48 research outputs found


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    Stigma dysplasia of connective tissue, indications of diffuse endocrine system (enterocells immunopositive substance P (SP) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), mast cells (mastocyte)) in patients with diverticular disease of bowels are discussed in the article

    Molecular-Dynamics Study Melting Aluminum at High Pressures

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    AbstractThe dependence of the melting temperature versus the pressure under static conditions and under shock-wave compression of aluminum was calculated by molecular-dynamic modeling technique. The Morse potential and EAM potential (embedded atom method) was used for the interatomic interaction for the solid and liquid phases of aluminum. The calculations show a change of crystal structure of aluminum close to the melting range static compression and compression in the shock wave. Melting point was determined by analysis of the radial distribution function and the standard deviation of the atoms with the visualization of crystal structure. The results of molecular dynamics calculations are consistent with experimental data on the compressibility of the shock wave up to 200GPa. Static melting results are consistent across the field of experimental data up to 30GPa. A short-term compression in the shock wave, accompanied by the increase of entropy can be leads to overheating nonequilibrium substances. Under these conditions, the melting temperature under static and shock compression may be different from each other. However, the calculations showed on pressure in the shock wave 122GPa aluminum melting occurs at temperatures close to the melting temperature in static conditions

    Microelectronics component designing by Cadence software

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    Acoustic-electronic radio components on surface acoustic waves (SAW) are the most promising class of radio-frequency filters in the frequency range from 20 to 2500 MHz. The most important feature that determines the rapid introduction of acoustoelectronic radio components into modern information systems is the possibility of combining manufacturing processes with micro and nanotechnologies, high temperature stability and reliability, and small weight and size characteristics. Element performing excitation and reception of acoustic waves in all devices types is an interdigital transducer (IDT), which is a grid of metal electrodes deposited on the surface of the piezoelectric

    Klinico-diagnostic value of indicators apoptosis and proliferation esofagogastroduode-nal zones at alcoholic liver disease

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    Purpose — Studying of kliniko-morphological features of a pathology of a gullet, stomach, duodenal gut and role of indicators apoptosis and proliferation in pathology development esofagogastroduodenal zones at alcoholic liver disease. 42 patients with an alcoholic hepatitis and 44 patients a cirrhosis are surveyed. By all it is spent endoscopic, histo-logic and immuno-histochemical inspection. By means of sets of antibodies studied proliferation activity epitheliocytes of stomach At patients at transformation of a chronic alcoholic hepatitis in a cirrhosis accrue atrophy changes of a mucous membrane of a stomach, against against which chronic erosion or peptic ulcers without inflammations are marked. Processes proliferation and apoptosis are activated, that to the full defines morphological changes gastroduodenal zones Strengthening of processes proliferation and apoptosis promotes progressing of structural changes esophagogas-tricduodenal zones that can serve additional diagnostic and prognostic as criterion

    Molecular and genetic predisposing factors of comorbidity of fatty liver disease and diseases of the colon

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    The literature review is devoted to the universal molecular markers and predictors of forming non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and pathology of the colon, the role of insulin resistance as one of the factors of the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the development of colorectal cancer. The mechanisms of diseases of the colon (colorectal cancer) are found out to be due to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.</p

    Psychological characteristics of patients with functional and inflammatory bowel disorders

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    Objective: to study the psychological characteristics of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis (UC), Crohn's disease (CD). Material and methods. The study group included 98 patients with IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) and IBS, the control group included 30 healthy individuals. Set of psychological tests included questionnaire (multifactorial systemic examination of the person), the Luscher color test, Beck Depression Inventory, a test on health, activity, mood. Results. Premorbid personality traits, communication disorders with stress have been revieled. According to the nosology different types of emotional response to the disease, changes in health and activity have been marked. There is a high level of frustration needs, increased frequency of anxiety and depression in all patients. Conclusion. Psychological mechanisms of pathology are similar in functional and organic bowel diseases with the greatest influence on the course of functional disorders

    Retrospective Analysis and Current State of Experimental Models of Blast-induced Trauma

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    Combat pathology, particularly mine-blast injury is the main cause of military casualties. In our country, as a factor of destabilization, are widely used terrorist attacks using explosive devices of different capacities. Blast injury over 60% is cause of military casualties during armed conflicts. It is known that the condition for the formation of air-shock wave is creating waves of pressure, which is distributed at supersonic speed as possible with pulsed gas explosion and expansion of compression ambient air. The brain, chest, abdomen, and bladder are the most sensitive parts of the human body to blast. But the pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of post-traumatic explosion-induced disorders, namely, neurodegenerative complications psychosomatic, cognitive impairment, currently not fully understood and are not clear enough for an adequate therapy. The purpose of the study was to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of experimental models of blast-induced injury and to improve method and compressed air-driven shock tube. Material and methods. We used the following methods: analysis and evaluation of experimental models of explosion-induced injury by scientific publications, monographs and invention obtained in stages patent information search in the library collection of the State institution “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” (October 2019), a retrospective search of the literature database PubMed (February 2020). Results and discussion. A retrospective analysis of the number of literary sources on the experimental reproduction of explosive trauma has shown a high interest of a large circle of scientists in the last decade. A qualitative study of scientific publications has shown a wide range of physical characteristics of an experimental shock wave, methods and devices for simulating an explosive injury. The absence of a standardized model of explosive injury with characteristics as close as possible to real circumstances creates conditions for the implementation of our own proposals. Conclusion. This work presents a tested modified experimental model for reproducing an air shock wave under laboratory conditions, which makes it possible to study the features of the course of an explosive injury of various organs and organ systems at various periods after injury

    Modern status and development perspectives of fishery products processing in Belarus

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    The paper presents the results of analysis of fish processing status in the country and in the world. The ways of assortment management of fishery products in Belarus for each process group are determined. The author gives recommendations to improve the quality characteristics of manufactured fishery products.Представлены результаты анализа состояния переработки рыбы в стране и мире. Определены пути управления ассортиментом рыбной продукции в Белоруссии по каждой технологической группе. Даны рекомендации по повышению качественных характеристик выпускаемой рыбной продукции

    Кулинарная переработка рыбы и перспективы ее развития в Республике Беларусь.

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    В статье проанализирован опыт кулинарной переработки рыбы ведущими предприятиями Рес-публики Беларусь, определены пути развития производства рыбных изделий по каждой ассорти-ментной группе, даны общие рекомендации для повышения качественных характеристик выпус-каемой рыбной кулинарной продукции. Ключевые слова: рыбные продукты, переработка рыбы, полуфабрикат, кулинарное изделие. = The article analyzed the experience of cooking fish processing leading enterprises of the Republic of Belarus, the ways of development of production of fish products in each product group, the general rec-ommendations to improve the quality characteristics of manufactured fish culinary products. Key words: fish products, fish processing, semi-finished product, culinary product