2,051 research outputs found

    Saturation effect for dependence of the electrical conductivity of planar oriented nematic liquid crystal 6CB on the concentration of Cu7PS6 nanoparticles

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    The influence of Cu7PS6 nanoparticles with the average size 117 nm on the dielectric properties of planar oriented nematic liquid crystal 6CB has been investigated within the frequency range 10(1) ...10(6) Hz and at the temperature 293 K. It has been shown that when changing the concentration of nanoparticles within the range 0 to 1 wt.%, the conductivity of the liquid crystal changes stronger than its dielectric permittivity. It has been shown that the electrical conductivity increases monotonously with increasing the concentration of nanoparticles. However, for this dependence a saturation effect is observed. The mechanism of this effect was proposed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Geographical distribution, habitats and modern state of Carlina cirsioides (Asteraceae) populations

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    The study of the current state and habitats of rare and threatened species of plants is a relevant task of ecological research. The paper presents the results of the study of systematic position, habitats and modern state of populations of a rare species included in the Red DataBook of Ukraine Carlina cirsioides Klokov (=C. acaulis L.). Carlina cirsioides is well-known to European phytosozologists as an endemic and relic species of the Flora of Ukraine. At the same time, the species independence of this taxon is not recognized by the authors of monographs on the Carlina genus and by the authors of “Flora Europaea”. Comparative morphological, chorological and ecological-coenotic analyses do not give sufficient reasons to consider C. cirsioides described by Klokov as a separate species, endemic and relic species of the Flora of Ukraine. According to the morphological traits, the specimens from the lowland part of Ukraine belong to the C. acaulis caulescens subspecies, which is distributed mostly in the lowlaand regions of Europe. Ecological-coenotic conditions of habitats of C. acaulis in the plains of Ukraine are different from those in the mountain regions and are close to the plains habitats of this species in Central Europe. Steppe communities of class Festuco-Brometea, of which C. acaulis is component in the plains part of Ukraine, are close to xerothermic herbaceous communities of Central Europe; forest communities of Erico-Pinetea with C. cirsioides in Ukrainian Polissia and the North-East Poland are very сlose by floristic composition. The removal of separate species status of the plains populations of C. acaulis near the eastern border of the range does not at all downplay its sozological significance. Taking into account the low number of C. acaulis in the Volhynian-Podolian Upland and in the Polesian Lowland, all localities of this species in the lowland part of the range in Ukraine must be taken under protection in situ


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    The study presents the results of investigation of selenium deficiency condition on the bone tissue and healing post-traumatic bone defects under conditions of selenium deficiency.The experimental part of the study was performed on 63 randomized brand albino male rats of 3-month age. Peculiarities of the reparative osteogenesis were studied on the model of a traumatic injury simulated one-type in the proximal meta-diaphysis of the femoral bone irrespective of the experimental conditions in the frontal plane in the form of perforated defect. The defect was made by means of a drill 1mm in diameter.The results of the study are indicative of a negative effect of selenium deficiency produced on physiological and reparative osteogenesis manifested by inhibition of the process and associated with disorders in the formation of osseous regeneration, deterioration of the structural-functional state of the osseous tissue, development of degenerative-necrotic changes in the osseous tissue and epiphyseal cartilage.The study presents the results of investigation of selenium deficiency condition on the bone tissue and healing post-traumatic bone defects under conditions of selenium deficiency.The experimental part of the study was performed on 63 randomized brand albino male rats of 3-month age. Peculiarities of the reparative osteogenesis were studied on the model of a traumatic injury simulated one-type in the proximal meta-diaphysis of the femoral bone irrespective of the experimental conditions in the frontal plane in the form of perforated defect. The defect was made by means of a drill 1mm in diameter.The results of the study are indicative of a negative effect of selenium deficiency produced on physiological and reparative osteogenesis manifested by inhibition of the process and associated with disorders in the formation of osseous regeneration, deterioration of the structural-functional state of the osseous tissue, development of degenerative-necrotic changes in the osseous tissue and epiphyseal cartilage

    Guarantees of implementation of the constitutional right to education

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    In this paper, we have studied guarantee of the right to education. Particular attention was paid to the principle of ensuring the quality of education. We offered to accept the Directive of the President, which would regulate the issues about responsibility of teachers and professors for their incompetence

    Guarantees of implementation of the constitutional right to education

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    In this paper, we have studied guarantee of the right to education. Particular attention was paid to the principle of ensuring the quality of education. We offered to accept the Directive of the President, which would regulate the issues about responsibility of teachers and professors for their incompetence

    Background of Anthropogenic Geomorphology

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    Проаналізовано класичні праці з природознавства (чи його складових елементів) та географії від античних часів до середини ХХ ст. для виявлення часу появи і початкового розвитку наукових уявлень про людину як чинник перетворення рельєфу. Analyzed classic works of natural science (or with its elements), geography from ancient times till the mid-twentieth century identify the occurrence time and the initial development of scientific ideas about man as a factor in the transformation of the relief.Роботу виконано на кафедрі геодезії і картографії НУБПУ та на кафедрі геоморфології і палеогеографії ЛНУ ім. І. Франк

    The Development of Professional Motivation of the Activity Subject under Specific Conditions

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    Objective: The study aims to clarify the most crucial interconnections of professional motivation with the features of this activity, its dependence on professional motivation and the personal traits of officers. Background: The article presents the results of motivational research of the professional activity of officers. The received empirical data define the differences in visibility of professional motives and aims of activity, means and conditions of their implementation depending on the stage of professional development of the tested. Method: The main research methods are: the study of literature on the research problem; the diagnosis of the visibility of the most prominent motives of the tested professional goals and the aims of their achievement have been carried out with the aid of the developed survey the core of which is formed by the requirements to reflect in its structure the holistic psychological, professional, social and other peculiarities of the MPA of officers. Results: There's been research conducted on the interconnection of professional activity with personal traits and features, which has allowed to determine the peculiarities of personal determinacy of separate motivational components. As a result of this research, it has been established, that the demonstration of professional motives and aims of activity in the process of personal development depends on personal qualities. Conclusion: At the first stage the more significant qualities are considered to be openness to receive new experience, initiative in terms of social contacts, high level of neuroticism, internality in the sphere of achievements; at the second stage “decency, the inclination to approve, internality in terms of interpersonal communication, at the third stage“ emotional sustainability, the inclination to approve, internality in terms of life perception, internality in terms of family

    Erythron and protein system in piglets blood under stress influence

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    The article presents the results of research on the development of adaptive syndrome in the system of erythron and protein of piglets at the effects of weaning stress. After one (anesthetic stage) and seven days (beginning of G.Selle's resistance stage), after the echoing, the adaptation of the erythron system was shown by a decrease in the number of red blood cells on the contrary of increasing the mean corpuscular volume and hemoglobin indicating the inhibition of erythrocytosis with simultaneous macrocytosis, and a decrease in mean Corpuscular hemoglobin concentration for 14.0–13.0 % that indicated hypochromia. In these stressful periods, the catabolism of protein substrates was discovered, the redistribution of albumins between blood and tissues in the form of a decrease in the total protein content by 6.1–7.1 % due to albumin by 14.8–10.0 %, and the deficit of the humoral link of the immune response due to reduction of γ-globulins by 29.9–18.7 %. In the later stages of the resistance stage (after 20 and 60 days after weaning), there was a stabilization of erythrocytic indices and the development of anisocytosis in the form of an increase in red cell distribution width by 19.0 %, with a simultaneous decrease of 6.1 % of the total protein content, redistribution of its fractions in the side of the growth of γ-globulins by 18.4 %. A practical, prolonged way of preventing disorders in the erythron and protein of extramarital piglets was feeding the additive “Biovir”, which stimulated the intensity of oxidative-reducing processes and the exchange of proteins

    Use of Remote Sensing Data for Cartographic Modeling of Land Use in The Basins of Small Rivers

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    У статті обґрунтовано доцільність збирання та формування баз даних землевпорядної інформації в межах басейнових систем на основі дешифрування матеріалів ДЗЗ. Висвітлено питання обробки космічних знімків для визначення рис структури землекористування через виділення його різнофункціональних типів у басейнових системах малих річок. Основним джерелом інформації виступали космічні знімки супутника QuickBird, які опрацьовували за допомогою геоінформаційного програмного забезпечення ESRI ArcGis 9.0. Методично дослідження виконували автоматичним та напівавтоматичним способом із залученням спеціалізованих програмних модулів. У результаті цих робіт у структурі землекористування басейну р. Бережниця виділено шість основних типів використання земель (землі з лісовим покривом, землі сільськогосподарського призначення, селитебні території, землі під господарськими об’єктами, землі, які використовуються для технічної інфраструктури, та землі з проявом сукцесійних процесів), у межах яких віддешифровано 32 підтипи землекористування. Отримані дані склали геопросторовий тематичний шар комплексної геоінформаційної моделі «Басейн річки Бережниця» та послугували основою для моделювання геоекологічного стану досліджуваної території. Отож, у басейні Бережниці вдалося виокремити території, які потребують упровадження різнопланових оптимізаційних заходів (з урахуванням видового різноманіття негативного впливу людської діяльності та його геоекологічних наслідків) і запропонувати оптимальну структуру басейнового землекористування. The expediency of collecting land use information within basin systems and data bases creation based on interpretation of space imagery materials in the article was grounding. The question of space imagery processing with aim to define a land use structure by determining his different functional types within basin systems of small rivers was cleared up. Main information source are images from QuickBird satellite which worked out using geoinformational software by ESRI – ArcGIS 9.0. Methodically the research was made by automate and semiautomatic method using special program modules. As result of research workflow in land use structure within river Berezhnycia basin was determine 6 main types of land using (lands under forest cover, lands of agricultural using, urban territories, lands under economic objects, lands under technical infrastructure, lands under vegetational fluctuation) within which determine 32 subtypes of land use. Produced data made geospatial thematic coverage in complex geoinformational model “Berezhnycia river basin” and serving as base for geoecological state modeling of researched area. Thus, in Berezhnycia basin was able to distinguish territories that needs an implementation optimization activities (considering diversity of negative human activity influence and his geoecological consequences) and propone an optimal structure of basin land use.Роботу виконано на кафедрі геодезії та картографії НУБіП


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    One of the complicated problems of traumatology in the treatment of patients with calcaneal fractures is prevention of diabetes mellitus consequences. The work presents the analysis of treatment results of 72 patients with calcaneal fractures treated by means of surgical method at the Traumatological Adult Department, of the Regional Clinical Hospital “Emergency Rescue Hospital” (ERH), Chernivtsi, for the period from 2011 to 2018. With the purpose to examine the efficacy of treatment of calcaneal fractures all the patients were distributed into three clinical groups, patients with diabetes mellitus were isolated, and remote results of treatment were compared. Therefore, analysis of surgical treatment remote results of intra-articular calcaneal fractures in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus demonstrated that application of closed reposition under electrical optical transducer (EOT) control and fixation by means of wires leads to 44,38% improvement of treatment results, shortened terms of inability-to-work and disability.One of the complicated problems of traumatology in the treatment of patients with calcaneal fractures is prevention of diabetes mellitus consequences. The work presents the analysis of treatment results of 72 patients with calcaneal fractures treated by means of surgical method at the Traumatological Adult Department, of the Regional Clinical Hospital “Emergency Rescue Hospital” (ERH), Chernivtsi, for the period from 2011 to 2018. With the purpose to examine the efficacy of treatment of calcaneal fractures all the patients were distributed into three clinical groups, patients with diabetes mellitus were isolated, and remote results of treatment were compared. Therefore, analysis of surgical treatment remote results of intra-articular calcaneal fractures in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus demonstrated that application of closed reposition under electrical optical transducer (EOT) control and fixation by means of wires leads to 44,38% improvement of treatment results, shortened terms of inability-to-work and disability