61 research outputs found

    Determining the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of a compacted sand-bentonite mixture under constant volume and free-swell conditions

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    Highly compacted sand-bentonite mixtures are often considered as possible engineered barriers in deep high-level radioactive waste disposals. In-situ, the saturation of these barriers from their initially unsaturated state is a complex hydro-mechanical coupled process in which temperature effects also play a role. The key parameter of this process is the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of the barrier. In this paper, isothermal infiltration experiments were conducted to determine the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity according to the instantaneous profile method. To do so, total suction changes were monitored at different locations along the soil specimen by using resistivity relative humidity probes. Three constant volume infiltration tests were conducted showing, unexpectedly, a decrease of the hydraulic conductivity during infiltration. One test performed under free-swell conditions showed the opposite and standard trend. These observations were interpreted in terms of microstructure changes during wetting, both under constant volume and free swell conditions

    Käännösuniversaalit ja tunnekausatiivien käyttö saksasta suomennetussa kaunokirjallisuudessa

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    Tutkimukseni tavoitteena on suomen kielen tunnekausatiiveja tarkastelemalla valaista käännösuniversaalien nykyistä asemaa suomen ja saksan kieliparin avulla. Tämä onnistuu monipuolisesti hyödyntämällä kvantitatiivisessa tutkimusosassa suomenkielistä verrannollista korpusta (muokattu Käännössuomen korpus, 1.348.710 sanaa) ja kvalitatiivisessa osassa itse laatimaani rinnakkaiskorpusta (suomenkielisiä käännöksiä ja saksankielisiä alkuperäisteoksia, yhteensä 380 lausetta). Jälkimmäinen toimii vahvistuksenakin edellisessä osassa esiin tulleille löydöksille. Tutkimuksen edetessä käy ilmi, että universaalit menevät usein päällekkäin, ovat ristiriidassa sekä itsessään että toisiinsa nähden eivätkä ole samansuuntaisia. Saksasta käännetyt suomenkieliset tekstit näyttäytyvät kvantitatiivisella tasolla alun perin suomeksi laadittuja tekstejä leksikaalisesti yksinkertaisempina ja implisiittisempinä: käännettäessä suomeen harvinaisemmat sanat häviävät, tunnekausatiivisesti neutraaleja sanoja ja yläkäsitteitä suositaan. Syntaktisesti tunnekausatiivisanat kuitenkin vaikuttavat olevan monimutkaisempia ja eksplisiittisempiä, mutta tässäkin ilmenee ristiriitoja. Yksinkertaistumisen ja eksplisiittistymisen universaalit menevätkin usein vastakkain, samoin konventionaalistuminen ja taipumishypoteesi (kohdetekstit muokkautuvat lähdekielen vaikutuksesta), mikäli kyseessä ovat toisistaan typologisesti hyvin poikkeavat kielet. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa lainataan käsitteitä vieraan kielen oppimisen tutkimuksestakin. Niistä keskeisin on transferi. Tämän pohjalta syntynyt taipumishypoteesi, jonka mukaan kohdetekstissä yliedustuneita ovat ne aspektit, joille on molemmissa kielissä vastineita, aliedustuneita ne, joilla lähdekielessä ei ole vastineita, on ainakin syntaktisesti epäilemättä voitu todistaa. Tämä hypoteesi ei kuitenkaan aina toteudu, sillä leksikaalisesti käännökset osoittavat vastoin odotuksia suomen kielen alkuperäistekstejä enemmän tunnekausatiivin ominaisuuksia. Morfologinen aspekti puolestaan on jäänyt vaille selkeätä tulosta, sillä saksan ja suomen kausatiivien välillä ei ole suoraa korrelaatiota. Tutkimuksessa pohdiskellaan myös kääntäjän asemaa ja kääntämisen ihanteita. Kääntäjän on kaunokirjallisuudessa löydettävä luonnollisuuden ja uskollisuuden välinen joustokäännöksen kohta. Jotta voitaisiin järkevästi puhua universaaleista tutkimuspohjana, täytyy käsitteeseen asettaa rajoja: universaaleihin liittyy normeja ja strategioita, jotka ilmenevät sekä alitajuisesti että tietoisesti; universaalit ovat todennäköisyyspohjaisia ja mielivaltaisia; haluttaessa universaalit voidaan jakaa kielistä riippumattomiin ja riippuvaisiin sekä tarvittaessa myös eri kieliopillisiin kategorioihin. Universaaleihin pohjautuvien tutkimusten kuuluu ensin aina eksplikoida oman käsitteensä määritelmä

    Modulation of intestinal IL-37 expression and its impact on the epithelial innate immune response and barrier integrity

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    Background and Aims: Intestinal epithelial cells separate the luminal flora from lamina propria immune cells and regulate innate immune responses in the gut. An imbalance of the mucosal immune response and disrupted intestinal barrier integrity contribute to the evolution of inflammatory bowel diseases. Interleukin (IL)-37 has broad anti- inflammatory activity and is expressed by the human intestinal epithelium. Mice ectopically expressing human IL-37 show reduced epithelial damage and inflammation after DSS-induced colitis. Here, we investigated the impact of IL-37 on the innate immune response and tight junction protein expression of mouse intestinal organoids and the modulation of IL37 expression in human intestinal organoids. Methods: Murine intestinal organoids were generated from IL-37tg and wildtype mice. Human ileal organoids were generated from healthy young donors. Results: Expression of transgene IL-37 or recombinant IL-37 protein did not significantly reduce overall proinflammatory cytokine mRNA expression in murine intestinal organoids. However, higher IL37 expression correlated with a reduced proinflammatory cytokine response in murine colonic organoids. IL37 mRNA expression in human ileal organoids was modulated by proinflammatory cytokines showing an increased expression upon TNF-α-stimulation and decreased expression upon IFN-gamma stimulation. Transgene IL-37 expression did not rescue TNF-α-induced changes in morphology as well as ZO-1, occludin, claudin-2, and E-cadherin expression patterns of murine jejunal organoids. Conclusions: We speculate that the anti-inflammatory activity of IL-37 in the intestine is mainly mediated by lamina propria immune cells protecting intestinal epithelial integrity

    Characterization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 mutantswith decreased sensitivity to proteinase inhibitor Ro 31-8959

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    AbstractA human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) variant with highly reduced susceptibility to Ro 31-8959, an inhibitor of the viral proteinase, has been selected by repeated passage of wild-type virus in CEM cells in the presence of increasing concentrations of the inhibitor. Peptide sequences of the proteinase of selected virus were obtained from proviral DNA. Sequence comparison to wild-type (wt) proteinase demonstrated two amino acid substitutions in the resistant virus, a Gly to Val exchange at position 48 and a Leu to Met exchange at position 90. Furthermore, sequences of intermediate passage virus suggest contributions from positions 12, 36, 57, and 63 in early steps of resistance development. The selected virus showed a ca. 40-fold increase in 50% inhibitory concentration of Ro 31-8959. Growth kinetics of resistant virus were comparable to wild-type virus and the resistant genotype proved to be stable in the absence of inhibitor. Directed mutagenesis of the HIV-1 HXB2 proteinase at positions 48 and 90 suggested that each mutation alone led to a moderate decrease in sensitivity of the recombinant virus to proteinase inhibitor. However, a recombinant virus carrying both mutations in the proteinase gene showed a significant reduction in its sensitivity to Ro 31-8959 thus proving the importance of these exchanges for the resistance phenotype

    New potent inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme

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    AbstractUsing an earlier model of the favoured orientation of binding functions of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, it has been possible to postulate a new, 7,6-bicyclic system, based on hexahydropyridazine, which might be expected to have high potency. Some members of this system which have been synthesised have been shown to be very active ACE inhibitors, in vitro and in vivo

    Learning from sustainability pioneers. The Korn-Scout project

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    Das Projekt Korn-Scout entwickelt betriebliche Lehr-Lern-Materialien für Auszubildende in Korn-handhabenden Berufen. Ziel ist die Vermittlung von Nachhaltigkeitskompetenzen insbesondere zur Kommunikation mit den Akteuren der Wertschöpfungskette, um Auszubildende zu Change Agents ihrer Branche zu machen. Entscheidende Impulse kommen von den Praxispartnern und Praxispartnerinnen im Projekt – erfolgreichen Nachhaltigkeitspionieren. Diese stellen in „korn – Die Zeitschrift für Azubis“ ihre Erfahrungen und ihre Beweggründe für nachhaltiges Handeln vor. (DIPF/Orig.)The Korn-Scout project develops company-based teaching-learning materials for trainees in grain-handling professions. The aim is to impart sustainability competencies, especially for communication with the actors in the value chain, to make trainees change agents in their sector. Decisive impulses come from the practice partners in the project—successful sustainability pioneers. In “korn – Die Zeitschrift für Azubis” (corn – Magazine for Apprentices) they present their experiences and their motives for sustainable action. (DIPF/Orig.

    Modulation of intestinal IL-37 expression and its impact on the epithelial innate immune response and barrier integrity

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    Background and AimsIntestinal epithelial cells separate the luminal flora from lamina propria immune cells and regulate innate immune responses in the gut. An imbalance of the mucosal immune response and disrupted intestinal barrier integrity contribute to the evolution of inflammatory bowel diseases. Interleukin (IL)-37 has broad anti- inflammatory activity and is expressed by the human intestinal epithelium. Mice ectopically expressing human IL-37 show reduced epithelial damage and inflammation after DSS-induced colitis. Here, we investigated the impact of IL-37 on the innate immune response and tight junction protein expression of mouse intestinal organoids and the modulation of IL37 expression in human intestinal organoids.MethodsMurine intestinal organoids were generated from IL-37tg and wildtype mice. Human ileal organoids were generated from healthy young donors.ResultsExpression of transgene IL-37 or recombinant IL-37 protein did not significantly reduce overall proinflammatory cytokine mRNA expression in murine intestinal organoids. However, higher IL37 expression correlated with a reduced proinflammatory cytokine response in murine colonic organoids. IL37 mRNA expression in human ileal organoids was modulated by proinflammatory cytokines showing an increased expression upon TNF-α-stimulation and decreased expression upon IFN-gamma stimulation. Transgene IL-37 expression did not rescue TNF-α-induced changes in morphology as well as ZO-1, occludin, claudin-2, and E-cadherin expression patterns of murine jejunal organoids.ConclusionsWe speculate that the anti-inflammatory activity of IL-37 in the intestine is mainly mediated by lamina propria immune cells protecting intestinal epithelial integrity

    Modelling of the LTDE-SD radionuclide diffusion experiment in crystalline rock at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (Sweden)

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    Acknowledgement. The comments from Dr. Kersti Nilsson, the analytical work by VKTA (Dresden, Germany) for some of the rock samples, and the initial review by Dr. Anna-Maria Jakobsson are gratefully acknowledged. The constructive comments and suggestions by Dr. Jordi Cama and an anonymous reviewer contributed to a significant improvement of the manuscript. Funding was provided through the Task Force partner organisations participating in this modelling exercise (SKB, Sweden; POSIVA OY, Finland; SÚRAO, Czech Republic; BMWi, Germany; KAERI, Republic of Korea; NUMO and JAEA, Japan). IDAEA-CSIC is a Severo Ochoa Centre of Research Excellence (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Project CEX2018-000794-S). The contributions of TUL, CTU and PROGEO are the result of the SÚRAO project "Research support for Safety Evaluation of Deep Geological Repository". JAEA's modelling was performed as a part of "The project for validating assessment methodology in geological disposal system" funded by the METI of Japan. A.I., P.T., M.V., G.D., and D.B. gratefully acknowledge the computing time granted by the JARA Vergabegremium and provided on the JARA Partition part of the supercomputer JURECA at Forschungszentrum Jülich.This study shows a comparison and analysis of results from a modelling exercise concerning a field experiment involving the transport and retention of different radionuclide tracers in crystalline rock. This exercise was performed within the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) Task Force on Modelling of Groundwater Flow and Transport of Solutes (Task Force GWFTS).Task 9B of the Task Force GWFTS was the second subtask within Task 9 and focused on the modelling of experimental results from the Long Term Sorption Diffusion Experiment in situ tracer test. The test had been performed at a depth of about 410m in the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory. Synthetic groundwater containing a cocktail of radionuclide tracers was circulated for 198 days on the natural surface of a fracture and in a narrow slim hole drilled in unaltered rock matrix. Overcoring of the rock after the end of the test allowed for the measurement of tracer distribution profiles in the rock from the fracture surface (A cores) and also from the slim hole (D cores). The measured tracer activities in the rock samples showed long profiles (several cm) for non- or weakly-sorbing tracers (Cl-36, Na-22), but also for many of the more strongly-sorbing radionuclides. The understanding of this unexpected feature was one of the main motivations for this modelling exercise. However, re-evaluation and revision of the data during the course of Task 9B provided evidence that the anomalous long tails at low activities for strongly sorbing tracers were artefacts due to cross-contamination during rock sample preparation. A few data points remained for Cs-137, Ba-133, Ni-63 and Cd-109, but most measurements at long distances from the tracer source (>10mm) were now below the reported detection limits.Ten different modelling teams provided results for this exercise, using different concepts and codes. The tracers that were finally considered were Na-22, Cl-36, Co-57, Ni-63, Ba-133, Cs-137, Cd-109, Ra-226 and Np-237. Three main types of models were used: i) analytical solutions to the transport-retention equations, ii) continuum-porous-medium numerical models, and iii) microstructure-based models accounting for small-scale heterogeneity (i.e. mineral grains, porosities and/or microfracture distributions) and potential centimetre-scale fractures. The modelling by the different teams led to some important conclusions, concerning for instance the presence of a disturbed zone (a few mm in thickness) next to the fracture surface and to the wall of the slim hole and the role of micro-fractures and cm-scale fractures in the transport of weakly sorbing tracers. These conclusions could be reached after the re-evaluation and revision of the experimental data (tracer profiles in the rock) and the analysis of the different sets of model results provided by the different team