67 research outputs found

    Precipitation of some slightly soluble salts using emulsion liquid membranes

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    Emulsion liquid membranes were used for precipitation of different sparingly soluble salts: calcium oxalate, copper oxalate, nickel oxalate, cobalt oxalate, lanthanum oxalate, calcium phosphate, cobalt phosphate, copper phosphate, lanthanum phosphate, barium sulphate, strontium sulphate and calcium sulphate. For the transport of a desired cation or anion from the feed into the stripping solution, where the precipitation occurred, one of the commercial ligands (bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid, D2EHPA; 2-hydroxy-5-nonyl-acetophenone oxime, LIX 84; trioctylamine, ALAMIN 336) dissolved in kerosene, was used as a carrier. The precipitates obtained were characterized by means of transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry, FT-IR spectroscopy and thermogravimetry. The effect of the transport mechanism on the properties of salt precipitated was studied on calcium and copper oxalate model systems. It was found that copper oxalate hemihydrate and calcium oxalate monohydrate precipitated regardless of whether oxalic acid or a cation (calcium or copper) was transported into the stripping solution. It was also found that the particles of the precipitate were smaller when oxalic acid was transported

    ZaŔtita na radu u sklopu industrije 5.0 - quo vadis

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    All EU nations and the rest of the globe have been undergoing a massive digital transformation since Germany introduced and put into practice the Industry 4.0 concept in 2011. This entails not only boosting production by incorporating all current means of production, such as modern ICT solutions and robotics, but also introducing new expert profiles and ways of working. And, as that process became increasingly intensive, a new phrase, Industry 5.0, emerged in 2015. This concept focuses on the human potential as well as various IoT and Big Data applications to enhance human job and talent. Its objective is to connect individuals who work with robots in automated industrial settings. It is obvious that protecting worker safety and wellbeing at work entails not just maintaining physical health but also maintaining mental health, autonomy, dignity, privacy, and inclusion. Thanks to new technologies and the concept of Industry 5.0, we can have safer and more productive workplaces where the skills and creativity of workers come to the fore.Otkako je Njemačka 2011. uvela i u praksu stavila koncept Industrije 4.0, sve zemlje EU-a i ostatak svijeta prolaze kroz intenzivnu digitalnu transformaciju. To ne podrazumijeva samo jačanje proizvodnje uključivanjem svih trenutnih sredstava proizvodnje, kao Å”to su moderna ICT rjeÅ”enja i robotika, već i uvođenje novih stručnih profila i načina rada. Dok je taj proces postajao sve intenzivniji, nova fraza, Industrija 5.0, pojavila se 2015. godine. Ova koncepcija fokusirana je na ljudski potencijal, kao i na razne IoT i Big Data aplikacije za poboljÅ”anje ljudskog rada i vjeÅ”tina. Cilj ove nove koncepcije je povezati pojedince koji rade zajedno s robotima u automatiziranim industrijskim sustavima. Očito je da zaÅ”tita sigurnosti i dobrobiti radnika na poslu ne podrazumijeva samo očuvanje fizičkog zdravlja, već i očuvanje mentalnog zdravlja, autonomije, dostojanstva, privatnosti i uključivosti. Zahvaljujući novim tehnologijama i koncepciji Industrije 5.0, može se osigurati sigurnija i produktivnija radna mjesta gdje vjeÅ”tine i kreativnost radnika dolaze do izražaja

    Specifity Analysis of the Preparation and Execution Procedures of Special Cargo Transport Process'

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    Prijevoz specijalnim vozilima koja sama ili sa teretom premaÅ”uju zakonom dopuÅ”tene dimenzije, masu i osovinsko opterećenje se smatra izvanrednim prijevozom. Izvanredni prijevoz se obavlja na temelju dozvole za izvanredni prijevoz koja se izdaje na temelju predanog zahtjeva za izdavanje dozvole za izvanredni prijevoz. U radu je napravljena analiza posebnosti postupaka pripreme i realizacije procesa izvanrednog prijevoza tereta. Analizirani su pravni propisi i postupci u pripremi realizacije izvanrednog prijevoza. Također je opisan predmet prijevoza, odabrani resursi te sama realizacija procesa. Napravljena je i analiza učinkovitosti navedenog procesa.By the term special transport is considered transport of oversize cargo using special vehicles which exceed legally permitted dimensions, weight and axle loads. Special transport of cargo is performed on the basis of permit for special transport which is hand out based on the request for permit for special transport. Specifitiy analysis of the preparation and execution procedures of special cargo transport process' is made in thesis. Legal regulations and preparation and execution procedures of special cargo transport process' were made. The subject of transportation, chosen resources and the execution of process were described too. Efficiency analysis of process was also made

    Nursing care of patients with acute myocardial infarction treated with PTCA

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    Srce je organ koji je jedan od glavnih pokretaĉa ljudskoga tijela koji najviÅ”e obolijeva te donosi najteže tegobe. Takve tegobe nastaju upravo zbog nas samih i naÅ”e neodgovornosti. U danaÅ”njem suvremenom svijetu moderan pristup lijeĉenju doveo je do smanjenja mortaliteta oboljelih, ali stopa morbiditeta se zadržala na prvome mjestu. Lijeĉenje i sestrinska skrb za oboljele je mukotrpan posao i za oboljelog i za zdravstvene djelatnike te dovodi do financijskih, ekonomskih te socijalnih poteÅ”koća. Ĉesti su recidivi zbog neozbiljnog shvaćanja bolesti te nepridržavanja zdravstvenih uputa. Trud zdravstvenog osoblja u lijeĉenju nije dovoljan bez odgovarajuće aktivnosti bolesnika te njegove Å”ire okoline, obitelji. Moralna podrÅ”ka te podizanje svijesti o riziĉnim ĉimbenicima treba biti jedna od mjera prevencije bolesti srca i krvnih žila

    Specifity Analysis of the Preparation and Execution Procedures of Special Cargo Transport Process'

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    Prijevoz specijalnim vozilima koja sama ili sa teretom premaÅ”uju zakonom dopuÅ”tene dimenzije, masu i osovinsko opterećenje se smatra izvanrednim prijevozom. Izvanredni prijevoz se obavlja na temelju dozvole za izvanredni prijevoz koja se izdaje na temelju predanog zahtjeva za izdavanje dozvole za izvanredni prijevoz. U radu je napravljena analiza posebnosti postupaka pripreme i realizacije procesa izvanrednog prijevoza tereta. Analizirani su pravni propisi i postupci u pripremi realizacije izvanrednog prijevoza. Također je opisan predmet prijevoza, odabrani resursi te sama realizacija procesa. Napravljena je i analiza učinkovitosti navedenog procesa.By the term special transport is considered transport of oversize cargo using special vehicles which exceed legally permitted dimensions, weight and axle loads. Special transport of cargo is performed on the basis of permit for special transport which is hand out based on the request for permit for special transport. Specifitiy analysis of the preparation and execution procedures of special cargo transport process' is made in thesis. Legal regulations and preparation and execution procedures of special cargo transport process' were made. The subject of transportation, chosen resources and the execution of process were described too. Efficiency analysis of process was also made

    On Calcium Carbonates: from Fundamental Research to Application

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    Appearance of a solid phase from aqueous solution, known as precipitation, is responsible for the formation of numerous natural materials and technological products. Therefore, the knowledge on mechanisms of elementary processes involved in precipitation should be considered in the areas such as geology, oceanology, biomineralization, medicine, basic chemical and pharmaceutical industries, analytical and materials chemistry in particular. Calcium carbonates are a very suitable model system for investigations of these processes. Owing to their low solubility, a wide range of initial supersaturations can be achieved that direct to different conditions under which a particular process dominates. Calcium carbonates can precipitate in the form of six modifications (polymorphic or hydrated). In the Laboratory for Precipitation Processes, systematic investigations of the conditions for formation, crystal growth and transformation of amorphous calcium carbonate, calcium carbonate hexahydrate, calcium carbonate monohydrate, vaterite and calcite have been performed during the last nearly twenty years. An overview of these studies is presented

    Factors influencing the formation of calcium oxalate hydrates in vitro

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    Općenito uzevÅ”i, na proces taloženja iz prezasićenih otopina utječu fizikalno-kemijska svojstva tih otopina, hidrodinamički čimbenici piocesi mijeÅ”anja reaktanata i taložnoga sustava, kao i prisutnost topljivih nečistoća u sustavu. Zbog važnosti procesa taloženja u brojnim područjima znanosti i tehnike, od izuzetnoga su značaja temeljna istraživanja tih procesa kao i međudjelovanja koja dovode do stvaranja taloga. Obzirom na činjenicu da su kalcijevi oksalati glavni sastojci mokraćnih kamenaca, njihovo izučavanje, kao i izučavanje fizikalno-kemijskih čimbenika koji dovode do njihovoga nastajanja jesu od posebnog značaja u području patoloÅ”ke mineralizacije. Kalcijevi oksalati tvore tri hidratna oblika od kojih je monohidrat (COM) termodinamički stabilan, dok su dihidrat (COD) i trihidrat (COT) metastabilni. Rezultate istraživanja utjecaja brojnih termodinamičkih i kinetičkih čimbenika, kao i potencijalnih inhibitora na nastajanje i transformaciju kalcijevih oksalata pri različitim eksperimentalnim uvjetima, prikazane u ovom pregledu, sadaÅ”nji su autori ostvarili i objavili tijekom 1980-ih.Precipitation from supersaturated solutions is in general affected by the physical chemical properties ot the solution, by the hydrodynamics of the system, i.e., by the processes of mixing reactants and stirring the system, as well as by soluble impurities present in the system. Therefore, such a knowledge should be considered in a number of areas where precipitation plays an important role. Since calcium oxalates have been found to be a major crystal constituent of urinary stones, their investigations, as well as investigations of physical chemical conditions relevant for their formation are of particular importance for fundamental research in the field of patological mineralization. Calcium oxalate forms three hydrates. These three hydrates are the thermodynamically stable monohydrate (COM) and the metastable modifications, dihydrate (COD) and trihydrate (COT). The results on investigations of the influence of a number of thermodynamic and kinetic factors, as well as the potential inhibitors, on the hydrate formation and transformation under different experimental conditions had been obtained and published by the present authors during 1980th
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