50,631 research outputs found

    Nukkumisergonomiaohjauksen merkitys selkäkipuasiakkaille

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    Ihminen viettää noin kolmasosan elämästään nukkuen. Siksi ei ole yhdentekevää missä asennossa ihminen nukkuu. Nukkumisergonomia on ala, jossa kartoitetaan nukkuma-asentojen ja nukkumisympäristön kuormitus- ja riskitekijöitä. Tyynyistä ja patjoista on tehty runsaasti tutkimuksia, mutta itse nukkuma-asennoista ja niiden vaikutuksista kehoon ei ole näyttöön perustuvaa tietoa. Tuki- ja liikuntaelinten kipuoireet voivat usein liittyä nukkumisergonomiaan. Monissa tutkimuksissa on todettu, että selkäkivulla, nukkuma-asennoilla ja unen laadulla on selkeä dynaaminen yhteys toisiinsa. Tutkimuksemme on työelämälähtöinen eli yhteistyökumppanimme on ErgonoVita –yrityksen, nukkumisergonomiassa kokenut työfysioterapeutti Jenni Ahopelto. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, millainen merkitys nukkumisergonomiaohjauksella on selkäkipuasiakkaiden kokemassa kivussa, unen laadussa ja nukkumistottumuksissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastel-la tutkittavien kokemuksia nukkumisergonomiaohjauksesta. Tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää sosiaali- ja terveysalalla, ja haluamme myös, että tulevaisuudessa fysioterapeutit kiinnittäisivät työssään enemmän huomiota nukkumisergonomiaohjaukseen. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli 15 henkilön joukko, joka kerättiin liikunta- ja hyvinvointialaan keskittyvän yrityksen, Haipakka Oy:n selkäryhmien kautta. Tutkittavilla oli kroonista ja ajoittaista selkäkipua. Tutkimuksemme on kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen, ja aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytimme teemahaastattelua, VAS-kipujanaa, kipupiirrosta sekä nukkumispäiväkirjoja. Haastattelut suoritettiin sekä tutkimuksen alussa että lopussa, ja niiden välissä tutkittavat saivat Jenni Ahopellolta yksilöllisen nukkumisergonomiaohjauksen. Lisäksi jokainen heistä sai MediLuxx -tuoteperheen yksilöllisesti säädetyn tyynyn ja halityynyn. Tutkimusjakson kesto oli kolme viikkoa. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voimme sanoa, että nukkumisergonomiaohjauksella oli merkitystä kyseiselle tutkimusryhmälle. Suurimmalla osalla tutkimusryhmäläisistä tuntemus selkäkivusta lievittyi, mikä voidaan todeta esimerkiksi VAS-kipujanan arvojen pienenemisellä varsinkin öisin ja aamuisin. Unen laadun voidaan ajatella yleisesti parantuneen, sillä esimerkiksi öisen heräilyjen määrä väheni suurimmalla osalla tutkittavista. Lisäksi tutkittavien tietoisuus nukkuma-asennoista ja niiden vaikutuksista lisääntyi huomattavasti tutkimusjakson aikana, mitä pidämme merkittävänä tuloksena. Nukkumisergonomiaohjauksen tutkimusta täytyy vielä jatkaa, sillä ilmiönä se on vielä uusi. Olisi mielenkiintoista tutkia, minkälaisia tuloksia saataisiin, jos tutkimus tehtäisiin pidemmällä aikavälillä ja suuremmalla otannalla. Lisäksi olisi mielenkiintoista tutkita nukkumisergonomiaohjauksen merkitystä muissa tuki- ja liikuntaelinsairauksissa.The human sleep a third of his life. Therefore, it is not insignificant in which position do people sleep. Sleeping ergonomics is a field where risk- and stress factors of sleeping positions and –environment are surveyed. There are many studies made of pillows and mattresses but sleeping ergonomics is a quite new phenomenon so there is very limited amount of research information available. The pain symptoms of musculoskeletal system are often associated with sleeping ergonomics. Many studies have discovered that back pain, sleeping positions and quality of sleep have an explicit and dynamic connection between each other. This study is working life-based and we collaborate with an experienced physiotherapist Jenni Ahopelto. The aim of this research is to study how guiding of sleeping ergonomics affects back pain and both sleeping quality and habits. One of the goals is to decipher the experiences of guiding in sleeping ergonomics. Additionally, another goal is to make physiotherapists pay more attention to guiding sleeping ergonomics. The data was collected from 15 people who had chronic or occasional back pain. The study method’s involved theme interview, the use of VAS-scale and the pain drawing. Interviews were both in the beginning and at the end. Each participant had an individual guiding in sleeping ergonomics lasting for thirty minutes. The research period lasted three weeks and participants wrote notes daily to a sleeping diary. The results of this research indicate that guiding in sleeping ergonomics was meaningful for research group. Most of the participants told that their experience of pain decreased, and reduced figures of VAS-scale indicated this result. Generally, it can be assumed that sleep quality had been improved, because the number of awakenings during the night were decreased. Additionally, the awareness of sleeping positions and their effects increased among the participants. Because guiding in sleeping ergonomics is quite a new concept, there is a substantial need to study the subject more. It would be interesting to research this subject in longer period and for larger group of research participants

    On the semi-classical analysis of the groundstate energy of the Dirichlet Pauli operator in non-simply connected domains

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    We consider the Dirichlet Pauli operator in bounded connected domains in the plane, with a semi-classical parameter. We show, in particular, that the ground state energy of this Pauli operator will be exponentially small as the semi-classical parameter tends to zero and estimate this decay rate. This extends our results, discussing the results of a recent paper by Ekholm--Kova\v{r}\'ik--Portmann, to include also non-simply connected domains.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Study of Globular Cluster M53: new variables, distance, metallicity

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    We study the variable star content of the globular cluster M53 to compute the physical parameters of the constituting stars and the distance of the cluster. Covering two adjacent seasons in 2007 and 2008, new photometric data are gathered for 3048 objects in the field of M53. By using the OIS method and subsequently TFA, we search for variables in the full sample by using DFT and BLS methods. We select variables based on the statistics related to these methods combined with visual inspections. We identified 12 new variables (2 RR Lyrae stars, 7 short periodic stars - 3 of them are SX Phe stars - and 3 long-period variables). No eclipsing binaries were found in the present sample. Except for the 3 (hitherto unknown) Blazhko RR Lyrae stars, no multiperiodic variables were found. We showed that after proper period shift, the PLC relation for the first overtone RR Lyrae sample tightly follows the one spanned by the fundamental stars. Furthermore, the slope is in agreement with the one derived from other clusters. Based on the earlier Baade-Wesselink calibration of the PLC relations, the derived reddening-free distance modulus of M53 is 16.31 +/- 0.04 mag, corresponding to a distance modulus of 18.5 mag for the Large Magellanic Cloud. From the Fourier parameters of the RRab stars we obtained an average iron abundance of -1.58 +/- 0.03. This is ~0.5 dex higher than the overall abundance of the giants as given in the literature and derived in this paper from the three-color photometry of giants. We suspect that the source of this discrepancy (observable also in other, low-metallicity clusters) is the want of sufficient number of low-metallicity objects in the calibrating sample of the Fourier method.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. The paper contains 5 tables and 13 figure

    On the double-mode RR Lyrae variables of the Sculptor dwarf galaxy

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    Frequency analysis of more than 300 stars of the OGLE database on Sculptor galaxy has led to the discovery of 18 double-mode RR Lyrae (RRd) variables. This yields a 20% incidence rate for double-mode pulsation among the variables previously classified as first overtone RR Lyrae stars in this galaxy. Most of the RRd stars cover the period range of 0.47d < P_0 < 0.49d but there are two stars with longer periods of ~0.54d. All variables fit well in the pattern of the P_0 --> P_1/P_0 diagram, spanned by the RRd stars of the Galactic globular clusters and those of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). It follows from our previous investigations that the luminosities and masses of the RRd stars in Galactic globular clusters and in the LMC are almost independent of metallicity. By assuming that the Sculptor RRd variables also obey this rule, with the aid of the pulsation equations we estimate their metallicities. For most of the stars we get [Fe/H]~ -1.5, which is the same value as that obtained from a semi-empirical method for the average metallicity of the fundamental mode (RRab) stars. Two RRd stars have considerably lower metallicities, but even those are within the range corresponding to the RRab stars. The narrower metallicity range of the RRd stars is in agreement with their observed luminosity range, which is about three times smaller than that of the RRab stars.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Kova su „kinų sienos“ mitu

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    Apie Leono Nekrašo disertaciją „„Pafrontė“: Valstybė ir visuomenė Lietuvos pasienyje su Lenkija 1920–1939 m.“ ir jos gynimą / On Leonas Nekrašas’ Thesis „„Frontline Area“: State and Society in Lithuania’s Borderland with Poland in 1920–1939
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