2,398 research outputs found

    Uniform interpolation and coherence

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    A variety V is said to be coherent if any finitely generated subalgebra of a finitely presented member of V is finitely presented. It is shown here that V is coherent if and only if it satisfies a restricted form of uniform deductive interpolation: that is, any compact congruence on a finitely generated free algebra of V restricted to a free algebra over a subset of the generators is again compact. A general criterion is obtained for establishing failures of coherence, and hence also of uniform deductive interpolation. This criterion is then used in conjunction with properties of canonical extensions to prove that coherence and uniform deductive interpolation fail for certain varieties of Boolean algebras with operators (in particular, algebras of modal logic K and its standard non-transitive extensions), double-Heyting algebras, residuated lattices, and lattices

    AdS boundary conditions and the Topologically Massive Gravity/CFT correspondence

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    The AdS/CFT correspondence provides a new perspective on recurrent questions in General Relativity such as the allowed boundary conditions at infinity and the definition of gravitational conserved charges. Here we review the main insights obtained in this direction over the last decade and apply the new techniques to Topologically Massive Gravity. We show that this theory is dual to a non-unitary CFT for any value of its parameter mu and becomes a Logarithmic CFT at mu = 1.Comment: 10 pages, proceedings for XXV Max Born Symposium, talks given at Johns Hopkins workshop and Holographic Cosmology workshop at Perimeter Institute; v2: added reference

    Towards an 'average' version of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture

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    The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture states that the rank of the Mordell-Weil group of an elliptic curve E equals the order of vanishing at the central point of the associated L-function L(s,E). Previous investigations have focused on bounding how far we must go above the central point to be assured of finding a zero, bounding the rank of a fixed curve or on bounding the average rank in a family. Mestre showed the first zero occurs by O(1/loglog(N_E)), where N_E is the conductor of E, though we expect the correct scale to study the zeros near the central point is the significantly smaller 1/log(N_E). We significantly improve on Mestre's result by averaging over a one-parameter family of elliptic curves, obtaining non-trivial upper and lower bounds for the average number of normalized zeros in intervals on the order of 1/log(N_E) (which is the expected scale). Our results may be interpreted as providing further evidence in support of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, as well as the Katz-Sarnak density conjecture from random matrix theory (as the number of zeros predicted by random matrix theory lies between our upper and lower bounds). These methods may be applied to additional families of L-functions.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, revised first draft (fixed some typos

    Supermembrane on the PP-wave Background

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    We study the closed and open supermembranes on the maximally supersymmetric pp-wave background. In the framework of the membrane theory, the superalgebra is calculated by using the Dirac bracket and we obtain its central extension by surface terms. The result supports the existence of the extended objects in the membrane theory in the pp-wave limit. When the central terms are discarded, the associated algebra completely agrees with that of Berenstein-Maldacena-Nastase matrix model. We also discuss the open supermembranes on the pp-wave and elaborate the possible boundary conditions.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, LaTeX;(v2) typos correcte

    Passage of Time in a Planck Scale Rooted Local Inertial Structure

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    It is argued that the `problem of time' in quantum gravity necessitates a refinement of the local inertial structure of the world, demanding a replacement of the usual Minkowski line element by a 4+2n dimensional pseudo-Euclidean line element, with the extra 2n being the number of internal phase space dimensions of the observed system. In the refined structure, the inverse of the Planck time takes over the role of observer-independent conversion factor usually played by the speed of light, which now emerges as an invariant but derivative quantity. In the relativistic theory based on the refined structure, energies and momenta turn out to be invariantly bounded from above, and lengths and durations similarly bounded from below, by their respective Planck scale values. Along the external timelike world-lines, the theory naturally captures the `flow of time' as a genuinely structural attribute of the world. The theory also predicts expected deviations--suppressed quadratically by the Planck energy--from the dispersion relations for free fields in the vacuum. The deviations from the special relativistic Doppler shifts predicted by the theory are also suppressed quadratically by the Planck energy. Nonetheless, in order to estimate the precision required to distinguish the theory from special relativity, an experiment with a binary pulsar emitting TeV range gamma-rays is considered in the context of the predicted deviations from the second-order shifts.Comment: 17 pages; Diagram depicting "the objective flow of time" is replaced with a much-improved diagra

    Supergravity, Supermembrane and M(atrix) model on PP-Waves

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    In the first part of this paper, we study the back-reaction of large-N light cone momentum on the maximally supersymmetric anti-pp-wave background. This gives the type IIA geometry of large-N D0-branes on curved space with fluxes. By taking an appropriate decoupling limit, we conjecture a new duality between string theory on that background and dual field theory on D0-branes which we derive by calculating linear coupling terms. Agreement of decoupling quantities, SO(3) \times SO(6) isometry and Higgs branch on both theories are shown. Also we find whenever dual field theory is weakly coupled, the curvature of the geometry is large. In the second part of this paper, we derive the supermembrane action on a general pp-wave background only through the properties of null Killing vector and through this, derive the Matrix model.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX. v2: corrected interpretation of supergravity solutio

    Anatomical review of internal jugular vein cannulation

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    The internal jugular veins (IJV) are the primary venous outflow channels of the head and neck. The IJV is of clinical interest since it is often used for central venous access. This literature aims at presenting an overview of the anatomical variations, morphometrics based on various imaging modalities, cadaveric and surgical findings, and the clinical anatomy of IJV cannulation. Additionally, the anatomical basis of complications, techniques to avoid complications, and cannulation in special instances are also included in the review. The review was performed by a detailed literature search and review of relevant articles. A total of 141 articles were included and organized into anatomical variations, morphometrics, and clinical anatomy of IJV cannulation. The IJV is next to important structures such as the arteries, nerve plexus, and pleura, which puts them at risk of injury during cannulation. Anatomical variations such as duplications, fenestrations, agenesis, tributaries, and valves, may lead to an increased failure rate and complications during the procedure, if unnoticed. The morphometrics of IJV, such as the cross-sectional area (CSA), diameter, and distance from the skin-to-cavo-atrial junction may assist in choosing the appropriate cannulation techniques and hence reduce the incidence of complications. Age, gender, and side-related differences explained variations in the IJV-common carotid artery relationship, CSA, and diameter. Accurate knowledge of anatomical variations in special considerations such as pediatrics and obesity may help prevent complications and facilitate successful cannulation

    Measurement of the Transverse Beam Spin Asymmetry in Elastic Electron Proton Scattering and the Inelastic Contribution to the Imaginary Part of the Two-Photon Exchange Amplitude

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    We report on a measurement of the asymmetry in the scattering of transversely polarized electrons off unpolarized protons, A_\perp, at two Q2^2 values of \qsquaredaveragedlow (GeV/c)2^2 and \qsquaredaveragedhighII (GeV/c)2^2 and a scattering angle of 30<θe<4030^\circ < \theta_e < 40^\circ. The measured transverse asymmetries are A_{\perp}(Q2^2 = \qsquaredaveragedlow (GeV/c)2^2) = (\experimentalasymmetry alulowcorr ±\pm \statisticalerrorlowstat_{\rm stat} ±\pm \combinedsyspolerrorlowalucorsys_{\rm sys}) ×\times 106^{-6} and A_{\perp}(Q2^2 = \qsquaredaveragedhighII (GeV/c)2^2) = (\experimentalasymme tryaluhighcorr ±\pm \statisticalerrorhighstat_{\rm stat} ±\pm \combinedsyspolerrorhighalucorsys_{\rm sys}) ×\times 106^{-6}. The first errors denotes the statistical error and the second the systematic uncertainties. A_\perp arises from the imaginary part of the two-photon exchange amplitude and is zero in the one-photon exchange approximation. From comparison with theoretical estimates of A_\perp we conclude that π\piN-intermediate states give a substantial contribution to the imaginary part of the two-photon amplitude. The contribution from the ground state proton to the imaginary part of the two-photon exchange can be neglected. There is no obvious reason why this should be different for the real part of the two-photon amplitude, which enters into the radiative corrections for the Rosenbluth separation measurements of the electric form factor of the proton.Comment: 4 figures, submitted to PRL on Oct.