4,341 research outputs found


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    In the article is presented a result of researching the manifestations of social and ethnic identities in the process of adaptation of Ukrainian emigrants who live abroad (28 countries in general).Emigrants have a high level of social identity, and also high levels membership satisfaction, thanks to being a member of their reference group; self-understanding and self-development, grade of belonging and the favor of informal relationships. Middle levels have the scales of in-group grade and cohesion. The low index has been revealed according to the intergroup relationships scale.Social identity levels of emigrants with different duration of living abroad are revealed only according to the intergroup competition.The results show the long emigrant adaptation to the new social environment until they reach the stage of activity, when, on the one hand, they feel like they are in their element, but on the other hand - they cannot forget that it is a different environment and the adaptation process has not been finished yet.In the article is presented a result of researching the manifestations of social and ethnic identities in the process of adaptation of Ukrainian emigrants who live abroad (28 countries in general).Emigrants have a high level of social identity, and also high levels membership satisfaction, thanks to being a member of their reference group; self-understanding and self-development, grade of belonging and the favor of informal relationships. Middle levels have the scales of in-group grade and cohesion. The low index has been revealed according to the intergroup relationships scale.Social identity levels of emigrants with different duration of living abroad are revealed only according to the intergroup competition.The results show the long emigrant adaptation to the new social environment until they reach the stage of activity, when, on the one hand, they feel like they are in their element, but on the other hand - they cannot forget that it is a different environment and the adaptation process has not been finished yet

    Theoretical approaches to evaluation of meta-subject ‘noncognitive skills’

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    The paper presents formulation of the problem of evaluation of meta-subject and ‘noncognitive’ skills in view of increasing requirements to their development at all levels of education in Russia. We have conducted a comparative assessment of classification features of meta-subject skills found in Russian and foreign literature, formulated objects of evaluation of ‘noncognitive’ skills and basic requirements to results of evaluation. The article presents main forms of inspection of development of universal learning activities.peer-reviewe

    On some approaches to evaluation of well-formedness of noncognitive skills

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    The article describes approaches to evaluation of noncognitive skills on the basis of formalisation of certain definitions allowing to render this process automatic.peer-reviewe

    An efficient strategy for the development of tourism at regional level

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    Tourism promotes the development of small and medium-sized business, an increase in employment and self-employment, and allows smoothing the disproportions of territorial development. The objective of this work is to study the modern state of the tourism industry and to reveal the strategical development trends of tourism in the regions of the Southern Federal District (SFD). The statistical data of Rosstat (Federal Service of State Statistics), Federal Agency for Tourism, the database of the EMISS (Unified Interdepartmental Statistical Information System) and other open sources of information were used as the sources of secondary information. The practical part of the research is based upon the application of the author’s method of estimation of the current state of the tourism industry in the regions that presupposes the calculation of the complex index of tourism development in the region. The results of the performed research allowed classifying the regions according to the level of tourism development and determining the strategies of competitiveness improvement of the regional touristic products on its base.peer-reviewe


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    The article deals with the issues of assessing the level of a construction company financial security. It is determined that the specificity of the construction enterprises activity and their diverse financial relations system require the formation of an appropriate system for certain financial interests protection against existing and potential internal and external threats, that is reflected in the approaches to the definition of “enterprise financial security”. The system of an enterprise financial security is proposed and the existing methodical approaches to assessing the level of enterprise financial security are generalized. The methodical approach to assessing the level of construction company financial security on the example of JSC “Trust Zhytlobud-1” is developed, which allows to distinguish factors-indicators that influence that level, to rank them and to calculate the integral indicator of financial security, which determines its level. As a result of the assessment it was determined that Economic crisis in Ukraine 2013—2014 caused a fall in the level of JSC “Trust Zhytlobud-1” financial security, but the successful financial policy of the company management led to a substantial increase in the financial security level. The application of the proposed methodological approach to assessing the level of a construction company financial security will enable the enterprises management to respond in a timely manner to the deterioration of the economic entity financial condition as well as the negative trends that may develop in the course of the business entity’s activity.Исследован вопрос оценки уровня финансовой безопасности строительного предприятия. Установлено, что специфика деятельности строительных предприятий и наличие в них разнообразной системы финансовых отношений требует формирования соответствующей системы защиты определенных финансовых интересов от существующих и потенциальных угроз внутренней и внешней среды, что отражается в подходах к определению понятия «финансовая безопасность предприятия». Предложена система экономической безопасности предприятия и обобщены существующие методические подходы к оценке уровня финансовой безопасности предприятия. Разработан методический подход к оценке уровня финансовой безопасности строительного предприятия на примере АО «Трест Жилстрой-1», который позволяет выделить факторы-индикаторы, влияющие на уровень финансовой безопасности строительного предприятия, ранжировать их и вычислить интегральный показатель финансовой безопасности, по которому устанавливается ее уровень. В результате оценки установлено, что экономический кризис в Украине в 2013—2014 гг. обусловил падение уровня финансовой безопасности АО «Трест Жилстрой-1», но удачная финансовая политика руководства предприятия привела к повышению уровня финансовой безопасности к достаточно высокому. Использование предложенного методического подхода к оценке уровня финансовой безопасности строительного предприятия дает возможность для менеджмента предприятий вовремя среагировать на ухудшение финансового состояния субъекта хозяйствования и негативные тенденции, которые могут развиваться в процессе деятельности хозяйствующего субъекта.Досліджено питання оцінки рівня фінансової безпеки будівельного підприємства. Установлено, що специфіка діяльності будівельних підприємств і наявність у них різноманітної системи фінансових відносин вимагає формування  відповідної системи захисту певних фінансових інтересів від наявних і потенційних загроз внутрішнього і зовнішнього середовища, що відображається у підходах до визначення поняття «фінансова безпека підприємства». Запропоновано систему фінансової безпеки підприємства та узагальнено наявні методичні підходи до оцінки рівня фінансової безпеки підприємства. Розроблено методичний підхід до оцінки рівня фінансової безпеки будівельного підприємства на прикладі АТ «Трест Житлобуд-1», який дозволяє виокремити фактори-індикатори, що мають вплив на рівень фінансової безпеки будівельного підприємства, ранжирувати їх та обчислити інтегральний показник фінансової безпеки, за яким встановлюється її рівень. У результаті оцінки встановлено, що економічна криза в Україні у 2013—2014 роках зумовила падіння рівня фінансової безпеки АТ «Трест Житлобуд-1», але вдала фінансова політика керівництва підприємства призвела до підвищення рівня фінансової безпеки до достатньо високого. Використання запропонованого методичного підходу до оцінки рівня фінансової безпеки будівельного підприємства надасть можливість  менеджментові підприємств вчасно зреагувати на погіршення фінансового стану суб’єкта господарювання і негативні тенденції, що можуть розвиватися у процесі діяльності суб’єкта господарювання

    Phase transition in gauge theories, monopoles and the Multiple Point Principle

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    This review is devoted to the Multiple Point Principle (MPP), according to which several vacuum states with the same energy density exist in Nature. The MPP is implemented to the Standard Model (SM), Family replicated gauge group model (FRGGM) and phase transitions in gauge theories with/without monopoles. Lattice gauge theories are reviewed. The lattice results for critical coupling constants are compared with those of the Higgs Monopole Model (HMM), in which the lattice artifact monopoles are replaced by the point-like Higgs scalar particles with a magnetic charge. Considering our (3+1)-dimensional space-time as discrete, for example, as a lattice with a parameter a=\lambda_P, equal to the Planck length, we have investigated the additional contributions of monopoles to beta-functions of renormalization group equations in the FRGGM extended beyond the SM at high (the Planck scale) energies. We have reviewed that, in contrast to the Anti-grand unified theory (AGUT), there exists a possibility of unification of all gauge interactions (including gravity) near the Planck scale due to monopoles. The unifications [SU(5)]^3 and [SO(10)]^3 at the GUT-scale \sim 10^{18} GeV are briefly discussed.Comment: 100 pages, 25 figures, typos correcte

    Ds0*(2317) and Ds1(2460) mesons in two-body B-meson decays

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    We analyze the branching ratios of B to D(*) + Ds0*(Ds1) decays using the factorization hypothesis. The B to D(*) transition form factors are taken from a model-independent analysis done by Caprini, Lellouch and Neubert based on heavy quark spin symmetry and dispersive constraints, including short-distance and power corrections. The leptonic decay constants fDs0* and fDs1 are calculated assuming a molecular structure for the Ds0* and Ds1 mesons. The calculated branching ratios of B-meson two-body decays are compared with experimental data and other theoretical results.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    An overview and prospective on Al and Al-ion battery technologies

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    Aluminum batteries are considered compelling electrochemical energy storage systems because of the natural abundance of aluminum, the high charge storage capacity of aluminum of 2980 mA h g−1/8046 mA h cm−3, and the sufficiently low redox potential of Al3+/Al. Several electrochemical storage technologies based on aluminum have been proposed so far. This review classifies the types of reported Al-batteries into two main groups: aqueous (Al-ion, and Al-air) and non-aqueous (aluminum graphite dual-ion, Al-organic dual-ion, Al-ion, and Al-sulfur). Specific focus is given to Al electrolyte chemistry based on chloroaluminate melts, deep eutectic solvents, polymers, and “chlorine-free” formulations

    Interpretations of the NuTeV sin2θW\sin^2 \theta_W

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    We summarize theoretical explanations of the three σ\sigma discrepancy between sin2θW\sin^2 \theta_W measured by NuTeV and predicted by the Standard Model global fit. Possible new physics explanations ({\it e.g.} an unmized ZZ') are not compelling. The discrepancy would be reduced by a positive momentum asymmetry ss^- in the strange sea; present experimental estimates of ss^- are unreliable or incomplete. Upgrading the NuTeV analysis to NLO would alleviate concerns that the discrepancy is a QCD effect.Comment: (proceedings for the NuFact'02 Workshop); reference and footnote added, following the NuTeV proceeding