60 research outputs found

    On a decomposition of the Witt group into direct sum of cyclic groups

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    In the paper it is shown that the Witt group of the rational function field in countably many variables over a real-closed field can be decomposed into direct sum of cyclic groups. This is an example that the sufficient conditions given in [3] are not necessary

    Witt rings of infinite algebraic extensions of global fields

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    In this paper we discuss the problem to carry over the well-known Minkowski-Hasse local-global principle to the context of an infinite algebraic extension of the rationals or the rational function fields Wq(x) over finite fields. Applying this result we give a new proof of the elementary type conjecture for Witt rings of infinite algebraic extensions of global fields. This generalizes a result of I. Efrat [Ef] who proved, using Galois cohomology methods, a similar fact for algebraic extensions of the rationals

    Dealing with polysemy in the Polish sign language using the OWL ontology

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    A common problem of natural language processing is synonymy, polysemy, and homonymy. In the paper, we propose to deal with polysemy in the Polish sign language using the knowledge included in the OWL2 ontology created for this purpose. The proposed approach aids the translation process of the Polish sign language into the Polish language by selection from the possible phrases, only those, with the reasonable meaning

    Dzieci urodzone z zarodków przechowywanych w stanie zamrożenia przez 10 lat. Analiza 5 przypadków

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    Faced with a scientific and legal debate on human embryo cryopreservation in Poland we show 5 documented clinical cases of successful thawing and transfer of embryos cryopreserved for a long period of time (8-11 years), resulting in successful delivery by the biological or the recipient mother. Cases described include patients with different infertility diagnoses, subjected to different hormonal stimulation treatments. Different oocyte fertilization methods were performed, and the obtained embryos were frozen after 2, 3 or 4 days of in vitro culture using methods employing various cryoprotective agents and freezing curves. As a result of performed thawing and transfer procedures normal, healthy babies were born. Our results are consistent with the international reports on successful long-term storage of embryos, (including the longest known period of over 19 years) resulting in no detectable reduction of the developmental potential after thawing. In light of data shown here, we do not see any medical or biological reasons for legally-regulated limitation of the period of frozen embryo storage. Moreover, if frozen, long-term stored embryos are not threatened by destruction band if prenatal adoption is a real, clinically documented option, we fail to see any reason for legal limitations of embryo cryopreservation in human infertility treatment.W kontekście naukowej i legislacyjnej debaty dotyczącej kriokonserwacji zarodków człowieka w Polsce przedstawiamy 5 udokumentowanych przypadków wieloletniego (przez okres 8-11 lat), skutecznego przechowywania zarodków zakończonego urodzeniem dzieci przez ich biologiczną matkę lub przez matkę adopcyjną. W opisanych przypadkach diagnozowano rożne przyczyny niepłodności. Zastosowano rożne metody hormonalnej stymulacji. Zamrażane były zarodki w rożnych stadiach rozwoju po hodowli in vitro trwającej 2, 3 lub 4 dni, przy udziale rożnych środków osłaniających. W efekcie przeprowadzonych kriotransferów urodziły się zdrowe, prawidłowo rozwinięte dzieci. Przedstawione dane potwierdzają wcześniejsze międzynarodowe doniesienia o możliwości wieloletniego przechowywania (najdłuższy znany przypadek to 19 lat) zamrożonych zarodków bez uszczerbku dla ich zdolności życiowych. W świetle tych danych nie znajdujemy biologicznych czy medycznych przesłanek do ustawowego ograniczania okresu przechowywania kriokonserwowanych zarodków. Tym samym, skoro zamrożone zarodki nie są skazane na biologiczną degradację a ich prenatalna adopcja jest absolutnie realną możliwością, nie widzimy podstaw do prawnego ograniczania stosowania metody kriokonserwacji w leczeniu niepłodności

    Assessment of skin-related toxicity in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with cetuximab

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    Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) blocking the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway, such as cetuximab, have been widely used in recent years for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the profile of the side effects of cetuximab affecting the skin and its appendages. We gathered the medical records on skin-related toxicity in 46 patients treated with cetuximab for mCRC in the Department of Clinical Oncology, University Hospital in Krakow in 2009-2013. Skin toxicity was classified according to the National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.0. The typical side effects of cetuximab were observed. The most common skin toxicity was an acne-like skin rash (80% of patients) and paronychia (20%). Other side effects were trichomegaly, hypertrichosis, and allergic reactions.In view of high incidence of skin lesions during treatment with cetuximab, it is essential to observe patients carefully and to control the side effects during therapy. Previous experience from clinical trials shows that in some cases proper care and prevention can improve the quality of the patients’ lives.</p

    Effect of long-term proton pump inhibitor therapy on complete blood count parameters and selected trace elements : a pilot study

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    Introduction: Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are widely prescribed for several gastrointestinal conditions, often as long-term therapy. The effects of long-term PPI use have not been fully elucidated. Objectives: We aimed to determine the association between long-term PPI use and complete blood count parameters, particularly red blood cell (RBC) count, white blood cell (WBC) count, and hemoglobin concentrations, as well as serum levels of selected micronutrients such as selenium (Se), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn). Patients and methods: We enrolled 37 patients on long-term PPI therapy (mean [SD] age, 57.1 [15.4] years) and 30 healthy controls (mean [SD] age, 39.3 [11.8] years). In each group, complete blood count, and serum Fe levels were performed, and serum Cu, Zn, and Se levels were measured using atomic absorption spectrometry. Results: Red blood cell and WBC counts were lower in the PPI group compared with controls (mean [SD], 4.24 [0.55]×106/μl vs 4.7 [0.4]×106/μl; P <0.001 and 6.13 [1.44]×103/μl vs 7.3 [1.28]×103/μl; P <0.001, respectively). Hemoglobin and serum Fe concentrations were also lower in the PPI group (mean [SD], 12.5 [1.8] g/dl vs 14.3 [0.8] g/dl; P <0.001 and 16.3 [5.4] μmol/l vs 23.4 [2.7] μmol/l; P <0.001, respectively). Serum Zn and Cu concentrations were higher in PPI users than in controls. Conclusions: Long-term PPI therapy may reduce RBC and WBC counts as well as hemoglobin levels, leading to iron deficiency. It may also affect concentrations of some micronutrients, although the underlying mechanism of this association is not fully clear

    A three-headed piriformis muscle: an anatomical case study and narrative review of literature

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    Introduction: The piriformis muscle (PM) is found in the gluteal region, exiting the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen and dividing it into the suprapiriform and infrapiriform foramina. The piriformis works as part of the hip external rotator muscle group, and is responsible for rotation of the femur upon hip extension and abduction of the femur during flexion of the hip joint. The aim of the present report is to describe a very rare case of the primary three-headed piriformis muscle. To the best knowledge of the authors, the said variant has not yet been described in the existing literature. Case report: The 71-year-old male formalin-fixed cadaver was subjected to routine dissection. After careful removal of the connecting tissue, three separate, primary heads of the PM were identified. The lower head of the PM arose from the middle part of the sacral bone; 87.56 mm long and 9.73 mm wide. The medial head was attached to the internal part of the posterior inferior iliac spine; 121.6 mm long and 20.97 mm wide. The upper head was attached to the external part of the posterior inferior iliac spine; 78.89 mm long and 23.94 mm wide. All heads converged into a common tendon which inserted onto the greater trochanter. Conclusions: The clinical importance of this work comes down to the fact that the aberrant PM may be the reason behind the piriformis syndrome and its associated symptoms. Moreover, knowledge regarding the variant anatomy of the PM is of immense importance to, e.g., anesthesiologists performing CT- or ultrasound-guided SN injection for local anesthesia, radiologists interpreting imaging studies, and surgeons, especially during posterior approaches to the hip and pelvis

    Diabetologia dziecięca — hospitalizacja w mapach potrzeb zdrowotnych Polski w 2014 roku

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    Opieka nad chorym na cukrzycę stanowi znaczące wyzwanie dla polityki zdrowotnej z uwagi na stale rosnącą liczbę zachorowań, zarówno w przypadku dorosłych, jak i dzieci. W Polsce opieka szpitalna nad dziećmi chorymi na cukrzycę jest scentralizowana i większość świadczeń realizują szpitale o charakterze uniwersyteckim i wojewódzkim. Mimo to struktura udzielanych świadczeń jest wysoce zróżnicowana pomiędzy województwami, zarówno pod względem liczby hospitalizacji na 100 tys. dzieci, salda migracji, długości pobytu w szpitalu, jak i odsetka hospitalizacji z powodu ostrych powikłań

    Dostępność osobistych pomp insulinowych wśród dzieci z cukrzycą w Polsce w 2014 roku

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    Jednym z głównych aspektów kompleksowej opieki medycznej nad pacjentem z cukrzycą, w szczególności dziećmi, jest dostępność do nowoczesnej technologii — do osobistych pomp insulinowych. W Polsce ubezpieczyciel (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia) poprzez świadczenie odrębnie kontraktowane refunduje dzieciom zestawy infuzyjne do osobistej pompy insulinowej. Struktura udzielanych świadczeń jest bardzo zróżnicowana pomiędzy województwami pod względem dostępności do pomp insulinowych