507 research outputs found

    Bone disease and bisphosphonates in multiple myeloma

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    The Role of Virtue Ethics in Determining Acceptable Limits of Genetic Enhancement

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    There are always new proposals concerning the application of new genetic technology. Some of them concern the genetic enhancement of man. There are four groups of such proposals, labeled as: better children, better performance, ageless bodies, and happy souls. The Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church, which distinguishes between therapeutic and non-therapeutic genetic manipulation, does not reject non-therapeutic genetic manipulation (genetic enhancement is such manipulation), but it does prescribe some requirements for its moral acceptance. However, these requirements are general and not very useful for determining specific moral limits for genetic enhancement of man. There are neither ready standards nor criteria for establishing those limits. The role of philosophers (theologians) then, is to ascertain those limits. It is possible to do that on the basis of virtue ethics in its version elaborated by St. Thomas Aquinas. His description of human perfection is of great help in establishing the morally acceptable limits of the genetic enhancement of man. Aquinas’s intuitions are confirmed by the observations of contemporary psychology.There are always new proposals concerning the application of new genetic technology. Some of them concern the genetic enhancement of man. There are four groups of such proposals, labeled as: better children, better performance, ageless bodies, and happy souls. The Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church, which distinguishes between therapeutic and non-therapeutic genetic manipulation, does not reject non-therapeutic genetic manipulation (genetic enhancement is such manipulation), but it does prescribe some requirements for its moral acceptance. However, these requirements are general and not very useful for determining specific moral limits for genetic enhancement of man. There are neither ready standards nor criteria for establishing those limits. The role of philosophers (theologians) then, is to ascertain those limits. It is possible to do that on the basis of virtue ethics in its version elaborated by St. Thomas Aquinas. His description of human perfection is of great help in establishing the morally acceptable limits of the genetic enhancement of man. Aquinas’s intuitions are confirmed by the observations of contemporary psychology

    Christian Anthropology Versus the New Anthropology and the Quest for Human Perfection

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    In the current debate, we witness a conflict between the Christian concept of man vs. concepts that justify in vitro fertilization (IVF), genetic enhancement, or the reassignment of sexuality. Modern concepts cannot disregard the historic perspective of the consistent doctrines that the Catholic Church has maintained throughout her 2000-year history and which constitute the precursors of contemporary bioethics. Although she has adjusted specifics occasionally to address new developments, she has always based doctrine on immutable core principles. The current conflict lies neither in the novelty of the new proposals, nor in a conflict between religious and lay worldviews, but rather in concepts of man and human perfection. Some human traits may be regarded as disordered and incompatible with a particular concept of human perfection. The new proposals tend to involve physical changes based on technological manipulation, with a goal of developing a superior being, while Christian proposals do not seek to manipulate man’s being, but to develop his existing potential within criteria of acceptable reason. The new proposals rely on a Cartesian view which constitutes a human as his mind (cogito ergo sum), which has dominion over his body including authority to reengineer it according to any project that mind conceives. In contrast, the Christian concept views the human subject as a unity of mind and body, which may not be reshaped to meet a questionable goal of human perfection. The technological tools within the new concepts are in no way superior to the more personal attributes like virtues, perfection of the human will, prayer, and ascesis within the Christian concept.In the current debate, we witness a conflict between the Christian concept of man vs. concepts that justify in vitro fertilization (IVF), genetic enhancement, or the reassignment of sexuality. Modern concepts cannot disregard the historic perspective of the consistent doctrines that the Catholic Church has maintained throughout her 2000-year history and which constitute the precursors of contemporary bioethics. Although she has adjusted specifics occasionally to address new developments, she has always based doctrine on immutable core principles. The current conflict lies neither in the novelty of the new proposals, nor in a conflict between religious and lay worldviews, but rather in concepts of man and human perfection. Some human traits may be regarded as disordered and incompatible with a particular concept of human perfection. The new proposals tend to involve physical changes based on technological manipulation, with a goal of developing a superior being, while Christian proposals do not seek to manipulate man’s being, but to develop his existing potential within criteria of acceptable reason. The new proposals rely on a Cartesian view which constitutes a human as his mind (cogito ergo sum), which has dominion over his body including authority to reengineer it according to any project that mind conceives. In contrast, the Christian concept views the human subject as a unity of mind and body, which may not be reshaped to meet a questionable goal of human perfection. The technological tools within the new concepts are in no way superior to the more personal attributes like virtues, perfection of the human will, prayer, and ascesis within the Christian concept

    Bone Morphogenetic Proteins Shape T\u3csub\u3ereg\u3c/sub\u3e Cells

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    The transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) family includes cytokines controlling cell behavior, differentiation and homeostasis of various tissues including components of the immune system. Despite well recognized importance of TGF-β in controlling T cell functions, the immunomodulatory roles of many other members of the TGF-β cytokine family, especially bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), start to emerge. Bone Morphogenic Protein Receptor 1α (BMPR1α) is upregulated by activated effector and Foxp3+ regulatory CD4+ T cells (Treg cells) and modulates functions of both of these cell types. BMPR1α inhibits generation of proinflammatory Th17 cells and sustains peripheral Treg cells. This finding underscores the importance of the BMPs in controlling Treg cell plasticity and transition between Treg and Th cells. BMPR1α deficiency in in vitro induced and peripheral Treg cells led to upregulation of Kdm6b (Jmjd3) demethylase, an antagonist of polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2), and cell cycle inhibitor Cdkn1a (p21Cip1) promoting cell senescence. This indicates that BMPs and BMPR1α may represent regulatory modules shaping epigenetic landscape and controlling proinflammatory reprogramming of Th and Treg cells. Revealing functions of other BMP receptors and their crosstalk with receptors for TGF-β will contribute to our understanding of peripheral immunoregulation

    The Mechanisms Shaping the Repertoire of CD4(+)Foxp3(+) Regulatory T Cells

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    Regulatory T (Treg) cells expressing Foxp3 transcription factor control homeostasis of the immune system, antigenic responses to commensal and pathogenic microbiota, and immune responses to self and tumour antigens. The Treg cells differentiate in the thymus, along with conventional CD4+ T cells, in processes of positive and negative selection. Another class of Treg cells is generated in peripheral tissues by inducing Foxp3 expression in conventional CD4+ T cells in response to antigenic stimulation. Both thymic and peripheral generation of Treg cells depends on recognition of peptide/MHC ligands by the T-cell receptors (TCR) expressed on thymic Treg precursors or peripheral conventional CD4+ T cells. This review surveys reports describing how thymus Treg cell generation depends on the selecting peptide/MHC ligands and how this process impacts the TCR repertoire expressed by Treg cells. We also describe how Treg cells depend on sustained signalling through the TCR and how they are further regulated by Foxp3 enhancer sequences. Finally, we review the impact of microbiota-derived antigens on the maintenance and functionality of the peripheral pool of Treg cells

    Seria powieści Erla Stanleya Gardnera o Perrym Masonie i ich ekranizacje: recepcja przez współczesnych odbiorców polsko- i anglojęzycznych

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    This paper offers an overview of the reception of Erle Stanley Gardner’s series of novels about lawyer Perry Mason and the numerous film adaptations based on that series. It seeks to analyze their reception by contemporary Polish- and English-speaking readers and viewers. Accordingly, the statistics of readership and viewership of books, films and series based on the novels by Gardner are presented and discussed. The article is divided into five sections that deal with the following: Gardner as author; Gardner’s contribution to the development of serialized novel; editions of Gardner’s Perry Mason novels in the United States and in Poland; reception of Gardner’s Perry Mason novel series by Polish- and English-speaking readers, and reception of TV and film adaptations of these novels.Artykuł prezentuje przegląd informacji dotyczących dorobku Erla Stanleya Gardnera związanego z serią powieści o adwokacie Perrym Masonie oraz powstałych na jej podstawie licznych ekranizacji. Celem pracy jest analiza ich recepcji przez współczesnych polskich oraz anglojęzycznych czytelników, a także widzów. W tym celu zaprezentowano i omówiono statystyki poczytności książek i oglądalności powstałych na ich podstawie filmów oraz seriali. Artykuł podzielono na pięć części, które poruszają następujące zagadnienia: postać autora Erla Stanleya Gardnera; jego miejsce w historii powieści w odcinkach; wydania powieści o Perry Masonie w Stanach Zjednoczonych i w Polsce; recepcja serii tychże powieści przez czytelników polskich i anglojęzycznych; recepcja ich ekranizacji

    Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Promotes RANK Expression on Human Monocytes

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    Elevated serum concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are associated with diminished bone density in women, beginning years before menopause and the decline in estradiol. We hypothesized that FSH promotes development of myeloid cells toward the bone-resorbing osteoclast phenotype. This was tested by isolating peripheral blood mononuclear cells from nine healthy adults, incubating them in the presence of FSH at three different concentrations spanning the physiological range, and then measuring the expression of receptor activator for NF-κB (RANK, a surface marker for osteoclasts) on CD14+ cells by flow cytometry. In the absence of FSH, 3.3±0.5% of the cells expressed high levels of the receptor (RANKhigh). Increasing concentrations of FSH caused a biphasic dose-response, with a maximal (1.5-fold) increase in RANKhigh cells achieved with 50mIU/ml FSH (P=0.02). Cytokines that influence development of osteoclasts were also measured in culture supernatants: macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF), osteoprotegerin (OPG) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) concentrations were not significantly influenced by FSH, whereas RANK-ligand was undetectable. This study supports the concept that the elevated circulating concentrations of FSH during perimenopause may contribute to the increased rate of bone loss by promoting the development of osteoclast precursor cells

    Partilhar respirações, partilhar o mundo : perspetivas ecológicas em "Ouf" de Laurence Vielle

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    The climate catastrophe redefines the place of humans in the world and represents a great cognitive challenge. In order to address this threat on a planetary scale, humanity must find new forms of expression. In her poetry volume Ouf (2015), Laurence Vielle creates a proposal for an experimental poetic language, understood as a corporeal opening to material reality and to non-human beings. In this article, we explore three key factors of Vielle's poetic strategies: (1) the materiality and corporeality of language, (2) relational feminist thought, and (3) pre-linguistic affective communication. These three aspects allow the author to write about ecological issues in a way that goes beyond the framework of scientific discourse, and at the same time to portray poetry itself as an ecological phenomenon.La catastrophe climatique redéfinit la place de l'homme dans le monde et repré-sente un grand défi cognitif. Pour pouvoir discuter cette menace à l'échelle plané-taire, l'humanité doit trouver de nouvelles formes d'expression. Dans son volume de poésie "Ouf" (2015), Laurence Vielle propose un langage poétique expérimental, entendu comme une ouverture corporelle à la réalité matérielle et aux êtres non-humains. Dans cet article, nous explorons trois facteurs clés dans les stratégies poétiques de Vielle : (1) la matérialité et la corporalité du langage, (2) la pensée féministe relationnelle, et (3) la communication affective pré-linguistique. Ces trois aspects permettent à l'auteur de s'exprimer sur les questions écologiques d'une manière qui dépasse le cadre du discours scientifique, et, en même temps, de présenter la poésie elle-même comme un phénomène écologique

    Status i pozycja polityczna Rady Bezpieczeństwa Federacji Rosyjskiej

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    Artykuł przedstawia status prawny Rady Bezpieczeństwa Federacji Rosyjskiej (RBFR; Совет Безопасности РФ), a także opisuje i analizuje zadania oraz zakres kompetencji, jaki Rada posiada wobec obywateli Federacji, bezpieczeństwa społeczeństwa oraz obronności państwa. Zadania RBFR obejmują tworzenie doktryn, koncepcji i planów służących zagwarantowaniu bezpieczeństwa narodowego. Artykuł skupia się na roli Prezydenta Federacji Rosyjskiej jako Przewodniczącego Rady Bezpieczeństwa, a następnie przedstawia zasadnicze zadanie Rady, tj. przedstawianie wskazówek analitycznych i prognostycznych w dziedzinie zmian wewnętrznych i międzynarodowych mających wpływ na stan bezpieczeństwa i obronności Rosji. Podsumowanie zawiera przybliżone stanowisko polityczne RBFR i jej wskazówek w systemie sprawowania władzy w Federacji Rosyjskiej.В статье рассмотрено юридический статус Совета Безопасности Российской Федерации (СБРФ), а также описано и проанализировано задачи и сфера компетенций Совета, касающихся граждан Федерации, безопасности общества и обороноспособности государства. Задачи СБРФ концентрируются вокруг разработки доктрин, концепций и планов, гарантирующих национальную безопасность. Автор статьи сосредотачивается на роли Президента Российской Федерации как Председателя Совета Безопасности, а затем указывает основную задачу Совета, т.е. разработку аналитических и прогностических рекомендаций в области внутренних и международных процессов, имеющих влияние на состояние безопасности и обороноспособность России. Подводя итоги, автор указывает примерную политическую позицию СБРФ и её рекомендаций в системе власти Российской Федерации.The article presents the legal status of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (SCRF; Совет Безопасности РФ), describes and analyses tasks and the range of its competence pertaining to Russian citizens, the safety of society, and state security. The actual tasks of the Security Council include designing doctrines, concepts and plans to guarantee national safety. The article focuses on the role of the President of the Russian Federation in his capacity of the chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. The tasks of the body are presented in the article as informative and analytic guidance and forecasts of internal and foreign changes that influence the state of safety in Russia. The recapitulation provides the estimated political position of this counsel and guidance in the system of government of the Russian Federation