528 research outputs found

    Complementary-relationship-based evapotranspiration mapping (cremap) technique for Hungary

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    Monthly areal evapotranspiration (ET) rates for 2000-2008 are mapped for Hungary at a spatial scale of about 1-km with the help of MODIS daytime land surface temperature as well as sunshine duration, air temperature and humidity data. Mapping is achieved by a linear transformation of the MODIS daytime land surface temperature values employing the complementary relationship of evaporation. Validation of the ET rates has been performed with the help of eddy-covariance measurements. The calibration-free CREMAP method is very simple, easy to implement, requires minimal data and works accurately when conditions for the complementary relationship are met. The resulting maps testify that the spatial structure of ET is much more intricate than what has been captured in previous generalized ET maps

    Flying Target Detection and Recognition by Feature Fusion

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    This paper presents a near-realtime visual detection and recognition approach for flying target detection and recognition. Detection is based on fast and robust background modeling and shape extraction, while recognition of target classes is based on shape and texture fused querying on a-priori built real datasets. Main application areas are passive defense and surveillance scenarios

    Complementary-relationship-based evapotranspiration mapping (cremap) technique for Hungary

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    Abstract Monthly areal evapotranspiration (ET) rates for [2000][2001][2002][2003][2004][2005][2006][2007][2008] are mapped for Hungary at a spatial scale of about 1-km with the help of MODIS daytime land surface temperature as well as sunshine duration, air temperature and humidity data. Mapping is achieved by a linear transformation of the MODIS daytime land surface temperature values employing the complementary relationship of evaporation. Validation of the ET rates has been performed with the help of eddy-covariance measurements. The calibration-free CREMAP method is very simple, easy to implement, requires minimal data and works accurately when conditions for the complementary relationship are met. The resulting maps testify that the spatial structure of ET is much more intricate than what has been captured in previous generalized ET maps. Acknowledgement This work is connected to the scientific program of the "Development of quality-oriented and harmonized R+D+I strategy and functional model at BME" project

    Információs társadalom és humán erőforrás fejlesztés - magyar közpolitikák szembesítése egy közép-európai lakossági felmérés eredményeivel

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    2003 januárjában tíz közép-európai országban reprezentatív lakossági felmérés készült az információs társadalom témájában. A dolgozat a felmérés eredményeit szembesíti a magyar kormányzat három különböző, de egymással a humán erőforrás fejlesztési feladatok kapcsán összefüggő közpolitikájának céljaival és tetteivel. Az informatikai politika, valamint az oktatásügyi és munkaügyi politika informatikai vonatkozásai sokban hozzájárultak ahhoz, hogy az információs társadalom magyar jelzőszámai részben megfelelnek a közép-európai átlagnak, részben pedig elmaradást tükröznek attól

    The effect of different forest management types on the survival rate of epixylic and epiphytic bryophytes

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    This research investigates experimentally the effect of different forest management types on the survival of an epixylic liverwort (Lophocolea heterophylla) and an epiphytic-opportunistic bryophyte (Hypnum cupressiforme). Five different management types were applied in an 80-year-old oak-hornbeam forest: (1) Preparation cutting, (2) Gap cutting, (3) Clear-cutting, (4) Retention tree group (in the clear-cutting) and (5) Control. It was hypothesized, that the epixylic liverwort, which is more sensitive to microclimatic conditions, will show a more drastic response to the treatments than the epiphytic bryophyte. The results showed that the liverwort in the control survived moderately, poorly in the gap and preparation cutting, and became extinct in the clear-cutting and retention tree group. The survival rate of the epiphytic bryophyte showed a slight decline only in the clear-cutting, and it managed to grow larger in the retention tree group, gap and preparation cutting compared to the control. Based on our results it can be concluded that microclimate limited epixylic liverworts are very sensitive to the changes of forest canopy and therefore to the changes of air humidity. On the other hand, the survival of epiphytes, which can tolerate less humid conditions, are less threatened by forest management. The study was supported by the Hungarian Research Found (OTKA 111887)