76 research outputs found

    Zarządzanie innowacjami w małych i dużych przedsiębiorstwach (analiza porównawcza)

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    The article aims at presenting the differences in innovations' management in small and big enterprises. The following issues have been focused on:the potential of innovation activity, innovation chain, barriers to innovations and innovation strategies implemented by small and big enterprises. &nbsp

    General technical remarks on ^{1}HMRS translational research in 7T

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    Purpose: The aim of the work was to share the practical experience of preclinical and clinical proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1HMRS) studies conducted using a 7-Tesla magnetic field strength scanner, taking into account the specificity of both settings in the context of translational research. Material and methods: 1HMRS volunteer studies conducted using a Discovery 950 GE 7T scanner, were carried out with PRESS sequence, and a VOI measuring 2.0 × 2.0 × 2.0 cm3 placed in the white matter at the parietal occipital lobe. Rodent spectra obtained using a 7T Bruker were measured with PRESS, with a VOI 2.0 × 2.0 × 5.5 mm3 placed over the hippocampus. Results: 1HMRS data from humans and rats show that the brain spectra obtained in the same field are characterised by a similar neurochemical structure and spectral resolution. Spectra obtained from rats demonstrate the following metabolites: NAA, Glu, Gln, Ins, Cho, Cr, PCr, Tau, GABA, Lac, NAAG, and Asp. In turn, spectra from humans allowed estimation of the following metabolites: Ala, NAA, Glu, Gln, Ins, Cho, Cr, PCr, Tau, GABA, Lac, NAAG, and Asp. Signals from Gln, Glu with chemical shift around 2.4 ppm, from Cr, PCr, and GABA at 3 ppm, and signals from Cho and Tau at approximately 3.2 ppm, can be properly separated and estimated both in humans and in rats. Conclusions: These results are promising in terms of broadening the knowledge of many neurological diseases by inducing them on animal models and then transferring this knowledge to clinical practice. In spite of this, important distinctions in the technical aspects and methodological differences of high-field 1HMRS in both preclinical and clinical conditions should be taken into account

    RNA-based vaccines – types, strategies of delivery and overview of RNA vaccines

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      The discovery of mRNA by Sydney Brenner dates back to 1961, but the in vivo expression of mRNA was successful only in 1990, which initiated the development of vaccines based on this molecule. During Sars-CoV-2 pandemy the interest in the use of nucleic acids in the production of drugs and vaccines has increased significantly. The success of mRNA vaccines against Sars-CoV-2 has particularly empowered the pharmaceutical industry to create newer and newer generation products based on RNA modification that could help not only in Covid-2019, but also in the prevention and treatment of other infectious diseases. RNA has a very high potential - it can be used in highly personalized therapies, furthermore the production of mRNA is cheaper, faster than the current therapeutics and the process of mRNA making is more flexible due to the great ease of producing mRNA in the process of transcription. Modifying of the structure of ribonucleic acid and the methods of its delivery leads to the creation of newer and newer vaccines. In this review, we present the potential of RNA molecule in producing vaccines, types of RNA vaccines, strategies of RNA delivery and review of existing RNA-based vaccines

    Efficacy and safety of atropine to control childhood myopia progression

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    Introduction: Nearsightedness is one of the most common eye defects in people all over the world. If left untreated, it leads to a number of serious eye complications that can result in irreversible loss of vision. It is estimated that by 2050. Half of humanity will be burdened with this disadvantage, so it has become a priority to try to find ways to prevent and treat myopia, among which the administration of atropine drops is very effective. Aim of the study: The aim of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of atropine in controlling the progression of myopia and to investigate the relationship between the dose of atropine and the effectiveness of controlling the progression of myopia. Material and methods: The PubMed and Google Scholar databases were used to review the literature. Results: Eye drops with 1% atropine showed the greatest efficacy in the control of myopia. However, their use was limited due to the occurrence of side effects such as impaired accommodation and photophobia. In the ATOM 2 study, which investigated the use of atropine in a variety of concentrations, it was found that 0.01% is the optimal concentration with good efficacy and minimal side effects. One of the breakthroughs was the LAMP study using atropine at a concentration of 0.05%, 0.025%, 0.01% in eye drops. This study provided evidence for the first time that low-concentration atropine is effective compared with placebo in myopia. In addition, both efficacy and side effects followed a concentration-dependent response ranging from 0.01% to 0.05% of atropine. Among them, 0.05% of atropine was the optimal concentration to achieve the best efficacy and safety profile. Conclusion: Low concentration of atropine is effective in the control of myopia. Its widespread use can help prevent the progression of myopia. However, further investigation of the rebound phenomenon and a long term, individualized approach to treatment are warranted.   &nbsp

    Serum concentration of selected biochemical markers of endothelial dysfunction and inflammation in patients with the varying activity of inflammatory bowel disease

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    Introduction Endothelial dysfunction leads to an increased expression of cell adhesion molecules, leukocyte diapedesis, vascular smooth‑muscle tone, excessive permeability of vascular walls, and increased procoagulant activity. Objectives We investigated whether serum levels of several endothelial and platelet activation markers correlated with disease activity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Patients and methods This study included 56 patients with ulcerative colitis, 66 with Crohn disease, and 40 healthy controls. We measured the complete blood count and levels of fibrinogen, C‑reactive protein, albumin, interleukin 6, tumor necrosis factor α, E‑selectin, P‑selectin, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP‑1), soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L), and microparticles. Results There were no significant differences in the median levels of E‑selectin, P‑selectin, MCP‑1, sCD40L, and microparticles between patients with active IBD, those with inactive IBD, and healthy controls. The clinical disease activity assessed with the Mayo scale in the ulcerative‑colitis group was weakly, positively correlated with sCD40L (R = 0.32, P = 0.02), P‑selectin (R = 0.32, P = 0.02), and inflammatory marker levels. The clinical disease activity index in the Crohn disease group was positively correlated with the markers of inflammation yet not with the markers of endothelial activity. Conclusions E‑selectin, P‑selectin, sCD40L, MCP‑1, and microparticle levels do not significantly differ between patients with the varying activity of IBD. However, due to the observed correlations, further studies of a larger patient group should be conducted to confirm our observations

    Unsustainable power distribution? : women leaders in Polish academia

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    The results of the research on gender diversity in academia present a mixed image of women’s participation in power structures. There is a large number of studies showing that women at universities encounter the ‘glass ceiling’ in their careers much more frequently than men. The thesis is that in Poland, the number of men and women working in academic institutions is similar, but there is a large disproportion in their numbers at the highest power positions (women being severely underrepresented). The goal of this paper is to analyse the power structures in Polish universities from the viewpoint of gender diversity. The research method is statistical analysis based on the official public data as well as official documents made available by universities. The result of the research is the illustration of the model of an unsustainable power distribution in top management structures of Polish higher education institutions (HEI)

    Dzieci urodzone z zarodków przechowywanych w stanie zamrożenia przez 10 lat. Analiza 5 przypadków

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    Faced with a scientific and legal debate on human embryo cryopreservation in Poland we show 5 documented clinical cases of successful thawing and transfer of embryos cryopreserved for a long period of time (8-11 years), resulting in successful delivery by the biological or the recipient mother. Cases described include patients with different infertility diagnoses, subjected to different hormonal stimulation treatments. Different oocyte fertilization methods were performed, and the obtained embryos were frozen after 2, 3 or 4 days of in vitro culture using methods employing various cryoprotective agents and freezing curves. As a result of performed thawing and transfer procedures normal, healthy babies were born. Our results are consistent with the international reports on successful long-term storage of embryos, (including the longest known period of over 19 years) resulting in no detectable reduction of the developmental potential after thawing. In light of data shown here, we do not see any medical or biological reasons for legally-regulated limitation of the period of frozen embryo storage. Moreover, if frozen, long-term stored embryos are not threatened by destruction band if prenatal adoption is a real, clinically documented option, we fail to see any reason for legal limitations of embryo cryopreservation in human infertility treatment.W kontekście naukowej i legislacyjnej debaty dotyczącej kriokonserwacji zarodków człowieka w Polsce przedstawiamy 5 udokumentowanych przypadków wieloletniego (przez okres 8-11 lat), skutecznego przechowywania zarodków zakończonego urodzeniem dzieci przez ich biologiczną matkę lub przez matkę adopcyjną. W opisanych przypadkach diagnozowano rożne przyczyny niepłodności. Zastosowano rożne metody hormonalnej stymulacji. Zamrażane były zarodki w rożnych stadiach rozwoju po hodowli in vitro trwającej 2, 3 lub 4 dni, przy udziale rożnych środków osłaniających. W efekcie przeprowadzonych kriotransferów urodziły się zdrowe, prawidłowo rozwinięte dzieci. Przedstawione dane potwierdzają wcześniejsze międzynarodowe doniesienia o możliwości wieloletniego przechowywania (najdłuższy znany przypadek to 19 lat) zamrożonych zarodków bez uszczerbku dla ich zdolności życiowych. W świetle tych danych nie znajdujemy biologicznych czy medycznych przesłanek do ustawowego ograniczania okresu przechowywania kriokonserwowanych zarodków. Tym samym, skoro zamrożone zarodki nie są skazane na biologiczną degradację a ich prenatalna adopcja jest absolutnie realną możliwością, nie widzimy podstaw do prawnego ograniczania stosowania metody kriokonserwacji w leczeniu niepłodności

    The role of atmospheric precipitation in introducing contaminants to the surface waters of the Fuglebekken catchment, Spitsbergen

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    Although the Svalbard Archipelago is located at a high latitude, far from potential contaminant sources, it is not free from anthropogenic impact. Towards the Fuglebekken catchment, in the southern part of Spitsbergen, north of Hornsund fjord, contaminants can be transported from mainland pollution sources. In the precipitation and surface water collected in the catchment, the following elements were detected and quantified: Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Cs, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, Tl, U, Vand Zn. Additionally, pH, electrical conductivity and total organic carbon (TOC) were determined in those samples. The acidic reaction of precipitation waters was identified as an important factor intensifying the metal migration in this Arctic tundra environment. The air mass trajectory, surprisingly, explained the variability of only a small fraction of trace elements in precipitation water. The air mass origin area was correlated only with the concentrations of As, V and Cr. Wind directions were helpful in explaining the variability of Mn, U and Ba concentrations (east north-easterly wind) and the contents of B, As, Rb, Se, Sr and Li in precipitation (south-westerly wind), which may indicate the local geological source of those. Atmospheric deposition was found to play a key role in the transport of contaminants into the Fuglebekken catchment; however, the surface water composition was modified by its pH and TOC content