232 research outputs found
Comparative analysis of the quality of recorded sound in the function of different recording formats
In article, the quality of the following encoders was analyzed: mp3, AAC, wma and OGG Vorbis. An original graphic method was used to carry out the quantitative research. It consists in comparing the number of pixels (representing data) between the spectrogram of a wav file and the spectrograms of files compressed with different codecs and bit rates. It has been shown that the Ogg Vorbis encoder retains the most data from the uncompressed wav sample in all tested bit rates (128KBit / s, 160KBit / s, 320KBit / s)
Soil moisture under no-tillage and tillage systems in maize long-term experiment
The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of conventional till (CT) and no-till (NT) cultivation systems in long term experiment with maize on soil water dynamics using continuous soil moisture (SM) measurements in the 2014, 2015, 2016 vegetation seasons. The ability of HERMES model to simulate SM was also evaluated in Polish conditions. The long term experiment with maize is located in the Grabów Experimental Farm of Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute in Masovian Voivodeship – Central Poland (51˚21´18´´N, 21˚40´09´´E). The HERMES model was calibrated by modification of temperature sums in crop parameters file and capacity parameters (field capacity and wilting point) of the experimental site. The results show that NT system has a positive impact on soil water content. However, this improvement is dependent on a year, phenological phase and soil layer. The results showed also that calibrated (until now) model HERMES is able to simulate SM in a wet year. For simulation of SM in a dry year there is still need for future improvement of calibration parameters
This paper presents a new hybrid algorithm using multiple Support Vector Machines models with convolutional autoencoder to Electrical Impedance Tomography, and Ultrasound Computed Tomography image reconstruction. The ultimate hybrid solution uses multiple SVM models to convert input measurements to individual autoencoder codes representing a given scene then the decoder part of the autoencoder can reconstruct the sceneArtykuł przedstawia nowy hybrydowy algorytm który używa modeli maszyn wektorów nośnych wraz z autoenkoderem konwolucyjnym do rekonstrukcji obrazu z Elektrycznej Tomografii Impedancyjnej oraz Ultrasonograficznej Tomografii Transmisyjnej. Ostateczne rozwiązanie hybrydowe używa wielu modeli SVM do konwersji pomiarów wejściowych do pojedynczych kodów autoenkodera reprezentujących daną scenę a wtedy dekoder wycięty z autoenkodera może zrekonstruować daną scen
The reliability and validity of two alternative systems used for jumping performance measurement was evaluated. Two groups of subjects consisted of 15 male adults and the 16 female volleyball players. We used three different systems of data collection: Optojump Next (optoelectric) referred as the inexpensive system, BTS Smart-E (motion capture) as the expensive system. Concurrent validity of these systems was checked with the use of standard force platform. All systems were used to estimate the height of vertical jumps. Both systems showed highly reliability with the ICCs=0.98 for Optojump and 0.90 for BTS Smart. Their concurrent validity with the force platform data was also very high r=0.99 and r=0.97 respectively. Comparison of these two systems demonstrated distinct differences between the two systems: Optojump system is more suitable for quick and reliable sports testing
Grain Size Analysis of Class C Fly ash Used for Aluminium-Silicate Binders
Concrete structures are constantly moving in the direction of improving the durability. Durability depends on many factors, which are the composition of concrete mix, the usage of additives and admixtures and also the place, where material will work and carry the load. Taking into account that the consumption of cement on the globe gives way only to the consumption of drinking water, the issue of concrete technology begins to take on an economic and ecological aspect. Mentioned above the aspect of durability is strictly connected to economy. Due to huge amount of greenhouse gasses produced in the process of calcination, the ordinary Portland cements are responsible for even 8% of anthropogenic carbon dioxide production. This paper is focused on properties of materials known as green binders. They can be used to produce aluminium-siliceous binders and green concretes which can also be known as geopolymer concretes. Often used in construction industry, class F fly ashes are also good substratum also for aluminium- siliceous binders. Nevertheless amount of available class F fly ashes do not give the possibility to replace ordinary cements by aluminium-silicate one produced from this type of ash. This raises the need to look for replacement solutions for the substrate of the new green adhesive. As the substrate of new eco-binders there were used fly ash which came from coal and high calcium ash from the burning of lignite, called class C fly ashes. However not processed one, cannot compete with Portland cements due to durability. It surely depends on many aspects of polymerization process, which are for example maturation environment, concentration and type of alkaline activator, but the most important are parameters of fly ash substrate. This is because main attention was paid to granulation of examined class C fly ashes which have been subjected to a grinding process involving milling in a magnetic mill and subjected to ultrasonic waves. The analysis of grain change was presented in the aspect of the possibility of increasing the strength and durability of the cement material
Location and interpretation of post-forest-fire sediments – case studies
Forest fires are common phenomenon in many countries, including Poland. Forest divisions are the institutions responsible for their monitoring and control. Their task is to detect, fight and counteract the fire forest effects. For a long time forest divisions have maintained the database of forest fires, since 2010 in digital version (Information System of the State Forests – SILP, Llas.2). The information gathered in SILP includes the classification, size and location of fires. The Information for the years 2010–2014 was obtained from the Forest Division Suchedniów (Świętokrzyskie province). Most fires were small, often limited to undergrowth and soil cover (less than 1 ha), two of them were classified as medium-size fires (over 1 ha). In post-fire areas a series of shallow geological borings was made. In most profiles no fire traces (layers of charcoal, individual coals etc.) where found. Such traces were preserved on flood plains, under the edges of terraces, where post-fire layer was covered by colluvial deposits. The study of forest soil pH indicate that fires which occurred many years ago did not leave any significant changes in the pH level, while in fire areas several years old pH level was lower. The results of contemporary post-fire sediments studys may be helpful in paleogeographical and geoarchaeological reconstructions (e.g. O’Connor, Evans 2005). In geological profiles it is common to find single charcoals, rarely layers. Their presence, changing the amount of sediment raises a number of controversies and problems with interpretation. In the Druć River valley (Belarus) the layer (0.2–0.35 cm) of post-fire charcoal (14C dating: younger than 200 years old) is covered with sandy colluvia (thickness 30 cm) with numerous of Neolithic and Iron Age artifacts. In this case the thickness of post-fire sediment many times exceeds sediments observed in Suchedniów Forest District, and suggests the occurrence of a very large forest fire (probably anthropogenic). After the fire, intensive soil erosion began in the burnt area, which in a short time covered fossilized charcoals layer by colluvium containing the artifacts.Pożary lasów są częstym zjawiskiem w wielu krajach, w tym i w Polsce. Instytucjami odpowiedzialnymi za ich monitorowanie i kontrolę są nadleśnictwa. Ich zadaniem jest wykrycie oraz przeciwdziałanie skutkom pożaru lasu. Nadleśnictwa prowadzą od dłuższego czasu, od 2010 roku w formie cyfrowej (System Informacji Lasów Państwowych – SILP, Llas.2), bazy danych dotyczące klasyfikacji, wielkości i lokalizacji pożarów lasów. Informacje za lata 2010–2014 pozyskano z Nadleśnictwa Suchedniów (woj. świętokrzyskie). Przeważnie pożary były małe, często ograniczone do podszycia i pokrywy glebowej (poniżej 1 ha), dwa z nich zostały sklasyfikowane jako pożary średnie (ponad 1 ha). Na terenach popożarowych wykonano szereg płytkich wierceń geologicznych. W większości profili nie odnotowano żadnych śladów po pożarach (warstw węgla, pojedynczych węgli etc.). Takie ślady zachowały się na terenach zalewowych, pod krawędziami teras, gdzie warstwa po pożarze była przykryta deluwiami. Badania pH gleby leśnej wskazują na to, że pożary sprzed wielu lat nie pozostawiły żadnych znaczących zmian w poziomie pH, natomiast w miejscach, gdzie pożary miały miejsce kilka lat temu poziom pH był niższy. Wyniki badań współczesnych warstw pożarowych mogą być pomocne w paleogeograficznych i geoarcheologicznych rekonstrukcjach (np. O’Connor, Evans 2005). W profilach geologicznych powszechne są pojedyncze węgle, rzadziej warstwy. Ich obecność, zmienna ilość osadów budzi jednak szereg kontrowersji i problemów interpretacyjnych. Przykładem może być stanowisko w dolinie Druci (Białoruś), gdzie warstwa (0,2–0,35 cm) węgli popożarowych (datowanie 14C – osady młodsze niż 200 lat) jest przykryta piaszczystymi deluwiami (grubość 30 cm) z licznymi artefaktami neolitycznymi i z epoki żelaza. W tym przypadku miąższość warstwy pożarowej wielokrotnie przewyższa osady obserwowane na terenie Nadleśnictwa Suchedniów, sugerując wystąpienie bardzo dużego pożaru lasu (prawdopodobnie antropogenicznego). Po pożarze, na odsłoniętej powierzchni, doszło do intensywnej erozji gleby, co doprowadziło w krótkim czasie do przykrycia warstwy węgla przez deluwia zawierające redeponowane artefakty
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