unitary transformation for the system of a particle in a linear potential

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    A unitary operator which relates the system of a particle in a linear potential with time-dependent parameters to that of a free particle, has been given. This operator, closely related to the one which is responsible for the existence of coherent states for a harmonic oscillator, is used to find a general wave packet described by an Airy function. The kernel (propagator) and a complete set of Hermite-Gaussian type wave functions are also given.Comment: Europhysics Letters (in press

    Духовне життя українців-галичан часів ІІ Речі Посполитої

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    У статті висвітлюється суспільно-політичне становище в Західній Україні міжвоєнного періоду, дається оцінка тогочасним українським релігійним течіям, які проявлялися, з одно- го боку, у подальшому розмежуванні сил, а з іншого, – у їх консолідації на ґрунті духовності за допомогою Греко-католицької церкви. Протистояння полонізації та асиміляції викристалізовувало в менталітеті українців-галичан духовність, яка згуртовувала мільйонні селянські маси.The article analyses social and political life in Western Ukraine within the inter-war period. Ukrainian religious movements of the period are being evaluated. The author concludes that on the one hand those movements resulted in separation of forces, but on the other hand they caused consolidation of efforts on the basis of Greek Catholic religious principles. The opposition of expansion and assimilation have molded spiritual basis of the Galician Ukrainian mentality that have joined millions of rural citizens together

    Internal Energy of the Potts model on the Triangular Lattice with Two- and Three-body Interactions

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    We calculate the internal energy of the Potts model on the triangular lattice with two- and three-body interactions at the transition point satisfying certain conditions for coupling constants. The method is a duality transformation. Therefore we have to make assumptions on uniqueness of the transition point and that the transition is of second order. These assumptions have been verified to hold by numerical simulations for q=2, 3 and 4, and our results for the internal energy are expected to be exact in these cases.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure