41,466 research outputs found

    Transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) mediates schwann cell death in vitro and in vivo: Examination of c-jun activation, interactions with survival signals, and the relationship of TGF beta-mediated death to schwann cell differentiation

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    In some situations, cell death in the nervous system is controlled by an interplay between survival factors and negative survival signals that actively induce apoptosis. The present work indicates that the survival of Schwann cells is regulated by such a dual mechanism involving the negative survival signal transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta), a family of growth factors that is present in the Schwann cells themselves. We analyze the interactions between this putative autocrine death signal and previously defined paracrine and autocrine survival signals and show that expression of a dominant negative c-Jun inhibits TGF beta -induced apoptosis. This and other findings pinpoint activation of c-Jun as a key downstream event in TGF beta -induced Schwann cell death. The ability of TGF beta to kill Schwann cells, like normal Schwann cell death in vivo, is under a strong developmental regulation, and we show that the decreasing ability of TGF beta to kill older cells is attributable to a decreasing ability of TGF beta to phosphorylate c-Jun in more differentiated cells

    Lifting defects for nonstable K_0-theory of exchange rings and C*-algebras

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    The assignment (nonstable K_0-theory), that to a ring R associates the monoid V(R) of Murray-von Neumann equivalence classes of idempotent infinite matrices with only finitely nonzero entries over R, extends naturally to a functor. We prove the following lifting properties of that functor: (1) There is no functor F, from simplicial monoids with order-unit with normalized positive homomorphisms to exchange rings, such that VF is equivalent to the identity. (2) There is no functor F, from simplicial monoids with order-unit with normalized positive embeddings to C*-algebras of real rank 0 (resp., von Neumann regular rings), such that VF is equivalent to the identity. (3) There is a {0,1}^3-indexed commutative diagram D of simplicial monoids that can be lifted, with respect to the functor V, by exchange rings and by C*-algebras of real rank 1, but not by semiprimitive exchange rings, thus neither by regular rings nor by C*-algebras of real rank 0. By using categorical tools from an earlier paper (larders, lifters, CLL), we deduce that there exists a unital exchange ring of cardinality aleph three (resp., an aleph three-separable unital C*-algebra of real rank 1) R, with stable rank 1 and index of nilpotence 2, such that V(R) is the positive cone of a dimension group and V(R) is not isomorphic to V(B) for any ring B which is either a C*-algebra of real rank 0 or a regular ring.Comment: 34 pages. Algebras and Representation Theory, to appea

    Nosocomial Infections in Patients Admitted in Intensive Care Unit of a Tertiary Health Center, India

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    Background: Patients in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are a significant subgroup of all hospitalized patients, accounting for about a quarter of all hospital infections.Aim: The aim was to study, the current status of nosocomial infection, rate of infection and distribution of infection among patients admitted in Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) of a District Hospital. Subjects and Methods: Data were collected retrospectively from 130 patientfs records presented with symptoms of nosocomial infection in MICU of a Tertiary Health Center, Tumkur from August 2012 to May 2013. Descriptive statistics using percentage was calculated.Results: Incidence of nosocomial infections in MICU patients was 17.7% (23/130). Of which 34.8% (8/130) was urinary tract infection (UTI) being the most frequent; followed by pneumonia 21.7% (5/130), 17.4% (4/130) surgical site infection, 13.0% (3/130) gastroenteritis, 13.0% (3/130) blood stream infection and meningitis. The nosocomial infection was seen morein the 40-60 year of age. The male were more prone to nosocomial infections than the female.Conclusion: The most frequent nosocomial infections (urinary, respiratory, and surgical site) were common in geriatric patients in the MICU setting and are associated with the use of invasive device. Large-scale studies are needed to be carried out in Indian population to plan long-term strategies for prevention and management of nosocomial infections.Keywords: Medical Intensive Care Unit, Nosocomial infections, Tertiary health centr

    A three dimensional model of the photosynthetic membranes of Ectothiorhodospira halochloris

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    The three dimensional organization of the complete photosynthetic apparatus of the extremely halophilic, bacteriochlorophyll b containing Ectothiorhodospira halochloris has been elaborated by several techniques of electron microscopy. Essentially all thylakoidal sacs are disc shaped and connected to the cytoplasmic membrane by small membraneous ldquobridgesrdquo. In sum, the lumina of all thylakoids (intrathylakoidal space) form one common periplasmic space. Thin sections confirm a paracrystalline arrangement of the photosynthetic complexes in situ. The ontogenic development of the photosynthetic apparatus is discussed based on a structural model derived from serial thin sections

    Recognizing Emotions in a Foreign Language

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    Expressions of basic emotions (joy, sadness, anger, fear, disgust) can be recognized pan-culturally from the face and it is assumed that these emotions can be recognized from a speaker's voice, regardless of an individual's culture or linguistic ability. Here, we compared how monolingual speakers of Argentine Spanish recognize basic emotions from pseudo-utterances ("nonsense speech") produced in their native language and in three foreign languages (English, German, Arabic). Results indicated that vocal expressions of basic emotions could be decoded in each language condition at accuracy levels exceeding chance, although Spanish listeners performed significantly better overall in their native language ("in-group advantage"). Our findings argue that the ability to understand vocally-expressed emotions in speech is partly independent of linguistic ability and involves universal principles, although this ability is also shaped by linguistic and cultural variables

    Effects of Noise on Galaxy Isophotes

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    The study of shapes of the images of objects is an important issue not only because it reveals its dynamical state but also it helps to understand the object's evolutionary history. We discuss a new technique in cosmological image analysis which is based on a set of non-parametric shape descriptors known as the Minkowski Functionals (MFs). These functionals are extremely versatile and under some conditions give a complete description of the geometrical properties of objects. We believe that MFs could be a useful tool to extract information about the shapes of galaxies, clusters of galaxies and superclusters. The information revealed by MFs can be utilized along with the knowledge obtained from currently popular methods and thus could improve our understanding of the true shapes of cosmological objects.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, to appear in "The IGM/Galaxy Connection - The Distribution of Baryons at z=0" Conference Proceeding

    Fitness for work after vocational rehabilitation organized by the State Social Security Institute of Iceland

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjective: The evaluation of a vocational rehabilitation programme initiated by the State Social Security Institute in Iceland (SSSI) in 1999 with the aim of reducing disability. Material and methods: New disability claimants who had been unable to work because of illness for a few months at least were referred by SSSI physicians to a multidisciplinary team for assessment of rehabilitation potentials and an advice on the appropriate type of rehabilitation. The study group included all the 109 individuals who were referred to the team in the year 2000. Data on marital status, number of children and level of education was compared with information about the Icelandic population obtained in a national survey. The outcome of the rehabilitation was assessed in a telephone survey, carried out by the Social Science Research Institute, University of Iceland, 1-2 years after the assessment and by information obtained from the disability register at SSSI. The effectiveness of the rehabilitation programme was evaluated by comparing the study group with a comparable group that had started to receive rehabilitation pension before the SSSI could offer vocational rehabilitation. Their progress was assessed a year and half after they had contacted the SSSI, the same length of time as the study group had been in the in the rehabilitation programme. Results: In the study group there were about twice as many women as men. The mean age was 35 years (range 18-57 years). The main medical reasons for referral to the team were musculosceletal and psychiatric disorders. Those evaluated were more likely to be unmarried or divorced, had more children and a lower educational level than the general Icelandic population. After evaluation 40 individuals were referred to vocational rehabilitation for approximately 2 months in a rehabilitation clinic; 19 were referred to a 6 week personal computer training at a vocational rehabilitation centre and 15 to a longer (usually 18 months) rehabilitation program in the same centre. In all, 46 individuals received other treatment or education. Almost three quarters (72%) of the participants in the telephone survey said that their fitness for work had increased after rehabilitation, but only 47% had returned to work. At the time of the reserach, 23% were students and it is likely that a part of them will return to work when their studies are completed. Between one and two years after the evaluation by the multidisciplinary team 44 out of 109 (40.4%) in the study group received disability pension and a equal number received no social insurance benefits at all. In the comparison group 97 out of 119 (81.5%) received disability pension and 21 (17.7%) received no social insurance benefits at all. Conclusions: This study shows that vocational rehabilitation organized by the SSSI is effective and can prevent disability. The results of this study are similar to the results of two Swedish studies on the same topic.Tilgangur: Markmiðið með rannsókninni var að meta árangur starfsendurhæfingar á vegum Tryggingastofnunar ríkisins (TR) og hvort hún geti komið í veg fyrir örorku. Efniviður og aðferðir: Læknar TR vísuðu einstaklingum sem verið höfðu óvinnufærir í nokkra mánuði vegna sjúkdóms til þverfaglegs teymis, til mats á möguleikum á endurhæfingu og væri mælt með henni, hvernig henni yrði þá best háttað. Aflað var upplýsinga úr skýrslum endurhæfingarmatsteymisins um sjúkdómsástand, kyn, aldur, hjúskaparstöðu, fjölda barna á framfæri og menntunarstig þeirra einstaklinga sem metnir voru á árinu 2000. Upplýsingarnar um hjúskaparstöðu, fjölda barna á framfæri og menntunarstig voru bornar saman við upplýsingar um þjóðina frá sama ári (svör við Þjóðmálakönnun Félagsvísindastofnunar Háskóla Íslands um hjúskaparstöðu og barnafjölda og upplýsingar frá Hagstofu Íslands um menntunarstig). Upplýsingar um starfshæfni og vinnu þátttakenda eftir endurhæfingu voru fengnar með símakönnun sem Félagsvísindastofnun framkvæmdi. Fengnar voru upplýsingar úr gagnasafni TR um hvort þeir sem metnir höfðu verið af endurhæfingarmatsteymi á árinu 2000 voru á bótum frá TR einu til tveimur árum eftir matið. Til samanburðar var skoðuð bótastaða einstaklinga sem fengið höfðu endurhæfingarlífeyri áður en starfsendurhæfing á vegum TR hófst. Niðurstöður: Af þeim 109 sem metnir voru af endurhæfingarmatsteymi á árinu 2000 voru konur í talsverðum meirihluta (um helmingi fleiri en karlar). Meðalaldur matsþega var 35 ár. Læknisfræðilegar forsendur tilvísana til matsteymis voru fyrst og fremst stoðkerfisraskanir og geðraskanir. Matsþegar voru í meiri mæli ógiftir eða fráskildir, höfðu fleiri börn á framfæri og lægra menntunarstig en Íslendingar almennt. Fjörutíu matsþegum var vísað í atvinnulega endurhæfingu á Reykjalundi, 19 á tölvunámskeið hjá Hringsjá (starfsþjálfun fatlaðra) og 15 í fullt starfsnám hjá Hringsjá, en 46 fóru í aðra meðferð eða nám. Tæplega þrír fjórðu þátttakenda í símakönnun Félagsvísindastofnunar töldu starfshæfni sína hafa aukist, en innan við helmingur þátttakenda taldi sig þó vinnufæran (43,6%) og hafði stundað einhverja vinnu (46,9%). Auk þess var nær fjórðungur (22,8%) þátttakenda í námi og er líklegt að hluti þeirra skili sér út á vinnumarkaðinn að því loknu. Einu til tæplega tveimur árum eftir að mati lauk fengu 44 af 109 (40,4%) örorkubætur (örorkulífeyri eða örorkustyrk) frá TR og jafnmargir fengu engar bætur frá TR, en í samanburðarhópi fólks sem fengið hafði endurhæfingarlífeyri áður en starfsendurhæfing á vegum TR hófst fengu 97 af 119 (81,5%) örorkubætur, en 21 (17,7%) engar bætur frá TR hálfu öðru ári eftir upphaf lífeyrisgreiðslu. Ályktanir: Árangur af starfsendurhæfingu á vegum TR er svipaður og af starfsendurhæfingu á vegum Tryggingastofnana í Svíþjóð. Árangurinn sýnir að væntingar um að starfsendurhæfing geti komið í veg fyrir örorku hafa staðist