6,567 research outputs found

    Cavity sideband cooling of trapped molecules

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    The efficiency of cavity sideband cooling of trapped molecules is theoretically investigated for the case where the IR transition between two rovibrational states is used as a cycling transition. The molecules are assumed to be trapped either by a radio-frequency or optical trapping potential, depending on whether they are charged or neutral, and confined inside a high-finesse optical resonator which enhances radiative emission into the cavity mode. Using realistic experimental parameters and COS as a representative molecular example, we show that in this setup cooling to the trap ground state is feasible

    Averaging lifetimes for B hadron species

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    The measurement of the lifetimes of the individual B species are of great interest. Many of these measurements are well below the 10 %\% level of precision. However, in order to reach the precision necessary to test the current theoretical predictions, the results from different experiments need to be averaged. Therefore, the relevant systematic uncertainties of each measurement need to be well defined in order to understand the correlations between the results from different experiments. \par In this paper we discuss the dominant sources of systematic errors which lead to correlations between the different measurements. We point out problems connected with the conventional approach of combining lifetime data and discuss methods which overcome these problems

    Influence of surgical resection no plasma Endoglin (CD105) level in non-small cell lung cancer patients

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    Background and Aim: Endoglin is a proliferation-associated antigen on endothelial cells and essential for angiogenesis. Soluble endoglin (s‑endoglin), formed by proteolytic cleavage of ectodomain of membrane receptor could be an indicator of tumor‑activated endothelium. The aim of present study was to analyze changes of s‑endoglin level in plasma of lung cancer patients following surgical resection and to estimate the correlation of s‑endoglin with other soluble receptors, sTie2 and sVEGF R1. Patients and Methods: The study group consisted of 37 patients with stage I of non-small cell lung cancer. Plasma concentrations of s‑endoglin, sTie2 and sVEGF R1 were evaluated by ELISA, three times: before surgical resection and on postoperative day 7 and 30. Results: The median of s‑endoglin concentration decreased significantly on postoperative day 7 when compared with preoperative level and next increased on 30th day and it was comparable with that before surgery. s-Endoglin correlated with another soluble receptors, with sTie2 both before surgery (r=0.44) and on postoperative day 7 (r=0.52) and on 30th day (r=0.58), with sVEGF R1 — only on postoperative day 7 (r=0.75). Conclusion: The increased level of serum endoglin in lung cancer patients compared to controls and its changes after surgical treatment suggest potential application of soluble form of endoglin as potential tumor marker

    Nuclear spin relaxation

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    Dean flow-coupled inertial focusing in curved channels

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    Passive particle focusing based on inertial microfluidics was recently introduced as a high-throughput alternative to active focusing methods that require an external force field to manipulate particles. In inertial microfluidics, dominant inertial forces cause particles to move across streamlines and occupy equilibrium positions along the faces of walls in flows through straight micro channels. In this study, we systematically analyzed the addition of secondary Dean forces by introducing curvature and show how randomly distributed particles entering a simple u-shaped curved channel are focused to a fixed lateral position exiting the curvature. We found the lateral particle focusing position to be fixed and largely independent of radius of curvature and whether particles entering the curvature are pre-focused (at equilibrium) or randomly distributed. Unlike focusing in straight channels, where focusing typically is limited to channel cross-sections in the range of particle size to create single focusing point, we report here particle focusing in a large cross-section area (channel aspect ratio 1: 10). Furthermore, we describe a simple u-shaped curved channel, with single inlet and four outlets, for filtration applications. We demonstrate continuous focusing and filtration of 10 mu m particles (with > 90% filtration efficiency) from a suspension mixture at throughputs several orders of magnitude higher than flow through straight channels (volume flow rate of 4.25ml/min). Finally, as an example of high throughput cell processing application, white blood cells were continuously processed with a filtration efficiency of 78% with maintained high viability. We expect the study will aid in the fundamental understanding of flow through curved channels and open the door for the development of a whole set of bio-analytical applications

    Effects of Orthogonal Rotating Electric Fields on Electrospinning Process

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    Electrospinning is a nanotechnology process whereby an external electric field is used to accelerate and stretch a charged polymer jet, so as to produce fibers with nanoscale diameters. In quest of a further reduction in the cross section of electrified jets hence of a better control on the morphology of the resulting electrospun fibers, we explore the effects of an external rotating electric field orthogonal to the jet direction. Through extensive particle simulations, it is shown that by a proper tuning of the electric field amplitude and frequency, a reduction of up to a 30%30 \% in the aforementioned radius can be obtained, thereby opening new perspectives in the design of future ultra-thin electrospun fibres. Applications can be envisaged in the fields of nanophotonic components as well as for designing new and improved filtration materials.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    Higher analogues of the discrete-time Toda equation and the quotient-difference algorithm

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    The discrete-time Toda equation arises as a universal equation for the relevant Hankel determinants associated with one-variable orthogonal polynomials through the mechanism of adjacency, which amounts to the inclusion of shifted weight functions in the orthogonality condition. In this paper we extend this mechanism to a new class of two-variable orthogonal polynomials where the variables are related via an elliptic curve. This leads to a `Higher order Analogue of the Discrete-time Toda' (HADT) equation for the associated Hankel determinants, together with its Lax pair, which is derived from the relevant recurrence relations for the orthogonal polynomials. In a similar way as the quotient-difference (QD) algorithm is related to the discrete-time Toda equation, a novel quotient-quotient-difference (QQD) scheme is presented for the HADT equation. We show that for both the HADT equation and the QQD scheme, there exists well-posed ss-periodic initial value problems, for almost all \s\in\Z^2. From the Lax-pairs we furthermore derive invariants for corresponding reductions to dynamical mappings for some explicit examples.Comment: 38 page

    Cavity cooling of internal molecular motion

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    We predict that it is possible to cool rotational, vibrational, and translational degrees of freedom of molecules by coupling a molecular dipole transition to an optical cavity. The dynamics is numerically simulated for a realistic set of experimental parameters using OH molecules. The results show that the translational motion is cooled to a few μK and the internal state is prepared in one of the two ground states of the two decoupled rotational ladders in a few seconds. Shorter cooling times are expected for molecules with larger polarizability