7 research outputs found

    Trends in Body Mass Index among Children with Mild and Moderate Intellectual Disabilities

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    In recent years, worldwide obesity has increased both in the adult as well as childhood populations. Research shows that obesity nowadays is increasingly associated with the younger age group. What is currently becoming the focal point of attention is the prevalence of obesity in people with intellectual disabilities whose physical and mental limitations affect, to a certain degree, their daily lives. Nevertheless, there is a lack of data for the childhood population with intellectual disabilities. This research seeks to compare trends in BMI indicators and eating habits among children with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities who live with their families as opposed to those who are provided for at Children’s home in region Zlín in the Czech Republic. The research method used was quantitative and comparative research approached deductively. BMI indicators were determined by means of InBody analyser. Data for eating habits was collected through a questionnaire of our own design which is standardly used in the Special Olympics Healthy Athlete Project. The BMI trends were observed in twelve children from two primary schools. We have concluded that children with mild ID who are provided for at the children’s home do not tend to be obese, rather they have a proclivity to be overweight or normal BMI and children with moderate ID have a proclivity to normal BMI or underweight. As has occurred from case histories, only children with moderate ID living with their own families tend to have obesity or normal BMI but children with mild ID living with their own families tend to have overweight or normal BMI. Obesity and overweight are connected only with boys. Children’s weight remained the same within the existing BMI ranges. Summer holidays in children with mild ID and moderate ID living in children’s home had no verifiable effect on the BMI indicators. Children living with their own families had a subsequent weight increase before summer holiday (June 2017, June 2018) and a weight loss after holiday (September 2017, September 2018). Summer holiday influences the BMI indicators in children with mild ID and moderate ID living in their families. The research further shows that children with mild ID and moderate ID being cared for in the institutional environment have a healthier diet than children with mild ID and moderate ID living with their families. The conclusions of the research may serve as a recommendation for parents to pay more attention to their children’s diet as well as their physical activity

    Self-Perception Of Inclusion In Interpersonal Behavior By Students Of The Sports Grammar School

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    The personality of a person is a set of all manifestations of behavior, experience and perception that istypical of a particular person in interpersonal relationships. The aim of the research was to find whattypes of interpersonal relationships students in a sports school are aware and they add to themselves.And in partial goals it is a comparison between men and women, between individual and collectivesports and by success.The methods were quantitative and comparative research with deduction. To determine interpersonalbehaviour standardized interpersonal diagnosis questionnaire (ICL) was used. Altogether,229 students participated in the research.The outcome of the research is that the students of a sports secondary school add themself to dimensionof responsible behavior (responsible personality). The differences between men and womencan be seen in dominance and affiliation. Men are more dominant and women are more affiliative(friendlier and more cooperative).The benefit of this work is the discovery that the key factor in the success of athletes is the dominantpersonality type. These findings may be useful for sports schools in the admission process, in which theICL questionnaire may be included and cooperation with a psychologist. It may be also beneficial for futuresecondary school students to assess their perspective and to cultivate the psyche in sports training.The personality of a person is a set of all the manifestations of behaviour, experience and perception that is typical of a particular person in interpersonal relationships. The aim of the research was to find what types of interpersonal relationships students in a sports school are aware of and that add to themselves. In addition, as a partial goal, examine the comparison between men and women, between individual and collective sports and by success. The methods were quantitative and comparative research with deduction. To determine interpersonal behaviour, a standardised interpersonal diagnosis questionnaire (ICL) was used. Altogether, 229 students participated in the research. The outcome of the research was that the students of a sports secondary school added themselves to the dimension of responsible behaviour (responsible personality). The differences between men and women were seen in dominance and affiliation. Men are more dominant and women are more affiliative (friendlier and more cooperative). The benefit of this work is the discovery of the key factor in the success of athletes with a dominant personality type. These findings may be useful for sports schools in the admission process, in which the ICL questionnaire may be included and cooperation with a psychologist. It may be also beneficial for future secondary school students to assess their perspective and to cultivate the psyche in sports training

    The Analysis Of Indicators Of Achievement Motivation Of Students In Sports Gymnasium

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    Výkonová motivace je součástí každého výkonu, nejenom sportovního. Cílem výzkumu bylo zjistit, jaké jsou ukazatele výkonové motivace u studentů sportovního gymnázia a dále je srovnat s ukazateli běžné populace, mezi muži a ženami, mezi nejmladšími a nejstaršími ročníky a v typech vykonávaných sportů. Pro zjištění výkonové motivace byl použit standardizovaný dotazník motivace výkonu (D-M-V). Výsledkem práce je zjištění, že studenti sportovního gymnázia mají průměrnou výkonovou motivaci, nejvyšší motivační úroveň ze sportů vykazuje atletika, u mužů a u žen je stejná výkonová motivace, nejmladší ročníky vykazují nižší úroveň výkonové motivace oproti nejstarším ročníkům. Přínos výzkumu je především pro vedení sportovního gymnázia, které může zkvalitnit výuku studentů u méně motivovaných sportů. Dále pro rodiče dětí, kteří se rozhodují, zda zvolit sport z nabídky školy anebo individuální. Rovněž trenéři a učitelé tělesné výchovy mohou ve své profesi využít poznatku, že výkonová motivace je u obou pohlaví stejná, a tudíž používat stejné motivační metody.Achievement motivation is part of every performance, not just in sport. The aim was to find out what the average indicators of achievement motivation of students in sports gymnasium are and compare them with indicators of the general population. Indicators also included differences between men and women, between the youngest and oldest classes and types of sports played. For the measurement of achievement motivation, a standardised questionnaire of achievement motivation (D-M-V) was used. The results indicated that the achievement motivation among students of sports gymnasium was average, we can find the highest motivation in athletics. Achievement motivation for men and women was the same, the youngest classes show a lower level of achievement motivation compared to the older classes. The usefulness of the research was mainly for directing sports gymnasium that can improve teaching less motivated sports. Also, for parents deciding between a sport offered by a school or by an individual. Trainers and PE (physical education) teachers can make use in their job of the fact that achievement motivation is the same in both sexes, and they can use the same motivational methods

    BMI Indicators in Children with Intellectual Disabilities

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    Nowadays, the problematics of obesity in people with intellectual disabilities and who are limited by their handicap in their everyday lives, is getting more and more to the forefront. Currently, there is a lack of real data for the population of children with intellectual disabilities. The aim of the research is to find out whether children with intellectual disabilities in early and middle adolescence have a tendency towards obesity and how many children have a normal weight in comparison with the general population. What are the differences in the BMI indicators between boys and girls and if any of the development stages in boys and girls is connected with obesity? What is the proportion of each level of intellectual disabilities between boys and girls and if there is a bigger tendency to obesity in a certain level of intellectual disability? Quantitative and comparative research with deduction were the used methods. The machine InBody was used for finding out the BMI indicators. In total, 35 children from two special elementary schools participated in the research. The result of the research is as follows: More than half of the children with intellectual disabilities in early and middle adolescence had weight in the normal range of the general population of the same age. In boys, there is an assumption that they will have a lower BMI in middle adolescence than they had in the previous stage of early adolescence. On the contrary, in girls, there is an assumption that their BMI will be higher in middle adolescence than it was in their previous stage of early adolescence. Obesity in boys is connected with early adolescence and the mild and the moderate level of intellectual disabilities. In girls, obesity is connected with middle adolescence and the mild level of intellectual disabilities. The findings suggest that children with intellectual disabilities have similar BMI indicators as healthy Czech children because obesity is found in the same degree in both groups

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology

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    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Sport and Quality of Life 2019 gatheres submissions of participants of the conference. Every submission is the result of positive evaluation by reviewers from the corresponding field. Conference is divided into sections – Analysis of human movement; Sport training, nutrition and regeneration; Sport and social sciences; Active ageing and sarcopenia; Strength and conditioning training; section for PhD students

    Specialities of the corporate environment, business and cultural customs in Uzbekistan

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    In my bachelor work I analyse specialities of the corporate environment in Uzbekistan and bring the view of the business and cultural customs of this country. For better knowledge in corporate environment of Uzbekistan I use some parts of PEST analysis. In individual chapters I attend to territory basic information, investment atmosphere and taxation, business dealings and customs which are typical for the investigated area and eventually I attend to foreign trade of this country too

    Modern tools in marketing communication

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    In my final thesis I focused on modern tools in marketing communication such as buzz marketing, guerilla marketing and so on from theoretical and practical point of view. The main part was about a phenomenon, which appears in the Czech Republic in the past few years -- english called twangoo. Not only between them, but also entrepreneurs and customer on this specific market, I was doing a questionnaire research, which helped me draw final conclusions