17 research outputs found

    Predicting of Roll Surface Re-Machining Using Artificial Neural Network

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    The paper presents a model for predicting the roll wear in the hot rolling process. It includes all indicators from the entire continuous rolling line that best predict the roll wear in the hot rolling process. Data for model development were obtained from annual production on the first rolling stand of the continuous roll mill. The main goal of the research was to determine significant parameters that affect the wear of the roll in the process of hot rolling. It has been found that the amount of rolled material before the re-machining of the roll surface has the greatest impact on the life of the roll contour. Therefore, the amount of material rolled before re-machining of the roll was used to estimate the wear of the roll. An artificial neural network was used to predict this amount of rolled material and was validated using data from one-year production

    Opponent Modelling in Games with Imperfect Information

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    The main concern of this paper is the problem of opponent modeling. The goal of this work is to introduce reasonable selection of techniques, which model the opponent's behavior and use it in effective way. In this work I focused on explanation of fundamental terms, introduction of relevant techniques and safety of opponent modeling considering the game of poker. The research showed that effective opponent modeling is indeed possible with reasonable safety and surprising effectivity in comparison with pessimistic equilibrium techniques

    Modelování opponentů v hrách s neúplnou informací

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou oponent modelingu. Cílem této práce je představit rozumnou selekci technik, které predikují chování oponentů v hrách bez perfektní informace a rozumně tuto výhodu využívají. V této práci jsem se zaměřil na osvětlení fundamentálních pojmů, představení předmětných technik a na bezpečnost oponent modelingu vzhledem na platformu hry poker. Výzkum ukázal, že efektivní oponent modeling je možný s vyhovujici bezpečností a zároveň překvapivou efektivitou v komparaci s pesimistickým pristupem hledání Equilibria.The main concern of this paper is the problem of opponent modeling. The goal of this work is to introduce reasonable selection of techniques, which model the opponent's behavior and use it in effective way. In this work I focused on explanation of fundamental terms, introduction of relevant techniques and safety of opponent modeling considering the game of poker. The research showed that effective opponent modeling is indeed possible with reasonable safety and surprising effectivity in comparison with pessimistic equilibrium techniques.Department of Applied MathematicsKatedra aplikované matematikyMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Vpliv pozicije in orientacije dipola na izstop svetlobe rdečih OLED na periodično teksturiranem substratu - FEM simulacijska obravnava

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    One of the main efficiency-limiting factors for organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) is poor light extraction, which typically reaches only 20% (in best cases up to 30%) in flat standard devices. Optical modeling and simulations play an important role in improving light extraction and optimizing outcoupling efficiency. Using FEM modeling approach, the effect of dipole positions and orientations for red OLEDs on periodically corrugated substrate is evaluated and used to enhance the outcoupling efficiency. It is shown that with only 3 carefully selected dipole positions, the outcoupling efficiency over the whole area can be predicted with very reasonable accuracy, which greatly reduces the number of simulations required. The presented modelling approach is used for optimization of the sine texture as a substrate corrugation structure. OLEDs with optimized simulated texture show a relative improvement of light outcoupling from the thin film stack to the substrate by more than 25% compared to the flat plane devices.Eden izmed glavnih dejavnikov, ki omejujejo učinkovitost organskih svetlečih diod (OLED), je nizka stopnja učinkovitosti izstopa svetlobe, ki pri standardnih napravah dosega le okoli 20% (v najboljših primerih pa do 30%). Optično modeliranje in simulacije igrajo pomembno vlogo pri izboljšanju izstopa svetlobe in optimizaciji optičnega izkoristka. Z uporabo FEM modeliranja se ovrednoti učinek položaja in usmeritve dipolov za rdečo OLED na periodično teksturiranem substratu, ki se uporablja za povečanje učinkovitosti izstopa svetlobe. Pokaže se, da je mogoče s samo 3 skrbno izbranimi položaji dipola, z dobro natančnostjo napovedati učinkovitost izstopa na celotnem območju, kar močno zmanjša število zahtevanih simulacij. Predstavljeni FEM pristop se uporabi za optimizacijo sinusne teksture kot strukture teksturiranega substrata. OLED z optimizirano simulirano teksturo kažejo relativno več kot 25% izboljšanje učinkovitosti izstopa svetlobe iz tankoplastne strukture v substrat v primerjavi s ploščatimi napravami

    Design of external microtextures for efficient light outcoupling in OLEDs with different preferential orientation of emission dipoles

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    External light outcoupling structures provide a cost-effective and highly efficient solution for light extraction in organic light-emitting diodes. Among them, different microtextures, mainly optimized for devices with isotopically oriented emission dipoles, have been proposed as an efficient light extraction solution. In the paper, the outcoupling for a preferential orientation of emission dipoles is studied for the case of a red bottom-emitting organic light-emitting diode. Optical simulations are used to analyse the preferential orientation of dipoles in combination with three different textures, namely hexagonal array of sine-textures, three-sided pyramids, and random pyramids. It is shown that while there are minimal differences between the optimized textures, the highest external quantum efficiency of 51% is predicted by using the three-sided pyramid texture. Further improvements, by employing highly oriented dipole sources, are examined. In this case, the results show that the top outcoupling efficiencies can be achieved with the same texture shape and size, regardless of the preferred orientation of the emission dipoles. Using an optimized three-sided pyramid in combination with ideally parallel oriented dipoles, an efficiency of 62% is achievable. A detailed analysis of the optical situation inside the glass substrate, dominating external light outcoupling, is presented. Depicted results and their analysis offer a simplified further research and development of external light extraction for organic light-emitting devices with highly oriented dipole emission sources

    Market analysis for of the oxen meat sale

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    Uporabnost merjenja koncentracije estradiola in progesterona v folikularni tekočini pri napovedovanju izida IVF/ICSI postopka v naravnem ciklusu

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    Namen: Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti ali lahko na osnovi koncentracije estradiola (E2) in progesterona (P) ter njunega razmerja v folikularni tekočini predvidimo izhod IVF/ICSI postopkov v naravnih ciklusih. Metode: V raziskavo smo vključili 91 žensk, pri katerih smo naredili 150 postopkov IVF/ICSI (78 IVF in 72 ICSI) v naravnem ciklusu. Folikularno tekočino smo zbrali pri aspiraciji foliklov. S t-testom testom smo primerjali koncentracije E2 in P v folikularni tekočini (FT) in njuno razmerje (FT P/FT E2) med ciklusi z uspešno (z jajčno celico) in ciklusi z neuspešno (brez jajčne celice) aspiracijo foliklov, med ciklusi z oploditvijo in ciklusi brez oploditve jajčne celice in med ciklusi z zanositvijo in ciklusi brez zanositve. Rezultati: Jajčno celico smo dobili v 123 (86,7 %) ciklusih, do oploditve je prišlo v 84 (68,3 %) in zanositve v 21 ciklusih (delež zanositve na ciklus 14,0 %). Povprečna koncentracija E2 v FT je bila 3530 +/- 1339 nmol/L, povprečna koncentracija P v FT 20649 +/- 9489 nmol/L in povprečna vrednost razmerja FT P/FT E2 7,18 +/- 6,42. Povprečne vrednost E2, P in njunega razmerja v FT se niso statistično pomembno razlikovale med ciklusi z uspešno in neuspešno aspiracijo jajčnih foliklov, med ciklusi z in brez oploditve jajčne celice in med ciklusi z in brez zanositve. Zaključek: Na osnovi vrednosti E2 in P v folikularni tekočini ne moremo predvideti uspešnosti postopkov IVF/ICSI v naravnem ciklusu.Purpose: The aim of the study was to establish whether follicular fluid (FF) estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) measurement could be used to predict the outcome of unstimulated IVF/ICSI cycles. Methods: 91 women underwent 150 unstimulated IVF/ICSI cycles (78 IVF and 72 ICSI). Follicular fluid samples were collected at the time of oocyte recovery. Using the ttest, FF E2 and FF P levels and their ratios (FF P/FF E2) were compared between cycles with successful (with oocyte) and unsuccessful (without oocyte) oocyte recovery, between cycles with and without fertilization and between nonconception and conception cycles. Results: The oocyte recovery rate was 86.7% (123/150), the fertilization rate 68.3% (84/123) and the pregnancy rate per oocyte recovery 14.0% (21/150). The average FF E2 level was 3530 +/- 1339 nmol/L, average FF P 20649 +/- 9489 nmol/Land average FF P/FF E2 ratio 7.18 +/- 6.42. There were no statistically significant differences in FF E2, FF P levels and their ratio between cycles with unsuccessful and successful oocyte recovery, between cycles without and with fertilization, and between nonconception and conception cycles. Conclusion: From the FF E2 and P levels and their ratio, it is not possible to make inferences to the likelihood of oocyte recovery, fertilization and conception in unstimulated IVF/ICSI cycles