7,067 research outputs found

    Buoyancy-driven inflow to a relic cold core: the gas belt in radio galaxy 3C 386

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    We report measurements from an XMM-Newton observation of the low-excitation radio galaxy 3C 386. The study focusses on an X-ray-emitting gas belt, which lies between and orthogonal to the radio lobes of 3C 386 and has a mean temperature of 0.94±0.050.94\pm0.05 keV, cooler than the extended group atmosphere. The gas in the belt shows temperature structure with material closer to the surrounding medium being hotter than gas closer to the host galaxy. We suggest that this gas belt involves a `buoyancy-driven inflow' of part of the group-gas atmosphere where the buoyant rise of the radio lobes through the ambient medium has directed an inflow towards the relic cold core of the group. Inverse-Compton emission from the radio lobes is detected at a level consistent with a slight suppression of the magnetic field below the equipartition value.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Investigation of peak shapes in the MIBETA experiment calibrations

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    In calorimetric neutrino mass experiments, where the shape of a beta decay spectrum has to be precisely measured, the understanding of the detector response function is a fundamental issue. In the MIBETA neutrino mass experiment, the X-ray lines measured with external sources did not have Gaussian shapes, but exhibited a pronounced shoulder towards lower energies. If this shoulder were a general feature of the detector response function, it would distort the beta decay spectrum and thus mimic a non-zero neutrino mass. An investigation was performed to understand the origin of the shoulder and its potential influence on the beta spectrum. First, the peaks were fitted with an analytic function in order to determine quantitatively the amount of events contributing to the shoulder, also depending on the energy of the calibration X-rays. In a second step, Montecarlo simulations were performed to reproduce the experimental spectrum and to understand the origin of its shape. We conclude that at least part of the observed shoulder can be attributed to a surface effect

    Towards More Practical Linear Programming-based Techniques for Algorithmic Mechanism Design

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    R. Lavy and C. Swamy (FOCS 2005, J. ACM 2011) introduced a general method for obtaining truthful-in-expectation mechanisms from linear programming based approximation algorithms. Due to the use of the Ellipsoid method, a direct implementation of the method is unlikely to be efficient in practice. We propose to use the much simpler and usually faster multiplicative weights update method instead. The simplification comes at the cost of slightly weaker approximation and truthfulness guarantees

    WATCAT: a tale of wide-angle tailed radio galaxies

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    We present a catalog of 47 wide-angle tailed radio galaxies (WATs), the WATCAT; these galaxies were selected by combining observations from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory/Very Large Array Sky Survey (NVSS), the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-Centimeters (FIRST), and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and mainly built including a radio morphological classification. We included in the catalog only radio sources showing two-sided jets with two clear "warmspots" (i.e., jet knots as bright as 20% of the nucleus) lying on the opposite side of the radio core, and having classical extended emission resembling a plume beyond them. The catalog is limited to redshifts z \leq 0.15, and lists only sources with radio emission extended beyond 30 kpc from the host galaxy. We found that host galaxies of WATCAT sources are all luminous (-20.5 \gtrsim Mr \gtrsim -23.7), red early-type galaxies with black hole masses in the range 10810^8\lesssim MBH109_{\rm BH} \lesssim 10^9 M_\odot. The spectroscopic classification indicates that they are all low-excitation galaxies (LEGs). Comparing WAT multifrequency properties with those of FRI and FRII radio galaxies at the same redshifts, we conclude that WATs show multifrequency properties remarkably similar to FRI radio galaxies, having radio power of typical FRIIs

    Development of a decision analytic model to support decision making and risk communication about thrombolytic treatment

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    Background Individualised prediction of outcomes can support clinical and shared decision making. This paper describes the building of such a model to predict outcomes with and without intravenous thrombolysis treatment following ischaemic stroke. Methods A decision analytic model (DAM) was constructed to establish the likely balance of benefits and risks of treating acute ischaemic stroke with thrombolysis. Probability of independence, (modified Rankin score mRS ≤ 2), dependence (mRS 3 to 5) and death at three months post-stroke was based on a calibrated version of the Stroke-Thrombolytic Predictive Instrument using data from routinely treated stroke patients in the Safe Implementation of Treatments in Stroke (SITS-UK) registry. Predictions in untreated patients were validated using data from the Virtual International Stroke Trials Archive (VISTA). The probability of symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage in treated patients was incorporated using a scoring model from Safe Implementation of Thrombolysis in Stroke-Monitoring Study (SITS-MOST) data. Results The model predicts probabilities of haemorrhage, death, independence and dependence at 3-months, with and without thrombolysis, as a function of 13 patient characteristics. Calibration (and inclusion of additional predictors) of the Stroke-Thrombolytic Predictive Instrument (S-TPI) addressed issues of under and over prediction. Validation with VISTA data confirmed that assumptions about treatment effect were just. The C-statistics for independence and death in treated patients in the DAM were 0.793 and 0.771 respectively, and 0.776 for independence in untreated patients from VISTA. Conclusions We have produced a DAM that provides an estimation of the likely benefits and risks of thrombolysis for individual patients, which has subsequently been embedded in a computerised decision aid to support better decision-making and informed consent

    Diffraction of a Bose-Einstein condensate from a Magnetic Lattice on a Micro Chip

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    We experimentally study the diffraction of a Bose-Einstein condensate from a magnetic lattice, realized by a set of 372 parallel gold conductors which are micro fabricated on a silicon substrate. The conductors generate a periodic potential for the atoms with a lattice constant of 4 microns. After exposing the condensate to the lattice for several milliseconds we observe diffraction up to 5th order by standard time of flight imaging techniques. The experimental data can be quantitatively interpreted with a simple phase imprinting model. The demonstrated diffraction grating offers promising perspectives for the construction of an integrated atom interferometer.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The Hard X-Ray View of Reflection, Absorption, and the Disk-Jet Connection in the Radio-Loud AGN 3C 33

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    We present results from Suzaku and Swift observations of the nearby radio galaxy 3C 33, and investigate the nature of absorption, reflection, and jet production in this source. We model the 0.5-100 keV nuclear continuum with a power law that is transmitted either through one or more layers of pc-scale neutral material, or through a modestly ionized pc-scale obscurer. The standard signatures of reflection from a neutral accretion disk are absent in 3C 33: there is no evidence of a relativistically blurred Fe Kα\alpha emission line, and no Compton reflection hump above 10 keV. We find the upper limit to the neutral reflection fraction is R<0.41 for an e-folding energy of 1 GeV. We observe a narrow, neutral Fe Kα\alpha line, which is likely to originate at least 2,000 R_s from the black hole. We show that the weakness of reflection features in 3C 33 is consistent with two interpretations: either the inner accretion flow is highly ionized, or the black-hole spin configuration is retrograde with respect to the accreting material.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Early Palomar Program (1950-1955) for the Discovery of Classical Novae in M81: Analysis of the Spatial Distribution, Magnitude Distribution, and Distance Suggestion

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    Data obtained in the 1950-1955 Palomar campaign for the discovery of classical novae in M81 are set out in detail. Positions and apparent B magnitudes are listed for the 23 novae that were found. There is modest evidence that the spatial distribution of the novae does not track the B brightness distribution of either the total light or the light beyond an isophotal radius that is 70\arcsec from the center of M81. The nova distribution is more extended than the aforementioned light, with a significant fraction of the sample appearing in the outer disk/spiral arm region. We suggest that many (perhaps a majority) of the M81 novae that are observed at any given epoch (compared with say 101010^{10} years ago) are daughters of Population I interacting binaries. The conclusion that the present day novae are drawn from two population groups, one from low mass white dwarf secondaries of close binaries identified with the bulge/thick disk population, and the other from massive white dwarf secondaries identified with the outer thin disk/spiral arm population, is discussed. We conclude that the M81 data are consistent with the two population division as argued previously from (1) the observational studies on other grounds by Della Valle et al. (1992, 1994), Della Valle & Livio (1998), and Shafter et al. (1996) of nearby galaxies, (2) the Hatano et al. (1997a,b) Monte Carlo simulations of novae in M31 and in the Galaxy, and (3) the Yungelson et al. (1997) population synthesis modeling of nova binaries. Two different methods of using M81 novae as distance indicators give a nova distance modulus for M81 as (mM)0=27.75(m-M)_0 = 27.75, consistent with the Cepheid modulus that is the same value.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, accepted to PAS

    Formation of ultracold LiCs molecules

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    We present the first observation of ultracold LiCs molecules. The molecules are formed in a two-species magneto-optical trap and detected by two-photon ionization and time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The production rate coefficient is found to be in the range 10^{-18}\unit{cm^3s^{-1}} to 10^{-16}\unit{cm^3s^{-1}}, at least an order of magnitude smaller than for other heteronuclear diatomic molecules directly formed in a magneto-optical trap.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure