62 research outputs found

    Pathogen Sensing Pathways in Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derived-Endothelial Cells: Role of NOD1 Receptors.

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    Human embryonic stem cell-derived endothelial cells (hESC-EC), as well as other stem cell derived endothelial cells, have a range of applications in cardiovascular research and disease treatment. Endothelial cells sense Gram-negative bacteria via the pattern recognition receptors (PRR) Toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 and nucleotide-binding oligomerisation domain-containing protein (NOD)-1. These pathways are important in terms of sensing infection, but TLR4 is also associated with vascular inflammation and atherosclerosis. Here, we have compared TLR4 and NOD1 responses in hESC-EC with those of endothelial cells derived from other stem cells and with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). HUVEC, endothelial cells derived from blood progenitors (blood outgrowth endothelial cells; BOEC), and from induced pluripotent stem cells all displayed both a TLR4 and NOD1 response. However, hESC-EC had no TLR4 function, but did have functional NOD1 receptors. In vivo conditioning in nude rats did not confer TLR4 expression in hESC-EC. Despite having no TLR4 function, hESC-EC sensed Gram-negative bacteria, a response that was found to be mediated by NOD1 and the associated RIP2 signalling pathways. Thus, hESC-EC are TLR4 deficient but respond to bacteria via NOD1. This data suggests that hESC-EC may be protected from unwanted TLR4-mediated vascular inflammation, thus offering a potential therapeutic advantage

    Listeria pathogenesis and molecular virulence determinants

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    The gram-positive bacterium Listeria monocytogenes is the causative agent of listeriosis, a highly fatal opportunistic foodborne infection. Pregnant women, neonates, the elderly, and debilitated or immunocompromised patients in general are predominantly affected, although the disease can also develop in normal individuals. Clinical manifestations of invasive listeriosis are usually severe and include abortion, sepsis, and meningoencephalitis. Listeriosis can also manifest as a febrile gastroenteritis syndrome. In addition to humans, L. monocytogenes affects many vertebrate species, including birds. Listeria ivanovii, a second pathogenic species of the genus, is specific for ruminants. Our current view of the pathophysiology of listeriosis derives largely from studies with the mouse infection model. Pathogenic listeriae enter the host primarily through the intestine. The liver is thought to be their first target organ after intestinal translocation. In the liver, listeriae actively multiply until the infection is controlled by a cell-mediated immune response. This initial, subclinical step of listeriosis is thought to be common due to the frequent presence of pathogenic L. monocytogenes in food. In normal indivuals, the continual exposure to listerial antigens probably contributes to the maintenance of anti-Listeria memory T cells. However, in debilitated and immunocompromised patients, the unrestricted proliferation of listeriae in the liver may result in prolonged low-level bacteremia, leading to invasion of the preferred secondary target organs (the brain and the gravid uterus) and to overt clinical disease. L. monocytogenes and L. ivanovii are facultative intracellular parasites able to survive in macrophages and to invade a variety of normally nonphagocytic cells, such as epithelial cells, hepatocytes, and endothelial cells. In all these cell types, pathogenic listeriae go through an intracellular life cycle involving early escape from the phagocytic vacuole, rapid intracytoplasmic multiplication, bacterially induced actin-based motility, and direct spread to neighboring cells, in which they reinitiate the cycle. In this way, listeriae disseminate in host tissues sheltered from the humoral arm of the immune system. Over the last 15 years, a number of virulence factors involved in key steps of this intracellular life cycle have been identified. This review describes in detail the molecular determinants of Listeria virulence and their mechanism of action and summarizes the current knowledge on the pathophysiology of listeriosis and the cell biology and host cell responses to Listeria infection. This article provides an updated perspective of the development of our understanding of Listeria pathogenesis from the first molecular genetic analyses of virulence mechanisms reported in 1985 until the start of the genomic era of Listeria research

    Dokumentation und Systemmanagement

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    Krüll J, Spitta T. Dokumentation und Systemmanagement. In: Oberweis A, Sneed HM, eds. Software Management '99. Wirtschaftsinformatik. Stuttgart: Teubner; 1999: 173-190

    Asthme professionnel

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    L’asthme professionnel est la plus fréquente des maladies respiratoires professionnelles. Il touche surtout les travailleurs jeunes et a des conséquences socio-économiques importantes. Le reconnaître précocement permet d’améliorer le pronostic. Une investigation rigoureuse, pendant que le travailleur est encore exposé sur son lieu de travail, et un suivi médical approprié nécessitent une collaboration pluridisciplinaire. La prévention reste l’élément essentiel dans la prise en charge de cette maladie

    [Effects of tobacco use on systemic health: relevant information for dentistry (II)--part 2: cardiovascular diseases and public health issues]

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    This is the sixth and concluding part of a series of publications from the Swiss task force named "Smoking - Intervention in the private dental office" on the topic "tobacco use and dental medicine". The focus of this review is the effects of smoking for the development of atherosclerosis as pathohistological correlate for acute coronary syndrome (ACS), arterial occlusive disease, and cerebrovascular diseases (stroke). Additionally, a causal relationship between tobacco use and an increased rate for complications during pregnancy and child birth will be discussed. Next to causal therapy of local and systemic diseases in general, an emphasis must be given to tobacco use prevention and cessation. Finally, important public health issues concerning smoking and tobacco use will be demonstrated, and options to improve the current situation will be presented

    [Effects of tobacco use on general health: relevant information for dentistry (I)--part 1: pulmonary diseases and other malignancies]

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    This fifth part of a series of publications from the Swiss task force named "Smoking--Intervention in the private dental office" on the topic "tobacco use and dental medicine" focuses on the effects of tobacco use on general health. A significant increase of tobacco use associated morbidity and mortality for many cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases has been well documented in the literature. In this review, the epidemiologic background as well as the pathophysiological fundamentals for tobacco-mediated pulmonary diseases is presented, focusing especially on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer. In addition, a causal relationship between nicotine abuse and an increased carcinoma incidence for other malignancies but lung cancer will be discussed. Regarding the evidence in the present literature, it is undisputable that smoking is the most preventable cause for COPD and lung cancer

    Beratung von Familienunternehmen

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