255 research outputs found

    Phospho-regulation of ATOH1 Is Required for Plasticity of Secretory Progenitors and Tissue Regeneration

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    The intestinal epithelium is largely maintained by self-renewing stem cells but with apparently committed progenitors also contributing, particularly following tissue damage. However, the mechanism of, and requirement for, progenitor plasticity in mediating pathological response remain unknown. Here we show that phosphorylation of the transcription factor Atoh1 is required for both the contribution of secretory progenitors to the stem cell pool and for a robust regenerative response. As confirmed by lineage tracing, Atoh1+ cells (Atoh1(WT)CreERT2 mice) give rise to multilineage intestinal clones both in the steady state and after tissue damage. In a phosphomutant Atoh1(9S/T-A)CreERT2 line, preventing phosphorylation of ATOH1 protein acts to promote secretory differentiation and inhibit the contribution of progenitors to self-renewal. Following chemical colitis, Atoh1+ cells of Atoh1(9S/T-A)CreERT2 mice have reduced clonogenicity that affects overall regeneration. Progenitor plasticity maintains robust self-renewal in the intestinal epithelium, and the balance between stem and progenitor fate is directly coordinated by ATOH1 multisite phosphorylation

    "They're Really PD Today": An Exploration of Mental Health Nursing Students' Perceptions of Developing a Therapeutic Relationship With Patients With a Diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder

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    The therapeutic relationship is of particular importance when working with patients with antisocial personality disorder, but despite this, there is a paucity of literature exploring student nurses’ perceptions of developing a therapeutic relationship with such patients. Hence, this qualitative study explored the perceptions of second-year mental health nursing students of developing a therapeutic relationship with this patient group. Student nurses from a University in the Northwest of England participated in two focus groups, to compare the perceptions of a group of student nurses who had experience in secure settings (forensic hospital) with those who had not. Four key themes emerged: diagnosis, safety, engagement, and finally environmental influences. Both groups commented on looking beyond the diagnosis and seeing the person. The student nurses cited other staff in their clinical placement areas as hugely influential in terms of the development of their perceptions of patients with antisocial personality disorder and how to relate to them

    Alcohol and Drug Prevalence Among Seriously or Fatally Injured Road Users

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    DTNH2217D00031/693JJ920F000082Interest in how drugs other than alcohol affect roadway safety has increased. Studies conducted by NHTSA and others gave insights, but a knowledge gap exists on drug prevalence among drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists seriously or fatally injured in crashes. This study sought to fill this gap by examining drug prevalence among a large sample (N = 7,279) of seriously injured roadway users at seven trauma centers and fatally injured crash victims at four medical examiners. Overall, 55.8% of the injured or killed tested positive for one or more drugs including alcohol, and, overall, 19.9% tested positive for two or more categories of drugs. The results are a first look at drug prevalence among a large sample of seriously or fatally injured roadway users

    Changing patterns in diagnostic strategies and the treatment of blunt injury to solid abdominal organs

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    Background: In recent years there has been increasing interest shown in the nonoperative management (NOM) of blunt traumatic injury. The growing use of NOM for blunt abdominal organ injury has been made possible because of the progress made in the quality and availability of the multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) scan and the development of minimally invasive intervention options such as angioembolization. Aim: The purpose of this review is to describe the changes that have been made over the past decades in the management of blunt trauma to the liver, spleen and kidney. Results: The management of blunt abdominal injury has changed considerably. Focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) examination has replaced diagnostic peritoneal lavage as diagnostic modality in the primary survey. MDCT scanning with intravenous contrast is now the gold standard diagnostic modality in hemodynamically stable patients with intra-abdominal fluid detected with FAST. One of the current discussions in the l erature is whether a whole body MDCT survey should be implemented in the primary survey. Conclusions The progress in imaging techniques has contributed to NOM being currently the treatment of choice for hemodynamically stable patients. Angioembolization can be used as an adjunct to NOM and has increased the succe

    A hierarchical Bayesian model for understanding the spatiotemporal dynamics of the intestinal epithelium

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    Our work addresses two key challenges, one biological and one methodological. First, we aim to understand how proliferation and cell migration rates in the intestinal epithelium are related under healthy, damaged (Ara-C treated) and recovering conditions, and how these relations can be used to identify mechanisms of repair and regeneration. We analyse new data, presented in more detail in a companion paper, in which BrdU/IdU cell-labelling experiments were performed under these respective conditions. Second, in considering how to more rigorously process these data and interpret them using mathematical models, we use a probabilistic, hierarchical approach. This provides a best-practice approach for systematically modelling and understanding the uncertainties that can otherwise undermine the generation of reliable conclusions-uncertainties in experimental measurement and treatment, difficult-to-compare mathematical models of underlying mechanisms, and unknown or unobserved parameters. Both spatially discrete and continuous mechanistic models are considered and related via hierarchical conditional probability assumptions. We perform model checks on both in-sample and out-of-sample datasets and use them to show how to test possible model improvements and assess the robustness of our conclusions. We conclude, for the present set of experiments, that a primarily proliferation-driven model suffices to predict labelled cell dynamics over most time-scales

    Potentiation of the anti-tumour effects of Photofrin®-based photodynamic therapy by localized treatment with G-CSF

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    Photofrin®-based photodynamic therapy (PDT) has recently been approved for palliative and curative purposes in cancer patients. It has been demonstrated that neutrophils are indispensable for its anti-tumour effectiveness. We decided to evaluate the extent of the anti-tumour effectiveness of PDT combined with administration of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) as well as the influence of Photofrin®and G-CSF on the myelopoiesis and functional activity of neutrophils in mice. An intensive treatment with G-CSF significantly potentiated anti-tumour effectiveness of Photofrin®-based PDT resulting in a reduction of tumour growth and prolongation of the survival time of mice bearing two different tumours: colon-26 and Lewis lung carcinoma. Moreover, 33% of C-26-bearing mice were completely cured of their tumours after combined therapy and developed a specific and long-lasting immunity. The tumours treated with both agents contained more infiltrating neutrophils and apoptotic cells then tumours treated with either G-CSF or PDT only. Importantly, simultaneous administration of Photofrin®and G-CSF stimulated bone marrow and spleen myelopoiesis that resulted in an increased number of neutrophils demonstrating functional characteristics of activation. Potentiated anti-tumour effects of Photofrin®-based PDT combined with G-CSF observed in two murine tumour models suggest that clinical trials using this tumour therapy protocol would be worth pursuing. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    A Test of Highly Optimized Tolerance Reveals Fragile Cell-Cycle Mechanisms Are Molecular Targets in Clinical Cancer Trials

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    Robustness, a long-recognized property of living systems, allows function in the face of uncertainty while fragility, i.e., extreme sensitivity, can potentially lead to catastrophic failure following seemingly innocuous perturbations. Carlson and Doyle hypothesized that highly-evolved networks, e.g., those involved in cell-cycle regulation, can be resistant to some perturbations while highly sensitive to others. The “robust yet fragile” duality of networks has been termed Highly Optimized Tolerance (HOT) and has been the basis of new lines of inquiry in computational and experimental biology. In this study, we tested the working hypothesis that cell-cycle control architectures obey the HOT paradigm. Three cell-cycle models were analyzed using monte-carlo sensitivity analysis. Overall state sensitivity coefficients, which quantify the robustness or fragility of a given mechanism, were calculated using a monte-carlo strategy with three different numerical techniques along with multiple parameter perturbation strategies to control for possible numerical and sampling artifacts. Approximately 65% of the mechanisms in the G1/S restriction point were responsible for 95% of the sensitivity, conversely, the G2-DNA damage checkpoint showed a much stronger dependence on a few mechanisms; ∼32% or 13 of 40 mechanisms accounted for 95% of the sensitivity. Our analysis predicted that CDC25 and cyclin E mechanisms were strongly implicated in G1/S malfunctions, while fragility in the G2/M checkpoint was predicted to be associated with the regulation of the cyclin B-CDK1 complex. Analysis of a third model containing both G1/S and G2/M checkpoint logic, predicted in addition to mechanisms already mentioned, that translation and programmed proteolysis were also key fragile subsystems. Comparison of the predicted fragile mechanisms with literature and current preclinical and clinical trials suggested a strong correlation between efficacy and fragility. Thus, when taken together, these results support the working hypothesis that cell-cycle control architectures are HOT networks and establish the mathematical estimation and subsequent therapeutic exploitation of fragile mechanisms as a novel strategy for anti-cancer lead generation