83 research outputs found

    Minimal sufficient information about the scientific workflows to create reproducible experiment

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    Four level provenance support to achieve portable reproducibility of scientific workflows

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    New Aspect of Investigating Fault Sensitivity of Scientific Workflows

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    A novel approach to user-steering in scientific workflows

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    From the scientist's perspective the workflow execution is like black boxes. The scientist submits the workflow and at the end, the result or a notification about failed completion is returned. Concerning long running experiments or when workflows are in experimental phase it may not be acceptable. Scientist may need to fine-tune and monitor their experiments. To support the scientist with special user interaction tool we introduced intervention points (iPoints) where the user takes over the control for a while and has the possibility to interfere, namely to change some parameters or data, or to stop, to restart the workflow or even to deviate from the original workflow model during enactment. We plan to implement our solution in IWIR \cite{plan2011} language which was targeted to provide interoperability between four existing well-known SWfMS within the framework of the SHIWA project

    Achieving dynamic workflow management system by applying provenance based checkpointing method

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    Comparison of numerical image reconstruction methods in holography

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    Classification of Scientific Workflows Based on Reproducibility Analysis

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    The application of holographic image reconstruction in the examination of liquids

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