965 research outputs found

    Anáforas indiretas e sua ancoragem a antecedentes implícitos

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    Orientador : Iara Bemquerer CostaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes. Curso de Pós-Graduação em Letras. Defesa: Curitiba, 17/10/2003Inclui referênciasResumo: A anáfora indireta é uma estratégia de progressão referencial caracterizada pela ausência de ligação explícita entre uma expressão nominal ou um pronome anafórico e um antecedente na superfície textual. Esta pesquisa trata da observação das atividades ou processos envolvidos no estabelecimento da relação entre essas anáforas e os elementos textuais denominados âncoras, os quais servem de suporte para a emergência de sentidos, permitindo a ligação textual implícita. A referenciação é concebida como uma construção colaborativa de objetos do discurso, objetos cuja existência é estabelecida no discurso, emergindo das práticas simbólicas e intersubjetivas, evoluindo de uma forma flexível. O sentido das palavras e expressões pode sofrer alterações dada a variação contextual ou do interlocutor, apresentando-se as descrições do mundo como incompletas. Tomamos como base o trabalho de MARCUSCHI (2001a) sobre as anáforas indiretas para a análise de textos produzidos por estudantes de graduação da Universidade da Região de Joinville - Campus São Bento do Sul, dos cursos de Ciências Contábeis, Ciências Econômicas, Pedagogia e Letras.Abstract: The indirect anaphor is a strategy of reference progression characterized by absence of explicit connection between nominal expressions or anaphoric pronouns and an antecedent on textual surface. This research talks about the observation of the activities or processes involved in relation establishment between anaphors and textual elements called anchors, which serves as support to sense emergence, making possible an implicit textual connection. The referenciation is conceived as a colaborative construction of objects of discourse, objects whose existence is established in the discourse, emerging in the symbolic and intersubjective practices, evaluating in flexible form. The sense of the words and expressions can suffer some changes, given the contextual variation or interspeaker variations, the world descriptions showing uncompleted. To elaborate the analyses in graduation students texts, we took as a start point MARCUSCHI (2001a), who does an approach about indirect anaphors. We collected graduating students texts, students of the Universidade da Região de Joinville - São Bento do Sul Camp, from Counts, Economics, Letters and Education Courses


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    Resumo O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de fazer uma reflexão sobre o direito à saúde conquistado com as Leis do SUS e a Constituição Federal e a privatização através das Organizações Sociais, traçando um breve panorama e mapeamento dos serviços de saúde de âmbito estadual e municipal no estado de Santa Catarina, entregues a gestão de Organizações Sociais. Também se chama atenção para o controle social das instituições de Saúde em Santa Catarina acaba sendo realizado majoritariamente pelo gestor público membros da OS executora do serviço

    The genetic architecture of mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease

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    Mitochondrial impairment is a well-established pathological pathway implicated in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Defects of the complex I of the mitochondrial respiratory chain have been found in post mortem brains from sporadic PD patients. Furthermore, several disease-related genes are linked to mitochondrial pathways, such as PRKN, PINK1, DJ-1 and HTRA2 and are associated to mitochondrial impairment. This phenotype can be caused by the dysfunction of mitochondrial quality control machinery at different levels: molecular, organellar or cellular. Mitochondrial unfolded protein response represents the molecular level and implicates various chaperones and proteases. If the molecular level of quality control is not sufficient, the organellar level is required and involves mitophagy and mitochondrial derived vesicles to sequester whole dysfunctional organelle or parts of it. Only when the impairment is too severe, it leads to cell death via apoptosis which defines the cellular level of quality control. Here we review how currently known PD-linked genetic variants interfere with the different levels of mitochondrial quality control. We discuss the graded risk concept of the most recently identified PARK loci (PARK 17-23) and some susceptibility variants such as GBA, LRRK2 and SNCA. Finally, the emerging concept of rare genetic variants as candidates for PD, such as HSPA9, TRAP1 and RHOT1 complete the picture of the complex genetic architecture of PD that will direct future precision medicine approaches

    Geopolymer-bound intumescent coatings for fire protection

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    Intumescent coatings for fire protection offer advantages over (non-intumescent) cementitious coatings and boards regarding speed of construction, architectural aesthetics, sometimes costs, and other features [1]. How­ever, conventional organic intumescent coatings as well as soluble silicate (waterglass) coatings form foams with low mechanical stability, and the latter coatings generally suffer from low resistance against humidity. There­fore, the search for novel intumescent coatings for more demanding conditions (e.g., abrasive environ­ments) is a necessity in the context of steadily increasing requirements of society and industry. In this contribution, we present results on intumescent aluminosilicate coatings for fire protection that form foams with significantly increased mechanical strength [2]. Two base formulations, a meta­kaolin/silica-based mix, adapted from Krivenko et al. [3], and a silica/corundum-based mix, de­ve­loped at Curtin University, as well as formulations modified with additives (Al(OH)3, Mg(OH)2, B2O3, Na2B4O7), were applied to steel plates (75 mm × 75 mm) and exposed to simulated fire conditions (fire curve according to ISO 834-1:1999). Temperature-time curves were recorded to assess the degree at which the coatings insulated the substrate. In addition, XRD, TG, oscillatory rheometry, and SEM were employed to characterise the coatings. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Determinants of age-related decline in walking speed in older women

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    Background Walking speed is reduced with aging. However, it is not certain whether the reduced walking speed is associated with physical and coordination fitness. This study explores the physical and coordination determinants of the walking speed decline in older women. Methods One-hundred-eighty-seven active older women (72.2 ± 6.8 years) were asked to perform a 10-m walk test (self-selected and maximal walking speed) and a battery of the Senior fitness test: lower body strength, lower body flexibility, agility/dynamic balance, and aerobic endurance. Two parameters characterized the walking performance: closeness to the modeled speed minimizing the energetic cost per unit distance (locomotor rehabilitation index, LRI), and the ratio of step length to step cadence (walk ratio, WR). For dependent variables (self-selected and maximal walking speeds), a recursive partitioning algorithm (classification and regression tree) was adopted, highlighting interactions across all the independent variables. Results Participants were aged from 60 to 88 years, and their self-selected and maximal speeds declined by 22% and 26% (p < 0.05), respectively. Similarly, all physical fitness variables worsened with aging (muscle strength: 33%; flexibility: 0 to −8 cm; balance: 22%; aerobic endurance: 12%; all p < 0.050). The predictors of maximal walking speed were only WR and balance. No meaningful predictions could be made using LRI and WR as dependent variables. Discussion The results suggest that at self-selected speed, the decrease in speed itself is sufficient to compensate for the age-related decline in the motor functions tested; by contrast, lowering the WR is required at maximal speed, presumably to prevent imbalance. Therefore, any excessive lowering of LRI and WR indicates loss of homeostasis of walking mechanics and invites diagnostic investigation

    Ökonomisches Konzept zur Parkraumbewirtschaftung in Berlin-Wilmersdorf

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    Die Überlastung der vorhandenen Verkehrsinfrastruktur in Ballungsgebieten zu den Hauptverkehrszeiten stellt ein zunehmendes wirtschaftliches und verkehrliches Problem dar. In diesem Beitrag werden Lösungsmöglichkeiten für eine effiziente Verteilung bzw. Allokation des knappen Gutes Freie Fahrt untersucht, wobei die Betrachtung aus ökonomischer Sicht erfolgt. Die erstbeste Lösung besteht in der Internalisierung von externen Kosten über verursachungsgerechte Straßennutzungspreise. Aufgrund eines erheblichen Aufwands dieser Internalisierungsmethode wird eine zweitbeste Lösung über Parkraummanagement gewählt. Für ein abgegrenztes Gebiet in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, in dem bislang keine Gebühren erhoben werden, wird eine mögliche Ausgestaltung einer Parkplatzgebühr pro 30 Minuten unter ökonomischen Aspekten vorgestellt. Berücksichtigt werden dabei die durchschnittlichen Stau-, Opportunitäts- und Bereitstellungskosten pro Stellplatz. Zusätzlich wurden über eine repräsentative Stichprobe Daten zur Zahlungsbereitschaft erhoben. Abschließend erfolgt eine Analyse der möglichen verkehrlichen und wirtschaftlichen Folgen dieser Maßnahme. -- The existing traffic infrastructure in agglomerate areas is surcharged in rush hours. This paper discusses some possible solutions of efficient allocation of the scarce good road capacity. It focuses on the economic view. An internalisation of external costs by road pricing would be the first best method. Because it is very complicated to install such a system of internalisation, a second best method is examined: regulatory parking policies. Since there is no existing system of parking policies in this specific area in place, a possible scenario of parking taxes under economic aspects is developed for a defined area in Berlin-Wilmersdorf. We examined the average congestion costs, the opportunity costs of use and the cost of supply per parking space. In addition a representative survey has been conducted to reveal the commuter's willingness to pay, for a free parking space. Finally an analysis of possible economic and infrastructural effects of parking policies on traffic is made.Straßennutzungspreise,Staukosten,Internalisierung,Parkraumbewirtschaftung,öffentliche Güter,Marktversagen,road-pricing,congestion costs,internalisation,parking management,public goods,market failure

    Nutrition in Pancreatic Cancer: A Review

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    Background: Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related mortality in both genders. More than 80% of patients suffer from significant weight loss at diagnosis and over time develop severe cachexia. Early nutritional support is therefore essential. Summary: This review evaluates the different nutritional therapies, such as enteral nutrition, parenteral nutrition and special nutritional supplements, on nutritional status, quality of life and survival. Key Message: Due to the high prevalence of malnutrition and the rapid development of anorexia-cachexia-syndrome, early nutritional intervention is crucial and supported by clinical data. Practical Implications: Enteral nutrition should be preferred over parenteral nutrition. Omega-3 fatty acids and L-carnitine are promising substances for the prevention of severe cachexia, but further randomized controlled trials are needed to establish generally accepted guidelines on nutrition in pancreatic cancer


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    O estudo objetiva identificar os fatores que contribuem para a evasão no curso superior de administração de uma universidade pública federal no sul do Brasil, de 2009 a 2011. A pesquisa é parte de projeto institucionalizado na universidade que visa desenvolver ações futuras a partir de diagnósticos como esse, minimizando os fatores de evasão controláveis pela IES. Apresenta-se revisão teórica sobre o tema, relacionando causas informadas com a literatura, assim como se apresenta alternativas no âmbito do curso e de políticas institucionais. A pesquisa é de essência qualitativa e utiliza entrevista semi-estruturada com questões abertas e fechadas, as quais foram desenvolvidas via email e telefone. Os resultados revelam que homens evadem mais que mulheres, a idade predominante está entre 21 e 29 anos. Carga horária de trabalho excessiva, incompatibilidade de horário entre trabalho e curso, e expectativas diferentes com relação ao curso são justificativas predominantes da evasão pelos investigados. Controle on line da freqüência do aluno, melhor relação aluno-cursodocente, bolsas de permanência, até ações mais prospectivas como divulgar o perfil do egresso-administrador no ensino médio público e privado podem conter a evasão. Diante da expansão de oferta do ensino superior no país, a evasão deve ser tratada com mais atenção